Karma Taj.


Seeing Swallowing Mei’s speech in the chat group, even the ancient mage was slightly stunned.

The daughter of this planetary devourer… Actually hiding on this earth?

Then why didn’t you find it yourself?

Just stunned for a moment, a hint of clarity suddenly flashed in Gu Yi’s eyes.

As far as she knows, the planetary devourers of this universe are at least monolithic cosmic level.

Even if the strength is weakened because of excessive hunger, the essence of life will not decline because of this.

The daughter of this “being”, the weakest … At least there are sub-heavenly fathers, or even higher.

In other words, purely in terms of strength level, the difference between the Star Devouring Daughter and Gu Yi is not too far.

And such a cosmic-level “demigod”, if he wants to hide his whereabouts and hide on the earth, Gu Yi is likely to be unaware.

And just when Gu Yi reacted, there was already an uproar in the chat group, and I don’t know how many people were shocked by Swallowing Mei’s words.

Starlight: You’re the daughter who swallowed the star, but you said… Do you like humans on Earth?

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: To be precise, it is the culture of the earthlings.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: I have spent time on many planets in the universe, but if the paper is colorful, the earthlings are really unique.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: Especially the various entertainment lives of earthlings, it is really interesting. ^_^

Seeing Swallow Mei’s simple and friendly words, many people in the chat group had a good impression of him.

Clark Kent: Well said! Although I don’t know what alien life is like, the culture of earthlings is indeed very rich. If you’ve been on Earth for a long time, you’ll love this place!

Carol Danvers: Hmph, it’s a shame that you can traverse the universe, but limit your steps to that small planet.

Clark Kent: Well, I used to travel the world, but in the end, I found that it was the peaceful life that appealed to me more.

Carol Danvers: ……… I’m not talking to you.

Clark Kent: Ah, I’m sorry.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing: The relationship between the earthlings… It’s complicated, and I’m still figuring in.

Looking at Swallowing Mei’s peaceful speech, the black brine egg was also relieved.

But suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind, and the black face turned white at once.

Nick Fury: Wait a minute! This Miss Ganata! You just said… Did you eat a symbiote?

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: yes, I also think it’s a little strange how this alien creature came to Earth.

Tony Stark: Hey, no, first the daughter of the Planet Devourer, now an alien symbiote!

Tony Stark: Where are there so many aliens on our planet? (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

At this moment, Tony was also a little dizzy.

Having seen the video of “Venom”, he certainly knows how dangerous symbiotes are.

Although this creature cannot survive in isolation, as long as it is attached to humans, it can obtain incredible destructive power!

What’s more, symbiotes can eat people!

Moreover, now no one knows that the symbiote that was eaten by the devouring sister … How did it appear on Earth!

And…… How many of its kind are there on Earth?

Thinking of this, Tony secretly smiled bitterly, he had already made a decision,

As long as he left the live broadcast room, he had to search for those symbiotes as much as possible!

If such a terrifying creature really exists on Earth, then he is also responsible… Collect them all so that they do not harm the world.

Ghost Rider: Humph! No matter what alien creatures are, as long as they dare to do evil on Earth, be careful of my hellfire!

Reed Richards: To be honest, I’m also a little curious, alien creatures like symbiotes… Is there a soul at all?

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: I don’t care about the soul, as long as I can fill my stomach.

Just then, a new change appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After escaping from prison, the Ghost Knight whistles, his demonized mount… The evil locomotive drove over automatically. 】

[After getting on the motorcycle, the Ghost Rider drove all the way to the bridge.] 】

[Found that the police inspector behind was still chasing, and the Ghost Rider rushed directly from the bridge to the river! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Under the stunned gaze of countless police officers, the demonic locomotive of the Evil Spirit Knight literally floated up from the water! ] Drive straight away! 】

[After getting rid of the police and inspection, the Evil Spirit Knight once again set his sights on the Black Heart Demon and the others. ] 】

[In order to deal with him, the Black Heart Demon sent the Wind Demon to fight! ] 】

[In the melee, the Ghost Knight actually drove the locomotive… Rushed to the building at a vertical angle! 】


[Where the flame tire passed, the glass on the outside of the building was all melted, and a path of flame was driven abruptly! ] 】

[And after coming to the roof, watching the police helicopter in the air circling non-stop, the Evil Spirit Knight was a little impatient, and directly threw out the iron chain and pulled the helicopter down. ] 】

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! “】

[The frightened helicopter pilot kept apologizing, and the Ghost Rider let him live. ] 】

[Next, the wind demon also rushed to the top of the building. 】

[In the face of the evil spirit knight, the wind demon was very proud, thinking that the other party could not hurt himself who could turn his body into the wind. ] 】

[“Hahahaha, the wind can’t be caught. “】

[Seeing the chains of the evil spirit knight passing through his body, the wind demon laughed proudly. 】

