
[Intense golden energy was transmitted into the doctor's body from Rose's facial features and seven orifices.] 】

[These are the "power of time and space" contained in the heart of Taddis!]

[After all the energy in his body was exhausted, Rose exhaled a slight breath and collapsed to the ground. 】


[The doctor gently places Rose on the floor, then slowly stands up.] 】

[He looked at the gate of Tardis in front of him, and his facial features suddenly released a golden light!]


[Endless space-time energy poured into the heart of Taddis and merged with the heart of Tardis in the console. 】

[The Doctor "returned" this power that was enough to transcend dimensions.] 】


[After completing the energy return, Doctor Who's body shook a little, but still managed to stand still.] 】

[Next, he carried the unconscious Rose into Tadis, controlled the time machine, and left the time node where Satellite 5 was located. 】

【“............ Doctor!"]

[It took a long time for Rose to wake up from his coma.] 】

["What's going on?"]

[Rose frowned and thought hard, but couldn't think of anything, as if there was an extra blank in his brain.] 】


[Doctor Who looked down at his hand, only to see a golden light flowing on his skin, as if his body had undergone a mutation. 】


[Doctor Who's face shows a look of seeing through everything, and he looks at Rose and laughs:]

["Ross Taylor, I would have ...... I want to take you to a lot of places. "】

"For example, Barcelona. "】


[Ross sounds a little confused:]

"Then we'll go now."] "】

["You may go, I will also go ......"]

[There was an extra hint of uncertainty in the doctor's smile:]

["But...... I'm not going to go the way I am. "】


[Ross couldn't hear it.] 】


[Suddenly, the doctor's body shook, and the muscles in his face twitched.] 】


[Rose stepped forward to help him, but was stopped by the doctor's scream:]

["Don't come here!"]

[It turns out that in the process of saving Rose just now, Doctor Who absorbed all the energy of the Time Spiral. 770 [The result is...... All the cells in the doctor's body began to die. 】

He didn't live long. 】

[However, Doctor Who has a unique ability, which is to "deceive death"!]

[Every time, Doctor Who Gao suffers a mortal blow...... None of them will really die. 】

[The cells of his whole body will be reorganized and transformed into another person!]

["Rose, you know what? You're great, you're really good!"]

[Enduring the pain in his body, Doctor Who took a deep breath, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face:]

["And, I'm also great!"]

[In the next moment, a strong golden light erupted from the doctor!]


[It's like every atom in his body has turned gold!]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Wrapped in golden light, Doctor Who's appearance and figure began to change!]

[...... after more than ten seconds]


[After the golden light dissipated, a "young doctor" who looked more than ten years younger appeared in front of Rose. 】

"Wow, my teeth have changed, it feels weird."] "】

[The "Young Doctor" shakes his head, as if he is experiencing a new change in his body.] 】

[Then he looked at Rose, and a smile appeared on his face:]

["What were we talking about?"]

"By the way, it's Barcelona."] "】

【“...... (⊙⊙)"】

[Looking at the familiar stranger in front of him, Rose's face was full of astonishment, and he was stunned in place, unable to make a sound for a while. 】

Seeing this, the screen gradually dimmed.

[End of Doctor Who.] 】

Tian Xiaoban: This ...... What do I see? (⊙o⊙)

Hermione Granger: Doctor Who, someone else!

Doctor Who: He's none other than me.

Doctor Who: Just ...... Another version of "I".

Bruce Banner: After suffering a mortal injury, he can be resurrected in another form with full health.

Bruce Banner: Well, how do I feel a bit like a Saiyan?

Emperor Frieza: Hmph, don't joke, those monkeys don't have the ability to resurrect.

Vegeta: Frieza, who do you say is a monkey?(▼Dish▼) (DACD) Universe Emperor Frieza: Little one, dare to yell in front of me, at least you have the strength of a Super Saiyan.

Emperor of the Universe Frieza: Do you have one?

Vegeta: ............ Damn!Kakarot, why ......--_--

Torrecchia: It's supposed to be some kind of cell-level "transformation" that replaces all the cells in the body to achieve the effect of "full blood regeneration".

Wanda Maximov: Huh? Replace all the cells? What's the difference between that and "change one person"?

Hermione Granger: Have you even changed your memories?

Doctor Who: It's not that exaggerated, this rebirth would have completely changed my appearance, but the memories remained.

Doctor Who: I've been reborn several times before, and this young man should be the 10th version of "me".

Big bones boiled into soup: It is a miraculous ability to be able to deceive death through this method.

King Ada: No, if this ability is really that strong, why did the Time Lords still perish?

Robert Killiman: Changing cells, isn't it absolutely invincible?

Robert Killiman: If a battleship is destroyed in a space war, even if it is reborn in space, it still dies?

Doctor Who: ............

Torrecchia: But the Time Lord isn't easy.

Torrecchia: It's a great deal to be able to use the "power of dimensions" that transcends time and space as a source of energy.

Darkseid: Huh...... No matter how strong this power is, if the owner cannot control it, it is in vain.

Thanos Sanos: That's right, if I master the power of this dimension, I will definitely use it to reshape the universe and make it better.

Thanos Sanos: It's so decadent to have such power and only use it for tourism......

Deadpool: Ah...... What's so bad about traveling?

Deadpool: With a little beautiful woman, we travel through the timeline together, I want to live this kind of life too.

Thanos Sanos: Inferior creatures! If the universe is full of garbage like you, it would be better to destroy it sooner.

