[After time is stopped, Rick ...... Sammy and Morty begin to tidy up their rooms, paint the walls, and tinker with the mess they tossed up the party scene. 】

[The three of them also made two giant pumpkin heads and put them on the heads of Jerry and Beth.] 】

Not only that, but they also went shopping in the mall to replace furniture that was damaged during the party. 】

[Because everything was stopped, all the people on the street were solidified like clay sculptures and wood sculptures. 】

[Rick's face in this joyous house-saving operation.] More and more smiles are being revealed. 】

[So much so that Morty joked to him, saying that he hadn't heard him shout that ...... "Wow, no, no!" for a long time. 】

["Wow, there's a new mantra now,"]

[Rick opens his arms around Morty and Sangmi:]

["That'...... 'I love my granddaughter and grandson.'" ’"】


[Seeing that Sammy and Morty were full of emotion, Rick suddenly stood up again and swayed his body happily:]

["Liar, my real mantra right now is...... I don't care about anything!"]

[At this time, the three grandparents danced happily on the lawn. 】

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

John Constantine: Stop time! How much time has this crazy old man stopped? Is it the whole planet?

Mage Mordo: That's not how time works...... (O_O)

Mage Mordo: If the remote control in Rick's hand can really suppress the flow of time, then the impact will ...... Most likely the entire universe.

Captain Rice: What? The whole universe? This can't be!

Bruce Banner: The old man...... In the previous dimension, he casually turned all of humanity into monsters!

Thinking about this, Bruce Banner still has some lingering palpitations.

Due to the often uncontrolled transformation into the Hulk, it ...... What Bannerry hates the most is all kinds of monsters!

So he is also the most afraid of what Rick does!

Bruce Banner: Such a crazy supervillain, even if he makes a ...... I think it's possible to have an instrument that can stop time in the universe.

Divine Keisha: Able to travel through parallel universes at will, and can stop time in the whole universe! Such a powerful supervillain, but the body is an ordinary old man?

Holy Keisha: That's a little weird, isn't it, why doesn't he strengthen his DNA so that he becomes immortal, or even a god?

Reed Richards: Not everyone is willing to modify themselves, and personally, the human body is my pride!

Reed Richards: No matter what science and technology I have, I don't use it to modify my own body.

Alice: That's right! The body of an ordinary person...... It's more precious than you think.

Wanda Maksimov: Ah, Alice, are you okay? I haven't watched you speak for so long, I thought you weren't watching the live broadcast anymore.

Alice:............ Okay? Probably not bad. (╯_╰)

In the ruins of a city, Alice, whose eyes flashed red, looked indifferently at the screen in front of her.

And behind her, there stood calmly rows of ...... Zombies of all shapes!

And the most incredible thing is that the eyes of those zombies are all lit up with the same red light as Alice.

Moreover, it is different from ordinary zombies.

These walking corpses, all of them, stood silently like a well-trained army...... Didn't make a single sound.

Rocky Odinson: I think...... Don't think too much of that old man, at least, he ...... the monstrous world before There's nothing you can do!

Loki Odinson: Yes, and you didn't hear the birdman from before? This old man seems to be in excruciating pain! That's why he's immersed in drunken dreams...... Anesthetize yourself!

Deadpool: Extreme pain?anesthetize yourself?I'm familiar with this!wahaha...... Maybe I can be good friends with Rick. ^_^

Ghost Rider: This old man's sins are ten thousand times worse than yours.

Ghost Rider: If I see him, I must burn his soul with the Eye of Judgment!

Starlight: I feel like this Rick is also pitiful, and he doesn't know what kind of pain he has suffered in the past to make him want to escape from reality so much.

Ghost Rider: Hmph, looking at his habit of changing dimensions, it is probably because he escapes reality that he has become so proficient!

Starlight: Even time and dimension can be controlled, maybe ...... This Rick doesn't have superpowers, but his black technology is powerful enough!

Starlight: What kind of enemies did such a powerful character encounter that would make him so miserable?

Sentinel: It doesn't have to be an enemy, maybe ...... It's the monster inside him. (O_O)

Rocky Odinson: Hah! You're thinking too much, I think it's probably this old man...... In the past, he did irreparable wrongdoings, which is why he regrets it so much now.

Deadpool: The past? Can't he go back in time? Like that cable, he can build a time machine.

Gen Mordo: Time is so simple! maybe...... In this universe where Rick is located, the level is relatively fragile!

