Soon, new images appeared on the screen.

And a weird narration sounded.

“Naiarathotep, one of the three pillar gods “born” by the blind god of foolishness, Azathos. “】

[“It is said that … Only Naiarathotip could understand the chaotic and mad will of Azathos and faithfully carry it out. “】

[“Completely different from the rest of the two pillar gods: Jug Sotos and Gauze Nicholas. “】

[“Naiarathotip did not hide in the deep space of the universe, but incarnated tens of thousands of people and appeared in various planets in the universe! ] “】

“He” is very good at variation, and is said to have more than 1,000 incarnations. So…… Also known as the God of a Thousand Faces. “】

However, the most commonly used image of “He” on earth is generally a tall, thin, dark-skinned man. “】

“Also, they look a bit like people from the Egyptian region. “】

Because of this, Naiarathotep’s most widely known nickname is “Black Pharaoh”. “】

Compared to other intelligent races in the universe, “he” seems to have a soft spot for humans and enjoys going to earth and spending time with them. “】

“This… It is the scariest place in Naiarathotep. “】

[“The power of the outer gods, and even the three-pillar gods, has long been far beyond human imagination! “】

[“An existence like Jug Sotos, just by appearing on Earth, can completely destroy mankind! “】

“But Naiarathotep doesn’t want to destroy humanity. “】

“Or rather, “He” prefers to observe and study human beings. “】

“Just as a child plays with ants and pulls out the wings of a butterfly, Naiarathotep will transform into a human form, infiltrate human society, and then use various means… Manipulating and influencing human civilization. “】

“Naiarathotep loves to play, deceive, seduce humanity, and lead humanity into the abyss of fear, despair, madness, chaos, and disillusionment. “】

But that doesn’t mean that Naiarathotip will only do bad things on earth. “】

“Quite the opposite, actually. “】

“He” most commonly used means to give mankind all kinds of miraculous technologies, and then spend hundreds of years helping human civilization develop and prosper. “】

[“Finally, at the peak of human civilization, Naiarathotep will stir up trouble again, pushing humanity into a sea of despair and madness! “】

[“First let the flame of civilization burn, and then provoke human beings to kill each other, let the flame of their civilization be extinguished into ashes, and so on…”

“This is Naiarathotep’s favorite game! “】

In addition, Naiarathotip also likes to use magical means to show miracles unimaginable to humans, and then admire the shocked and stunned appearance of humans. “】

“The worst thing is that all the human viewers who have seen this kind of “demo” will fall into endless nightmares and madness afterwards. “】

“Or rather, Naiarathotep is the real audience, and the humans who have fallen into madness are the performers on stage. “】

“It’s just that what they perform is neither comedy nor tragedy, but tragic scenes of madness and destruction. “】

[“Appreciating a large number of human beings… In front of himself, the transformation from reason to madness is one of Naiarathotep’s pastimes. “】

“In addition, the countless epic battles that have taken place in history have traces of Naiarathotep’s manipulation behind them. “】

“He” will not let “good” simply triumph, but he will not let “evil” prevail for long. “】

“Naiarathotip will manipulate both sides of the war at the same time, sometimes allowing good to triumph and sometimes allowing evil to run rampant. “】

In this way, “He” can slowly appreciate the various human natures that appear in the war. “】

[“Sometimes… Naiarathotep will let one side in the war win, and then make a little trick to make the other side fall into the dust at the peak of victory, and there is no place to die. “】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked.

“Oh my God! This guy is a crazy person! ”

Peter gasped, a look of fear on his face.

Previously, there have also been some powerful foreign gods or old dominators in the video.

Most of these terrible evil gods have little interest in humans, or… It’s simply treated as ant dust.

But this Naiarathotep… Obviously an exception!

He loves to play with humans, torture them, destroy them, and even drive them into madness!

Such a bad character coupled with the strength of the foreign god is really bad!

Bruce Wayne, who was standing on the side, also had a solemn face, and nodded slightly:

“If you use the classification method of criminal psychology, this outer god Naia Ratotip… It is likely to belong to that kind of happy offender! ”

“He doesn’t want anything from humanity, he just wants to appreciate human suffering and take pleasure in it!”

