Spoiler in Marvel Multiverse: Opening Live Broadcast

Chapter 84 :Famous scene: Thor who was stunned! Salted egg: Don't do the insight plan! (3rd mor

[Image continues. 】


[Thor doesn't believe the words of Lauf, the king of ice giants, and shouts directly:]

[Don’t use your sad lie to insult my father’s glory!]

[Lauf directly sneered at each other:]

"Your father is a murderer and a robber!"

[Then he looked at Thor and others:]

["Why do you come here with weapons? Are you here to seek peace?"]

[Lauf stares at Thor, seems to have seen him through, and his tone is full of sarcasm:]

["You are eager to fight! Very eager-"!]

["You are only a child, but you always want to prove that you are a man!"]

[Just as Lauf is talking. A large number of Giants of Jotunheim walked out from around, surrounding Thor and others. 】

[Facing unfavorable adversity. Thor became even more angry, squeezing Mjolnir and yelled:]

["This "child" can hear enough of your nonsense"]


[Seeing that Thor continues to provoke, the surrounding ice giants all used their own ice control ability to condense sharp frost blades. 】

[Finding that the situation is not good, Loki hurried up and whispered in Thor's ear:]

["Thor stop and think calmly."]

["Look around, we are outnumbered"]

[Faced with Loki's kind advice, Thor didn't appreciate it at all, and instead sneered coldly. 1

["Brother, figure out your status!"]


In the live broadcast room, Loki watched the scene before him. Suddenly a anger rose from my heart, and my teeth clenched involuntarily.

Are you kidding me?

In the future, in order to save you, I will take my life.

As a result, is my position in your heart like this?

Like the Three Warriors, people like Heimdall look down on me, even you stupid big guy look down on me?

Just when Loki was furious, with blue veins bulging on his forehead. He suddenly saw movement on the barrage at the bottom of the screen.

[Thor: Brother, there must be something wrong in the video, I would never talk to you like this!]

[Thor: If I really said this, then I must have been drinking!]

【Thor Thor: Anyway, you must believe me. 】

【Loki, Odinsen:

[Loki-Odinsen: In that case, you may not be able to return to Asgard in the future, you can only stay in Midgard forever?]

[Thor Thor: This hahaha, Loki, you think too much. (One mouthful;) I. Uh, I just think I'm a bit rude on the screen. 】

[Thor: By the way, did you talk to Heimdall?]

[Loki-Odinsen: No! It won't be passed on in the future, you just stay on the earth for the rest of your life. 】

[Thor: Wait! Don't! Loki, don't abandon me!!! (ToT)]

"This fool.

Seeing Thor begging in the chat group, Loki snorted coldly, with an arrogant expression on his face again.

But at the same time, the anger in his heart has calmed down a lot.

[Image continues. 】

[Lauf, the king of ice giants, doesn’t seem to have the intention to fight Thor and others here, he said directly:]

["Before I change my mind, you can leave."]

[Looking at a burly ice giant coming over, Loki rushed to speak to Lauf before Thor said:]

["We are willing to accept your generous favor"]

[Later, he took Thor, who was dissatisfied, and walked back. 】

[Thor just turned around. The burly ice giant actually laughed and said:]

["Hurry home, little princess."]

Thor, are you afraid that I'll be angry with you and stop sending words to Heimdall for you?]

["Oh, that's it."]

[When I heard this, Loki and the three warriors both laughed bitterly. 】

[This guy dare to provoke Thor?]

[This is over. 】


[Thor showed a cheerful smile on his face, turned his head to stare at the burly ice giant, and knocked him out with a hammer. 】

[The ice giants swarmed up, and the battle broke out instantly. 】

[In the chat group]

[Thor Thor: Hahahaha, it's me! It's a good game. ^_^】

[Peter-Parker: Uh, Mr. Thor, don’t you think it’s too irrational to start a war in this situation?]

[Peter-Parker: After all, there are too many people on the other side, and it looks terrifying. 】

Looking at the blue-skinned and red-eyed ice giants on the screen, Peter felt that his scalp was numb and his hair was standing straight!

Is this an alien? It's more terrifying than that Doctor Lizard.

[Loki-Odinsen: Is the ice giant really that scary?]

[Mado magician: Is this still necessary? But in my opinion, these ice giants seem to be uglier than the demons of hell!]

【Loki- Odinsen:..

[Thor Thor: Hahaha, I haven't killed the flame demon of Musbelheim. What if I kill a few more ice-eyed giants?]

[Nick-Fury: Excuse me, your Royal Highness Thor, is the Musbelheim you mentioned, like Jotonheim, a planet?]

[Natasha Romanoff-Romanoff: Huh? Chief, what is your tone?]

【Nick-Fury: Well, Natasha Romanoff, please don’t say anything irrelevant. 】

[Thor Thor: Musbelheim is definitely a planet. However, we Asgard people are more accustomed to calling them the Nine Realms. 】

[Thor: My father, Odin, is the god king who rules these nine realms!]


