Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 107 The Agreement to Establish a School

There is never a shortage of people here at Zhang Zhongjing.

After all, who doesn’t have a headache? This miracle doctor not only cures the disease with medicine, but also has a kind attitude.

The most important thing is that the cost is extremely low. Normal medical treatment costs at least 100 yuan, but this doctor Zhang only charges 10 yuan!

Zhang Zhongjing explained that the difference in medical expenses was paid by Liu Jingzhou, so both Zhang Zhongjing and Liu Bei gained the gratitude of the people.

Another result is that people around the police will not resist the disease at all.

Whenever he has a headache, a fever, a fever, or discomfort, he will come to Dr. Zhang to have a look.

Zhang Zhongjing turned a deaf ear and calmly looked and cut the child in front of him who said he had abdominal pain and wanted to vomit, and then made a judgment:

"It's because I've been suffering from diarrhea. No need to prescribe medicine. Just go back and walk around the city twice. If you're not sick, I won't charge you any money. Go quickly."

After sending away the mother and son who had thanked him so much, Zhang Zhongjing called his disciples to take over. Regardless of the disappointment of the patients behind him, he came out with Kong Ming to tell the story.

"There are four hundred doses of medicinal powder prepared. Come with me."

The two of them headed south, where there was a slightly smaller water power plant built by Jiang Wan, with a sign on it saying it was only for miracle doctors.

There are no agricultural treatment facilities inside, only two Huiyi troughs and medicine pounding machines connected to water-powered round cars.

The water flow pushes the circular car, and the circular car drives these two things to reciprocate automatically, finely crushing the medicinal materials in the container.

"Mrs. Huang is truly a strange woman." Zhang Zhongjing sighed:

"Although this thing is not very precise in grinding medicinal materials, it can cure thousands of people with the powder it can produce if it can hold hundreds of people in one cart, working day and night."

Kong Ming smiled and did not comment. Huang Yueying had recently tried to open a medicine field outside the city, intending to surprise the old miracle doctor.

Based on what Guangmu had said before, rosewood needs a specific growing environment to grow well, and she speculated that the same was true for flowers, plants and trees.

Therefore, Huang Yueying does not believe in the so-called "properties of medicine". She plans to open up medicinal fields based on the environment where herbal medicines are collected, and then cultivate herbal medicines in large quantities, but it will take a long time.

Zhang Zhongjing motioned to Kong Ming to look at the packaged medicinal powder in the corner.

The medicinal smell of each packet was tangy. Kong Ming opened one and tasted it by lightly twisting some with his fingers. Well, it was really bitter.

"According to Zhuge Military Advisor's order, it is the most common golden medicine powder. It can be applied externally or taken internally. However, the best effect is to decoct it in boiling water."

Kong Ming nodded and said: "That's enough." After this matter was over, Kong Ming remembered another thing:

"Is there any result on the "Military Medical Manual" mentioned earlier?"

"Zhuge Military Advisor requested that the booklet only include methods for preventing and treating epidemic diseases and methods for medical treatment. This matter is easy to understand, and the medical booklet has been completed." Zhang Zhongjing took out a thin booklet from his sleeve.

Kong Ming stretched out his hand to take it, but found that he could not pull it. Zhang Zhongjing did not let go, and looked at Kong Ming seriously and said:

"Mr. Zhuge said before that he is willing to establish a medical school. Is this true?"

Kong Ming nodded heavily: "Seriously."

"Liang heard that Dr. Zhang had compiled a medical book called "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases". If the book was completed, Liang was willing to fund the publication of tens of thousands of volumes. After establishing medicine, he would combine it with the "Huangdi Nei Jing" and "The Eighty-one Difficulties of the Yellow Emperor" as a medical treatise. A foundational work.”

Zhang Zhongjing's body swayed, he was excited, and his eyes were brighter than ever before.

Putting the "Military Medical Book" in his hand into Kong Ming's arms, Zhang Zhongjing explained seriously:

"Commander Zhuge, please help General Zuo to extend the Han Dynasty."

Kong Ming once again felt a heavy weight on his shoulders.

After sending his own soldiers to transport the medicine powder package away, Kong Ming returned to the government affairs branch.

Hand this booklet to Pang Tong:

"Publish dozens of volumes and distribute them to the generals. The matter of this medical book has been explained to the generals before."

Pang Tong opened it curiously and shook his head:

"The words are simple and obscure. There are few people in the army who can read and write, so how can ordinary soldiers understand it?"

