Next, the mayor came to the TV, poured himself a glass of wine, and began to watch the news on TV. 】

[Two presenters are broadcasting the news:]

【“…… Mayor Mitchell, and his grassroots challenger Bella… In recent polls, there is no winner or loser. “】

“Last night, they had a fierce battle in the final debate. “】

[The screen turned, and soon came to the scene of the debate. 】

“I, the young challenger… I want to abolish Gotham City’s ‘revitalization plan’! “】

[The mayor’s face is full of confidence, and he talks eloquently, and does not seem to put Bella in his eyes at all:]

“This plan was established by the famous Thomas Wayne! “】

“Moreover, she also wants to start from the important livelihood project of ‘coastal dikes’… Cut funds! “】

“This… It is simply disregarding the safety of citizens’ lives and property. “】

[Hearing the mayor’s high-sounding words, female black candidate Bella said coldly:]

“The so-called revival plan is useless! “】

“The city has been ‘revived’ for 20 years, let’s see what happens, the crime rate has rushed to the sky! “】

[“The number of murders has also set a historical record…”]

“Not only that, but we also have a vigilante wearing a mask and dressed like a bat, roaming the streets! “】

[Seeing that Bella was getting more and more outrageous, the mayor hurriedly said:]

“Under my management, the Gotham City Police Department has cracked down on organized crime! “】

[“Like last week’s arrest of the Maroni gang, it is unprecedented in the history of Gotham City! “】

[“But street crime is still rampant…”]

[Looking at the debate on the screen, the mayor held the cup, forgot to drink for a while, and his face was extremely ugly. ] 】

[At this time, a strange man dressed in black, wearing a mask and glasses on his mask suddenly appeared behind him! ] 】

[The more the mayor watched the news, the more angry he became, casually raised the remote control and turned off the TV.] 】

[At this moment, the spectacled freak held a carpet shovel in his hand and slammed into the mayor’s body from behind! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The mayor didn’t even snort, and fell to the ground.] 】

[But the masked weirdo has not been spared, raised the shovel in his hand, and slammed it on the mayor’s back again and again! ] 】

[In the end, because he pushed too hard, the shovel actually flew out! ] “Dang” fell to the ground with a bang. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“This is … Gotham City of this universe? ”

The situation on that screen, Bruce Wayne’s face was gloomy, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that no matter which parallel universe, Gotham City will always be a crime capital!

In this world on the screen, even the mayor was killed by a criminal!

How arrogant this is!

The only thing that makes Young Master Wayne feel fortunate is that in this sinful Gotham City, there is still “his own” existence!

The masked vigilante dressed as a bat, there will never be a second person except for his variant!

As long as he is there, this madman who killed the mayor will definitely be arrested by him!

At the same time that Bruce Wayne had this idea, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At night in Gotham City, all kinds of crimes emerge one after another, and rampant thieves are randomly committing crimes everywhere. ] 】

[But in this lawless dark world, someone lit a searchlight and put a bat sign at the light port.] 】

[This black man is the famous police officer of the Gotham City Police Department… James Gordon! 】

[The reason why Gordon did this was because a friend told him that he could summon him with this bat lamp when necessary!] 】

[Moreover, when the bat light illuminates the night sky, it is not just a call, but a warning! ] 】

[All criminals and evil people must be careful!] Because Batman… Will find you! 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[In the city’s subway, a group of punks with clown patterns painted on their faces are laughing arrogantly. 】

Stimulated by laughter, an Asian suddenly stood up and walked to the subway door, seemingly ready to get off.] 】

[But his action attracted the attention of these clown gangsters! ] 】

[As soon as the subway arrived, the Asian youth quickly walked out, but the group of clowns and gangsters also followed. 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking back at the malicious smiles on the faces of this group of clowns, the Asian youth was suddenly shocked and instinctively rushed out to the entrance of the station! ] 】

[Then you’re halfway down the road, and he’s caught by these gangsters.] 】

[“Hit him! “】

[“Hahaha! “】

[“Look where you’re running?”] “】

[The gangsters pushed the Asian youth to the ground as if they were punching sandbags, and joined forces to besiege him.] Laughing maniacally while fighting back. 】

[At this moment, a black gangster who seemed to have just joined looked up at the bat sign in the sky, and his expression seemed to be a little stiff. ] 】

[And just a few seconds later, these gangsters suddenly heard a loud noise behind them. 】

[“Bang! Boom! Boom! “】

[With heavy footsteps, from a dark corridor behind them, a man dressed in black and wearing a bat mask came out. 】