Hearing this, the stewed eggs were somewhat skeptical.

After all, whether it was Odin's words in the treasure trove before, or the words of Lauf, the king of ice giants, revealed one thing:

Between Asgard and Jotonheim, there is still a truce, and it is definitely not who rules who.

"However, in that hall before, Odin also told Thor that he wanted him to guard the Nine Realms like himself."

"In this way, the god of Asgard may be at least nominally the so-called ruler of the Nine Realms."

"It's just that over time, some countries rebelled and even went out independently!!

The bittern egg was still brainstorming here, and Thor's sudden words immediately frightened him all over.

[Thor Thor: Forgot to tell you, in fact, you Midgard is also one of the nine realms. 】

[Nick Fury: Ah? What are you talking about?]

[Thor Thor: I'm talking about the earth. 】

[Thor Thor: But to be honest, this place is really backward, far behind our Asgard. I really don’t understand why our ancestors included your planet in one of the nine realms?]

[Nick- Fury: This

At this time, the stewed eggs were really panicked.

What a joke, just now, he was still trying his best to think about how to deal with these terrifying and powerful Asgard gods!

But who would have thought that these guys actually directly painted the earth within their sphere of rule!

That's okay.

If someday these Asgard people, sitting on the Bifrost, come to the earth and want the earth people to surrender to them, what should they do?

At this time, the marinated egg only felt a bitter cold from the back of the spine, and a cold air rushed straight into the forehead from the soles of the feet!

too frightening.

If this happens, face these terrifying aliens who can destroy the stars at will. How to resist then?

Lu Dan thought of a certain "insight project" he had been working on for a while, an inexplicable chill spread in his heart, and then couldn't help but smile.

He originally thought that as long as these flying carriers can be lifted into the air, with powerful monitoring devices, they can kill all threats on the earth in advance.

But now it seems that he! or these actions of S.H.I.E.L.D, in the eyes of other existences of higher level Level Universe, are almost as ridiculous as children playing with mud and sand!

I don't know that a word of my own will make the halogen egg fall into a suspicion of life. Thor looked at the situation where he was holding Mjolnir on the screen and knocking out a large number of ice giants.

By his side, Jane Foster and others were already looking silly.

Is this an alien war on another planet?

Watching Thor casually smashed an ice giant's body with a hammer, splashing blue blood everywhere. Jane Foster swallowed, and a deep sense of terror rose in his eyes.

As a scientist, when has he seen such a cruel and bloody battle?

Wuxi-John was more courageous, and he even approached Thor and asked in a low voice:

"Tor, your Asgard people are so advanced in technology that you can even use the Einstein Rosen Bridge. Why are you still using cold weapons? You don't even have guns?"


Thor gave him a disdainful look, and laughed:

"We definitely have these things, but guns and guns are similar to magic, and it's not as refreshing as killing the enemy with a hammer.

Professor Erik and Jane Foster heard each other speechlessly.

Obviously there are high-tech weapons that do not need to be used.

What's wrong with these Asgard people?

[Image continues]

[Loki was alone and was forced to the edge of the cliff by several ice giants. 1

[Seeing that the enemy has no way to retreat. An ice giant pounced directly, but it turned out to be just a phantom. 】


[With a scream, the ice giant fell directly from the cliff. Falling to pieces. 】

[Welcoming Loki pulled out his head, seized the opportunity to stabbed an ice giant to death. 】

[Mado magician: No, the great Asgard magician, can't even use a decent attack magic, only use these magic tricks?]

[Mado Magician: To be honest, are you a magician or an assassin?]

[Loki Odinsen: Human, you are really talkative, I think you can control the magic or the dagger?]

[Mado magician: Haha, since you said I talk too much, then I will talk more. 】

[Mado Magician: Do you know that the scene you are seeing now is actually not your future, but another scene in multi-universe!]

[Loki-Odinsen: What?]

[Mado magician: Yes, since the system pulled you into this live broadcast room, because of the time fork, a new and independent universe was born!]

[Mado Magician: The future you see on the screen now has nothing to do with you anymore. 】

[Tony- Stark: What are you kidding?]

[Loki-Odinsen: Wait, time forks, wouldn't the time management agency intervene?]

[Modo magician: Time Administration? Ha ha. Those times, Asgardian, may be they made up to deceive,]

[Mado magician: Even if it is true, you are so sure that the time management can really deal with this magical, can cross the multi-universe system of arresting people?]

[Mado magician: If they really have this Ability, or the guts, how come we haven't seen the shadow of those time guards yet?]

[Wanda- Maximov: Hiss! Is this system so powerful?]

[Nick-Fury: multi-universe!!! This live broadcast system has actually created a new multi-universe?]

[Thor Thor: Uh, what are you talking about? Why I don't understand. 】

[Loki-Odinsen: Thor, we are now discussing serious issues, please don't interrupt casually. 】

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room gasped. You look at me, I look at you, an inexplicable horror filled their hearts in an instant.

