
[Seeing the enemy fall to the ground, Thor shouted loudly, raised the storm tomahawk and slashed it down!]


[Ger, the God Butcher, unleashed his teleportation trick again, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. 】


[Before Thor could react, Gel suddenly appeared from his side and grabbed his neck with one hand!]

["Squeak...... Bang!"]

[Gell grabbed Thor by the throat and pushed him all the way to a car!]

["Is this the Sword of Necromancy?"]

[Although his life is in danger, Thor actually shows his ...... again The stupid and bold character of the gag, looking down at the cursed sword and laughing:]

["It's so cool, I only read about this sword in a storybook when I was a kid."] "】

["Hey, hey, hey......"]

[Geer's skin was white and black, his eyes flashed with a burning red light, and he grinned like a demon:]

["Soon, you will know that you have been stabbed by this sword...... How painful!"]


[Although it has become a fish meat, Thor is still hard-mouthed:]

["I never knew what pain was, it was just a term invented by the weak! 737..."】

[Before he finished speaking, Thor felt the sharp pain of the cursed sword cutting through his skin!]

[The pain was so intense that Thor couldn't help but scream!]


[Faced with the threat of death, Thor resisted and desperately repelled Gehr!]

[The two then got into a scuffle in the street.] 】

["Bang, bang, bang, bang......"]

[Although the God Butcher Gehr is elusive, Thor is unparalleled in divine power, coupled with the thunder power of the Storm Battle Axe, he still has a faint upper hand in the end. 】


[Just after being repelled by Thor again, Geer looked at the female Thor not far away, and the Valkyrie who was faintly encircling her, and his eyes suddenly became dark. 】


[With a cold snort, this strange man immediately dived into the ground like a ghost and disappeared without a trace.] 】

And in the next moment, around the small town of Asgard, the screams of children rang out. 】


["There's a monster here!"]


[Hearing these screams one after another, Thor and the others were suddenly shocked. 】

[They never thought that the God Butcher Gehr couldn't beat him head-on, so he would turn his head and attack the children!]

[Under the cover of darkness, countless shadows sneaked into the houses of Agad Town and snatched all the children away!]

["Not good!"]

[Hearing the screams of the children getting farther and farther away, Thor yelled, jumped into the air with the female Thor, and rushed in the direction where the screams came from!]


[Seeing the two thunder gods falling from the sky, the God Butcher Gehr just showed a sneer, and then ...... with those children Disappeared to the ground. 】


[The Storm Tomahawk and Thor's Hammer descend from the sky with the power of ten thousand pounds, but the ...... they hit Just icy ground and rocks. 】


[Thor and Thor's tried their best to search everywhere, but the God Slayer seemed to have disappeared, leaving no trace behind. 】


[The female thunder god who fell from the sky was full of chagrin, and seemed to be very unhappy with her nothing. 】

["I've circled the earth twice!"]

[Looking at the almost reborn woman in front of him, Thor was full of embarrassment, and he didn't seem to even know what to say. 】

[Looking at Thor's appearance of wanting to speak and stopping, Jane Foster smiled and opened the conversation box first. 】

【“...... We are finally reunited. "】


["Speaking of which, how long have we been apart?three years or 4?"] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Faced with his ex-girlfriend's question, Thor didn't hesitate for even a second, and immediately blurted out:]

["Eight years, seven months, and six days. "】


[Hearing such "precise" numbers, Jane Foster's eyes widened slightly, and for a moment (dafj) didn't know how to answer.] 】

[Although the couple who have been separated for many years have a lot to say, the most important issue at the moment is the missing children. 】

[The parents of the children who had been taken captive gathered in the hall of the town to ...... the new king of Asgard Valkyrie cried :]

["Your Majesty, those monsters have taken my daughter, what should I do?"]

"Calm down first...... (╯)"】

[Seeing the Valkyrie being overwhelmed by these parents, Thor finally couldn't stand it anymore. 】


[Thor yells, shocking everyone.] 】

[But he didn't have much to do, he could only say a bunch of meaningless speeches,]

[Later, Thor unfolded the Rainbow Bridge and teleported himself to a sculpture on the edge of the town, smashing the sculpture!]

["Enough is enough! everyone go out with me!"]

[Seeing that Thor is getting more and more helped, the Valkyrie is finally on fire!]

[For so many years, she has been the new king of Asgard, in charge of all aspects of this town!]

[Now that there is a new problem, she still has to come forward to solve it!]

[As for this Thor...... No matter how you look at it, it's unreliable!]

[And just when everyone was at a loss, in the hall of the town, an image of a black child suddenly appeared. 】

[It turns out that this kid is Heimdall's son!] You also have some of Heimdall's divine powers. 】

[With the help of this black child, Thor got out of his body and found the place where the God Butcher Gehr was hiding these children!]

["They're in the Shadow Kingdom!"]

[After the spirit returned, Thor told the female thunder god everything he had seen. 】

["The Shadow Kingdom is the base camp of our enemies!"]

But we can't just go like that, because it could be a trap and it could endanger the children. "】

[Thor and Valkyrie glanced at each other and said a place name almost at the same time:]

["Magnum City!"]

["What did you say?"]

[The female thunder god was confused when she heard this, and she didn't know what this place name represented. 】

[Seeing this, Thor immediately explained:]

["Universal City is home to the most powerful gods in the universe. "】

["In that place, we can recruit the sun god in the Egyptian god realm, Hercules in the Greek god realm. "】

["We can form the most powerful coalition in the universe!"]

"And of all these gods, the eldest and wisest...... It's Zeus!"]


Hearing the name Zeus, someone in the chat group suddenly bubbled.

Kratos: Damn it, in your universe, there's Zeus as a bastard?

Wonder Woman Diana: ............

Wonder Woman Diana: Is that place called "Magnum City" another version of the Pantheon?

Wonder Woman Diana: And the leader of this pantheon is the god-king Zeus?.

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