[Who knew that the Evil Spirit Knight didn’t say a word, and directly transmitted the hellfire to the chain! ] 】

[“Pon! “】

[With a wave of his right hand, the chains burning with hellfire continued to wave in the air, throwing out circles one after another! ] 】

[As the flame chains spin faster and faster in the air.] A whirlwind of flames took shape instantly! 】

[“Don’t!!! “】

[Swept in by a terrifying whirlwind of flames, the body of the wind demon was instantly ignited by the flames, and it was quickly burned to ashes, and there was not even a single residue left. ] 】

[After destroying the wind demon, the Evil Spirit Knight rode directly and rushed down from the outside of the building. ] 】

[After falling to the ground, the police inspectors were frightened by the terrifying appearance of the flame skeleton, and involuntarily shot at the same time! ] 】

[But their bullets hit the Evil Spirit Knight, but they had no effect.] 】

[The unharmed Evil Spirit Knight rode directly onto the locomotive and rushed away from the police car. ] 】

Seeing this, there are also people bubbling in the chat group.

Bruce Wayne: Johnny Blazer, are you really absolutely not going to die?

Ghost Rider: Huh… I don’t know.

Ghost Rider: But until now, as long as I become an Evil Spirit Knight, no matter how much damage I take, I can recover with Hellfire!

Stephen Strange: This flame can not only hurt enemies, but also heal the body? It’s incredible, even magic isn’t so magical!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallowers: Humph! This is nothing, compared to what hellfire, the cosmic energy is actually much more powerful!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallowers: Of my father’s four messengers, the most powerful… Even enough to destroy a galaxy!

Carol Danvers: Destroying the galaxy???

Starlight: This… This wouldn’t be Infinity, would it?

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: How about Ultron? (⊙o⊙)

Ghost Rider: Cosmic Energy?

Seeing Swallow Mei’s speech, Johnny also fell into deep thought for a while.

Although he has never stopped thinking of taking revenge on Mephisto, Johnny also knows in his heart that it is almost impossible for him to beat this king of hell!

If…… If you can’t take revenge by the power of the spirit of vengeance alone.

Do you want to consider other helps?

Just as Johnny was lost in thought, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Under the guidance of the old man guarding the tomb, Johnny Blazer hurriedly went home to protect his girlfriend Rosanne. ] 】

[But the Black Heart Demon was the first to strike, and had already rushed over and killed Johnny’s partner. ] 】

[The Evil Spirit Knight arrived in a hurry and fought with the Black Heart Demon. ] 】

[However, he never expected that his invincible and unfavorable Eye of Judgment would have no effect on the Black Heart Demon! ] 】

[“Hahahaha, your trick is useless to me, I don’t have a soul for you to burn. “】

[After the Eye of Judgment was invalid, the Black Heart Demon directly pinched the Evil Spirit Knight’s neck and slammed him to the ground, unexpectedly beating the Evil Spirit Knight back to the human prototype. ] 】

[In the face of Johnny Blazer, who has no power to resist, the black-hearted demon proudly gave him an order:]

“From now on, you will no longer serve my father, your master is me. “】

“Just bring me the contract of St. Van Gonza so that I may spare your girlfriend’s life!”] “】

[In desperation, Johnny Blazer had to go back to the old man of the tomb and ask him for the contract of St. Van Gonza.] 】

[Knowing that Johnny wanted to contract to save people, the old man did not hesitate to smash the shovel on the tree that he never left his hand. ] 】

[It turns out that the contract has always been hidden in the wooden handle of the shovel.] 】

[The old man not only gave the contract to Johnny, but also decided to personally lead Johnny to the village of San Van Gonza. 】

[I saw that the old man whistled, and a horse came galloping.] 】

[The old man guarding the tomb stepped on his war horse, a flash of fire flashed, and he actually transformed into an evil spirit knight. ] 】

[Seeing this scene, Johnny Blazer immediately understood. 】

[It turns out that this old man went to the village of San Van Gonza for Mephisto 150 years ago to collect the deeds… Katy Shiray! 】

[The previous Ghost Knight! 】

[Immediately afterwards, Shi Lei’s hellfire expanded outward, turning the horse under him into a demonized mount… Skeleton warhorse! 】

[Two evil spirit knights in the wilderness, rushing to the ruins of the village of San Van Gonza, leaving two flame tracks along the way! ] 】

And seeing this, Swallow Mei shouted in the chat group again.

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: So handsome! The Evil Spirit Knight is really handsome.

Looking at the skeleton knight on the screen, little stars were about to appear in Swallowing Sister’s eyes.

She chose to stay on Earth because she liked the changing culture.

And now it seems that the kind of skeleton knight who is full of fire can also be regarded as one of the cultures of the earth.

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: Ghost Rider! So be it! Do you have any wishes that you want to fulfill? I can help you.

Ghost Rider: Help me? How can you help?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Devourer: I can share my cosmic energy with you, and then you can become my messenger!

