In space.

“Me! I turned into a zombie! ”

Looking at the “Captain Zombie Marvel” on the screen who was bleeding and his face was like dead ash, but he was still standing and talking, the blood on Carol Danvers’ face disappeared instantly, and even his muscles twitched slightly.

Just now, she thought that this time, the image… Show your own mighty power to fight zombies!

Who would have thought that it would be her first to become a zombie!

If next… This zombie marvel captain went to bite the other heroes and spread the zombie virus, then she… Isn’t that the culprit?

Thinking of this, Carol Danfoss only felt that his mouth was full of bitter water, and he almost did not dare to look at it for a while.

At the same time, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[“Carol! Odin is on top, maybe we can save her. “】

[Seeing Captain Marvel who is not a person or a ghost in front of him, Thor feels that he can still save it. ] 】

[But Wolverine said categorically:]

“This guy is not Carol at all, Carol is long dead, and she was already dead when “she” called us over! “】

[“Here… It was a trap from the start! “】

[And the American team also made a quick decision, and immediately ordered the “secret guest” in the X-Men to immediately open the portal and transfer the superheroes present to Iron Man. ] 】

[“Secret Guest” is the younger sister of Steel Lux, a kung fu magic and martial arts double cultivator, and the mutant’s natural ability is teleportation! ] 】

[And facing the zombie Captain Marvel in front of him, Wolverine showed Edman’s alloy claws and said coldly:]

[“Bold monster! I smelled… Just know what you are! “】

“You’re wrong! “】

[Captain Zombie Marvel’s eyes were blood-red, and he rushed up while roaring. ] 】

【”We are a brand new breed! It’s not the same as those weak people you’ve met before! “】

[“Kill! “】

[Just as Wolverine was preparing to fight, a secret guest armed with a soul blade rushed out from behind him, and slashed Captain Marvel to the ground with one sword! ] 】

[“Hmph! “】

[The blonde secret visitor “Iliana”, looking at the zombie Carol who was lying on the ground and never moved again, just snorted softly and coldly:]

[“The legendary Captain Marvel… Is there only such a skill? “】

[What is it really about, as soon as the secret guest’s words fell, from the top of her head, a large number of vines suddenly appeared, which instantly restrained her! ] 】

“We are … Groot! “】

[It turns out that the hidden place made a sneak attack… It is actually Groot, the tree man who turned into a zombie! 】

[In addition to Captain Marvel, even the Guardians of the Galaxy have been zombified! ] 】


[At this moment, from inside the body of the Planet Devourer… Suddenly, countless zombies poured out, surrounding Wolverine, Team America and others! 】

[I saw that among these zombies, there were Skrulls, Kree, and people from the Hia Empire. There are even Thanos’ daughters… Gamora! 】

[Meanwhile, on Iron Man’s side, Reed Richards also sensed something was wrong after a period of exploration. 】

[The corpse of the star swallowing has been transformed into a lair by “what person”! ] 】

[Iron Man also found that the energy inside the Swallowing Star was being centrally transported to a certain “convergence point” in front of him. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Thunderbolt Fire Johnny raised his hand and smashed the obstacle in front of the convergence point with high-intensity flames! ] 】

[Everyone walked into the big hole in front of them and saw that deep inside, countless blood vessels converged to form a terrifying pool of blood. 】

[This blood pool not only looks terrifying, but also emits a rancid smell like a corpse, which makes people sick. 】


[The invisible woman Susan Stone is a woman after all, looking at the disgusting scene in front of her, her face suddenly changed slightly, and she muttered in a low voice:]

“You don’t think… There’s something in this pool, right? “】

[As soon as Susan’s words fell, a person actually appeared from the pool of blood! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The Fantastic Four recognized at a glance that this person was the silver glider of one of the Star Devouring Messengers! ] 】

[“Glider! What’s wrong with you? “】

[Just when the Fantastic Four and the others were stunned, the silver skin on the silver glider seemed to melt and kept falling off! ] The decaying and festering flesh inside was revealed! 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[After the silver glider appeared, he just shouted, and rushed straight out, biting Thunderfire Johnny fiercely! ] 】

[At the same time, countless zombies also rushed out from all around, quickly drowning Iron Man and the others! ] 】

[“Abominable! Where did this monster come from? “】

[Just when everyone was caught in a melee, Johnny the thunderbolt who was bitten by the Silver Glider… Suddenly, he stood up again. 】

[But at this time, he is also bleeding, and he looks exactly the same as the rest of the zombies! ] 】

[In such a short time, Thunderfire has already been zombified! ] 】

[“Susan… Come here! Join us…”]

[Looking at the younger brother whose appearance has changed drastically in front of him, the invisible woman Susan was shocked, and the whole person was stunned. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[In the next moment, a huge fist slammed into Thunderfire’s head! ] 】

