Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 926 Tens of billions of concessions in interests

Her calm and generous attitude made Li Beijue's unfriendly aura become a little more friendly.

But it was just a little bit, and that little change was almost negligible compared to the unfriendliness he showed.

"I've just arrived. I didn't wait long." Xize Lie didn't deliberately show intimacy like he did a few nights ago. He looked at her intently with his peach-blossom eyes and said gently, "I'll go say goodbye to Nono and leave."

Chi Enen's eyes filled with guilt and he was about to open his mouth.

Xize Lie had already added with a smile, "It's a pity that I still have some urgent matters to deal with. Otherwise, I could treat you to a meal. It seems that I have to wait for another day."

Chi Enen immediately said, "I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Xize Lie had helped her so much and saved Nuonuo. Not to mention eating, he should even buy a hotel as a gift to him.

However, she could see Nishizawa Retsu's current identity, and there was no need for her to buy a hotel to express her gratitude. If she really thanked him in that way, it would appear that she was disrespectful.

Just because he owed such a huge favor, Chi Enen always had an indescribable feeling.

Forget it, I can only go back later and see if there is any other better and more comfortable way to express my gratitude.

For example, company cooperation and so on.

Xize Lie looked at her deeply and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you to treat me to dinner."

I'm waiting for you to treat me to dinner, just like I'm waiting for you! Li Beijue felt uncomfortable, his brows furrowed, and a trace of cruelty flashed through his eagle eyes.

But he restrained himself.

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that Xize Lie helped this time, and he endured it!

Fortunately, Xize Lie didn't behave too much. After finishing speaking, he walked up to Nuonuo and hugged him.

"Uncle..." Nuonuo seemed to like his embrace very much. She didn't make a fuss when she was suddenly picked up, and found that it was him who was smiling.

"Nono, you have to take your medicine and be obedient, you know?" Xize Lie's facial features softened, and the golden sunlight coated his outline with a metallic luster, just like an angel!

Nuonuo nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said in a milky voice, "Be good! Be good!" She couldn't quite understand the other words, but she probably knew what it meant. Her big eyes were cute and cute.

Xize Lie's facial features became softer, and from the side, they actually looked a bit gentle. He held the little girl in his arms, walked up to the cold man with his long legs, and handed the little girl over.

Li Beijue's eagle eyes suddenly narrowed and he stared into his eyes. He stretched out his hand and took over the little guy who had lost a lot of weight.

The little guy moved from one embrace to another, and then he looked like Li Beijue, blinked his big eyes, and shouted in a naive voice, "Dad..."

This word is pronounced clearly.

This is the word she enunciates most clearly.

Li Beijue's coldness disappeared. Even when facing Xize Lie, the sharp curve of his jaw softened a bit. He steadily dragged the little girl's buttocks and held her tightly. When he looked at Xize Lie again, he said calmly, "I will ask them to stop Li's military projects in country Y."

It seems simple and casual, but it is actually a concession of tens of billions of interests!

Even Nishizawa Lie didn't expect that he would suddenly say such words.

After all, tens of billions are not tens of millions. When Li Beijue makes such a promise, he will inevitably have to bear the same pressure and risks.

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