[Next, Sherlock explains how he reasoned out the situation of Watson’s family. 】

[After listening, Watson expressed great admiration, thinking that Sherlock basically guessed that this man is indeed a great detective. 】

[In the face of Watson’s appreciation, Sherlock also expressed some surprise, because the people he met before would directly tell him to go as long as they listened to his reasoning…]

[After arriving at the crime scene, all the detectives hated Sherlock, and some people made it difficult for him. 】

[But Sherlock still used his observation to determine that a police detective was having an affair with a female colleague, and took the opportunity to obtain information from the other party. 】

[Arriving at the scene of the crime, after examining the body, Sherlock determined that the female victim had come to see her lover. 】

[Also, she may have left a suitcase, but it’s missing now.] 】

[Since someone took the box, it means that in addition to the deceased, there are people at the scene! ] 】

[“They repeat themselves, they themselves choose to swallow the poison, but this is murder, this is serial murder! “】

[The more he said it, the more excited he became, Sherlock simply rushed out of the scene alone, leaving the confused Watson in place. ] 】

[Facing Watson, a black female police detective, said bluntly to him:]

[“No one paid Sherlock Holmes a penny, he came to the murder scene because he liked bizarre murders! “】

[Finally, the female detective even claimed that one day when Sherlock is really bored, maybe he will commit crimes and murder himself! ] 】

[Watson came home lonely on crutches, standing on the road, he suddenly noticed a strange thing. 】

[Whenever he passes by a phone booth, the phone inside will ring.] 】

[Finally, Watson finally couldn’t hold back his curiosity, walked into the phone booth, and picked up the phone. 】

[The voice of a mysterious man came from the phone, who turned out to be using a street camera to observe Watson’s movements all the way.] 】

[Soon a car drove up, Watson boarded the car, and finally met the mysterious man.] 】

[The middle-aged gentleman in a suit claims to be Sherlock’s number one enemy and is willing to pay Watson to go undercover next to Sherlock.] 】

[Watson flatly refused. 】

[After returning home, Watson receives a text message from Sherlock, fearing that he will take a gun and go to Baker Street. 】

[Who knew Sherlock didn’t have anything. 】

[And after learning about the mysterious man, Sherlock even claimed that Peanut should take the money, and then the two could divide it equally, so angry that Peanut was speechless. ] 】

[It turned out that Sherlock had long since found the suitcase of the deceased abandoned by the murderer in the alley outside through his own reasoning. ] 】

[It’s just that Sherlock didn’t find the deceased’s mobile phone in the suitcase, it seems that it was taken by the murderer. 】

[He specifically called Watson over, in fact, he just wanted to borrow his mobile phone to text the murderer! ] 】

[Sure enough, after Watson sent the short message, the mobile phone immediately rang. 】

[It was the murderer who sent an address! ] 】

[Sherlock leads Watson to a restaurant where he can monitor the location provided by the murderer.] 】

[But the two sat down in the restaurant, and the boss immediately greeted them warmly.] 】

[It turned out that Sherlock had cleared the boss of murder three years ago. 】

[This boss not only helped Sherlock avoid the bill, but even intimately put candles for the two. ] 】

“This makes the atmosphere a little more romantic. “】

[Peanut listened with a black line.] 】

[He really can’t understand why no matter where he goes, others think that Sherlock and Sherlock are a couple?] 】

[While eating the couple’s set, Peanut finally couldn’t help it and asked Sherlock if he had a girlfriend. 】

[Sherlock says no, and Watson continues to ask:]

“So do you have a boyfriend?”] It’s okay, I don’t mind. “】

“Nope. Sherlock said. 】

[Watching Watson even lick his mouth when he spoke, Sherlock quickly explained:]

“Peanuts, if you really… Ah, then I’m flattered. “】

[“But you have to know that I’m actually married to work…”

[At this moment, a taxi stopped at the location notified by the murderer. 】

[Seeing this, the two immediately chased after him, and in a hurry, Watson didn’t even realize that he wasn’t holding crutches at all.] 】

[Sherlock took a short cut to catch up with the taxi, but the passengers in the car were confused, apparently not the murderer. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“This… What are these two people all about? ”

The muscles on Peter’s face twitched, and for a moment he only felt that his scalp was numb.

