[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[After successfully transforming, Nexus Ultraman immediately started a fierce fight with the monster The·One! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In the chaos, although Nexus was once strangled by the tail of The·One, he still used the light knife at his elbow to cut off the opponent’s tail! ] 】

[Seeing that Nexus has the upper hand, but just when he is ready to take advantage of the victory and pursue…”

[“Ding-dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! “】

[I saw the Y-shaped red signal light on Nexus’s chest, and suddenly began to flicker violently! ] 】

[It seems that this Ultraman’s energy is no longer enough. 】

[“Hmph! “】

[Seeing this, The·One, who had completely changed into a monster, suddenly used telepathy… Made a mocking sound :]

[“So that’s the case, you guy is not completely integrated with the humans in the body! “】

[“Kill! “】

[Thinking that Nexus is already at the end of the crossbow, the·one immediately rushed up and prepared to kill him! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[But in the face of a strong enemy, Nexus still rose to his last strength, stood up and released a lightsaber! ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[This light knife hit The·One’s abdomen right now, and then bounced out to blast out a big hole in this sealed gladiatorial arena! ] 】

【“………… Damn it! “】

[The heavy injury in the abdomen was bleeding continuously, and the·one could only turn around hatefully and escape from the big hole under repeated weighing. ] 】


[Just after The·One escaped, Nexus, who was exhausted of energy, also lay down weakly on the ground, and then fainted. 】

[“Hula! “】

[With a blue light, Nexus turned back into real wood. 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! I’m strange, the·one is so powerful, it can absorb all kinds of animals! Constant evolution!

Torrecchia: Hmm… This evolution, I don’t know if there is a limit.

Torrecchia: If there’s no limit, it really reminds me of Hypajeton and… Leaf rot!

Big bones boiled into soup: Huh? Just such a little monster, is it so strong? (⊙o⊙)

Lori Jinx: It’s not so much that the mobs are strong, but that Ultraman is too weak!

Lori Jinx: At the end of the day… Who is this “next Ultraman”? It doesn’t look like Noah.

Big bones boiled into soup: impossible! Sero only gains a part of Noah’s power to rewind the time of the universe and bring the dead back to life!

Big bones boiled into soup: how can such a strong person beat a lizard … Just faint?

Lori Jinx: If it weren’t for Noah, where did this “next” come from?

Torrecchia: Hehe, I think you should be more concerned about the whereabouts of Zaki than this!

Torrecchia: Just tainted with some of Zaki’s power, this the·one presents almost infinite potential!

Torrecchia: If this Dark Destroyer descends, the Earth in that parallel universe will definitely be completely destroyed by him!

Vegeta: Humph! The weak are destroyed by the strong, and rightfully so, they can only be blamed for their bad luck.

Big bones boiled into soup: abominable! If that happens, then I’ll travel to this universe and fight the Dark Destroyer!

Torrecchia: Oh? Have you already mastered the application method of the “Ultimate Bracelet”?

Big bones boiled into soup: ………… Not yet. (⊙_⊙)

Torrecchia: Then I advise you to be careful.

Torrecchia: Crossing the multiverse is a very dangerous thing, and a bad one may throw yourself into some “dead universe” and never come back. Hee-hee…

Tian Xiaoban: Good guy, listening to your tone, do you often travel through the multiverse?

Torrecchia: Hah! Why do you ask when you already know the answer? (*^▽^*)

Deadpool: Good guys, in this chat group… It’s almost impossible for individuals to travel through multiple universes!

Deadpool: Why don’t I have this ability?

At this time, new images also appeared in the chat group.

[Image continues.] 】

[After waking up from the coma, Maki fell into a panic. 】

[He thinks he’s like The·One, and has become a monster!] 】

[Sharo insists that even after the transformation, Maki still maintains human sanity! ] And the·one is completely different! 】

[Surprisingly, after listening to Sharo’s encouragement, Maki sneered:]

“You’re just trying to take advantage of me… Just go and defeat that monster.”