“From the point of view of the gods, Naiarathotep is really the worst kind of evil god!”

“Bad evil god?”

Little Wanda lowered her head and repeated, her eyes suddenly lit up, turned her head sharply to look at Loki, and said loudly:

“And good at transformation, but also like to play and deceive others, isn’t this you?”


Upon hearing this, Loki was first stunned, and then furious.

“Little ghost, what are you talking nonsense?”

“I’m a decent Asgardian god, how can I be some kind of messy foreign god?

At this time, Tony Stark also glanced at Loki meaningfully.

Loki also has the transformation technique of tens of millions of incarnations, and his personality is also extremely bad,

I love to deceive others and have fun doing it!

In this way, it is really similar to that Naiarathotep!

“This guy… Could it really be that Naiarathotep’s doppelganger… Or take shape. ”

Just as Tony was muttering in his heart, Peter Parker suddenly looked at him again and asked in a low voice:

“Mr. Stark, I always find it a little strange.”

“What is this Naiarathotep so powerful, why would he focus on playing with humans?”

“Little kids may play with ants, but… Where can adults have this idle work? ”

The more Peter Parker spoke, the more puzzled his expression became.

“This kind of foreign god who has lived for countless years, isn’t there anything serious to do?”

“Serious business?”

Upon hearing this, Tony’s eyes suddenly lit up:

“Maybe… What this evil god did… For him, it’s serious! ”


The rest of the people in the live broadcast room listened to each other.

A top alien god with the ability to destroy planets runs to this asteroid in the solar system to compete with a group of “humans” who have not even done interstellar travel.

What kind of serious thing is this?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

That strange narration voice also sounded again.

[“As the messenger of Azathos, Naiarathotip represents the god of blindness and foolishness! That is, chaos itself. “】

“He” will not maintain the order of time and space like Yug Sotos, nor will he give birth to countless lives like Gauze Nicholas. “】

“However, it is precisely because of time, space, and the existence of intelligent life that the entire universe operates… It began to become more and more orderly. “】

“And what Naiarathotep shoulders is the implementation of the will of Azathos. “】

That is to spread “chaos” or “chaos” throughout the universe. “】

“It is for this purpose that Naiarathotip will divide countless doppelgangers, manipulate and influence countless intelligent beings in the universe, and guide the rise and fall of these civilizations. “】

“It was under the guidance of Naiarathotep that countless barbaric creatures… Only then did it evolve from obscurantism to civilization. “】

“They mastered wisdom, they learned technology, they gained power, and then they began to kill each other and eventually destroy. “】

“Then Naiarathotip repeats the cycle again. “】

[“The cycle goes on and on, never ending. “】

“In the history of mankind, countless wars have been provoked by Naiarathotep. “】

[“Countless civilizations have rejovenated because of Naiarathotip, and finally perished because of “Him.”] “】

[“It has also been claimed that even the famous Book of the Dead… The knowledge contained in it is also “implanted” by Naiyarathotip into the brain of “Mad Poet Abdullah”! “】

[“What is recorded in the Book of the Dead is all the most dangerous and terrifying knowledge! “】

“One carelessness may bring complete destruction to human civilization. “】

[The most obvious of these is the extremely simple “Azathos Asking for Divine Technique”! “】

[“To cast this set of spells, you don’t need any practice, and you don’t need any special conditions! “】

[“Theoretically, anyone who can read what is written in the Book of the Dead … They can summon the doppelganger of the blind and foolish god to the earth through the “Azathos Asking for Divine Magic”! “】

“By then, all living beings on earth will be completely extinct!” “】

“And when will this day come?”] “】

“Is it a day from now, a year from now, or ten years from now?” “】

“Perhaps, this uncertain waiting, for Nanai Yarathotep… It’s the fun itself! “】


Seeing this, Xiao Wanda unconsciously hugged the Book of Necronomicon in his arms, his face instantly turned white, and even cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

This book… It turned out to be the trap of Naiarathotep to destroy humanity?

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