Standing aside, Black Widow said calmly:

“Judging by the situation, these two people should have misunderstood each other, thinking that the other party is… gay。 ”


Little Wanda was on the side, but he was refreshed and laughed happily.

“Well, that’s the smell, but this Strange looks a lot younger!” It’s kind of like a match between young and old. ”


Tony’s eyes were shaking as he listened, but he didn’t know what to say for a moment.

But at this moment, he glanced at the screen, and his mind suddenly flashed.

“Taxi driver, I seem to have seen this scene somewhere.”

“That’s right!”

Tony clapped his hands and suddenly shouted with some excitement:

“Research on blood words!”

“This case is a bloody study.”


Hearing his reminder, Bruce Wayne’s eyes also lit up.

Sherlock Holmes Detective Collection… Young Master Wayne finished it when he was in elementary school!

“So that’s it, that’s easy to explain.”

Bruce Wayne nodded slightly:

“Times have changed, and the coachman has also become a taxi driver?”

“No wonder they couldn’t find the murderer!”

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Although the murderer was not caught in a hurry, Sherlock Watson was excited about the chase just now. 】

[When the restaurant owner brought the crutches, Watson reacted, and his mental illness seemed to have been cured. 】

When the two returned to their home on Baker Street, they found that the police had arrived and made an excuse to give Sherlock a dismount. 】

After showing the majesty of the police, Sheriff Lestrade finally told Sherlock that they had found the “Rachel” in the deceased’s death message. 】

[It turns out that Rachel is the daughter of the female deceased who miscarried 14 years ago. 】

[After thinking about it again, Sherlock finally figured it out.] 】

[It turns out that the mobile phone in the murderer’s hand was deliberately left to him by the deceased, as long as the police follow this clue, the murderer can be found! ] 】

[Sherlock logged on to the Internet and logged into the location system of the deceased’s mobile phone through his email, and “Rachel” was the login password. 】

[But no one expected that the row positioning system showed that the murderer was now in Sherlock’s house, and only then did Sherlock notice… The taxi driver who followed the landlady up. 】

[Only then did Sherlock suddenly realize. 】

[A person who can make anyone not suspicious of this, a person who can go anywhere he wants, doesn’t a taxi driver meet all of the above conditions?] 】

[After thoroughly figuring it out, Sherlock did not notify the police, but pretended to go out to breathe and decided to face the murderer alone. 】

[Confronting Sherlock, the taxi murderer confessed that as long as he chose to call the police, he would stand here waiting to be arrested.] 】


“I didn’t kill those four people. “】

[The taxi murderer said with a smile:]

“I just said a word to them, and they automatically took the poison. “】

“If you call the police, I will never tell you… What the hell did I say. “】

In order to completely clarify the doubts in his heart, Sherlock finally chose to get into a taxi. 】

[At this time, Peanut upstairs saw Sherlock get in a taxi and left, and suddenly became puzzled, and quickly went online and began to relocate the coordinates of the murderer. ] 】

[The taxi driver takes Sherlock to a remote school and coerces him with a gun to sit down and play games with himself. 】

[I want to go back first, the driver put two bottles of medicine in front of Sherlock, one of which is poisonous and the other is non-toxic. ] 】

[The driver asked Sherlock to choose first, and the rest of the bottle would be his own.] 】

[Then Sherlock first stated his reasoning for the driver and judged that the other party may have suffered from an incurable disease. 】

[The driver said frankly that he had indeed been diagnosed with an aneurysm and did not live long ago. ] 】

[At this time, someone proposed to let the driver carry out the “plan” for him in exchange for payment.] 】

“You are not the only one in this world to appreciate wonderful murders. “】

[The driver said with a smile:]

“But you’re just alone, and the other party is much more than that. “】

[Faced with the driver’s threat, Sherlock did not hesitate to claim that he would rather choose a gun. 】

[But after the driver pulled the trigger, all that came out of the muzzle was the flame of the lighter.] 】

