After Joao hugged Chrissman's waist and pillowed his head on her lap to stabilize a little, she fed João a few more pills, and perhaps his tense nerves relaxed, and he became a little drowsy.

He carried Christman to bed, and he changed his clothes casually in a daze, and then carried Christman into the soft bed.

Joao's eyes were blurred, but his hands restlessly played with the two little ears on the top of Christman's head, soft and seductive, and the tips of the ears drooped down, making her even more innocent.

He didn't even know if his illness was more serious, but he felt that after Christman put it on, even the fake kitten ears had a hint of her warmth, "Sleep with me for a while, I'm extra tired today, stay with me for a while."

"Okay, João, go to sleep, I'll sing to you." "Christine has been in this situation countless times, and Joao is particularly endearing at this time.

But it's more pitiful, and I don't know what kind of anger he suffers, Christman feels sorry for him.

The familiar minor key sounded again, a song that both Joao and Christman loved, and this song had no lyrics, only a tone that was neither long nor short.

It was the music in the music box that Joao's mother gave him as a birthday present when he was a child.

It was the last birthday present his mother gave him before the accident in their family.

On the pale pink princess bed, two beautiful and delicate children hugged each other tightly.

The hug was so tight that both of them had a faint pain in their ribs, but every time Joao kept calling Christman's name insecurely, she would respond gently, "I'm here."

Christman's face pressed against his chest, listening to the erratic heartbeat in his chest, and his movements became softer.

"Will you still be here when I

wake up?" "Yes!" Christine picked a few strands of Joao's curly hair and ran them around her fingertips, "and when you wake up, you'll have to feed me dinner." "

Yes, without him, Christman wouldn't be able to eat well, she couldn't live without herself," and you'd like me?"


Christman and Joao told each other their sincerity, and made it clear that Joao still liked him a little, it seems that this love has become stronger and stronger over time.

Christine learned from Joao when she was a child and coaxed him to sleep.

I slept until six o'clock in the evening, stretched out my hand and touched Christman's body randomly, hugged the girl and sucked a few times, and then got up and waited for Christman to put on her shoes and wipe her face, and finally eat.

Everything is the same as before, no difference.


Originally, time was nothing special for the two of them, but now it's different.

Two days after the weekend, and now it's Monday again, but it's no surprise, and even understandable, that Joao and Christman didn't make it to class in the morning.

"Monday?" Joao hugged his well-dressed Christman in the room, looking unwilling to believe Lowan's words.

Luo Wan sighed, this was the seventh time she had answered her young master's question, "Yes, little master, and it's about to be lunch time in school." "

Hmm. Joao didn't seem to have any other reaction when he heard this, in fact, Christman had already felt his slightly trembling body.

Her arms tightened her thin waist more and more, and she also took the initiative to press herself and Joao's body closely, leaving no gap, Joao sniffed the smell of Christman, from the top of his hair to the neck where the body fragrance was deepest.

Like a patient who needs to be calmed down by a depressant, Joao's tranquilizer is Christman himself.

It was fast afternoon and Joao couldn't put it off any longer.

And in the past few days, as Su Lanxin thought, as soon as these students spread the word, most of the people in the school knew about the events of that day, and they did bring the news into the family.

The reality is that the Su family's business is indeed much smoother, and some people have closer and closer contacts with the Su family in private.

Of course, with the good comes the disadvantage.

Now wherever she walked, someone would look at her inexplicably, then laugh and say something to her companions, and finally leave.

There is pure curiosity, there is a malicious gaze, and there are sarcastic words.

These were always in her ears from time to time.

But Su Lanxin still looked indifferent.

The arrival of João and Christman made the students who were already discussing in the learning atmosphere stunned for a moment.

When they came to the classroom at the same time again, the students in Class A seemed to be expecting it.

And with the attitude that Joao gave last time, they didn't dare to come up and make themselves embarrassed, and even some remarks about Su Lanxin and him, because of his arrival, made the students who paid extra attention to these silent.

This little young master has a strange temper, and he doesn't like Su Lanxin very much, they don't dare to talk nonsense.

Joao put his arms around Christman and made no secret of his stinky face.

I thought, stay for a while, anyway, only for a short time, after returning from school last time, Chrissman was very happy, for Chrissman's sake he can bear it.

Seeing that this time, they did not quack around like noisy geese, and their hearts were much more comfortable.

But the closer to the start of class, the students in Class A walked out one by one.

"Joao, it's class, why are they still going outside?" said Christman, pointing in the direction of the two or three girls who had just left the classroom together.

Joao frowned, how did he know, but he felt that it was good to be gone, without those disgusting eyes secretly surrounding them.

João was about to comfort him when an abrupt voice interrupted him.

"Don't forget to bring your tracksuit next time. "

Got it! Fortunately, I remembered halfway through, otherwise I would have been punished by the physical education teacher." It

was the voices of two girls, who laughed at each other and entered the classroom, but they didn't expect to bump into the sight of Christine and Joao head-on, and for a moment they even froze their smiles.

Xu Shuhua and Su Mang glanced at each other, a little at a loss, and they didn't understand why they had to go to physical education class, these two special masters hadn't gone to the playground yet.

The air was too quiet, but Xu Shuhua hurriedly pulled Su Mang's hand and walked to his place, took the sportswear and was about to leave, his expression was still ugly.

As a result, Su Mang stopped, she hesitated a little, "You guys...... Don't you go to class?"

Su Mang had a pair of big eyes, willow eyebrows, a tall nose bridge, and delicate facial features.

From the last time she dared to be the first to talk to Joao, her character can also be seen from this.

Christman didn't understand, and looked at her with big innocent eyes, wondering if classes weren't all indoors

......?" That one. Su Mang seemed to understand something, took a step forward, pointed to the playground outside, and said, "We are in physical education class now, the kind of sports that are going to be exercised, so we have to go outside to class." "

What?!" João squinted his eyes and looked outside, ignoring Su Man's words as if he were explaining to a kindergarten child.

Even if he didn't go outside, just through a layer of windows, Joao could imagine the hot heat wave outside, the wind blowing, not bringing the slightest coolness, only endless sweat.


! Joao won't leave his dolls exposed to the sun! Getting

out of the car and walking to the classroom is already Joao's limit, because looking at the sweat on Christman's head, he feels that his Manman is suffering.

And his baby door is not out of the door, how can he have the physical strength to run around with them?

It's not that he doesn't know that there is a physical education class, but he just complains that he didn't arrange it well, and he should avoid it.

"Don't Joao, I don't want to go, it's going to be dark!" Krisman didn't want either, she didn't like to sweat at all, she didn't want to be dark, she didn't think she was beautiful at all.

But Joao stopped Christman in his arms, and Xu Shuhua, who had been standing behind Su Mang with his head hanging his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, suddenly shouted screaming: "Christman, do you want to be so hypocritical? Don't you forget who sent

you to the Mo family in the first place?" "Now that you have a good life, I don't know what means I used to get the love of the young master of the Mo family, so I ignore my uncle and aunt?!"

"They just asked you to take care of your younger brothers and sisters more, and you just ignored them like this?!" "

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