"Why don't you give Miss Ben this box?Do you know who I am?!" Xia Yirui was furious, and her face turned red and hot as if it was about to explode.

If Xia Yirui is now a pot of gasoline, then she only needs to add a little more spark seeds, and she can burn it completely.

"Do you want to open your eyes wide and pluck out your ears, this is still in my family's territory, you don't know me?"

"No, Miss Xia, how can I not know you! The main reason is that the box we have here has never been open to outsiders, and it is a special box for the main family to come here.

"We also do things according to the rules, it's not that we don't use it for you." "

The main family?" Xia Yirui put down the teacup, she raised her arrogant head, and said disdainfully, "Which main family, you say it and let me ask?" In fact, it's not her Xia Yirui

who prefers that box today, in fact, the equipment is the same everywhere, at most there are some differences in the size of the environment and space.

But the main thing is that she made a bet with her friends, and she agreed without thinking about it, and when she was here, she knew about these things in hindsight.

But if she goes back like this, doesn't it seem that she is too faceless?

As soon as Xia Yirui's words fell, a thin man suddenly appeared behind her, exuding a cold air.

He was in a hurry, and when he passed by Xia Yirui, he directly passed her and entered the elevator, still holding a bag of white items in his hand, judging from the numbers displayed in the elevator, he was still on the floor that Xia Yirui couldn't go to just now.

It was such a moment that Xia Yirui was attracted by his temperament.

How could she not have seen such a person in this place?

So she immediately reacted and asked, "Why can he go up, is he your boss?"

"Yes, you see we can't help it, otherwise we will ......" The sweat towel on the manager's hand is half wet, and this aunt's father is the mayor of Yu City.

In this Yu City, the reputation of arrogance and domineering is very loud.

Now I'm worried that this aunt is messing around, but I still hope she will be reasonable.

"Okay, look at you like that, I really can't force you?" Xia Yirui replied after seeing the elevator stop and no other reaction.

The manager could only laugh with him.

In the room on the top floor, a girl curled up on the bed with her stomach clutched, and from time to time her mouth spat out an uncomfortable and suppressed sound.

"Baby!" the door opened, and João hurried over, scooped out Christman who was buried in the quilt, and then picked him up and took him to the bathroom.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, Joao is back. João put one hand on Christman's lower abdomen, trying to give her a little relief in this moment.

Then let her sit firmly on her lap, take out the small bit of fabric from the cabinet next to her, and skillfully stick the tampon on it.

Christine followed Joao's movements and asked him to take off the blood-stained intimate fabric for himself, and after cleaning her up, he finally replaced her with a clean one, "It hurts, Joao, why does it hurt so much this time?"

Why is it like the day of Christman's first period?

I haven't seen Christman rolling on the bed in pain for a long time, Joao panicked, and when he just went downstairs to buy it at a nearby store, he almost tripped over his own foot.

When I entered the elevator, I almost pressed the wrong floor of the elevator again.

And counting the day, it shouldn't be today, otherwise he wouldn't be unprepared.

"Baby, it's okay, I'll cook you brown sugar water to drink, and the hot water bottle is also filled, I'll take you to get it." Joao picked up Christman, who was now clean and fresh, and carefully held her in his arms, feeling that she was now very fragile.

At this time, Christman was the most clingy, holding a hot water bottle in his hand, not letting Joao boil brown sugar water, but letting him take him with him.

Helpless, Joao could only pick her up with one hand and enter the small kitchen next to him, fortunately, there are not many processes to cook brown sugar water, just put it in and wait for it to be cooked.

During this period, Christman was like a koala, hugging Joao tightly and not letting go, and from time to time he would rub Joao's neck and pull Joao's curly hair.

I guess it's uncomfortable, I can't do it, and I want to divert some attention.

"My obedient has been wronged, and it won't hurt anymore, Joao will take you to the hospital to take a look. This abrupt aggravation without warning, Joao took it very seriously.

Originally, Chrissman should have no opinion, and she couldn't make the decision about her own physical problems, so she had to listen to Joao.

But at this time, she hung her head a little weakly, and the hand that pulled Joao's curly hair was also released, and asked timidly, "Can you not go?"

The tone was erratic, and her small mouth was pursed, and Joao knew that it was wrong at a glance, "The baby is doing something bad."

"Nope. "


"Not really.

"Then no. Joao smiled, he had a way to know.

Obviously, Chrissman also understood this, and his mouth flattened, "I know, don't look it up, I stole ice cream yesterday." "

It turns out that when Joao went out to meet some people yesterday, he ordered the waiter to bring some desserts, and it was the back kitchen of this shop that was prepared.

This ice cream is a hot seller at this one, so it sells very well even if it's not summer.

Naturally, all these good things were arranged.

But Christman was greedy, and there was no reminder from Joao, and she couldn't touch the ice for a week before her period......

"I'm sorry Joao, I was wrong. "

Hey. Joao sighed, it was his own problem, he didn't give a comprehensive order, thinking that this was still a Mo house, "It's Joao who wants to apologize to you." "

Suffered baby. "

His Manman doesn't even know exactly when he came, so it's normal not to have this awareness.

It's his fault.

It wasn't until the evening that Christine finally got better after drinking brown sugar water, and she fell asleep exhausted with a bang on her head.

After sleeping with Joao for a while, he was woken up by the phone and came to the corner to answer the work reported to him on the other side of the phone with the phone held up the phone.

"In doing so, you must not let them go, do not look at what they are, and if you don't know what to do, tell him how to write the word reality.

"You can just deal with those little things, and you have to follow up on time for the renovation of the castle." "

Well, and then just don't call me anymore. Gu

Wen: ...... ......


Xia Yirui looked at the man in front of him, with a tall figure and impeccable facial features, standing in front of the window at the corner of the top floor and the next floor, smoking a cigarette.

The voice is very low, it sounds very deliberate, and the eyes will glance somewhere above from time to time.

"I just saw you below, what's your name?"

It's just that those eyes are looking at themselves at the moment they are revealing a bone-eroding coolness, even if it is a beautiful facial feature, it can make people sink to the fall, Xia Yirui also shuddered, and the next words were a little indescribable.

But if she hadn't come out to breathe, it happened to be at the intersection between the two floors, and Xia Yirui wouldn't have seen him.

I mustered up my courage and wanted to say something, but I saw a figure running over in the gloom.


Chrissman trotted towards João, and when he jumped into Joao's arms, he glanced at Xia Yirui.

"Don't like him anymore, he's got me!" In

fact, Christine woke up when Joao got up, but she continued to close her eyes and pretend to be asleep, wanting to go out for a while to scare Joao.

When she got closer, she found that she was startled.

That look is obviously admiration.

"Sister, you're beautiful too, but he only likes me.

Joao's hand moved under Christman's buttocks, and there was no trace of wetness, and it seemed that it was not leaking.

Only then did Chrisman, who was protecting her calf for the first time, hold her aloft higher, "Yes, I just like you." The

two flirted and left, leaving Xia Yirui alone in the same place for a long time.

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