“Wow! It’s a female version of me, it’s just a goddess! “】

[Deadpool looked at the “female Deadpool” in the distance, and his eyes were about to protrude from the mask! ] 】

[At this time, the head of the zombie Deadpool was also amazed:]

“Really, why wasn’t I teleported here in the first place? “】

[“Fall on that damn barbaric land… Hang out with you guy! “】

[And at this moment, the captain of the United States also opened up a verbal sword against the female Deadpool:]

[“Woman! I’ll give you a chance, and now I will immediately repent and turn back… Confess your treason! “】

“And swear… Always loyal to Millikian! “】

[“Bah! Don’t even think about it! “】

[The female Deadpool held a knife in both hands and said without fear:]

[“The government to which you owe allegiance is extremely corrupt, shouting about human rights all day long, but doing all kinds of fascist acts in the shadows! “】

[“In addition…”]

[Female Deadpool glanced at the shield in the hand of Team Mi:]

“Tell you, I’ve always felt… Shields are only used by sissies! “】

[“You!!! “】

[Seeing that this woman in front of him was so insulting, Captain America was immediately furious! ] 】

[But before the American team could make a move, the real 616 Deadpool rushed out from the side and kicked him to the ground. ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Just when the captain fell and gnawed mud, Deadpool had already begun to dedicate himself to the female version of “himself”]

[“Beauty! The light bulbs have kicked me off and we can start dating! “】

[“Huh? “】

[Take a look, Deadpool in front of her like looking in a mirror, the female Deadpool chuckles:]

“Actually, I don’t need help, but… I really admire your style of dressing…”

[“Bang! “】

[At this moment, a shield suddenly flew out from the side, knocking Deadpool back several steps.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Reaching out and grabbing the shield that bounced back, Captain America said with a gloomy face:]

[“Woman! I don’t know yet…… You have a twin brother. “】

“But it doesn’t matter, I’ll take you two down today!”] “】

[“Huh… Captain, you take such a big breath. “】

[Deadpool smiled and directly joined forces with Female Deadpool to have a mixed doubles against the captain of the United States! ] 】

[And halfway through, Deadpool even made a trick to take the zombie head in his hand… Threw it at the captain. 】

[“I bite! “】

[“Deadpool Dead Head” actually cooperated with tacit understanding, directly opened its mouth, and bit the arm of the American team fiercely. ] 】

[“Ah! What the hell is this TMD? “】

[Looking at the head of Deadpool who was tightly biting his body, Team America was also shocked, and the whole person stiffened. ] 】

[“It’s now! “】

[Seeing that the enemy was stunned, Deadpool suddenly shouted, beckoning the female Deadpool to attack at the same time! ] 】

[“Bang! Syllable! “】

[Attacked by three Deadpools, the Mi team had no room to fight back, and was quickly beaten faint. ] 】

[After defeating the enemy, Deadpool looked at the American captain who fell to the ground and groaned. 】

“Hmm… You can’t let the zombie virus spread into the world. “】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw Deadpool pull out a knife, and without saying a word, he directly cut it with a knife… Team Mi’s bitten arm! 】

[“Hahaha! I, Uncle Wade, saved another world today! “】

[After returning the knife into the sheath, Deadpool turned his head again and looked at the “beauty” who had just been rescued by him. ] 】

[And the female Deadpool also looked over with affection at this time:]

“You guy is quite interesting, how can I thank you for saving me?”] “】

[“Does this still need to be said?”] “】

[The two Deadpool seemed to have a soul in their hearts, pulled up the mask on their chins at the same time, and then kissed together. ] 】

[But in the next moment.] 】


[“It’s so uncomfortable…”】

[In the next second, these two Deadpool immediately separated, and even… A sound similar to “gagging” was also made. 】

[“This feels so weird…”]

“Maybe… We are not suitable for each other. “】

[Deadpool shook his head, put the mask down, and reached out to pick up the dead man’s head that had fallen to the ground.] 】

[And seeing this scene, the dead man’s head suddenly laughed:]

[“Hahaha! Man, how does it feel to get a ‘female version of herself’? “】

“Shut up, bastard, let’s go!”] “】

[After greeting the female Deadpool, Deadpool picked up the zombie Deadpool’s head and stepped into the dimensional portal again. ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Wow haha! It’s so interesting, except for Loki, Deadpool you… I actually fell in love with the female version of myself! ^_^

Rocky Odinson: Convex (艹皿艹) convex

John Constantine: What is that? Do same-sex attracts?

