Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 253: Attack and fight six thousand miles

[Fuyun Khan of Tuyuhun still adopted the same old tactics when facing Li Jing's army and retreated.

At this time, before Li Jing could speak, the generals under his command started to argue first.

The famous general Li Daozong asked himself to be the vanguard, thinking that he would pursue it.

The famous general Hou Junji objected fiercely, believing that there might be fraud.

After weighing the situation, Li Jing ordered Li Daozong to be the vanguard, Hou Jun gathered at the rear to provide support, and Li Jing supervised the Chinese army to escort the baggage behind and slow down the march.

Li Daozong lived up to Li Jing's expectations and led 4,000 cavalry to attack in ten days to catch up with Fu Yun. He still had enough energy to send a thousand cavalry to attack behind. Fu Yun was frightened by a direct battle.

Facing the menacing Tang army, Fu Yun's will to survive was unprecedentedly strong and he divided his troops.

Fu Yun himself led his troops to retreat to the source of the Yellow River in order to preserve their strength.

Prime Minister Tianzhu Wang led his elite troops to set fire to all the pastures in Qinghai to deprive the Tang army of supplies.

It was very difficult to transport grain and grass from Guanzhong to Qinghai Lake. Now without forage, it was a desperate situation. Except for Hou Junji who thought it was necessary to pursue, the other generals persuaded Li Jing to return to the court.

After all, this battle is already a victory, right?

But Li Jing, who had planned to destroy the country from the beginning, would never accept it.

The veteran general opposed all opinions and asked the Tang army to continue pursuing Tuyuhun and divided his troops.

Li Jing himself took the initiative to take over the most difficult task. With Tuyuhun's strong walls and clear fields, he led the army in a decisive battle with the main force of Tuyuhun near Qinghai.

At the same time, he ordered Hou Jun, who was the only leader in the battle, to gather an army with Li Daozong as his deputy to pursue Fuyun Khan.

Thus, the most fierce pursuit battle in the early Tang Dynasty began. 】

Kong Ming looked carefully at the simple war diagram on the light screen.

From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty and then to the Song Dynasty, craftsmanship skills were innovating, and so were the tactics and formations.

Zhao Yun once talked to Kong Ming about the role of stirrups for a long time, but it was not as shocking as the battle of Talos shown on the light screen.

The two extremes of cavalry are shown in the light curtain of the Battle of Talas.

One is to maximize the suppressive power of the cavalry. Both men and horses are heavily armored. It only takes more than ten cavalry to charge together to kill anyone who blocks it.

One is to maximize the flexibility of the cavalry. People and horses fight together, and the infantry uses bows and crossbows to suppress and support the cavalry's outflanking.

It is difficult to say clearly which one is strong and which one is weak, but the early battle to destroy Tuyuhun has clearly demonstrated the strength of the Tang Dynasty light cavalry.

Li Daozong's rushing action in the light curtain reminded Kong Ming of the champion, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"The hussars are as fast as thunder, and the crossbow arrows are as dense as heavy rain. They rush and fight for thousands of miles day and night, and they can break the enemy's shafts and destroy them in less than a moment."

Zhang Fei stopped talking, just watched intently, and then slowly considered and deduced in his heart.

The battle of the pure cavalry system is also a completely new field for Zhang Fei. What is seen in the history books is not as intuitive as what the light curtain says.

And whether it is Yongliang or Guanzhong, or from Yuzhou to Youzhou, the organized cavalry will only participate in more and more battles. This can be regarded as an opportunity to learn.

[Faced with Tuyuhun’s strong walls and clear wilderness, the Tang army’s supplies became difficult.

The method Li Jing used to convince his subordinates at the beginning was very simple: if there were party members nearby, just buy food and grass from them.

When Duan Zhixuan came to attack Tuyuhun, he was assisted by party members, and the relationship between the two parties was not bad.

But an accident happened soon, and Li Jing was still familiar with the way the accident happened.

At that time, there was also a Dangxiang tribe living in Qinghai Lake. Li Jing took a two-pronged approach, saying good things and giving treasures to Tuoba Chici, the leader of the Dangxiang people. Tuoba Chici was quickly convinced and planned to lead the way and transport grain and grass for the Tang army.

But when Li Shimin's other cousin, Li Daoyan, was marching near the Dangxiang people, he suddenly launched an attack when he saw the unprepared Dangxiang people.

The key is to fight immediately. Li Daoyan returned the favor surprisingly well. He led thousands of troops in a surprise attack and robbed thousands of cattle and sheep. He was also chased by the furious party members and killed thousands of Tang troops. Li Daoyan also escaped from Qinghai. battlefield.

Li Jing was probably shocked at the time, and Tang Jian in Chang'an might have laughed so much that his stomach hurt when he found out.

Faced with the situation of losing both his guide and food, Li Jing was forced to turn on the god-killing mode.

In just half a month starting from the end of April:

Li Jing's general Xue Orphan defeated Tuyuhun on Mount Mantou.

