[Because "Lethe" washed away the terrifying memories of all mankind for xenobiotic beasts, people all over the world are now living a normal life, and no one knows...... Monsters have once appeared on Earth!]

[Not only that, but under the dark curtain of lies, there are even more terrible things hidden. 】

[That night, at a gas station in Inazuma Province, an employee noticed an anomaly in the chart. 】

[The fuel of a pickup truck seems to be dissatisfied. 】


[The gas station employee hurriedly brought a flashlight and fell to the ground, wanting to check whether the truck was leaking. 】

[After careful observation, the employee found ...... There was indeed some kind of liquid dripping from the van. 】

[But, that's not gasoline!]


[Right in front of this employee, the pile of purple-red strange liquid suddenly began to swell sharply! and even rushed towards the employee!]


[Under the horrified gaze of the employee, this pile of liquid rushed out of the bottom of the car, and right in front of him, transformed into an ugly monster!]

[This monster is the liquid xenobiotic beast "Pedron"!]

["Pedrón" likes to feed on ethanol and humans, and it is precisely for the sake of foraging that it attacked this gas station!]


[That hapless gas station employee only had time to shout before he was swallowed by the liquid xenobiotic in his stomach!]


[Seeing the terrifying monster, the driver of the pickup truck crawled out of the cab. 】

[But before he could escape far, he was entangled in the tentacles of the monster!]


[In the face of the monster with its bloody mouth open, the driver can only let out a desperate scream. 】

["Bang bang bang!"

[At this moment, a series of gunshots suddenly rang out!]


[Hit by a series of bullets, the liquid xenobiotic suddenly abandoned the driver and fled to a nearby tunnel. 】

[But it didn't know that it was all in the calculations of some mysterious organization.] 】


[Just after the monster entered the uninhabited tunnel, two fighter jets suddenly appeared in the empty sky!]

[It turns out that this is the stealth fighter of the Night Raid Team!]

[They've been watching and looking for a moment to strike!]

["Ready to enter!"]

[From the two warplanes, 4 members of the heavily armed night raid team dismounted, and rushed into the tunnel. 】


[When these members found the terrifying xenomorph, not only did they not have the slightest fear, but they did not hesitate to pull the trigger!]

["Da Da Da ......"]


[Faced with the special ammunition specially used to restrain the xenomorphs, the liquid xenomorphs were quickly beaten all over the body, and finally exploded into countless light particles!]

[And after the end of the war, a group of professionals came to the scene in a vehicle and disposed of all the monster fragments scattered on the ground. 】

[Not only that, but the driver of the pickup truck who witnessed the monster was also found by the "memory police" and erased his memory. 】

[When the night is over, no one will remember...... There have been monster attacks!]

[This is the "TLT", and the Night Raid team's way of doing things.] 】

[It turns out that since the battle between "the·one" and Ultraman Nexus in Shinjuku, various xenobiotic beasts have begun to appear all over the world!]

[In order to avoid the existence of xenomorphs and once again provoke panic in human society, the night raiders will use as much concealed means as possible to eliminate these monsters, and eliminate all traces of the existence of xenomorphs. 】

[It is precisely because of this that they will be equipped with the "Chrome Chester" fighter that can be stealth. 】

[In addition to the team members who are responsible for fighting on the front line, the Kira Zeyu who once predicted the "Xenobiological Beast" and the "Dark Zaki" was also placed in the base of the Night Raid Team and became a rear combat staff officer. 】

[Tonight, it was just an ordinary "Xenomorph Annihilation Operation". 】

[But just after eliminating the xenomorphic beast, Nagi Saijo, the deputy captain of the night raid team, accidentally saw a strange man. 】

[This man is the "Himiya Jun" who once appeared in that mysterious wilderness. 】


[Saijo Nagi just blinked, and "Himiya Jun" disappeared in front of her eyes. 】

[Shortly after this incident, the Night Raid team recruited a new member.] 】

[This person is the former rescue team member "Lonely Door". 】

[I don't know if I know ...... Why was he favored by the secret organization, although he successfully joined the night raid team, but Ikki's mind ...... Still full of questions. 】

[Before "Lonely Door Yihui" officially joined, he encountered a terrifying xenobiological beast on the road on the side of the mountain!]


