[Image continues.] 】

[That weird narration voice sounded again.] 】

“In the unknown institution, the manager opened the filing cabinet with a horrified look and turned the contents all over the place. “】

“He wanted to find that document, the document that recorded the “Meat Ball Apartment”! “】

[He wanted to know how many “abnormal items” were recorded in this document in addition to the “meat ball apartment”! ] “】

Soon, he found the document labeled “Confidential Report on Unusual Items.” “】

However, when the manager opened the file, he didn’t see anything related to the “meat ball apartment.” “】

[“In fact, on page 1 of this document… What is recorded is a “biochemical motherboard”. “】

“According to the description on the document, this biochemical motherboard is composed of items such as chitin and hair, and is placed on a black stone slab, which is closely connected to the stone slab. “】

“If the nearby temperature remains warm, the biochemical board will remain unchanged without any changes. “】

“However, once the temperature drops below 35 degrees Celsius, the biochemical board will start to grow, swallowing everything around it and merging with itself!” “】

“Wait a minute, this is not the document I saw. “】

After reading the story about the biochemical motherboard, the manager shook his head in disappointment, casually threw the file in his hand aside, and began to continue searching the filing cabinet. “】

But it wasn’t long before the manager received a call from another expatriate agent. “】

This time, the agent told him incredible news. “】

“They found a piece … Computer motherboards made of organic materials! “】

“This motherboard is placed on a black stone slab, and the two are closely connected and seem inseparable. “】

“This… That’s impossible!!! “】

The manager’s eyes widened, and for a moment he could hardly believe his ears. “】

“Like broken machinery, managers slowly turn their heads. “】

I saw the document “Confidential Report on Unusual Items” lying on his desk. “】

At this moment, he only felt that his cognition and world view began to be confused. “】

[“What the hell is going on? “】

“Are you dreaming?” “】

Although already a little dizzy, the manager instinctively gave his own orders to the agents sent out over the phone. “】

“Put that motherboard in a warm place and bring it back to base. “】

“Remember, under no circumstances should the temperature of the motherboard drop below 35 degrees. “】

“From the present point of view, the information recorded in the Confidential Report of Anomalies … It’s all real! “】

[In other words, if this motherboard is cooled down, a terrible tragedy may occur! “】

“Managers don’t want to have a second tragedy like the “Meat Ball Apartment”. “】

[“This contained motherboard will later be named SCP-003!”] “】

[“The administrators at this time do not know how dangerous SCP-003 is… Even far surpasses the previously discovered SCP-002: “Meat Ball Apartment”! “】

“Many years after the SCP Foundation was officially established, they tested SCP003 several times. “】

“The end result is quite shocking. “】

“First of all, this biochemical motherboard and the black stone slab connected to it are actually two completely different things. “】

The Foundation named them SCP-003-01 and SCP-003-02, respectively. “】

“According to the foundation’s research, this motherboard has been around for at least thousands of years. “】

“And, most importantly…” it “is alive.” “】

“Yes, in Foundation tests, SCP-003-01 showed a low level of external perception. “】

[In other words, this stone slab can react to external things! “】

“However, as long as the temperature is kept above 35 degrees Celsius, the biochemical motherboard will be in some kind of dormant state. “】

The black stone slab connected to it was engraved with many strange runes. “】

“These runes do not match the letters or characters of any known language, and the Foundation is completely unable to recognize the meaning of the runes. “】

“And strangely, every once in a while, the runes on the black stone slab emit a flickering white light. “】

It’s as if “it” is sending a signal to someone. “】

“After countless tests by the Foundation, they can finally be sure of… Inside this black slate, there is an extremely sophisticated computer. “】

“Unlike SCP-003-01, which is composed of chitin, the computer inside the black slate contains no organic matter at all and is a purely electronic computer. “】

But the foundation is completely uncertain what the energy source of this “internal computer” is? “】

After many experiments, the researchers came up with a hypothesis. “】

[“This black slate… It is likely that it was used to balance and even “seal” that “biochemical motherboard”! “】

