After learning all kinds of amazing news about Krypton, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Reed Richards: It's unbelievable that they were able to silently wipe out an empire across the galaxy through dimensional strikes!

Reed Richards: Is there such a terrifying high-dimensional civilization in Clark's universe?

Thinking that with the powerful technology of the Kryptonians, they could not even detect this invisible and shadowless extermination attack, Reed Richards only felt his heart fluctuate. I faintly felt a great sense of oppression.

But at the same time, there was a flash of excitement and ...... in his eyes Yearning.

In the end, technology has been able to do such an incredible thing!

It's even better than the legendary miracles...... And incredible!

Tony Stark: I think these advanced civilizations ...... I don't know how many times more powerful than the Trisolarans.

Tony Stark: First by distorting the technological development of the Kryptonians, making them unable to perceive their potential, and finally forcing them to self-destruct!

Mage Mordo: With such a ferocious method, I'm afraid it's a demon god from another dimension, and that's it.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I think...... This is too much, even if those Kryptonians have great potential, do they deserve to be exterminated?

Wolverine: Boy, there's no way around it, it's like in the animal world, it's always the jungle, and the weak are eaten by the strong, and you can only blame you for being too weak.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Moving ...... Animal world? How could those high-dimensional civilizations still be able to act like animals when they have mastered such powerful technology? ( ̄△ ̄;)

Bruce Banner: Sigh, Peter, you won't forget the Three-Body World, in that world, there are terrible wars and dark forests!

Bruce Banner: Even in the face of a low-level civilization that is not a threat, the strong in the universe will only "destroy when they see it", that is, they are worried that the other party will develop into a threat to themselves!

Bruce Banner: That Kryptonian civilization is too threatening by comparison.

John Constantine: Billions of Clark Kent? I just think about it, and I feel like the hairs on my back stand on end.

Bruce Wayne: Konstantin, if that scares you, what are you going to do when General Zod does come?

John Constantine: Well, maybe it's a place to hide.

John Constantine: After all, they came to Earth to find that Clark. We earthlings and these Kryptonians have not had a holiday?

Bruce wayne:...... I thought you were smart, but why are you so shallow?

Seeing that Constantine's instigation came up again, Young Master Wayne felt angry.

This Hell Detective is indeed eccentric and scheming, but he is always a little too slippery.

Bruce Wayne: What General Zod wants is to revive the Kryptonian civilization, and as long as they get the central treasure book from Clark, they may immediately carry out this plan on Earth!

John Constantine: !! not, right? There are so many planets in the universe, why ......

Halfway through speaking, Konstantin suddenly choked.

Reed Richards: Sigh, I get it, too.

Reed Richards: Earth is a planet with an atmosphere, life, and green!

Reed Richards: And most importantly, there's a yellow sun here, and if these Kryptonians can survive on Earth, they can give birth to countless supermen!

Reed Richards: In time, maybe the whole universe will be theirs!

Reed Richards: Such a good breeding base, even if it were replaced, I wouldn't want to let go.

Starlight: Complex ...... Breeding base?( ̄△ ̄;)

Reed Richards: Those Kryptonites use the "Life Origin Chamber" to produce babies, and don't rely on women to give birth.

Bruce Wayne: The Origin of Life Room! I see! No wonder Joe El sent his own son to Earth.

Reed Richards: Hmm, isn't it because the Earth has a yellow sun?

Bruce Wayne: That's just one of the reasons, the more important reason is that Earth has an ancient Kryptonian reconnaissance ship!

Bruce Wayne: And inside this ship, there's the "Life Origin Chamber"!

Bruce Wayne: As long as Clark uploads the information from the Nexus Treasure Book in his body, he can mass-produce Kryptonians in no time!

John Constantine: Wait a minute, that Joe Al from the beginning...... Just want his son to revive Krypton on our planet?

Clark kent:............ (⊙_⊙)

Whether there is this moment, Clark only feels the ups and downs in his heart, and his feelings for the biological father he has never met are even more complicated.

Revive Krypton on Earth!

That's an exaggeration, isn't it?

How could the earthlings allow such a thing?

If he really does this, he will definitely be attacked by all the Earth ZFs!

"Joe Al, ...... you?"

With a deep sigh in his heart, Clark slowly lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

Seeing him like this, Bruce Wayne's eyes flashed slightly, and a thought had already sprouted in his heart.

This alien must be watched closely.

If he decides to abide by the "Father's Commandment" and mass-produce Kryptonians with the Central Treasure Book, then ...... You have to stop him no matter what!

And at this moment, Konstantin bubbled up in the group again.

John Constantine: Oh God, we're in a lot of trouble on Earth! Wayne, if I'm not mistaken, General Zod's gang must have rushed to Earth.

John Constantine: What are we going to do? Do we want to inform the military?

Bruce Wayne: No kidding, how can they believe you?

