João rejected Lowan's outstretched hand for help.

In front of Christman, he wrung the towel himself, then wiped her face, arranged her clothes and hair, and then began to take care of himself.

He was not wearing a hospital gown, a home suit in black and black pants, and she didn't notice the cold sweat on Joao's forehead as she coaxed Christman to eat.

Other than that, Joao looks normal.

By the time Joao had eaten his own meal, Christine was already sitting at the head of the bed and dozing off.

But holding his chin and watching Joao's movements have not changed.

It's so cute.

That's right, although she has been asleep these days, she has not had a good life.

Just vented again, Joao himself is by her side, she should be at ease.

Presumably, when he wakes up from this sleep, his Christman will definitely be refreshed and healthy.

After setting up Christman, Joao rarely did not go to bed immediately.

He called for Lowan and motioned for her to push herself out.

The clothes were lifted, and the gauze under the black garment was soaked with blood, along with the clothes.

It's just that because of the color of the suit, Christman didn't find it, and in the end, under the cover of the smell of rice, the smell of blood will not be obvious.

"Quick, re-bandage, I've got to go back with her. "In the situation like Christman's just now, if I don't go back soon, I guess I won't be able to sleep well.

Ji Yuan received Luo Wan's message, and hurried over with the doctor, seeing the situation on Joao's abdomen, his face was not very good-looking, but the action and speed of assisting the doctor in bandaging did not decrease.

"Young master, don't do this again. "

The wound, which was already about to grow a new scab, has become worse these days when João insists on taking care of Christman himself.

Because the wound keeps opening and healing, and the wound keeps opening and healing, the healing speed has slowed down a lot.

No matter how good the medicine is, it's not complete.

"Now that Miss Christman has woken up, let Lo Wan take care of you, and you can also accompany you, it doesn't matter!"

"Don't. "

João has his own obsessions.

When Ji Yuan heard this, he knew that he was sick again, so no matter how much he said, it would be useless, so he wanted to shut up and turn his head to sue Mo Junqi.

But his mind suddenly turned, "If you don't take care of this injury well, your waist and abdomen are the most important place for men

, and if you want to hug Miss Christman in the future, I don't know if it will be difficult?" "And if Miss Christman knows that your back injury is not complete, I don't know if she will give you another hug?"

"Oops, you said that the waist and abdomen are injured, and the left hand is also injured, oops

!" "I know!!" These words undoubtedly stepped on Joao's thunder point, or the kind of jumping, but he couldn't refute it, "Shut up Ji Yuan, believe it or not, I want you to fuck off!"

"Don't dare, don't dare. Ji Yuan succeeded, but he didn't dare to smile in front of Joao, nor did he dare to show a smug look, "You must be careful, it's really not a joke."

Joao patted Ji Yuan's hand, very serious, "I don't joke about this, I said that I would take care of it." "

This is Joao's dignity in front of Christman!"

Joao went back again, but was clearly much more careful than he had just been.

Luo Wan and Ji Yuan were relieved when they saw it.


"When I asked you, you didn't answer me. "

Why are you hiding it from me!" the

father and son met the next day as promised, and now Joao is going to see his mother Yin Qinian.

"That kid was appeased by you?" Mo Junqi didn't answer, but changed the topic very naturally.

Yesterday's incident, Luo Wan had already told him about it in 1510.

After that description, Mo Junqi felt like two children who were only 20 years old and had experienced more things than him.

"It's none of your business!" Joao didn't like anyone to take the initiative to inquire about himself and Christman, not even his own father, "Don't change the subject, why are you hiding your mother's news from me as a son?"

he couldn't figure it out.

He thought about it all night and couldn't figure out why.

There's no reason at all, isn't it.

"It's here. Mo Junqi's voice sounded again, but he still didn't answer Joao's question.

The meaning of refusal is that you don't want to act.

"Ding ding———— dong!"

Listening to this voice, Joao's anger that had just come up instantly dissipated by more than half, and he tried his best to dispel all these negative emotions.

"I'll fight with you later!" he

was about to meet his mother, the mother who had given him tenderness when he was a child.

The memory is too long, Joao can't remember his mother's appearance clearly, he only remembers that his mother has a good temperament and always has a smile on her face.

Yes, she seems to love to laugh.

But...... It's so strange, Joao has the feeling of going to meet strangers.

She ...... Do you know I'm coming?"

"Is she feeling better

?" "What should I say in a moment?"

After all, it was the mother and son who were connected by blood, which made Joao attach great importance to it, which made him feel cramped.

Strange, why didn't he feel this feeling in his father Mo Junqi?"

Mo Junqi chuckled, this son of his, he was not polite to him at home, and he was proud for more than ten years.

Aside from being in front of Christman's child, this was the second time he had seen it.

Mo Junqi put his hand on Joao's shoulder, "Don't worry, she's your mother." "

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