[“This is the means of fighting monsters with monsters! “】

[Facing the skeptical Mamu, Salo persuaded from a different angle:]

“If you don’t defeat that monster of the·one, it will surely wreak havoc everywhere!”] 】

“When the time comes. How many people will die? “】


[Thinking that innocent people would be victimized, the kind Maki finally hesitated. 】

[Seeing that Maki has been convinced, Sharo teamed up with TLT to launch the final battle against The·One, who was hidden underground in Shinjuku! ] 】

[After entering the underground tunnel, Sara and Maki find the the·one who has changed back into a submarine pilot.] 】

“You… You’re already dead! “】

[However, in the face of this former lover, Sharo still made up his mind and pulled the trigger of the pistol. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[In a stirred mood, Sharo fired several shots in a row, but only one bullet hit the other party! ] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[At the moment when the bullet hit, the man in front of him suddenly changed his body and turned into a monster again! ] 】

[It turns out that the previous tragic situation was all pretended by him to deceive! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[“Stop! “】

[Seeing that the other party turned into a monster again, Maki hurriedly rushed up! ] 】

[In this sewer tunnel, the two men completed their transformation again, turning into The·One and Nexus Ultraman! ] 】

[“Howl! “】

[In the fierce battle, the·one actually summoned countless rats in the underground water channel, merged with it, and carried out the third evolution! ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[After fusing the cells of the mouse, The·One’s body began to expand wildly, and soon completely filled the space in the underground waterway. 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a loud bang, the·one broke the ground! ] 】

[He broke through the underground water channel and washed all the way to the surface.] 】

[At this time, the·one not only absorbed the power of salamanders and geckos, but also grew two mice on his shoulders! ] The body has also become huge! 】

[“Ugh! “】

[After appearing in Shinjuku City, the·one is just a mouth, and strong light waves shoot out from the mouth! ] 】


[The buildings and buildings that were hit by the light wave all exploded and turned into rubble! ] 】

[No one thought that just absorbing a group of mice, this monster… It turned out to be so terrifying! 】

[“Help! “】

[Seeing the falling rubble debris on the building, I am about to hit a mother and daughter! ] At the moment of the attack, Nexus Ultraman suddenly stepped forward and used his body as a shield to protect the two of them! 】

[“Oh! “】

[At the moment when Nexus stepped forward to save people, a silver light lit up from his body again! ] 】

[After the light was extinguished, Ultraman’s form changed.] 】

[The new Nexus, the body looks more beautiful and the sense of strength is more sufficient! ] 】

[It seems that the matter of “saving people” itself can make Nexus stronger! ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[Seeing that the mother and daughter had fled to a safe area, Nexus slowly stood up, shook off the rubble dust on his body, and prepared to fight again! ] 】

[“Bang! Rumble! Crash! “】

[In the fierce battle, Nexus Ultraman completed a step of evolution and mastered the person who flies in the sky. 】

[And the·one actually grew huge demon wings by absorbing ‘sparrows’, and also flew into the sky… There was an air battle with Ultraman! 】

[“Wow! “】

“That’s a demon! “】

[Seeing the hideous and terrifying looking and huge body in the sky, all the citizens and even the audience behind the camera lens were stunned! ] 】

[“Boom! Swish! Sou! Sou! Sou! “】

[Above the sky, two huge creatures more than 10 meters tall chase me, constantly releasing strong light waves! ] A dizzying air battle began! 】


[In the end, in order to protect the citizens, Nexus used his body as a shield to block the light waves released by The·One, directly causing serious injuries! ] Even tangled in the tail of the one! 】

[At this moment of crisis, the military’s fighters also arrived! ] 】

[Boom! 】

[Although the serial bombing of the fighter plane is not too powerful, it does distract the·one. 】

【Good opportunity! 】 】

[Seizing the opportunity, Nexus quickly broke free of The·One’s tail, and then released two lightsabers to cut off The·One’s demon wings on the spot.] 】

“Wow! “】

[After the demon wings were cut off, they turned into countless sparrows and flew away! ] And the·one’s huge body also fell from the sky and fell violently into the city. 】


[After struggling for a long time, The·One straightened up from the ruins, but Nexus was already on the ground, waiting for a long time.] 】

[“Ha! “】

[Focusing all his energy on his arms, Nexus crossed his hands in front of his chest and unleashed his strongest move. 】

[“Evolutionary light… Evol-Ray, Schtrom! “】

[“Aaaa “】

[Already injured not lightly, the·one couldn’t even dodge, and was hit by Nexus Ultraman’s most powerful move! ] 】


[Under the terrifying erosion of purifying light, The·One’s whole body completely disintegrated, turning into countless light particles, dissipating without a trace with the wind! ] 】

[This terrifying monster, which seems to be able to evolve infinitely, finally died in the hands of Ultraman. 】

PS: One more chapter in a moment.

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