John Constantine: Hell, the last time I got a reward for superpowers or magic, but not for the "power" itself!

Stretching out his right hand, Konstantin looked at the "embodied chain" hanging from his finger and sighed softly.

After obtaining this "Chain" of Kurapika, he also experimented with it, as long as he was entangled in his chains, no matter what kind of mage or demon he was, he would not be able to use his abilities.

But...... If the other party is a monster with thousands of combat power like Clark, he can completely hold the chain and rush up and kill him with one punch!

Bruce Wayne: You don't have to be so nervous, there are still several powerful people on our planet who are far beyond the ordinary.

Bruce Wayne: And I just got an incredible reward............

John Constantine: ............ Breaking all limits and becoming infinitely stronger?

John Constantine: Can you still be as strong as that Clark?

Seeing Master Wayne's explanation of the "Limitbreaker", many people in the chat group were slightly surprised.

Bruce Banner: Infinitely stronger? Incredible!

Bruce Banner: Based on my previous research, it seems that the Hulk also grows stronger as anger accumulates!

Bruce Banner: But I don't know if there's a limit to being so powerful!

Holy Keisha: Break the limiter! Break the limits of genes!

Sitting on the throne, Queen Kesha's eyes lit up with excitement.

This kind of reward simply subverts the definition of technology in his heart!

In order for a weak person to become a strong person, shouldn't they first modify their genes?

"The rewards of this system are really amazing, maybe ...... I should give it a try too. "

And just as Keisha's heart was fluctuating, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continued]

[After falling unconscious, Clark's mind is taken to a strange world. 】

[In this virtual world, General Zod expressed to him his purpose for coming to Earth.] 】

[It turned out that it was the destruction of Krypton that caused them to leave the Phantom Zone.] 】

[General Zod and others modified the phantom drive engine on the spaceship, making it a curvature vehicle, which can take them to jump and fly in space.] 】

[Originally, the Kryptonian Council used this engine to send them into the phantom area in another dimension. 】

[Moreover, Joe El also used similar technology to create a spaceship that launched Superman to Earth.]

[For more than 30 years, General Zod and his men have visited many areas once colonized by Krypton, but those places have been completely abandoned. 】

[They only got a world engine that could be used to modify the planet.] 】

[It wasn't until not long ago that General Zod and others received the signal when Clark activated the reconnaissance spacecraft, and they discovered the existence of the earth. 】

["Carl El, you were the one who lured us to this planet!"]

[General Zod's phantom, said aloud in the virtual world:]

"Now, you also have the power to save our race. "】

[Next, General Zod describes his terrible plan to Clarke.] 】

[This time, he not only wants to seize the central treasure book in Clark's body, but also wants to use the world engine he found to transform the environment of the earth to make it exactly like Krypton!]

[If Zod's plan is successfully implemented, then the Kryptonian civilization will be reborn on this planet!]

[And the earthlings...... It will completely perish because it is not adapted to the environment of Krypton!]

[After escaping the virtual world, Clark finds himself strapped to a chair and weak. 】

[In front of him, General Zod confessed that he had killed Joe Al. 】

"If I had to do it all over again, I'd do it anyway."] "】

["Because, I must be responsible for my people!"]

[With that, General Zod left and instructed one of his subordinates to take Clark's blood for research.] 】

[The subordinate looked at Superman who was struggling desperately, and said with a sneer:]

"You're a waste of energy. "】

["The power you get from the Earth's sun has been completely eliminated by the environment on our ship. "】

"On this ship, you're as fragile as a human. "】

Seeing this, the expression on little Wanda's face suddenly became very strange:

"Same as Krypton? Is this General Zod an idiot?"

"In the environment of the earth, these Kryptonians will all become supermen!"

"But if he really transforms the Earth into a second Krypton, they will all become ordinary people again!"

"How can there be such a stupid operation in this world?"

And seeing Superman tied to that chair and being drawn bloodily, the others in the live broadcast room were speechless for a while.

You can be a super strong, but you have to choose to be a weaker?

The opportunities are all given to you, and you still can't grasp it!

"There's no way around it. "

The black widow suddenly broke the silence and said calmly:

"In the hearts of these Kryptonians, the environment of Krypton is the best in the world. "

"So anyway...... They also have to allow themselves to live in this environment. "

Tony Stark muttered in a low voice:

"This way of thinking is like being brainwashed by a high-dimensional civilization. "

On the other side, Peter Parker also said with a look of disbelief:

"Something is wrong. "

"Since there is such a handy planet modifier, General Zod...... It is completely possible to transform other planets in the solar system into Krypton!"

"Why do they have to destroy the earth and exterminate the earthlings?"

In the face of Peter's doubts, the black widow still said in a cold tone:

"This is determined by General Zod's social role. "

"He was made a general since he was in the embryo, so he conquered, colonized, killed...... These concepts are in his DNA. "

Tony listened and nodded slightly:

"No wonder...... When he rebelled against the Kryptonian Council, it should have been his genes that were at fault. "

At this time, on the other side, Clark did not say a word, but his eyes had become extremely solemn.