“One of the reasons is that in the experiment, Foundation researchers have successfully extracted some data from computers in the slate. “】

[These data contain some kind of account of the “apocalyptic disaster”. “】

“This may refer to the end times that have happened in the past, or it may be… It is a warning of the “end of the future”! “】

“Moreover, no matter which one, the coming of the end is inseparable from SCP-003-01, the biochemical motherboard. “】

“After successfully hosting SCP-003, the Foundation also did some lethal experiments. “】

“One of the most dangerous is to bring the temperature of the containment chamber below 35 degrees Celsius. “】

[And just after the temperature drop broke through the critical point, the “biochemical motherboard” began to vibrate, and expanded… Swell up! “】

【Immediately afterwards, “SCP-003-01” began to release a strong gravitational force, absorbing all nearby substances into the motherboard! “】

“First, it absorbs all kinds of particles from the atmosphere, and then any kind of inorganic matter. “】

“SCP-003-01” will convert these substances into … Something “the same” as the organisms that make up the presence of its motherboard. “】

“That is, converting metal, plastic, into hair and chitin. “】

“And that’s just the beginning. “】

[“When enough substances are absorbed, “SCP-003-01” will give birth to a large number of tentacles like snakes! “】

[At this time, its form will become like a starfish:]

【”Five tentacles grow from the main board located in the center and stretch out in all directions! “】

“But the strange thing is that no matter how much substance “SCP-003-01” absorbs, it can never deal with the black stone slab attached to the body… Make any impact. “】

“The biochemical motherboard can neither absorb this slate nor transform it. “】

This slate seems to be completely immune to “SCP-003-01.” “】

After evolving to this form, “SCP-003-01” can obtain a certain sensory organ. “】

“It” will search the nearby area to absorb more organic material, that is, living matter. “】

In other words, “it” is looking for someone. “】

“Once a living human being is absorbed by it, it will disappear completely, and the volume of “SCP-003-01” will be greatly increased. “】

[However, “SCP-003-01″… This value-added behavior of the biochemical motherboard will also be prevented. “】

“And what stopped it was the black slate. “】

【“scp-003-02。 “】

In fact, when the foundation personnel discovered this fact, they were also extremely shocked. “】

[“The two components of SCP-003 are actually checks and balances against each other, and even against each other! “】

[“As the biochemical motherboard continues to add value and grow, the black stone slab attached to it … It will release high temperature, and a lot of radiation. “】

This radiation will reverse the process of “absorption” and “growth” of the biochemical motherboard. “】

“Moreover, when the temperature of the biochemical motherboard exceeds 100 degrees Celsius, the radiation of the black slate … It can also force “it” to become smaller and return to the original volume of the “motherboard”. “】

[“That is, two objects named SCP-003 …”

“One, will frantically absorb substances and grow at low temperatures. “】

“The other releases radiation, terminating and reversing the process.” “】

“It’s as if this slate was specially made by someone… Restrained biochemical motherboards! “】

After learning all this information from the researchers, the foundation placed the biochemical board in a warm containment environment to inhibit its strange ability to absorb and grow. “】

“The temperature in the containment room responsible for containing SCP003 will always remain above 35 degrees Celsius. “】

“And generally no living form is allowed to have direct contact with this biochemical motherboard.” “】

【”If the power outage occurs due to some extreme circumstances, causing the heating device in the SCP-003 containment room to stop operating, the Foundation has also prepared an emergency plan in advance. “】

“In this case, the Foundation will order the D-level personnel to take off their clothes, hold the biochemical motherboard tightly with their bodies, and use body temperature to ensure its temperature. “】

“Human body temperature is generally around 37 degrees Celsius, theoretically… It can ensure that the temperature of the biochemical motherboard will not drop below 35 degrees Celsius. “】

“But if there is an accident, such as a cold winter, then these D-class personnel will become the first batch of unlucky eggs to be absorbed by the biochemical motherboard. “】

And seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Hermione Granger: This! What is this foundation doing?

