
[In order to lure Godzilla to the "nano trap" that has been designed, including Haruo, three pilots flew the new mecha "Vulture" to attack. 】


[After the power upgrade of the mechanical nano city, these three fighters are not only extremely fast, but also have an amazingly strong attack power, beating the planet Godzilla to the ground!]


[Planet Godzilla opens its mouth and aims at the three pests in the air...... Spewed out a strong atomic breath!】


[A terrifying blue plasma beam pierced the sky, hitting the ground all the way, plowing a deep valley in the ground. 】

[But the speed of the three mechs was too fast, and Godzilla still missed.] 】


[In the process of chasing, Godzilla casually spewed out an atomic breath, which simply penetrated the atmosphere and hit the outside of the earth!]

[At this time, the human spacecraft staying outside the atmosphere also observed the energy reaction of Godzilla's blow. 】

["The energy output of Godzilla's atomic breath...... About 3 trillion watts!"]

["Far beyond the presumed value!"]

[Hearing the report, the blood on the faces of the human elite disappears.] 】

["3 trillion ???"]

"This monster...... How is it possible to win?"]

["Are they going to kill themselves?"]

[Although the human high-level did not have confidence in this operation at all, Harui and the others still fought with their lives to lure Godzilla to the location of the trap!]

["Godzilla arrives at the capture site!"]

["Block the pathway, inject liquid nanometal!"]


[The iron door behind Godzilla suddenly closed, and in this sealed huge space, a huge amount of liquefied nanometal began to be poured in!]


[I saw a huge amount of liquid metal pouring into this space like a flood!]

[Soon, the liquid solidified at Godzilla's feet, turning into a solid state much harder than steel!]

["The effective filling amount of nano metal is still 30%...... 10%!"】


["The nanometal has hardened, and this monster has been trapped!"]

["But it only lasts for 30 seconds!"]

["No matter, fire! fire!"]

[It's exactly the same as the last "anti-Godzilla operation.] 】

[On the human side. First trap the planet Godzilla with a trap, and then start a crazy attack, forcing Godzilla to deploy an electromagnetic shield!]

[As long as the time of the shield has passed, and then smash Godzilla's electromagnetic organ "dorsal fin", this monster is the meat of the beast, and can only be slaughtered!]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[The heavy artillery fire of the mechanical nano city began to roar wildly, like a raging storm...... Bombarding the planet Godzilla!]


[In the face of the bombardment of black technology weapons that have been developed in the nano city for 20,000 years, even the planet Godzilla can only helplessly turn on the electromagnetic defense shield. 】

[But the duration of this shield is not unlimited. 】

["Godzilla's body surface electromagnetic pulse has been synchronized, and the anastomosis rate is 90%!"]

[Inside the Machine City, a "Birusarudo" commander is issuing orders:]

["Two-wing turrets, aim for Godzilla's dorsal fin and blast it to pieces as soon as the shield disappears!"]

["The collapse point of the electromagnetic shield is about to appear!"]

【“5...... 4...... 3...... 2...... 1...... Fire!"]


[In the terrible howl of Planet Godzilla, its precious dorsal fin was finally destroyed by artillery fire. 】

["The dorsal fin has been successfully destroyed!"]

["Enemy Electromagnetic Shield Output Reduced to 80%!"]

["It's still declining, it's down to 30%!"]

[In the control room of Nano City, everyone held their breath and waited for that decisive moment. 】

["The electromagnetic shield is gone!"]

["Launch an EMP Harpoon!"]


[Two giant nano-metal harpoons hundreds of meters long shot out sharply, breaking through Godzilla's scale armor and penetrating deep into its body!]


[In the face of such a heavy blow, even planetary Godzilla couldn't help but raise his head and let out a wail!]

"Harpoon successfully penetrated Godzilla."] "】

["Hurry up and send out the electromagnetic pulse and let the electromagnetic waves in its body get out of control!"]

[All the humans widened their eyes excitedly, looking at the Godzilla giant beast in front of them expectantly...... Shattered to pieces like the previous one!]

[However, they forgot one thing, the planet Godzilla in front of them is a monster that has lived for 20,000 years!]

[It's not the "junior" last time at all, it can be compared!]


[Accompanied by an ominous red light, a terrifying heat wave was released from the body of the planet Godzilla.] 】

["Sneering ......"]

[Even the nano-metal harpoon that pierced Godzilla's body was burned golden red by the high temperature. 】

[Inside the Nano Metal City, everyone also discovered that something was wrong. 】

["Why hasn't it exploded yet?"]

["What the hell is going on?"]

["Attention! The temperature around Godzilla changes drastically!"]