Mage Mordo: If he forcibly goes back in time, he will cause a time fork and create a parallel universe, but it will not modify the reality that has already happened!

Starlight: That sounds complicated......

Mage Mordo: This is the cruelty of reality, what has happened...... It's not that easy to erase.

C137 Universe.

"Time machine! Modify the past! Time fork?"

Looking at the scrolling barrage at the bottom of the screen, Rick's action of pouring wine into his mouth also stopped, and a trace of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

Seeing now, he can finally be sure.

Although the origin of the people in this chat group is unknown, they have an understanding of the multiverse, time, and even timeline...... Not much worse than him!

"The past...... Suffering...... Damn!"

Thinking that his "source of pain" had been faintly guessed by these people, Rick's face showed a faint look of shame and anger, and he took another gulp of wine.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem......"

Because he drank so quickly, he choked on the wine.

Looking at the embarrassed appearance of the "grandfather" in front of him, Morty shrank aside, his face full of confusion and confusion.

He didn't know how to face the old man in front of him.

Morty saw it clearly.

On the screen, Rick seemed to be really happy while playing with himself and Sangmi, and he didn't shout the "pain spell" anymore.

But...... Is all this real?

Will you ...... Just a random substitute he found in the multiverse?

Just like that "fake Sangmei"?

You know, that dimension on the screen is not C137!

With the exception of Rick and Morty, everyone else is "fake".

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the still time, Rick, Morty and Sangmei have spent 6 months. 】

[During this half year, they not only cleaned the whole house, but even repaired the damaged parts of the house. 】

[After everything is ready, Rick is ready to thaw the time. 】

[Still, he warned his two grandchildren:]

[Although the thaw time will not affect the outside world.] 】

[However, due to the fact that the time passage of the three of them is different from the outside world, after the thaw, they must not have physical contact with their parents. 】

Otherwise, your body will shatter into countless conceptual fragments. "】


Morty is shocked to hear this. 】

[But before he could ask, Rick had already pressed the button and re-thawed the time that had been frozen for half a year.] 】

Jerry and Beth walk into the house angrily, only to find that something is wrong. 】

[When they got out of the car, they saw that the whole house was in shambles, as if there was a war. 】

[Why is it a blink of an eye now...... It's neat and tidy again. 】

[Rick directly prevaricates, saying that it is a hallucination caused by the negative psychology of Jerry and his wife.] 】

[In order to prevent them from rushing up to contact him, Rick gave Jerry another 500 meters and asked them to go to the suburbs for an ice cream dinner.] 】

[Watching their parents get in the car again and leave, the Morty siblings finally breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[But at this moment, Rick began to accuse the two of them of being incompetent.] 】

[It turned out that at the moment when Rick stopped time, a middle-aged neighbor slipped off the roof and was frozen in mid-air. 】

[For the past 6 months, Rick has assigned Sangmi to prepare a mat for the old man, so that he will not fall and die, but Sangmei has long forgotten about it. 】

[And wait until time starts running again, that unfortunate middle-aged neighbor...... fell directly to the ground and broke his leg. 】

[In the face of Rick's accusations, the two siblings began to dump each other again. 】

[Just when the two of them were arguing, something strange happened!]

[Rick and Sangmei actually separated themselves again, and the two of them became 4 people!]

[Seeing this scene, Rick was taken aback. 】

[With his knowledge, of course he knows what is going on. 】

[After 6 months of standing still, the time field of the three of them was already extremely fragile. 】

[In the current dispute, the time field of the three people was directly divided into two, dividing into two different timelines. 】

["Now, our reality has been divided into two new realities with uncertainty!"]

Morty is stunned. 】

[After following Rick for so long, he has also learned a lot of time and space knowledge, and immediately asked rhetorically. 】

["I thought the timeline was infinite?"]

[Rick said directly and coldly:]

["We're outside of the timeline now!"]

[He picks up the remote control and opens the garage door.] 】

[I saw their home floating in a void of darkness, and it could be seen everywhere outside...... Schrödinger's cat floating in the air. 】

[This is the end of the timeline, which is absolute nothingness!]

[While trying to fix it, Rick whined in the garage :]

So I said...... You can't just freeze time, it's very irresponsible"]

[Morty listened to it with a lot of fire :]

["You're embarrassed to say!"]