“I can tell at a glance that the gun is real or fake. “】

[Seeing that the toy gun could not scare Sherlock, the driver began to challenge the opponent’s self-esteem again, claiming that he would definitely win the game of gambling his life. 】

[Watson finally finds the school through location, but he finds himself in the building opposite Sherlock.] 】

[Seeing that Sherlock was holding a poison in his hand and about to be sent into his mouth, Peanut was in a hurry, quickly raised his gun, and knocked out the taxi murderer with one shot! ] 】

[Facing the driver who was injured and fell to the ground, Sherlock was furious, and after some forced questioning, he finally got the name of the mastermind behind the scenes. 】

[“Moriarty! “】

[After the murderer is finally caught, Sherlock is ready to take Watson to dinner. 】

[At this time, the mysterious man who had wanted to buy Watson to be an undercover agent suddenly appeared. 】

[It turns out that he is Sherlock’s brother and seems to work for some spy agency.] 】

[Sherlock and his brother did not have a good relationship, and the two broke up after a few words. 】

[Watching these two people leave, the brother directly ordered to increase the surveillance level of Sherlock Holmes and Watson at the same time, and it seemed that he was very uneasy with them. 】

[Immediately after, the screen went dark.] 】

[End of Sherlock 1.] 】

Seeing the screen go dark, little Wanda tilted his head and asked with some doubt:

“It’s kind of strange, what kind of means did that driver use… Let those people all eat the poison, and he himself retreats all over? ”

“Is it just because he’s lucky?”

Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice:

“Maybe this man is a master of psychology and is good at predicting the psychology of others, so he can set traps in advance and let the other party take poison, but he takes non-toxic medicine.”

Tony shrugged lightly at this moment, and said nonchalantly:

“You’re thinking too complicated, and maybe the easiest answer is… He first used his status as a taxi driver to drive the victims to a remote place.

“And then use a gun to force them to take one of the two pills and trick them … Only one of the medicines is poisonous. ”

Peter understood as soon as he listened to it.

“But in fact, both pills are poisonous! As long as those victims eat it, it’s over. ”

Hearing this, little Wanda pouted a little boredly:

“What’s the matter? I thought what a powerful high-intelligence criminal, it turned out to be just a guy who could only coerce others with a gun. ”

“You can’t say that.”

Black Widow broke the silence and said calmly:

“It’s not easy to use the identity of a taxi driver to carry out this serial murder and kill four people in a row without being caught by the police.”

“And it seems… This driver’s murder plan was planned for him by the man named Moriarty. ”

“Professor Moriarty?”

Tony sneered softly:

“Even from the 19th century to the 21st century, this old enemy of Sherlock Holmes has not changed.”

At this time, unexpectedly, Clark Kent suddenly spoke.

“I remember that the study of blood color should be a story of revenge, but in this universe he became a taxi driver, seduced by Professor Moriarty, and went outside to kill people in a serial murder case.”

Clark’s face showed a hint of regret again:

“It became like this, it felt… It’s a bit of a pity. ”


Looking at the regretful look on this Kryptonian’s face, the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room became a little strange.

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[“Resident Evil 2” will be played soon]

[Soon, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[After this series of passing pictures, a woman’s face appeared in front of everyone. 】

“My name is Alice and I work for Umbrella, the largest and most influential company in the world. “】

“I’m the head of security at a secret high-tech research center known as the ‘Hive.'” “】

“The main task of this large underground laboratory is to develop virus weapons. “】

“But then there was an accident, the virus leaked, and everybody died. “】

“The most terrifying thing is that those people are not just dead, they are transformed into zombies by the T-virus! “】

“I and another guy escaped from the hive by chance. “】

“His name is Matt. “】

“As soon as we reached the ground, we were caught by the people of Umbrella Corporation. “】

[“Matt seems to have been infected by the T virus…”]

“And when I woke up, I found … The entire city has been overrun by zombies. “】

“We are in the midst of a Resident Evil. “】

Seeing this, the gazes of Tonis Dak and the others suddenly changed.

Zombie Crisis!

And this turned out to be happening on Earth in another parallel universe!

PS: Strive to write about runaway players today, and the next live broadcast will start with “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”! ^_^

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