General Zod, if you really insist on destroying the earth, then I can only fight you to the death!

Krypton or something, it has nothing to do with me anymore, only the earth is my home!

[Video continued]

[Louis, who was locked up in a cell, stumbled upon the socket that controlled the key. 】

[She inserts the key that Clark gave him not long ago, and as a result, Joe Al's apparition appears in front of her.] 】

[With Joe Al's help, the air on the ship was converted to be exactly the same as on Earth.] 】

[In this way, Superman has also regained his superpowers.] 】

[At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.] 】

[Immediately after, the sound of the system sounded.] 】

【New Q&A starts!】

[Question: How should Clark Kent defeat the Kryptonian army?]

[This question is a special question, and all people in the live broadcast room and chat group can answer it.] 】

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty!]

"Q&A 2nd!"

"There is such a thing. "

Faced with the second question of the system, everyone in the live broadcast room fell into shock for a while.

And Bruce Wayne's expression shook violently, and his eyes showed excitement.

Judging from this question, it is ...... Did Clark defeat so many Kryptonians alone?

But...... How is this possible?

How did he do it?

Seeing now, Master Wayne has a deep impression of Clark's superpowers.

With a laser light in his eyes, his power is infinite, and he can fly away, which is simply an upgraded version of the power of the motherland!

If those Kryptonians all had the same abilities, Wayne really didn't know...... How to defeat this group of super legions!

"Is it that poisonous substance?"

"But...... This substance is also harmful to Clark! If he comes into contact with it, he will lose his superpowers!"

Young Master Wayne's mind was racing with thoughts, and he couldn't think of an answer for a while.

And at this moment, on the throne with Merlot Heavenly Court, Queen Kesha's eyes flashed, and she immediately noticed something.

"Phantom Drive! Curvature Flight Engine!"

"Some Kryptonians ...... It should be that phantom area as some kind of transit station, so as to realize the jump and sail in space!"

"But they don't do it with genetic technology, they rely on machinery!"

The technology of the angel civilization has long been able to carry out high-speed space navigation through wormholes!

So, Queen Keisha knows better than almost anyone...... Advantages and disadvantages of this technology!

If you don't have enough computing power, or if you rely entirely on external objects, then once that "foreign object machine" fails, you may be trapped in another space and never get out again!

"The Kryptonian Council uses that 'Phantom Zone' as a prison, which should be taking advantage of this kind of loophole. "

Queen Keisha smiled lightly, already knowing in her heart.

Holy Keisha: My answer is ...... "Phantom Drive"!

Holy Keisha: Just try to overload the Phantom Drive on that Kryptonian ship and you'll be able to ...... these Kryptonians Send them all back to the Phantom Zone!

Holy Keisha: That's how Clark Kent defeated the Kryptonian army!

Soon, the sound of the system sounded:

[Ding!Divine Keisha finished answering, and the Q&A system began to determine ......]

Divine Keisha answered correctly. 】


In the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne was shocked, with a look of surprise and remorse in his eyes.

Just now, he was too obsessed with the kind of substance that was poisonous to Kryptonians, but he didn't expect the existence of the Phantom Drive at all!

But in this way, he already knows how to defeat General Zod and the others!

These alien spaceships themselves are their biggest weakness!

Just then, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Divine Kaisha gets 100 live streaming points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse]

【Divine Kaisha gets a random reward............ Nexus Treasure!]


With a flash of light, a glittering skull appeared in front of Queen Keisha and gently landed in her hand.

That is the treasure that records the genetic information of billions of Kryptonians on Krypton.

Nexus Treasure!


With a slight smile, Keisha reached out and took the golden skull in her hand.

Ever since seeing Clark's performance, she has wanted to study Kryptonite genes.

Now, she can finally get her wish.

Looking at the golden skull in her hand, Queen Kesha's eyes suddenly turned silvery-white.

In the darkness, a series of golden branches lit up in front of her.

This is Queen Kesha's sacred treasure trove of knowledge!

Through the treasure house of knowledge, Kaisha directly cracked the golden skull in his hand and extracted the Kryptonian genes from the Central Treasure Book!

"Oh...... It turns out that by absorbing the yellow sun, the Kryptonian cells can still evolve like this. "

Looking at the large amount of information that appeared in front of her, even Keisha fell into surprise for a moment.

She really didn't expect that there were so many mysteries contained in the genes of this different universe.

"Unbelievable, what's the upper limit of what this cell can grow?"

"I can't even figure it out!"

After calculating for a while, Kesha's gaze suddenly froze, and there was a hint of wonder in her eyes.

According to the information she has obtained so far, the Kryptonian can grow almost endlessly in strength after being exposed to the sun!

Keisha can't see where the ceiling is!

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