Charles Xavier: It should be repulsive, you didn’t look at the two of them, and then separated?

Starlight: What is it like to kiss yourself? Wouldn’t it be disgusting?

Deadpool: Hmm… This kind of thing… You’ll have to try it yourself to find out.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: Oh? You guy, do you really want to try it?

Deadpool: Hahaha! Does this still need to be said? Kissing yourself is an experience that not everyone has!

Deadpool: Oh, by the way, Loki, would you like to try it with me?

Rocky Oddinson:! Perverted! You are not qualified to speak to me, the god!

At the same time, new images appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Although ABC entered the portal, he failed to enter the zombie universe, but returned to his own 616 universe! ] 】

[Finally, with the help of a black archmage, Deadpool entered the portal again with the dead man’s head and Dr. Betty.] 】

[After once, they finally really came to the zombie universe! ] 】

[And Deadpool and the others just appeared, and they met the warm welcome of a large number of zombies. ] 】

[The leader is still a “superhero zombie” with superpowers, Moonlight Knight! ] 】

[“Hey, how can this guy not kill? “】

[Deadpool slashed many knives in a row for the Moonlight Knight, but this zombie… But it continues to attack wildly. 】

[Seeing this, the dead man’s head immediately made a suggestion:]

[“Stupid! Deal with the zombie, either destroy his brain or cut off his head! “】

【”Understand! “】

[Got the guidance of the “zombie version of himself”, Deadpool suddenly waved the blade in his hand and cut off the head of the moonlight knight with one sword! ] 】

[Next, Deadpool takes the dead man’s head with him, and Dr. Betty finds his way back in this “zombie apocalypse”.] 】

[In the process, they actually encountered a group of humans! ] 】

[It turns out that these people are the “human survivors” of this zombie universe! ] And all of them are university professors! 】

[The leader is actually a beautiful woman named Veronica. 】

[Veronica took Deadpool back to their secret camp. 】

【There is not only water, electricity, food, but even TVs and video games!】 】

[Deadpool settled in this small base, playing video games day and night.] 】

[Beautiful doctor Betty and female professor Veronica teamed up to study the latest zombie virus antidote. ] 】

[Finally, Professor Veronica finally developed a serum that can resist the zombie virus. 】

[At this time, Deadpool also decided that he must go back to the 626 universe. 】

[Professor Veronica is ready to take his companions and take them outside the base. 】

[Who knew that as soon as they left the base, Deadpool and the others encountered a group of super zombies! ] 】

[The leader is the old enemy of the Hulk Hulk…”Zombie Absorbing People”! ] 】

[In the face of this monster, Deadpool’s attack will not cause damage at all. 】

[“Hehe, do you think I can’t take you? “】

[Deadpool directly found a bazooka, and with one rocket launcher, it hit the building next to it… Empire State Building. 】

[“Boom! “】

[This New York landmark collapsed with a bang, completely crushing on the absorber and Deadpool! ] 】

[The terrifying roar shook the earth, and the smoke and dust rushed all the way to several kilometers away. 】

[“Oh God! “】

[Seeing the terrifying image behind her, the female doctor Betty and the female professor Veronica were shocked. 】

[But after a while, Deadpool, who was covered in scaly wounds and his clothes were almost all shattered, crawled out of the rubble! ] 】

[It’s just 1 building, it’s impossible to smash him to death! ] 】

[However, the collapse of this building directly covered the entrance to the secret base. 】

[Veronica, the female professor, wanted to go home, so she had to find another entrance. 】

[So, they were separated from Deadpool and the others.] 】

[And before parting, Veronica also gave Deadpool a talker, just in case.] 】

[After breaking up with Veronica, Deadpool and the others found a working airship and flew it into the sky. ] 】

[But in the sky, they encountered a new “super zombie”. 】

[Once, they met the Indian heroine “Firebird” and the “Iceman” in the X-Men! ] 】

[Of course, these two heroes… It has long been transformed into a zombie. 】

[“Firebird, don’t bake them, I’m going to eat them alive, so that it tastes good!”] “】

[Bob the Iceman was full of hideousness and let out a crazy scream! ] 】

PS: This Wednesday, the “Moonlight Knight” series will be on the air. ^_^

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