[It’s a stone man! ] 】

[He has judged… Thunderfire is not saved, so simply strike first! 】

[“Reid! The children need their mother, you and Susan hurry away! “】

[Seeing a large number of walking dead swooping over, the stone man rushed out and blocked these monsters with his body. ] 】

[Seeing this, Reed Richards was extremely painful, but he could only pull Susan to run outside. 】

[“Bang! “】

[But in the next moment, Reid’s body actually hit an invisible barrier! ] 】

[This is the invisible force field of the invisible female Susan! ] 】

[“Susan! How do you…”

[Reed Richards, who was hit dizzy, looked back and saw his wife standing in place, covered in blood, and chanting words in her mouth:]

“Reid, you have to go and see what’s hidden in the darkness, and now… Did you see that? “】

[Susan raised her head sharply! ] I saw that blood also flowed from his seven tips, and his face was even more hideous:]

“Take a good look, Reid! Come and take a look! “】

[Looking at his wife, who opened her mouth and threw herself at her, Reid only had time to let out a scream! ] 】

[“Susan!!! “】

[At this moment, the superheroes who were divided into two ways were all surrounded by the tide of corpses, and the situation was extremely critical! ] 】

[“Secret Guest! Damn, she also turned into a zombie. “】

[“Captain, what should I do about this? “】

[In the overwhelming tide of corpses, I see more and more companions being bitten by zombies, and then transformed into walking dead! ] Captain America finally made a decision! 】

[“Thor! Hurry back to the spaceship, and then tell Rhode to fire immediately and blow up this star-swallowing corpse! “】

[Thor, the god of thunder, was furious when he heard it:]

[“Captain! What did you take me for? Deserters? “】

[“I see you as the guardian of the atrium! “】

[The captain has been caught by a large number of zombies at this moment, it is difficult to break free, and he can only shout with his last strength:]

[“Thor! Let’s go! “】


[Seeing that the captain was completely overwhelmed by the tide of corpses, Thor turned his head in silence, swung the Thor hammer in his hand, smashed all the walking dead in front of him, and rushed out of a bloody road! ] 】

[But just when Thor was about to rush out of the Planet Devourer’s big mouth, another zombie stood in front of him. ] 】

[That’s alien… The number one powerhouse of the Sia Empire…”Sword Fighting”! 】


[After a while.] 】

[The spaceship outside the Planet Devourer. 】

[“Captain! Tony! How’s it going? You’re talking! “】

[Looking at the communicator that just kept emitting various noises in front of him, Rhode, the war machine, could only sigh helplessly. ] 】

[Just when the war machine Rhode was so anxious that he almost couldn’t hold back, and was about to go to pick up, suddenly…”

[He saw a man rushing out of the Planet Devourer’s big mouth. 】

[It’s Thor, the god of thunder. 】

[“Thor! Great, what exactly is inside…”

[War Machine Rhode breathed a long sigh of relief, quickly opened the hatch, and was preparing to greet his companions. 】

[But when he fixed his eyes, he suddenly found that the thunder god who flew closer and closer… There seemed to be something wrong with his face. 】

【”Howl!! “】

[The “zombie thunder” with a festering body and a hideous face rushed straight in and smashed into the body of the war machine with a hammer! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a violent explosion, the entire spaceship was destroyed by the zombie Thor! ] 】

[So far, the Avengers, the X-Men, and the strong of the Fantastic Four… Almost completely destroyed! 】

[After another while, the camera returned to Earth.] 】

[At the base of the Fantastic Four… Baxter Building, the little spider in charge of raising children, is chatting on the top floor with Reed Richards’ children. 】

[Suddenly, Franklin Richards looked at the night sky in the distance and asked suspiciously:]

“Guys, that big fireball… What is it? “】

[As soon as Little Spider and the others raised their heads, they were all stunned. 】

[I saw a shooting star crossing the sky, but it did not disappear, but it became bigger and bigger! ] It’s like a small sun, lighting up the night sky! 】

[This big fireball… It turned out to be a star-swallowing star that entered the atmosphere from outer space! 】

[In the star-swallowing body, there are also countless superhero zombies! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The huge body of the Planet Eater fell to Earth, and soon… From his body, countless zombies poured out. 】

[“Aaaa Help me! “】

[“Run away, these monsters are eating people! “】

[“Superhero, that’s the superhero Captain America.”] “】

“And Iron Man and X-Men!”] “】

[“How is it possible! They’ve all turned into man-eating monsters! “】

[In the face of zombified superheroes, ordinary humans have no resistance at all, and can only be helplessly caught up by them, either devoured alive or become part of the zombies! ] 】

[“Franklin! Grab it! “】

[In this overwhelming “walking corpse catastrophe”, Spider-Man Peter Parker only had time to bring a pair of children of Mr. Fantastic and his girlfriend Mary Jane… Hop aboard a special flying machine and escape! 】

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