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: Just like the four Star Swallowing Emissaries under my father! And you are my number one messenger! ^_^

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: As long as you have cosmic energy, a small character like the Black Heart Demon, you can crush it to pieces in minutes!

Ghost Rider: Huh? (⊙_⊙)

At this moment, the Evil Spirit Knight was also blinded.

What does this little girl want to do?

Ghost Rider: You… Do you want me in the universe to help you find a planet to devour?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: What nonsense are you talking about? I don’t eat that kind of thing.

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Hmm… But what you said also makes sense, I can’t give you cosmic energy for nothing.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: In this way, after becoming my messenger, your responsibility is to find for me those aliens who can become my food.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Come on, be my messenger!

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: Become a Cosmic Ghost Knight! Bearing the name of the Daughter of the Planet Devourer, run through the universe at will!

Ghost Knight: This…

Faced with Swallowing Sister’s enthusiastic invitation, the Evil Spirit Knight’s heart was also shaken for a while.

Judging from the video, he can’t even beat one of Mephisto’s sons.

If this continues, how can he take revenge on this king of hell?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[The old knight sent the Ghost Knight outside the village and gave him a shotgun when he left.] 】

[The Evil Spirit Knight continued to move forward, but encountered a sneak attack from the water demon halfway and was pulled into the river. ] 】

[But the water demon never dreamed that the hellfire of the evil spirit knight… It can burn in water! 】

[The water demon who was holding back was burned to death by the evil spirit knight under the water! ] 】

[After entering the village, the Evil Spirit Knight and the Black Heart Demon start the second round of battle.

[But this time, he still couldn’t beat the other party, and was beaten back to human form by the Black Heart Demon. ] 】

[Taking the Saint Van Gonza contract from the Evil Spirit Knight, the Black Heart Demon opened the contract and read it aloud:]

“O all souls! Heed my call! “】


[Soon, there was a terrifying demon roar in the town! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, the doors and windows opened one after another, and countless hideous and terrifying grievances turned into black smoke and rushed out of the house! ] 】

[They were the original inhabitants of the village of San Van Gonza, but under the demagoguery of Mephisto, they have all now fallen into grievances. 】

[Now, they followed the ancient contract and poured into the body of the Black Heart Demon one by one! ] 】

[These evil and fallen souls can greatly increase the strength of the Black Heart Demon! ] 】


[After all the fallen souls were absorbed into the body by the Black Heart Demon, I saw that his eyes turned blood-red, his mouth was covered with fangs, and his body released a terrifying dark aura! ] Roar out loud :]

[“My name is a large flock, because we are numerous! “】

“A new hell will be born here!”] “】

[In the face of the more terrifying black-hearted devil, Johnny Blazer, who has turned into a human form, raised the shotgun in his hand to bombard continuously, but to no avail. ] 】

[Finally, Johnny moved and injected the remaining hellfire in his body into the shotgun, turning the entire gun into a demonized weapon! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[A Hellfire scatterball shot out, slamming the body of the Black Heart Demon into countless fragments! ] 】

[But with the help of countless evil spirits in his body, the Black Heart Demon condensed his body again. ] 】

[Seeing a large number of evil spirits fused and transformed into the body of the witch heart demon, Johnny Blazer’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately thought of a way to defeat this monster. ] 】

[Transforming into an evil spirit rider again, Johnny rushed forward to grab the Black Heart Demon and pull her body closer to his eyes. 】

[“With the power of so many evil spirits, their souls! How does it feel? “】

“Right now, there are thousands of evil spirits waiting to burn in your body!”] “】

[“Look into my eyes! “】

[Looking at the skull burning with flames in front of him, the face of the Black Heart Demon showed fear for the first time. 】

[He really couldn’t have imagined that absorbing the power of thousands of grievances in the contract of Saint Van Gonza would actually allow himself to have such a fatal weakness out of thin air. 】

[“No… Don’t! “】

[“Your soul … has been eroded by innocent victims! “】

“Now, feel their pain! “】

[With the hoarse voice of the Evil Spirit Knight, countless souls in the body of the Black Heart Demon seemed to be swept into the empty pupils of the flame skeleton! ] 】

[At this moment, the black-hearted demon seemed to see countless unjust souls rushing towards him, these are all humans who died at his hands! ] 】

[Originally without a soul, he is immune to the Eye of Judgment of the Evil Spirit Knight. 】

[But now there are thousands of evil grievances in the body, and the pain of soul burning that the black heart demon must endure is also magnified thousands of times! ] 】


[With a terrifying howl, the pupils of the Black Heart Demon turned into the shape of lava, and the powerful body lay on the ground, which had turned into a walking corpse! ] 】

[Son of Mephisto, Black Heart Demon… Die! 】

PS: Iron Man plus symbiote, maybe can be upgraded to the ultimate Iron Man… (* ̄) ̄*)

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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