Hermione Granger: Actually taking a living person… To warm such a dangerous motherboard? Are they all crazy?

Lori Jinx: Little girl calm down, for the SCP Foundation, this is all basic.

Lori Jinx: Besides, it’s just some D-class personnel, dead and dead, and no one misses them anyway.

Hermione Granger: ……… Ha? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Nick Fury: What I care more about than this is that black slate… What exactly is man-made?

Tony Stark: At least thousands of years old, it must be the product of some kind of ancient civilization.

Tony Stark: Maybe in ancient times, that biochemical motherboard caused a terrible disaster! So…… The ancient civilization specially developed this stone slab to restrain it!

Wanda Maximov: Anyone can guess that.

Wanda Maksimov: In contrast, I want to know what it will look like if you let that motherboard grow freely? o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Wolverine: Little girl, your interest is so strange.

Peter Parker (Spider Universe 1): Probably, the entire earth will be swallowed by this motherboard!

Bruce Wayne: I think… The complete body of this motherboard may be a person!

Wanda Maksimov: ??? What did you say? (O_O)

Morty: People? What is possible, a motherboard … How can it become human?

Bruce Wayne: I remember very well that one of the materials that make up this biochemical motherboard is hair.

Bruce Wayne: There are not many creatures with hair in the world, the most common is people!

Bruce Wayne: I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Wanda Maksimov: Whahahaha! If it’s really human, it’s so interesting. (*^▽^*)

Wanda Maksimov: I really want to see what this motherboard becomes… What kind of person exactly, if it is a beauty, then even better. ^_^

Tony Stark: Wanda, when did you become so weird? (⊙_⊙)

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[That weird narration voice also sounded again.] 】

[“Although, the Foundation recognizes the dangers of SCP003”]

However, as time went by, some crazy scientists who wanted to die appeared within the foundation. “】

[“Out of curiosity… Or pure madness, they want to know, if the value-added of the biochemical motherboard is not stopped by that stone slab, what kind of evolution will occur after changing into the “starfish form”? “】

“And these experiments of theirs eventually led to terrible disasters.” “】

“In the aftermath of the disaster, the Foundation believes that once this slate grows uncontrollably, the Earth could face a ‘Lk-level scenario.'” “】

[That is…”The end of the world when the human species transforms”! “】

“In this doomsday scenario, all of humanity … will be transformed into some new weird form! “】

“But this is already some kind of afterthought. “】

[In the first attempt of those mad scientists, the temperature of the containment room was lowered, the “biochemical motherboard” began to grow, and the black stone slab also released a strong radiation shockwave! “】

Under the influence of this radiation, all the “new materials” absorbed by the motherboard are all decomposed and turned into countless dust. “】

However, this “radiation explosion” seems to have consumed a lot of energy from the black stone slab. “】

In the second experiment that followed, Foundation researchers again lowered the temperature of SCP-003’s containment chamber. “】

“The fossil plate has grown wildly again. “】

[“This time, although the black stone slab that was greatly damaged by vitality still released a radiation burst, it was no longer enough to stop the increase in the value of the stone slab! “】

【”When the volume of “SCP-003-01” expands… After swelling to 4 times the “normal version”, something incredible happened. “】

【”This motherboard has transformed into an unprecedented form! And start crazy attempts to break through the containment! “】

[“Bang! “】

[“The monster incarnated by the biochemical motherboard broke through the containment room and broke into the research room where the researchers were! “】

[“Aaaa “】

【”Don’t come over! “】

Although the dead researchers desperately wanted to escape, the “biochemical motherboard” still caught them with its tentacles and absorbed all these researchers into the body. “】

[“By absorbing these humans, SCP-003 eventually became… A female humanoid creature three meters tall. “】

And those tentacles on her body are also connected to the newly grown hair. “】

[“This creature that has been sleeping for an unknown number of years has finally been completely resurrected under the death of the SCP Foundation personnel! “】

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