………For flowers 0.

Good guys.

Just create a multi-universe casually.

And it can suppress those time management bureaus that claim to be able to integrate multi-universe, and they dare not move!

The system they encountered might really possess unimaginable power.


Strange swallowed, puffing up his spirits. Raised his doubts in the chat group.

[Stephen Strange: Mordo magician, you should have put forward this statement by Ancient One magician. 】

[Mado magician: That is definitely, Ancient One magician is pedantic, and what you say will never be wrong. 】

[Stephen Strange: However, if the future we see is already the future of other universes, then what's the point of looking at it again?]

[Mado magician: You can't say that. Even between different parallel universes, there are many similarities, which can still be our reference. 】

Seeing this, the live broadcast room fell into silence again.

No one could speak.

However, no matter how overwhelming these people's minds are, the images on the screen continue.

[During the chaos, one of the three warriors was touched by the hands of Giants of Jotunheim, and was immediately frostbited. 】

[Loki was accidentally caught by Giants of Jotunheim. But not only did his arm not suffer from frostbite, it suddenly became exactly the same as Giants of Jotunheim. 】

"What is this? Am I wrong?"

In the live broadcast room, Wanda rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, only to find that Loki on the screen had defeated the Giants of Jotunheim, and his grasped hand returned to normal.

Wanda looked at Loki suspiciously. I saw that his face was blue, and the blue veins on his forehead were protruding, and the whole person exuded an aura that no one should come near.

In the current situation, Tony pressed his chin lightly, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"E, interesting, it seems that the life experience of the second prince Asgard is not simple."

[Thor Thor: Hey, Loki! What was that just now? Is your illusion magic?]

[Loki-Odinsen: Idiot. I'm not in a bad mood now, don't talk to me. 】

[Thor Thor: Hey, I think you are practicing those magics to make your character so strange. 】

[Thor Thor: If you practiced hammering like me, there would be so many ills. 】

【Wanda- Maximov: Oh, your brother’s relationship is really good, it’s enviable. My stupid brother knows all day to quarrel with me. 】

[Loki, Odinsen: Our relationship is not good!]

[Peter, Parker: Mr. Loki, you are too humble. After seeing the communication between you and Mr. Thor, I can't wait to have a brother. 】

[Loki-Odinsen: Go and be brothers with those spiders. 】

[Image continues. 】

[The number of ice giants is increasing, and even terrible giants have appeared. Thor and others finally couldn't support it and began to retreat. 】

[Just at the very moment, God King Odin descended on Bifrost and rescued Thor and others. 】

[Back to Asgard, Odin scolded Thor for reckless advancement, when the lives of himself and his companions were in danger. 】

[But Thor is so arrogant and arrogant that he openly sings against Odin:]

["You stupid old man!"]

[Hearing Thor's cursing, Odin has an extremely disappointed expression on his face. 】

[Then he deprived Thor of his supernatural power, and also took away his hammer, exiled the hammer and Thor to the earth. 】

[Thor: What? How did this happen? Why is my future always like this?]

Seeing himself on the screen standing on the ground with a blank face and shouting to the sky for his father, Thor only felt bitter in his mouth. A sense of powerlessness emerged spontaneously.

Could it be that this is my destiny?

No matter which universe you are in, you are destined to be exiled?

[Image continues. 】

[Thor who fell into the mortal world yelled to the sky, like crazy. 】

[Beside, Jane Foster and others are looking at him with horror, their expressions are as if they are looking at a madman. 】

[After shouting, Thor suddenly turned to look at Professor Erik and shouted:]

["You! Which country is this? Alfieheim or Dolenheim?"]

[Dangxi-John News took out the stun gun from his arms and said while aiming at Thor. 】

["This is New Mexico."]

[Seeing this, Thor was furious. 】

["How dare you threaten me, I am Thor! Oodin's eldest son. I

[Seeing Thor approaching him fiercely, Daisy pulled the trigger of the stun gun without saying a word. 】

【"Uh uh uh "]

[Thor shivered, his eyes rolled white and fell to the ground, convulsing directly. 】

[Mado magician: Hahaha! Thor, aren't you Thor? How come you're still being stunned? It's really laughing at me. 0(n_n) 0~】

[Thor Thor: No, this kind of thing didn't happen to me!]

[Thor Thor: By the way, didn’t you just say that this is another universe? Yes, I have not been stunned! This is something that happened in another universe!]

[Loki-Odinsen: Thor, since childhood, your liar skills have always been so bad. 】

【Wanda- Maximov: No, Thor is stunned? Wow ha ha ha, this is really a famous scene. I feel that I can laugh forever about this. (~-v一)~】

【Thor: Damn it, I hate the earth. o(TT)o】

The scene where I found myself being stunned was actually seen by Loki and those nasty mortals!

At this moment, Thor felt as if he had been publicly executed, as if his face would be lost all his life.

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