“Black fuel!”

Everyone else besides Tony thought about it.

And the most alarmed is undoubtedly Peter, who told Godzilla about the “black power station”.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Godzilla. That’s not right, Godzilla Boss! Don’t attack the black power station of humanity! In that case, it would have caused a terrible tragedy.

Godzilla: I’m not interested in attacking humans.

Godzilla: But… Once the Biochemical Black Fusion Origin Sub-Furnace I obtained through the reward was formed, it would need to swallow a large amount of black fuel. ”

Godzilla: At least, that’s what the system told me.

Tony Stark: Raw… Biochemical black fusion progen, sub-furnace? (⊙_⊙)

Bruce Banner: Can black fusion reactors be formed in living organisms? Is the reward of the system so amazing?

Stephen Strange: I just remembered now that this Godzilla guy just said… He hit that King Kong, he can hit 10 at once!

Wanda Maksimov: !!! No way. Is the Ancient Monster that strong? That orangutan is as tall as a hill.

Godzilla: This little monkey is still a juvenile and a little taller than my knees!

Godzilla: Even if I don’t use Harako’s breath, he’s not an opponent.

Wanda Maksimov: Knee ???

Tony Stark: Hara Son Spit ???

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What is it? Why does it sound so scary?

Bruce Banner: Could it be… Is it an attack that spews out the black energy in the body and causes destruction?

Godzilla: …………

Stephen Strange: Even King Kong only reaches his knees, so isn’t this Godzilla behemoth more than 100 meters tall?

Natasha Romanoff: The multiverse… It was magical.

Tony Stark: It’s incredible, isn’t this walking human… No! Behemoth-shaped black bullet!

At the thought of a giant monster that may be several times the height of King Kong, and can spit out a breath that is enough to compete with the black bullet at any time, even Tony feels cold behind his back, and his cold hair stands on end.

If such a monster really exists, then even if he uses Megatron, he may not be able to win!

“It seems that… The multiverse is really vast. In order to deal with possible future threats, I also need bigger and stronger robots! ”

Thinking of this, Tony’s mind suddenly moved.

Unless Megatron transforms into the form of a space shuttle, he can’t sit in it.

If he is really ready to compete with the monster Godzilla, then he may have to use Megatron as a template to create some kind of super-giant humanoid robot!

For a while, the entire chat group fell silent for a while.

All of them…… I was struck by the little information revealed in Godzilla’s words.

And just when many bigwigs were still in shock and failed to fully come to their senses, Little Wanda was the first to speak boldly.

Wanda Maximov: Godzilla guy, since you are so awesome, why do you still say… Those monsters named Muto are the natural enemies of your clan?

Wanda Maksimov: It seems to me that the Muto hatched in that power station is only tens of meters tall, and it doesn’t look too strong.

Godzilla: Such a guy is just a pawn.

Godzilla: The real enemy of my tribe is this Muto’s fertility man, and it… It is the original and most powerful existence of the Muto clan!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Fertility? Both Muto were born to a mother?

Stephen Strange: Could it be that this fertility was Professor Serizawa in the first place… That huge skeleton found in the cave?

Godzilla: Hmph! That skeleton belongs to my clan! It was killed by Primordial Muto!

Godzilla: Since my tribe has energy-producing organs in our body. Originally, Muto liked to lay eggs in the body of my tribe after defeating it. It is to let these eggs live by sucking up the energy of our people’s body.

Wanda Maximov: Ahhhh It’s disgusting.

Natasha Romanoff: In other words, Godzilla’s real natural enemy is not the hatched Muto, but the distant Muto who knows where he is!

Godzilla: When I find the Primordial, it’s time to die!

Bruce Banner: The organ that produces energy… Could it be that it is also some kind of black reactor? But…… And what about the rewards of that system?

Tony Stark: It turned out to be just black fission, and after getting the reward, it was upgraded to black fusion.

Stephen Strange: That’s an exaggeration…

Bruce Banner: The world of monsters is really unfathomable.

Carol Danvers: ……… Hum!

Standing on the barren planet, Captain Marvel’s brows furrowed slightly, and his face was full of disbelief.

What kind of black fusion monster, in fact, is not in her eyes.

Even if it is weakened by 1/3, Captain Marvel’s energy-absorbing physique still exists.

In other words, if Godzilla really unleashed any Hara Son breath on him, it would only be completely absorbed by Captain Marvel and transformed into his own energy.

But when I think that in the previous Q&A, I suffered terrible defeats and punishments, a monster that is not even a human … It’s actually stronger because of the rewards!

This gap… It really made Captain Marvel feel extremely uncomfortable.

【Image continues】

[After listening to Professor Serizawa’s introduction, Quicksilver was very angry and asked the professor why not 15 years ago… Just kill the Muto who was cocooned in the black power station. 】

[As a result, the female assistant claimed that the cocoon was frantically absorbing the radiation of the black reactor.] 】

[They fear that if they kill Muto in the cocoon, it may lead to the leakage of black radiation, causing a terrible ecological disaster.] 】

[Next, Professor Serizawa asked Quicksilver if his father had told him anything?] 】

[Quicksilver thought for a moment before replying that his father had made a conjecture:]

[Muto in the cocoon constantly releasing some kind of electrical impulse will not be talking to someone, or rather… Summon your companions! 】

[Professor Serizawa suddenly realized when he heard this, and quickly summoned his assistant to find the electromagnetic wave to respond. 】

[Quicksilver asks, if the humans never find or kill them, what will happen to the escaped Muto? 】

[Professor Serizawa replied with a solemn face:]

“There is a force in nature that restores balance, and I guess Godzilla is that power!”] “】

Wanda Maximov: Wow, this Professor Serizawa guessed quite accurately, Godzilla will indeed strike in the face of natural enemies!

