
Chrissman saw the picture of him falling, and she desperately reached out to help him, but unfortunately her strength was not enough, and Joao still hit his head heavily on the ground and fell on the concrete road.

"How are you, Joao, wake up!!" she lost her bearings, blood in the air falling on her cheeks.


"I'm sorry, I didn't hold you, don't scare me, don't scare me. She trembled more and more, and suddenly she kept blinking nervously, and tears flowed straight down her eyes.

Because João never liked to be followed by them when the two of them walked, so there was such a big movement that Christman's cry did not attract a single attendant for a long time.

It was so quiet that Christine was scared, and she always knew that Joao was not in good health, because he always took medicine and did not avoid her.

Even Christine could see that he was in poor health, but she never imagined that João would one day fall in front of her like this, and it seemed that he would never wake up again.

Chrissman got up, she had to find someone, and now she couldn't do anything on her own.

"Miss Christman!, young master!"

As a result, as soon as they stood up, someone ran towards them behind them, and when Fu Qingsong saw the scene clearly, his breathing and footsteps were chaotic.

At the same time, I am glad that I have been following not far away.

At this time, Fu Qingsong didn't care about Christman, he ran to carry Joao back, and for the attendants who came in a hurry, he only told them to send Miss Christman back to the room to take care of him.

In just a few minutes, things took another turn, which made Christine not believe that the scene where Joao had just fallen was real.

There were many people in the house, Ji Yuan was the first to arrive, and he also brought a team, followed by Mo Junqi, then Yin Qinian's brother Yin Yan, and finally the Su family.

They were all gathered in the hall, their expressions solemn, none of them speaking, their eyes looking at one place, which was the room where João lay upstairs.

Christine was invited by the attendant to the guest room, not the room next door to João.

I'm also worried that she will ask questions and hear some noise, and I can't stand it.

But even if she wasn't next door, one floor away, Christman could hear the commotion of the soldiers downstairs.

She reached out and slowly touched her cheek, which had just been covered by Joao's blood foam, which had dried up.

Now she touched it lightly, and it fell off into the palm of her hand, and then shattered.

It's as fragile as João is today.

Joao came to a very dark place, and he couldn't see the sky, he couldn't get to the end, he seemed to have been there.

"Where is this

?" Is he dead?

so suddenly, didn't he even have time to say goodbye

to Chrisman?" "Wake up, young master, and look at me again, and your father, and Miss Chrisman. "

Yes, he's going back first.

Even if he had to die, he couldn't leave so suddenly, he had to say goodbye to Chrisman, or she would definitely cry.

I'll be distressed.

He broke free from the darkness and the countless invisible hands that held him there, and when he opened his eyes again, the world was silent.

There were a lot of people around him, but he couldn't hear them, and all he wanted was to see Chrissman now.

"Manman, call Manman over.

"Okay. Ji Yuan trembled and agreed.

He never imagined that Joao, who had two years to live, would be sacrificed for the rest of his time.

I had to live for less than three months, and then I came to the day when the oil ran out and the lamp dried up.

Without warning.

He told Mo Junqi that Joao might not be able to live.

His interior was empty.

Mo Junqi looked very calm, but he turned around and walked to the window, as if he didn't want to face the moment when Joao closed his eyes, but he needed Gu Wen's support.

Christman sat for an unknown amount of time, all she knew was that her legs were numb and her eyes were dry and painful.

She couldn't help, she had to wait here obediently, waiting for João to come back and take her hand and coax her to say he was okay.

But this illusion was shattered when Luo Wan found her with a miserable white face and countless tear stains.

When she walked into Joao's room, everyone gave way to her, all of them were sad, their heads drooping, lifeless, as if they had already paid tribute to João in advance.

"Manman, my darling.

At that glance, Christine hadn't cried for the hours she had been waiting, but she couldn't hold back now, because she recognized the reality.

Joao on the bed did not have a trace of anger, his lips were white, his face was also white, and even he threw himself over and held his hand without feeling the warm temperature of the past.

It's cool.

She was flustered.

"Joao!!" Chrisman made a muffled sound in his throat, as if it had been stripped from the bones, from the flesh, and more heart-wrenching than the sound of crying and wailing.

Joao wanted to raise his hand and hold her in his arms, but he couldn't, his limbs were weak, and he couldn't see in front of him, "Don't cry."

"Listen to me, listen to me. He

tried his best, even if he could only move a finger, and he wanted to shake Christman's hand.

In this final hour, João had to say everything he wanted to say to Christman.

"I love you.

"Even if we've only known each other for three months

" "Thank you."

"In the last period when I had no hope but to wait for death to greet me.

"Don't be afraid, even if I'm not by your side anymore, no one can bully you, this will be your home in the future, and you can live here if you want to." "

Your father will no longer persecute you, and no one will dare to look at you with a dirty gaze.

"I wanted to put it in your hands, but now it's too late, and I'll let Lowan give it to you in a moment, it's my gift to you."

Christman nodded, but she could only nod, and then climbed into bed and snuggled up to him.

"You said, if you showed up earlier, and I found you earlier, wouldn't we be different

?" "Don't cry, I've been hiding my illness from you all along, and now I'm suddenly going down, you must be frightened, right?" "I'm

sorry, I may never wake up again."

"I'm sorry......

26-year-old Joao's world suddenly disappeared and was reduced to darkness.

He's gone forever.

Joao actually wanted to ask Chrisman, would you like to go with me?

But he didn't want to, it would hurt a lot.

She was afraid of pain.

At the same time, Joao in this world, Joao, who had just turned 18, suddenly breathed steadily and strongly.

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