[In order to save Morty, who was broken into 5 billion copies, Rick also put on a game helmet and sent himself into the game. 】

[His task is to gather all these personalities together!]

"Everyone, I want you to listen to me carefully. "】

[The middle-aged man incarnated by "Rick's personality" gave a speech to the countless crowds below on the high platform of a stadium. 】

"In this world, everyone except me is my grandson. "】

"Your names are all Morty, you're trapped in this game world, and I'm here to get you out. "】

"Wow! that's unbelievable."] "】

[Hearing the words of Rick's avatar, all Morty in the square were stunned.] 】

[It seems that these "personality fragments" seem to have forgotten even the memories of "life" after becoming NPCs.] 】

[Rick's incarnation wanted to continue, but his words were suddenly interrupted by Sangmi.] -】

"What are you doing? I said I want to save people, so you can't be quiet. "】

[Rick, who was wearing a game headband, opened his eyes in the space playground, and when he woke up, he glared at Sangmei and shouted:]

["Do you know what the expansion of the universe is? every second I stay here will make a month pass in the game!"]

"I don't have much time to waste. "】

["I don't want to trouble you either!, but ......"]

[Sang Mei held a laser gun in her hand, pointing at the gunfight that was unfolding not far away, her face was extremely ugly. 】

["Now these alien robbers are rushing in and killing people everywhere, what should I do?"]

[Rick looked back and said with no expression on his face:]

["There's an old movie called Die Hard, have you seen it?"]


[Sang Mei was stunned when she heard it:]

["I'm not yet 18 years old, so I can't see any Die Hard at all. "】

["The protagonist of Die Hard hasn't seen his own movie either, so ...... Good luck and don't bother me anymore. "】

[Rick drops a sentence and enters the game world again.] 】

[In the game world, the incarnation of Rick's personality popularized the theory of "personality fragments" everywhere, and the results ...... Quite unexpected. 】

[More and more NPCs believe his theory, and then these people get together.] I changed into Morty's clothes, changed my hairstyle, and then established some kind of "Cult of Sun Tzu"!]

[Although Rick has repeatedly claimed that he does not want to establish any religion and that he hates religion, it is a pity that he ...... His theories can only create this kind of bizarre "Sun Tzujiao". 】

[And with the development and growth of the "Sun Tzu Religion", it has finally attracted the attention of the government in the game. 】

[The government has determined that this group of strange "grandsons" is a group of cultists, and has dispatched armed forces to destroy their headquarters!]

[But in the face of the muzzle of the armed special police, one of the female members of Sun Tzujiao actually stood up and made a generous statement, and persuaded the special police with inexplicable ghost words!]

["Actually...... We are not people, but grandchildren!"

"Yes, I am my grandson. "】

[Moved to tears by this set of nonsense, the special police officer actually put down his weapon and seemed to be ready to join Sun Tzujiao!]


[Looking at the strange scene in front of him, "Rick's Personality Incarnation" also realized one thing. 】

[If you want to convince 5 billion people around the world to believe in one thing, you can't do it with science.] 】

[The only thing that can be done is faith, or rather...... Religion!]

[Next, Rick did his best to support the female member of the Sun Tzu Sect, so that she could preach all over the world and convince the human beings of this world as much as possible...... I'm just a grandson!]

0 begging for flowers

[And this female member is really talented, with her efforts, only 50 years later, 92% of people in this game world believe that they are "grandsons". 】

[The whole world has almost been unified by "Sun Tzujiao". (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[But the trouble is the remaining 8%.] 】

[These 8% of Morty's personality is gathered in the Lighthouse Country, and he refuses to accept the fact that he is a "grandson".] 】

[In order to solve the remaining 8%, Rick incarnates, and comes to the White House with the "goddaughter member" who has become a world leader to convince the president. 】

[It's a pity that this president seems to refuse to believe Rick's words.] 】

["Forget it!, why should I waste my time for these 8% of stupid people?"]

[Rick avatar stood up directly and left the White House in a huff. 】

[But then, the president told the truth to the "grandson goddaughter member":]

["Actually, I already knew the truth, otherwise why do you think I worked so hard to be president?"]

["But...... Then why don't you join us?"]

["Why did you join you? Just to continue to be a servant to that stinky old man after you go out?"]

["How do you think we got the 8%? It's because we don't trust that guy!"

[President Morty said sternly:]

["Although everything is illusory here, we can at least live freely according to our own will, without being endlessly called by that old man!"]

["It's you, you've been living with that guy for 50 years, tell me, did he tell you I love you?"]


[As a fragment of Morty's personality, the female member looked at President Morty in front of her and was speechless. people].

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