At this time, everyone in the chat group was discussing the strange performance of the female hulk.

Wanda Maximov: I said...... That woman can't really see us, can she?

Tian Xiaoban: Impossible, right? Can she see this live broadcast system?

Dr. Demonized Strange: Hmm...... According to my observations, the existence of this system is indeed beyond ~ common sense.

Magical Doctor Strange: Even multiverse-level observers are far from comparable!

Demonic Doctor Strange: And that Hulk is just a little stronger, can't-......

Deadpool: Haha! Like me, the Hulk can see through the fourth wall!

Deadpool: That's why she's able to perceive the presence of the live screen, and even us as viewers!^

Tian Xiaoban: What are you talking about the 4th wall?(⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: It's stage terminology.

Bruce Wayne: The so-called theatrical stage always has only three walls, and the fourth is facing the audience!

Bruce Wayne: Breaking down the four walls means ...... The actors on the stage, detached from their original performances, began to communicate directly with the audience.

Wanda Maximov: Actor?

Bruce Wayne: Whatever the nature of this live streaming system, "it" is a combination of what happens in various parallel universes...... Gather it and play it for us to see.

Bruce Wayne: The characters in these images all become actors in a play without knowing anything.

Bruce Wayne: But somehow, the she-hulk noticed that this observation existed!

Bruce Wayne: She even ...... Also try to communicate with us directly!

Hermione Granger: That's amazing, is this the Hulk's special ability?

Bruce Banner: ............ Sorry, I've never heard of this ability.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha!Banner, it looks like your cousin is really much better than you!^

Bruce Banner:

Carol Danvers: Speaking of which, this woman is really amazing.

Carol Danvers: Obviously, he is smaller than the Hulk, but he can exert such a strong force!

Starlight: The strength of superpowers has nothing to do with physique.

Carol Danvers: The Hulk doesn't have any superpowers, it's the most powerful...... It's his physique, and sheer strength!

King Ada: Could it be ...... What's so special about Dr. Banner's blood transfusion for his cousin?

King Ada: Or will the Hulk be more "hybridized" with humans than the purebred Hulk?

Bruce Banner: Hybrid!!What are you talking nonsense?(⊙o⊙)

King Ada: Hehe, I'm just casually making an analogy, you wouldn't be shy like that, would you?

Bai Yuekui: Ah, I didn't expect such a big green monster to have such a thin skin, ^

Bruce Banner: You ......

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Iron Man sacrificed himself, snapped his fingers, and saved the lives of half of the people in the universe, the earth did not become more peaceful because of this. 】

[More and more bizarre superhumans have begun to appear in various parts of the earth. 】

[It is precisely because of this that the United States officially decided to establish the so-called "Transhuman Affairs Administration.] 】

[In order to give this authority a better public image, the top management decided to let Jennifer serve as the "chief legal counsel" of the authority.] 】

[After taking office, Jennifer's first task was to defend Emile Bronsky. 】

[This person is the Hulk's old enemy, and after the defeat, he has been imprisoned by S.H.I.E.L.D. in a special prison. 】

[Time has passed, in this era of superhumans everywhere, the official opinion...... Bronski must be given a proper trial!]

[At the same time, it can also take the opportunity to make a name for the Transhuman Affairs Administration.] 】

[Jennifer was extremely dissatisfied with this assignment from the top management:]

["Can't you change someone else?"]

["I have a serious conflict of interest with Bronski, and he once wanted to kill my cousin Bruce!"]

[But unfortunately, the top management was unmoved. 】

[They think...... This kind of conflict and contradiction can better attract attention!]

[Sure enough, during a trial, a female superhuman broke into the courtroom, and Jennifer had to transform into She-Hulk, start a fierce battle with her, and knock her down!]

[This incident was put on the Internet by the media and directly detonated public opinion!]

"Wow, that she-hulk looks so cool."] "】

["Her figure is so toned. "】

"I feel as if I'm in love with her. "】

[Fueled by the media, the female Hulk soon became a "super Internet celebrity" and gained the attention of countless netizens. 】

[But in the face of her "popularity", Jennifer was extremely troubled:]

["I prefer that they see me as an ordinary lawyer rather than some superhero ......"]

[It's a pity that after she gained the power of the Hulk, Jennifer's ordinary life was gone forever. 】

["Hula!"] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[On this day, in her office, a golden halo lit up. 】

[A middle-aged Asian man wearing a mage's robe walked out of the portal. 】

[He is the supreme mage "king" of this generation. 】

["Miss Jennifer, we are accountable to the higher forces. "】

["Wang" said with a serious face:]

["Right now, our universe is in crisis!"]


[Sitting behind the desk, Jennifer said with some embarrassment:]

["I'm a lawyer, and I follow books and rules. "】


["Wang" asked rhetorically without smiling:]

["Are you talking about the Book of Emperor Weishan?"]

["No, it's the Book of American Law......]

[Looking at the extraordinary, condescending "king" in front of him, Jennifer's voice unconsciously lowered a few points. 】

[Although facing the Supreme Mage, the fledgling Jennifer still has some confidence. 】

[But as an emerging female superhero, she did "kill" on social media and received praise and attention from countless people. 】

[And seeing that his little cousin has gained much more popularity than himself, the wise Hulk Bruce Banner was a little uncomfortable for a while. 】

["Is it ...... Am I jealous?"]

[The muscles on the Wisdom Hulk's face crumpled, and he suddenly threw a punch that hit the Hulk on the edge of the cliff. 】


[I didn't expect my cousin to poison herself, and the look on the face of the female hulk who fell off the cliff kept changing. 】

[First stunned, shocked, and then transformed into anger and disdain. 】

["Convex (艹艹艹)"]

[Finally, she reaches out a hand and makes a friendly gesture to the wise Hulk.] 】

[And just when the female Hulk gradually adapted to her superhero identity and began to "act chivalrous" in the city, she also inadvertently met another "senior". 】

[This senior is also a professional lawyer and a superhero. 】

[He's Daredevil: Matt Murdoch!]

Seeing this, the screen gradually dimmed.

Bruce Banner: Wait, it can't be, how could I be jealous of my cousin? (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: Haha! The "you" on the screen admit it.

Wanda Maximov: Not only were you jealous of her, but you also attacked her with a sneak punch and knocked her off the cliff!^

King Ada: Interesting, it turns out that you brothers and sisters all get along like this.

Loki Odinson: Haha! I remember that in the previous video, the Hulk also attacked Thor like this, beating him into a rolling gourd!^

Thor: Damn, you green monster, don't you have a little warrior honor, you only know about sneak attacks!

Bruce Banner: ............ (╯)

Stephen Strange: There's one thing I still don't understand, why did the king mention the Book of the Vishan?

Stephen Strange: Isn't the book long gone?

Gen Mordo: Actually...... The Book of Emperor Weishan did not disappear, but was sealed in one place.

Stephen Strange: Huh?

Gen Mordo: This is Kama Taj's greatest secret, and I don't even know where that book is hidden except for the Ancient One.

Stephen Strange: It's unbelievable that the Book of Vishandi, which records all the magic of light, has been sealed.

And at this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

[Start to start the substitution mechanism in the live broadcast room.] 】

【Change of Members......

[Sentinels have been replaced with ...... Valkyrie Brunhilde!]


In the next second, the sentry in the golden tightsuit disappeared in place.

Instead. It's a long-haired woman dressed in a white shirt.,Wearing wing-like ornaments on her head.,The tattoo releases a cold temperament.。。

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