At this moment, I don't know what kind of characters are arriving at the entrance, which makes the venue even more noisy than before.

"Who is this?"

"Looks like a native of S.

"Yes, that's familiar, wait! Look at the badge on his chest. "

A dark gold badge was worn in front of the old man, and it was not necessary to look closely at it to see its extraordinary and mysterious extraordinary and mysterious patterns.

The look in one of them kept changing, and his mind suddenly met the face of a person who appeared in the international newspaper a few years ago, "Is it

Volis?" "Volis?" "It's him! It's really him!"

Some people knew

Volris at first not because of his power in country S, but because of an accident that occurred in country S fifteen years ago in which there were countless deaths and injuries in a row of rear-end collisions.

It was a natural and man-made disaster, but among the people who died in an accident and failed to rescue them, there was a eldest son of a big family who had been entrenched in the underground industry in S country for hundreds of years.

His father, Wallis, was photographed when he arrived at the scene, and it quickly appeared in the daily newspaper.

Since then, Warris has become more secluded, and members of his family rarely show their identities.

At a time when everyone thought that such a huge family was about to go downhill, it suddenly became active ten years ago, and that person represented the Volris family to move back into society.

After five years, the Warris family is slowly active in the eyes of everyone again.

It's just that many people in China don't know about it, and they only know a rough idea, but ...... What is Warris doing here

? Could it be that the Mo family has a close relationship with him?

Before everyone could speculate about the relationship between the two families, Gu Wen and Fu Qingsong, the representatives of Mo Junqi's side, had already trotted in front of Warris, and respectfully shouted, "Old man Warris. "

Well, take me to see Junqi, and my grandson, what about the others?" Vorris smiled kindly.

He was about seventy years old, and the wrinkles on his forehead were twisted together when he smiled, perhaps because of the difference of today's day, his eyes flashed with joy that anyone with a discerning eye could see, and his posture and posture still had the majesty of the year, and there was no lack of solemnity.

When Warris said this, he didn't suppress his voice at all, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and he opened up the relationship between himself and the Mo family's father and son in one sentence.

The scene was silent for a few seconds before it came back

to life, and at this moment, the brains of the people who had fought for decades in that mysterious mall were running fast.

Yes, Mo Junqi has been in country S for many years, and no one in Beijing knows that Mr. Mo has no family, only a wife and a son.

According to the influence of the Mo family in Beijing and its subsidiaries in other regions, and Mo Junqi has been unabashedly expanding his contacts and business in surrounding cities over the years.

It is no exaggeration to say that if something goes wrong with the Mo family's industry now, then the country's economic chain will really be shaken.

Then, plus the Warris family, which has a deep heritage in the country of S and also has its own struggle.

In the future, some channels can be said to be smooth for the people of the Mo family, and in the country, there will really be a behemoth in black, white and gray, and there will also be hegemony and control by certain classes.

In the business world, Mo Junqi has achieved the extreme, and in the dark world, there is the Warris family.

Politics ......

Of course, some people questioned, "No, as far as I know, Mr. Mo has never been involved in politics, even if there are indeed some people who support him, but it is not enough to ......

" He Zhou interjected, and everyone around him cast their eyes on him, "Yin Ke." "


"You forgot, Mr. Mo's wife." He Zhou took a sip of a glass of wine.

Today's banquet was not in vain.

"Miss Yin Qinian......"

Finally, the people present seemed to remember something.

Yes, Mo Junqi's wife, Yin Qinian.

She is the youngest daughter of Yin Ke, who has been in politics for four generations in the family, and is now presiding over the Yin family.

And her brother Yin Yi is now going to elect mayor.

It's just that I don't know what happened back then, Miss Yin Qinian has been silent for ten years.

And the Yin family's attitude towards Mo Junqi is still ignoring it to the end, which makes everyone gradually forget.

Speak of the devil.

Yin Ke is here.

It's very low-key.

After all, there is a layer of identity, and it is not good to have too much contact with people with sensitive identities.

And no matter what the Yin family's attitude towards Mo Junqi is, Joao is Yin Qinian's son, and they must come to the coming-of-age ceremony.

"Mr. Yin, Mr. Yin. "

Hmm. "The person who came was in high spirits, and there was no terrifying aura on his body, but standing there was respectable.

The son Yin Yi next to him, following behind Yin Ke, is like a replica of Yin Ke.

Almost front and back, the Yin family's father and son were respectfully invited by Gu Wen and Fu Qingsong together with Vorris.

The family needs to have something to say.

Now the main characters are there.

The outside newspaper has already made a fuss, and Mo Junqi is very grand, but this is only in terms of guests and venues, and nothing else has been revealed.

After all, almost at the same time, more than a dozen cars on the avenue that were enough to identify his family background drove towards Jinwan District, and everyone could smell something.

In the upstairs reception room————

although Yin Ke has always been indifferent to Mo Junqi, he has a personal connection with Joao.

"I've grown up, it's more like every year. Yin Ke sat on the sofa, drank tea calmly, and said to Joao, who was no longer a child standing in front of him, "Don't shed the blood of our Yin family in vain."

"Huh!" Warris beckoned Joao over, took his hand and held it in the palm of his hand, and looked at Joao lovingly for a while, "Don't shed the blood of our Warris family in vain."

The eyes of the two old men of the same age narrowed, met each other's gaze, and looked at each other for a long time.

Yin Ke immediately retracted his gaze, he was powerless and powerless in Mo Junqi, and he looked down on him when he started from scratch, even if his real family background was now, Yin Ke still looked down on him.

The person who packed his daughter away with pots and soil, he didn't get started, and he was already the biggest belly.

Not to mention ......

Wallis also ignored him, he didn't have the heart to have a good relationship with his in-laws, he was in country S, he was in his own country, and what was there to connect with across borders.

Their purpose is to come to see João.

Mo Junqi was sitting on the opposite side, and now he was ignored to the end.

The person who was cared for and concerned by the leaders from all walks of life, but at the moment he was in a tranceless in front of his family, thinking about the girl who was obediently waiting for him in the upstairs room.

Don't know what she's doing.

Will you cry alone when you look at the hustle and bustle outside, will you pretend to be strong and sad in the room because today is also her birthday and you haven't been with her all day?

Bear with me, my darling, beautiful you don't deserve to be stared at by those impure eyes.

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