"This volume will be kept with me for a while until I can explain its words and meaning so that it can be passed down orally. I will re-edit it and then send it to be printed."

Recently, Pang Tong dealt with government affairs during the day and was exposed to all kinds of novelties in the public security. He also took time to study the light screen text record book at night.

Pang Tong felt sad every time he read it: How dare the lord know his intentions a long time ago? No wonder I always felt like something was missing.

Another regret is: reading the text is not as shocking as watching it directly. Every time I read a paragraph, I have to imagine the scene of the light curtain, so it is not fast to read.

After listening to Pang Tong's suggestion, Kong Ming nodded in agreement and then asked:

"How about recruiting troops from the four counties?"

Time has entered November, and this year's farming has ended. The slack season is a good time to recruit soldiers.

Pang Tong pulled out a page of records and pushed it over:

"The Jianghuai people who came to invest with Lei Zibo raised six thousand young men, and the four counties raised more than six thousand young men."

Kong Ming read this simple page twice, picked it up and wanted to leave: "I'm going to find the master."

Pang Tong stopped him and said, "Kong Ming wants to train troops?"

Kong Ming nodded generously and said:

"Who doesn't admire the brave armies of future generations? Under my lord's command, the soldiers need training and the generals need to learn."

A few years ago, when a few friends in Nanyang had a leisurely gathering, Kong Ming discussed some of his thoughts on military training. Pang Tong knew it very well and said:

"The military discipline of later generations requires both grace and power. Kong Ming should formulate military strategies and have them drilled by a powerful general."

Pang Tong was very knowledgeable, and Kong Ming knew clearly:

"Who can do it?"

Pang Tong continued to handle official duties without raising his head: "Chen Shuzhi, Zhao Zilong. If Guan Yunchang has no military affairs, that's fine."

Kong Ming nodded, turned around and went to find Liu Bei to express his thoughts.

The plan for training soldiers is very simple: since Ji Han will become a flying army in the future, why not train an elite soldier now?

Moreover, elite soldiers also have the best learning target: the strong army in future generations that can abide by the eleven military regulations and abide by poverty!

As for what he will need to learn, Kong Ming has a clearer idea.

Kong Ming had just left for a moment when Jiang Wan came over:

"Commander Zhuge isn't here?"

"It's the same if Gong Yan leaves something to me." Pang Yi had two minds and kept working on his hands.

Jiang Wan nodded, and then handed over a dark object in his hand.

"Now that I have obtained this treasure, please have Military Master Pang take a look at it."

Pang Tong took it and looked at it carefully before making a judgment: "Made of charcoal?"

"It's mixed with loess." Jiang Wan was very happy and said, regardless of his dirty hands, "The craftsmen call it ink cake."

"This method was presented by a craftsman whose ancestor was an iron official during the Xianzong period."

"Crush the charcoal into powder, mix it with yellow mud and insert thin wooden strips, and dry it in the sun to make cakes for smelting iron. It is better than charcoal."

"Very useful?" Pang Tong didn't know much about this.

Jiang Wan suddenly felt a little frustrated: "I'd better go find Zhuge Military Advisor."

"Wait a minute." Pang Tong pulled Jiang Wan and pulled out a piece of legal order from the shelf behind him: "Kong Ming asked the lord to give an order before."

"Those who originate or innovate the craftsmanship method should be rewarded with a thousand to ten thousand coins. How much does Gong Yan think he should be rewarded?"

Jiang Wan immediately stopped: "This method can make the armor stronger, the soldiers more powerful, and the people can be warmed more cheaply. I will reward you with ten thousand coins!"

Pang Tong immediately drafted an order and stuffed it into Jiang Wan's hand: "Then get the money quickly."

In early December, Liu Bei summoned Fu Xu, Feng Xi, Zhang Nan, Xia Houlan, Gao Xiang, Chen Shi, Huo Jun, Xizhen, Wei Yan, and Guan Ping to gather at the Public Security County House.

Thank you to the three big guys [Three Stones and One House], [Mason] and [Jiahe Xubo] for their five hundred gold and five baht rewards. Thank you for your support many times. I am very grateful.

I am grateful for the support of 1,800 gold and 5 baht from the boss of [The Nth Dragon of the Tang Dynasty]. Thank you very much.

Thanks to the boss of [Legendary Tiger King] for his support of 1,500 gold and 5 baht. I am very grateful.

Thank you to [Zuo Dao Buzhai] and [Book Friends 20180921140112082] for their five hundred gold and five baht support. Thank you.

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