[“Hahaha! Did you see that? This guy dresses up like a bat. “】

[Seeing Batman appear, this group of Jokers… I actually laughed out loud without knowing whether I was alive or dead! 】

“Who are you?”] “】

[A Joker looked at Batman and asked loudly, and after not getting an answer, he simply raised the iron rod in his hand and smashed it.] 】

[“Bang! “】

[At this moment, Batman struck. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Syllable! Syllable! “】

[Although he was only facing a small gangster, Batman shot fast and ruthlessly, and quickly knocked him to the ground! ] 】

[But even after knocking the enemy down, Batman still refuses to give up and throws old punches at the fallen gangsters. ] 】

[“Touch! Touch! “】

[After a few punches, seeing that the gangster had completely lost consciousness, Batman opened his mouth and said coldly:]

[“I am revenge! “】

[I can see the miserable end of my companions, and all the clown gangsters are stupid. ] 】


“This guy… It can’t really be ‘him’. “】

[“Maniac! He’s a madman! “】

[One after another, the gangsters gasped for air, and a look of horror and fear kept appearing on their clown faces. ] 】

[But Batman didn’t stop, he rushed directly into these clowns, like a whirlwind… Beat them to pieces! 】

[“Bang! “】

[In a panic, a gangster pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger on Batman.] 】

[But the bullet hit Batman, and it actually bounced off alive! ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[Seeing that the enemy even used a gun, Batman was also unceremonious, directly grabbed this gun-wielding gangster with his hand, and an electric light flashed suddenly! ] 】


[Hit by the electric shock on Batman’s gloves, the Joker trembled like a sieve, and soon rolled his eyes and lost consciousness. ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Wow, this Batman is so ruthless!”

“Those bastards… I won’t be killed by him. ”

Seeing the young Batman on the screen ruthlessly and beating these gangsters to death, most of the people in the live broadcast room were a little surprised.

Even Tony Stark frowned slightly.

In the previous images, he has fully understood Batman’s character.

In addition to the blackened nightmare Batman, Batman not only never kills, but at most fights the enemy is to knock him down, and then twist it to the police.

But this “young Batman” in front of him, after knocking others down, even has to make up his fists!

Moreover, his fists and feet are full of anger and hatred, as if… It’s like “venting anger” on these gangsters.

“This guy’s hatred is so heavy.”

Thinking of this, Tony couldn’t help but glance back at Young Master Wayne, only to see that his face was like frost, and his expression was a little struggling.

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The mayor’s mansion. 】

[After the discovery of the mayor’s body, the place has been surrounded by police, but Officer James Gordon has brought an unusual guest. 】

[Batman! 】

[The other cops tried to prevent Batman from entering, but Officer Gordon let him go. 】

[After Batman enters the crime scene, he finds the mayor’s body placed on a chair and his face wrapped in a plastic bag. 】

[The bag also has the blood words “Lies no more” written on it.] 】

[In addition, the murderer even cut off one of the mayor’s thumbs and took it away.] 】

[The television screen next to the body was posted on several newspapers carrying news about “construction of the harbor embankment.] 】

[It seems that all this news is related to the mayor’s “revitalization plan”. 】

[In the newspaper, the murderer also wrote the word “lie” in the blood of the mayor.] 】

[Not only that, after killing the mayor, the murderer also left a greeting card at the scene. ] 】

[Officer Gordon opened the greeting card and found it written on the left:]

“What was the liar doing when he died? “】

[On the right side of the greeting card, it says:]

[“No clues? Then let’s play a game, just you and me! “】

[Moreover, at the bottom right of the greeting card, there is a series of strange symbols.] 】

[At this moment, the police chief also arrived at the scene.

[As soon as he saw Batman, he immediately became furious and asked Officer Gordon why he let this man in? ] 】

[Officer Gordon silently showed to the chief… The greeting card left by the murderer. 】

[I saw a line written on the back of the greeting card:]

【”Give it to Batman”】

[“Damn it! “】

[The director was shocked:]

[“Is this Batman related to the murder?” “】

[Officer Gordon quickly shook his head:]

“Nope! He has nothing to do with this. “】

“How do you know?”] He’s a vigilante. “】

[The chief blushed with anger and had a thick neck: “This guy may be a suspect.] “】

[This is when the chief and Gordon quarreled, Batman looked at the mayor’s body and suddenly whispered:]

【“he,lies,still。 “】

[“Huh? “】

[The chief was stunned when he heard this, but Officer Gordon reacted immediately:]

“What was the liar doing when he died? The answer is… He’s lying there / He’s still lying (he, lies, still)! “】

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