["500 degrees, 600 degrees, 700 degrees...... It's over 1000 degrees and it's still rising!"]

[Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, the human doctor's eyes suddenly widened, and he said a terrifying guess:]

["That Godzilla, shouldn't it be the electromagnetic waves in the body that are converted into heat energy?"

["In this way, the electromagnetic pulse in its body will not run wild, but will release a strong heat force. "】


[The commander of the "Birusaru Duo" in the base was dumbfounded when he heard it:]

["If the temperature is still rising, won't it burn itself to death?"]

["(⊙_⊙)"Dr. Human's face is solemn:]

["No! really horrible thing...... It may still be to come!"]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Godzilla's Heat Wave of Terror...... The nano harpoon that began to sweep in all directions and was inserted into its body had already been melted into liquid by the high temperature!]

[Under the invasion of high temperatures, the entire nano city began to gradually disintegrate!]

in the live broadcast room.

"Red Lotus Mode, isn't this Red Lotus Mode?"

Little Wanda's eyes widened, and she suddenly clapped her hands and laughed:

"This planet Godzilla, how can he do this!"

"It's invincible! Those humans ...... It's all evaporated!"

“............ →_→"

Looking at little Wanda and clapping for the planet Godzilla, several humans in the live broadcast room looked at each other.

Although there is a Godzilla in the chat group, everyone is human......

"Atomic breath can hit the outside of the atmosphere, the red lotus mode can melt everything, and it can live forever for tens of thousands of years......"

Bruce Wayne muttered a few words, his brow furrowed.

In the face of such a monster against the sky, even if the whole world works together...... No chance of winning!

What's more, there are only a few thousand people left in all of humanity now.

Even their last hope, the "Nanomechanical City", is about to be completely melted by the Red Lotus model!

It looks like all hope will be extinguished!

At that moment, Master Wayne suddenly discovered that sometimes, ...... Earth really needs a superman.

At that moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Seeing that Godzilla in Red Lotus mode was about to melt everything around him, the alien commander in the nanomechanical city suddenly came up with a crazy plan. 】

[Ordinary attacks, useless against Godzilla.] 】

[Therefore, the three "vulture mechas" piloted by Haruo and others have to fly up to the troposphere, and then dive downward, with the help of gravitational acceleration, and penetrate Godzilla in one go!]

[Hearing this plan, the pilots of the three mechs were shocked. 】

["You're kidding! That Godzilla is a few thousand degrees hot, we can't even get close!"]

["It's okay. "】

[Inside the mecha, the commander of the Birusaru people on the communication screen has changed greatly, and said coldly:]

["As long as the parts with poor heat resistance in the mecha are strengthened with nanometal, even in the face of high temperatures of 8,000 degrees, they can hold up for 10 seconds."] "】

["It's enough to penetrate Godzilla completely for such a long time!"]

["Parts with poor heat resistance?" 】

[Birusaru simply went straight to the showdown:]

["That's you!"]


[At the same time as the commander spoke, the pilots in the three mechs began to be eroded by the liquid nanometal!]

[At this time, Qingsheng suddenly realized. 】

[After discovering the mechanical city, those Birusaru people who are crazy about science and technology began to choose to assimilate their bodies with nano metals and turn them into some kind of robots!]

[Although Harui can't agree with this kind of behavior, in the face of a strong enemy like Godzilla, he can only turn a blind eye. 】

[But he never dreamed that these crazy aliens would actually want to forcibly assimilate them, and then take the three of them to ...... All turned into some kind of suicide weapon!]

[At this time, the nano metal on the surface of Qingsheng's body suddenly retreated. 】

[It turned out that he had previously received the "scale powder treatment" of the primitive people on the surface. 】

[These scales are from the dead Mothra!Can resist the invasion of nanometals!]

[But on another mecha, Haru's girlfriend was being eroded by nanometal, and let out a terrible scream. 】

[At this time, on Earth, another alien race, "Mrs. Axie"... Metface suddenly sent out a communication. 】

[This person claims that if Godzilla is eliminated, then the nanomechanical city will multiply wildly until it swallows all life on Earth and covers the entire Earth!]

[Qingsheng was furious when he heard this!]

[He can die with Godzilla in order to save the earth.] 】

[But this is definitely not for the sake of the earth... Turn into a lifeless metal lump!]

[In anger, Haru turned his gun and began to bombard the main control room of Nano City!]


[The control room will soon turn into a sea of fire under artillery fire!]

[In the next moment, the "Red Lotus Planet Godzilla" finally completely melted the nanometal around it and completely broke free from the shackles. 】


[Planet Godzilla opened its mouth and spewed out terrifying atomic breath, completely blasting the nano city in front of him to pieces!]

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