"What year is it?"

"2036. "

What were you doing yesterday?"

"Been resting. "

When was the last time you hurt yourself?"

"...... a week ago.

Ji Yuan asked several key questions one after another, and found that there were no deviations, and finally he took a deep breath and asked, "What happened to you when you were five years old?"

Joao didn't raise his eyelids, and looked at the place quietly, "Kidnapping." "

It's normal.

But Ji Yuan felt that things were not simple, and a person couldn't mistake his age.

"Ji Yuan, shouldn't there be a door in my room?" Joao pointed to a blank space on the wall behind Ji Yuan, "There, there should be a door, right?"

In my impression, he often went in and would come out with a lot of clothes.

But who is he going to give it to?"

"It seems serious, Joao's memory is really skewed.

It's just that this deviation doesn't seem to be big, it only focuses on certain things, and it doesn't have much impact on Joao's main life trajectory in the past 26 years.

It's just that it may affect life.

Joao was confused, and one after another people denied him, and he now seemed to know his situation.

He sighed, no complaint, no resentment, no fear, only lightly rubbed his fingertips and leaned against the backrest behind him, "Am I

more serious?" It is so serious that there is a problem with memory?

Ji Yuan couldn't bear to say more, although this phenomenon is extremely abnormal, but it will affect memory, and it usually happens when it hurts the head.

But Joao didn't hurt his head.

However, Joao's physical condition is very bad, especially his consciousness is very confused, if it is stimulated and pressured at a certain moment, it is possible to form the current chaos.

"Season edge. The lonely voice sounded, hollow and distressing, like a heavenly voice, as if he had never appeared in this world from beginning to end, "If I continue to be so serious, then how many years will I have to live?"

Ji Yuan's hands were trembling, he gritted his teeth, and tried his best to suppress the bitterness in his heart, and the endless feeling of powerlessness eroded his heart.

"Tell me. "It's loud and you can't say no.

Ji Yuan closed his eyes, "Two years."

"Two years. "

It's short again.

He will collapse physically and mentally, because of his body's physical disgust with this world, and his body functions will gradually weaken, and all organs will feel that he is hopeless and discouraged, so he will begin to weaken, and finally leave without any concern.

Ji Yuan left, and wanted Joao to go to the hospital with him for a comprehensive examination, but Na Cheng thought that he resolutely refused.

But before leaving, he also added some medicine, hoping that a stable mood and mentality could make him feel good and not die so early.

At the same time, this matter was immediately reported to Mo Junqi, along with a voice recorder and notes.

Joao went back to bed.

Joao was born in 2010.

His family is very happy, and his strong father and gentle mother love him very much.

Although his personality is eccentric.

Joao didn't like to laugh since he was a child, but he liked one thing most about it, he liked to catch insects and crush them to death, and he enjoyed the feeling of strength.

He's dominating them.

But when he was in front of Yin Qinian for the first time, Yin Qinian was silent for a long time.

"Mother, look. "In the pink little hand, he grasped an insect that had been crushed and disemboweled, and the green-white liquid was flowing sideways.

One is not enough, there is still one.

She realized that something was wrong with her child.

Mo Junqi and Yin Qinian took him to do different tests.

As a result, he said that he had a slight antisocial personality, but it was not serious, and now he only looks different from other children in his behavior at first, but it is not obvious.

As long as you guide it well, there will be no problems.

But something went wrong.

In 2015.

Yin Qinian and Joao were kidnapped together.

It was the year when Joao began to go crazy, and Ji Yuan came to him.

Yin Qinian was unconscious.

In 2020.

This year, Joao made the cutest one of the little poisons he raised into a specimen and gave it to Mo Junqi.

He also smashed the hand of an attendant who touched his belongings at will.

He was in the longest confinement.

In 2027, Joao was arranged by Mo Junqi to go to school.

A week later, I returned home and finished my studies at home as before.

In 2028, Joao will take over the property from Mo Junqi.

With the blessing of his grandfather Warris and grandfather Yin Ke, it would have taken him five years to expand the company and his power to a high level, but it only took him three years to do it.

He stood at the pinnacle between the two countries in the true sense of the word.

In 2032.

Yin Qinian didn't wake up, she died forever.

The attendants in the house, as well as those who had been granted favors by Yin Qinian back then, gathered together and mourned in silence for three whole days.

Mo Junqi collapsed and completely retreated.

Joao's illness exploded overnight, causing himself several times to self-harm, eating knives, banging his head against the wall, and deliberately scarring himself so that the door that held him could be opened so that he could run out and jump down the stairs.

But he didn't work out.

The most serious one, the depth of the wound, Lowan saw Joao's snow-white bones with his own eyes.

That night was a nightmare for everyone.

No, in the end, Joao could only be tied to the bed, so that he could not move.

Ji Yuan also researched the most suitable drug for him at this time, which can effectively calm him down.

Since then, Joao has been under control.

In 2034, Joao caught the real mastermind behind Yu Lang's gang back then, and the depth of the hiding made everyone frightened.

João himself sent the man on his way.


That is, now.

His health is getting worse and worse, and he often can't eat, and now there is something like a memory disorder, he will make his career bigger and stronger, and he has lived up to Mo Junqi.

He unraveled the real murderer and avenged his mother.

What about him

? Is there anything else he needs to do?

Seems to be gone.

He didn't know what he was living in his life, but he had done everything he had to do, and he could have left well, right?

This night, Joao slept until the evening, and woke up with a void of time and space that swept over Joao's heart.

He pressed his chest, missing, missing something, and it was important.

But in the dark, someone told him to wait.

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