["You freeze time for 6 months just to clean up the chaos caused by the party, and this party ...... You have to open it!"]

"Morty, there's no time to hold accountable now. "】

[Rick said solemnly as he tossed his new device:]

["When I say 'no time', I literally mean it!"]

[According to Rick, this state of "nothingness" simply cannot be sustained!]

[It won't be long before everything completely collapses and disintegrates!]

in the live broadcast room.

"I'm going to the end of the timeline?"

Seeing this, Loki couldn't help but take a deep breath, and immediately remembered his previous ...... The scene he saw in the "Time Authority" video!

Kang, the conqueror, also set his lair at the end of a certain time.

Moreover, the Time Authority will take everything that causes the timeline to fork...... It's all "cropped" here.

However, that "end of time" is also stable and will not suddenly collapse and be destroyed.

But this scene in front of me ...... It's just an unexpected result.

Little Wanda blinked, looked at the screen, and asked with some confusion.

"This ...... Is it a parallel universe?"

Bruce Wayne shook his head slowly:

"It's not so much a parallel universe as a byproduct of some kind of accident. "

At this time, Tony Starck also said with a solemn face:

"It depends on the situation, in these timelines that have forked in, there are only those three people and this house!"

"This kind of scene is not long-lasting, I'm afraid...... It will soon be for nothing!"

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[In both timelines, the two Ricks completed an experimental setup almost simultaneously, preparing to re-merge the bifurcated timelines into one.] 】

[But due to the uncertainty of Morty and Sangmi, the merger failed.] 】

[It turned out that these two bear children wanted to be Rick's favorite darlings, so they began to fight with each other, resulting in the timelines not being able to merge.] 】

[Seeing this, Erik's clever head immediately understood.

[These two little ghosts are actually fighting in front of themselves... Pets.

[Seeing this unexpected situation, Rick simply took a whiteboard and used a scientific way to argue with these two imps.

["To put it simply, the two of you have the same status in my heart. "

["In my eyes, both of you are fickle and overly sensitive! very clingy! hysterical! Dwarf winter melons with almost negligible brain volumes!"]

["Now you all understand, right?"]

[In the face of Rick's extremely cold words, the two imps all lowered their heads, and their mood fell to the bottom for a while, and they were not in the mood to fight anymore... Spoiled.

[In the most thorough way, Rick did some thought work on the two bear children, but when he tried again, the merger still failed.] 】

[This time, Rick became suspicious, thinking that "himself" on another timeline had a bad idea.] 】

["Damn madman!"

[Out of his understanding of "himself", Rick was suddenly shocked, and frantically rushed to the experimental table, and began to transform the "Time Merger" into a "Time Weapon"!]

"The other Rick...... Don't want to merge timelines anymore!"]

["He thinks it's easier than merging reality and destroying me with this time first!"]


[Rick on both timelines laughs smugly at the same time.] 】

["I have to admit that I have had this idea for a long time!"]

["Now, I can finally put it into practice!"]

[Transforming the merger in his hand into a firearm that can penetrate the time barrier, the two Ricks began to frantically separate the timeline...... Shoot at each other!]


[While shooting, the two Ricks are still scolding themselves frantically.] 】

["I said he was crazy, he was crazy, and he had to be killed!"]

["It must have been the fragmentation of time that made him completely insane. "】

[Due to this messy timeline war, the already fragile timeline forked again, from two to four!]

[Now, every Rick has to face three of himself!]

[In this kind of "own to himself" secret war, Rick's already fragile nerves seem to have finally collapsed. 】

["You damn old pervert, do you think I don't know what you're thinking?"]

["If you want to use this method to deal with me, then I'll strike first."] "】

[In extreme madness, Rick in the 4 timelines actually raised a gun to his head at the same time!]

[If this shot goes down, 4 Ricks will die together!]


[At this moment, Morty in the 4 timelines shot at the same time, holding a fire extinguisher bottle and knocking Rick unconscious. 】

in the live broadcast room.

"I'll go, this old man is really a madman. "

Peter Parker gasped, a look of fear on his face.

Such a nervous old fellow has mastered science and technology that is enough to destroy the world and travel through time and space!

If he goes crazy in some dimension, won't that world be completely finished?

Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice:

"I don't know what happened to him, but I do sympathize with what happened to this Rick. "

"But in my opinion, the only place for him is ...... It's a high-tech prison!"

"Only there will he not hurt others, and he will not hurt himself!"

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