Carol Danvers: If the universe is really reshaped into what ...... "you" think, then it is really the end of the world!

At that moment, the system sound rang again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected: Bruce Wayne]

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "Thor Love and Thunder"]


Hearing this voice, many people in the group were a little surprised.

Thor: Wait a minute! Who is that Wayne? What does he have to do with Thor?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, yes, you precious hammer...... Lifted up by that Batman, right?(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Thor: No one but me can lift my hammer!

Nick Fury: Ha, Thor, you're not going to forget Captain America, are you?

Thor: This ......

in the live broadcast room.

"I—I'll lift Thor's hammer and become the new Thor?"

Feeling that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Young Master Wayne's eyes narrowed slightly, and many thoughts suddenly turned in his heart.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[A bald man is taking a little girl on a difficult trek through the desert. 】

[They are on a pilgrimage.] 】

[And the god that the father and daughter believe in is called "Rapp."] 】

[During the trek, my father would pray to this "Rapp" god whenever he had time. 】

"Praise the Almighty God Rapp...... I pray to you for water and food. "】

["Pray these not for me, but for my daughter......"]

Although my father prayed incessantly, there was neither water nor food in the desert. 】

[In this extremely harsh environment, my daughter finally couldn't bear it anymore and died in the desert. 】

["Woo woo woo ......"]

[Tearfully burying his daughter in a pile of sand, the father seems to have lost hope of life and lies on the ground without moving. 】

[At this moment, a strange wind suddenly came from a distance. 】


[Father raised his head and looked in the direction where the wind was coming from, his eyes widening violently. 】

[In that direction, there seems to be an oasis!]

[Father struggles to rush into the oasis, where he finds the river and the fruit that has fallen from the trees.] 】


[Seeing those fruits, my father, who had been hungry and thirsty for a long time, pounced directly and gnawed greedily. 】

[At this time, he was in his ears. Suddenly, there was a loud laugh. 】

["Behold, this fellow has come in and eaten my fruit. "】


[When my father looked up, he saw an old man in gorgeous clothes sitting upright on a high place, looking at him with disdain. 】

["You! you are the god of Rapp!"

[The father hurriedly took two steps back, knelt on the ground reverently, and humbly begged:]

["Great God, my name is Gehr, and I am the last of you to believe!"]

["Our Lord! We have lost everything!"

"The earth continues to be in drought, and countless people are dying. "】

["Let our faith in you never waver!"]

["Now, can you give us that eternal reward?"]

[I looked at 4, a variety of foods and fruits.] Gehr asked with hope:

["Is this why you are celebrating?"]


[God Rapp burst out laughing when he heard this:]

["What eternal reward do you really believe?"]

[The countless strange creatures in this oasis, including the god Rapp, burst out laughing.] 】


[Rapp God leaned back and smiled backwards, and then his face changed suddenly:]

["No! there is no eternal reward, you dog minion!"]

[He pointed to a dead man who fell to the ground next to him, and said coldly to Gehr:]

["We were celebrating the victory in the battle just now!"]

["I killed the wielder of the Necromantic Sword with my own hands!"]

[Rapp sneered:]

"This scum, with his cursed sword, threatens to end my entire empire. "】

["But...... Your empire is over. "】

[Tears were left on Geer's face :]

["Countless people have died of hunger and thirst, no one is worshipping you anymore, not even my daughter is dead!"]

["Suffering for the sake of your God is the only purpose of your existence!"]

[The calm on the face of the god Rapp:]

["Even if you die, I can still find more believers elsewhere!"

["You! You are not God!"]

Gehr was filled with grief and indignation, and reached out and tore off the Rapp ornament hanging on his chest. 】

"I won't believe in you anymore. "】


[Rapp snorted coldly, and his figure appeared in front of Gehr in an instant, reached out and grabbed his neck, lifting him up:]

["Well, now there is only one last meaning left in your life, and that is ...... Die for me!"]


[Gehr was pinched by Rapp's eyes, his eyes rolled and he convulsed, as if he was about to die in the next moment. 】

[At this moment, a strange voice sounded in his head:]

["Kill all the gods!"]

["Complete your revenge!"]

[At the same time as this voice sounded, the cursed sword that made him fall to the ground suddenly floated automatically and flew into Gehr's hand. 】

["Hammer...... Rainbow Bridge ...... Eternity!"]

[A series of visions flashed through Geer's mind!]

[And driven by these visions, he raised his hand violently and stabbed the cursed sword into the neck of the "Rapp God". 】


[Golden blood flowed from the neck of the god Rapp, he looked at Gehr in front of him with a frightened face, and said with his last strength:]

"The cursed sword has chosen you. "】

["Now, you're cursed!"]

[Gell looked down at himself, only to see a strange black energy, all the way up from the cursed sword, making his body turn pitch black!]

["Hahaha...... Interesting"]

[Feeling the new energy in his body, Gehr said with a gloomy face:]

["It doesn't feel like a curse, it's like a promise!"]

["And my oath is ......"]

[He slowly raised the cursed sword, and then swung it down with force, cutting off the head of God Rapp with a single sword!]

["Gollum ......"]

[Rapp's head rolls out of the distance, and "Gehr", who became the God Butcher, also utters his oath:]

["All gods will die!"]

in the live broadcast room.

"This ...... Is this me?"

Looking at the "self" on the screen whose appearance changed drastically and slaughtered the god casually, Bruce Wayne's pupils shrank suddenly, and the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching.

PS: After Thor, I'm going to write the Valkyrie of the End!Human vs. God!^.

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