Charles Xavier: In the world of nature, there is indeed such a law, generally speaking, no matter how powerful or terrifying creatures will have their own natural enemies, otherwise the ecosystem of the place will completely collapse.

Godzilla: When I kill Primordial Muto, my tribe will no longer have natural enemies!

Wanda Maksimov: Uh… Godzilla Lord, okay, I have another question, you have been talking about “my clan”, may I ask except you… Are there any other Godzillas that exist?

Godzilla: I don’t know.

Godzilla: But my instinct tells me, even if it’s just me. The U tribe will continue to do so.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What does that mean? How to continue if there is only one left?

Tony Stark: Is it asexuality?

Natasha Romanoff: Another possibility is to have sex with other ancient behemoths… Match!

Wanda Maximov: Just kidding, what will be born then?

Natasha Romanoff: None of us know the birth and breeding mode of the giant beast, maybe all of them are Godzilla…

Tony Stark: Well, for the first time, I hope you guessed wrong.

Stephen Strange: I think so too…

In another universe, a terrifying monster that is more than 100 meters tall and has a black fusion reactor in his body… I can actually give birth to many children!

You thought of this possibility. Tony, Strange and the others all gasped for air, and a feeling of panic arose.

If this happens, the earthlings of that universe will just be afraid that there will be no drama!

【Image continues】

[After talking to Professor Serizawa, Quicksilver prepares to take a military helicopter to Hawaii and transfer to Old King Mountain to reunite with his family.] 】

[But no one expected that Quicksilver had just arrived at Xia Wei Yi, and a black submarine from the Winter Kingdom disappeared nearby. ] 】

[After some searching, the beautiful military found that the black submarine was actually dragged to the shore by Muto, who grew wings and flew away! ] 】

[Muto’s purpose is to devour the fuel in the black reactor in the black submarine. 】

“Oh my God, this thing really eats black fuel.”

Looking at Muto on the screen, swallowing the anti-react, heap and fuel in the black submarine into his stomach one by one, most of the people in the live broadcast room widened their eyes.

Such incredible things are not seen every day.

Godzilla, who was standing on a desert island, saw this scene, but gently touched his huge head.

I see.

Black submarines look like this.

【Image continues】

[The military saw that Muto had broken into the gate of Xia Wei Yi, and finally decided to send fighters to prepare to destroy this monster. 】

[But… The military still underestimated Muto. 】

[Seeing the fighter constantly hovering above his head, Muto also felt that it was wrong, and directly released a strong electromagnetic wave pulse. ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[Just like the legendary EMP weapon, under the sweep of the intense electromagnetic wave pulse, all the electronic equipment of the fighter jet failed, and fell to the ground with a bang. ] 】

[Not only that, Muto, the attack range of the EMP shockwave is amazing, and it will sweep Xia Wei Yi City into it for a while. ] 】

[At this moment, the entire Xia Wei Yi Island became pitch black, and all electronic equipment was wasted. 】

[At this bad time, the situation actually deteriorated further. 】

[On the shoreline, people were horrified to find that the waves were receding at an alarming rate. 】

[At this moment, the tsunami warning also sounded grimly. 】

[“Oh, run, run, the tsunami is coming.”] “】

[The people living on the edge of the island were very clear about the signs before the tsunami hit, and when they saw this, they were immediately frightened and fled desperately to the city center. 】

[At the same time, on the deck of the aircraft carrier on the sea, Serizawa seemed to have discovered something at that time, and raised the telescope in his hand with a surprised face. ] 】

[In the lens of the telescope.] Huge waves roll on the sea! 】

[A pitch-black and terrifying monster with a dorsal fin… Suddenly appear on the sea! 】

[“Wow! “】

“Rushed over, the monster rushed over. “】

[Seeing the giant beast crashing straight over, the navy on the deck was terrified, and some even lost their voices and exclaimed. 】

[But at the critical moment, this incredibly huge giant beast actually sank into the depths of the sea and did not collide head-on with the mothership. ] 】

[However, although the monster avoided the head-on collision with the aircraft carrier, it turned over another naval warship in the process of lifting it up. 】

[A battleship weighing nearly a thousand tons, in the eyes of this monster… It’s like a child’s toy. 】

[And this monster just appeared in the sea, and the huge waves caused by it formed a terrifying tsunami, pushing all the way to the interior of Xia Wei Yi City! ] 】

[“Help! “】

“The tsunami rushed into town! “】

[In the face of the monstrous waves, the people in the city fled desperately, but in the end they were swallowed by the waves like ants! ] 】

[This giant beast hasn’t even landed yet, and his very existence has already caused such a terrifying disaster. 】

[Originally, Xia Wei Yinei fell into darkness because of the electromagnetic pulse released by Muto, and now it is actually worse and encountered the invasion of a tsunami. 】

[At this moment, countless human beings saw another existence that made their souls scatter. 】

[A terrifying giant beast that is more than 100 meters tall stood up from the sea and walked into the city step by step! ] 】

“God, what is this?”] “】

[“Monsters, from the bottom of the sea… Monsters that pop up. “】

“God! Help us! “】

[In the face of this terrifying huge body in front of them, all human beings are terrified. 】

[Godzilla! 】

[Godzilla is finally here! ] 】

PS: Decided, after Godzilla 1, followed by “Ring Taiping Yang” ^_^

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