[The most coincidental thing is that what he encountered is still the liquid xenobiotic Pedron!]

[Entangled by Pedron's tentacles, although Kazuki Lonely Gate struggled desperately, he was still torn over!]

[At this moment of crisis, a red light suddenly flashed, and a huge fireball fell from the sky, hitting Pedron!]


[The tentacles that wrapped around the lonely door Kazuki broke instantly!, and Kazuki instinctively turned his head under the shock and undecided...... I saw an incredible sight. 】

[A giant with a height of more than 10 meters stood on the side of the road, and the giant's fist sank deep into the ground of the road. 】

[That hideous and terrifying xenomorphic beast has been blasted to pieces by this fist, and even the bones can't be seen. 】

[This giant of light is Ultraman Nexus!]


[After killing the xenobiotic beast, Ultraman Nexus just glanced at Kazuki Lonely Gate and disappeared in front of him. 】

[When the night raiders arrived at the scene, all they could see was the big hole in the highway and the lonely door. 】

[At this time, in the nearby mountains, a man in a jacket is watching all this in silence. 】

[He is "Himiya Jun", that is, the second "Fittestable" of Ultraman Nexus!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! There are so many people who appear here, I almost can't recognize them.

Wanda Maximov: Strange, what is the origin of this Ultraman Nexus? Is she from the Land of Light?

Torrecchia: People don't know, I've never met him.

Beria: Hmph! Even a group of cockroaches and rats fought so hard, I didn't know such a weak Ultraman.

Agent J: In order to avoid panic caused by the presence of alien monsters, the memories of witnesses must be erased after each battle.

Agent J: I'm quite in favor of that.

Nick Fury: They don't do it because they like it, either.

Nick Fury: If the fear of alien monsters spreads, it will only exacerbate the extinction of humanity!

Nick Fury: But in my opinion, the Earth in this parallel universe is probably very difficult to keep.

King Ada: Hmm...... Oh, yes.

King Ada: The xenomorphs are inexhaustible, and the dark god "Zaki" is hidden behind the scenes, and he will pop out at any time!

King Ada: The most troublesome thing is. Noah, the only one who can defeat Zaki, doesn't know where yet!

King Ada: These humans alone are nothing more than a death struggle.

Bai Yuekui: You...... Do you look down on humans so much?

Ida: It's not a matter of contempt.

King Ada: In the face of such alien monsters, what can ordinary earthlings do?

King Ada: Unless...... Give up your identity as a human and become a monster, otherwise you have no chance of winning!

Bai Yuekui: I've become a monster myself? At that point, is that still it?

King Ada: It's better than extinction.

Big bones boiled into soup: No, you see, on that earth...... Isn't there still Ultraman?

Wanda Maximov: To be honest, that "Ultraman Next" looks a bit weak, not at all comparable to "Noah".

Big Bone Soup: Damn, if only I knew how to locate in the multiverse!

Big bones into soup: In that case, I can also use my bracelet to travel to this earth and help them!

Wanda Maximov: Hey, don't be kidding, your own earth is full of monsters!

Big bones into soup: ............

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

["Ji Ya Jun" was originally a war correspondent. 】

[Once, when he was filming on the battlefield, he was unfortunately injured and was saved by a local girl "Saila". 】

[But "Ji Yazhun" never dreamed that when he took photos of the war in the future, he inadvertently took a ...... The moment when Sera was blown up alive!]

[This photo brought unprecedented honor to "Ji Yazhun", but it also became a nightmare for his life. 】

[The heavy guilt completely crushed him. 】

[Since then, Ji Yajun has dreamed of the scene when Saila was blown up every night!]

But one day, in a dream, Sierra took her to a mysterious ruin. 】

[In a trance, Ji Yajun touched the "Stone Wings" in the ruins and became the "Fittest" of the Giant of Light!]

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