Li Jing personally led his army to defeat Tuyuhun at Niuxindui.

Li Jing moved to Chishuiyuan and defeated Tuyuhun again.

Li Jing's general Li Daliang defeated Tuyuhun in Shuhun Mountain.

Li Jing's general Zhi lost his thinking and defeated Tuyuhun in Juruchuan.

In just half a month, after five battles and five victories, the elite cavalry of Tuyuhun Prime Minister Tianzhu Mountain were completely defeated, and Tuyuhun's food and grass became Li Jing's food and grass.

The most incomprehensible thing about these five battles is why Li Jing was able to pursue Tuyuhun in Qinghai as he did at home. Every battle must be targeted.

In sharp contrast, Duan Zhixuan, the former commander-in-chief of the Saikaido March, wandered around Qinghai Lake for a month without catching any hair.

After the Tang army won five of five battles, Tuyuhun Prime Minister Tianzhu Shan decided to fight back and gathered all the remaining troops to set up an ambush.

However, the Tang army who stepped into the ambush circle was not afraid of counterattack on the spot. The two vanguard generals Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche held back Tuyuhun with a small number of attacks and a large number of attacks. Another famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, Qibi Heli, led more than 500 cavalry to come to the rescue. Qian Tuyuhun's cavalry launched a charge and ultimately won a great victory.

After this battle, Tuyuhun near Qinghai Lake was completely out of control and was completely strangled by Li Jing.

On Hou Junji's side, the Tang army fought an endurance battle with Tuyuhun.

Fuyun Khan of Tuyuhun fled in front, while Hou Junji chased after him.

The two sides started from Kushan, crossed the Ela Mountain, passed through the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and pursued them to Eling Lake, the source of the Yellow River, covering a distance of two thousand miles.

Fu Yun, who did not want to die in peace, had no choice but to turn around and flee north. Hou Junji followed behind, and finally met Li Jing who came to support him in Dafeichuan.

Hou Junji gave a brief report to Li Jing and lamented that Fu Yun was so good at escaping that he could no longer pursue him.

Li Jing ordered Hou Jun to rest, and Qibi Heli and Xue Wanjun pursued him.

Both sides still pursued and fled. The Tang army followed Fuyun Khan's traces across the Tarim Basin and pursued them to today's Xinjiang region. Finally, they found the Tuyuhun tribe resting near the Tarim River. At this time, the Tang army had already The chase lasted for forty days and covered 1,500 kilometers.

Fu Yun, who was completely frightened, fled into the Taklimakan Desert without looking back. The Tang army launched a charge and defeated Tuyuhun, beheading thousands of people, capturing Fu Yun's wife and children, and obtaining 200,000 cattle and sheep as a baggage.

Fu Yun, who fled into the Taklimakan Desert, only took a thousand people with him, and because he had no supplies, civil strife quickly broke out. His followers conspired and chopped off Fu Yun's head and gave it to the Tang army in order to survive.

It lasted four months and traveled six thousand miles, and the Tuyuhun Kingdom was completely destroyed. 】

"From Liaodong onwards, the four barbarians of the Tang Dynasty were not subject to us, but the four kingdoms of Goguryeo, Turks, Tuyuhun and Tubo were defeated. General Pharmacist destroyed two of them by himself, which is really an outstanding achievement."

Li 𪟝 is a little envious, but mostly admired.

One is the age gap between him and Li Jing, which is more than 20 years apart.

One is that in Li Jing's opinion, Li Jing's military use can be said to be extremely proficient.

It was the joint strategy of the navy that defeated Xiao Mianling, and it was the joint coordination of the cavalry that destroyed the Turks. Defeating Tuyuhun means pursuing and predicting the enemy first.

Three battles and three gameplay methods, all with outstanding results, left Li 𪟝 quite speechless.

And thinking about it again, after Tuyuhun was destroyed, General Pharmacist should have been renamed Duke of Wei, and later on, it would be time for Li 𪟝 to become famous, right?

I just don’t know which countries are responsible for his achievements?

"Run and fight six thousand miles."

Li Shimin smiled heartily:

"They are all good men of the Tang Dynasty!"

As a Tiance general who likes to charge, Li Shimin understands better than anyone how important the will of the soldiers is. The appearance of the Tang army shown in the light screen won Li Shimin's favor. The only thing he was dissatisfied with was the two clans. The performance of the younger brother:

"When Daozong fights, he comes out on top, but when the battle is determined, he fights cowardly!"

"As for Li Daoyan..."

Li Shimin's words were filled with murderous intent:

"If I lead the army, I will hold the formation and kill them in front of them!"

Su Lie couldn't help but ponder:

Does your Majesty hate Li Daoyan for disrespecting his general's orders and attacking the party members privately?

Or do you hate that Li Daoyan's army was so poorly led that he was well prepared for the attack but was not prepared for the attack, and was defeated instead?

Then Li Shimin changed his words, a little regretfully:

"Jun Ji rarely mentioned him in the Time Screen before, but this time he is absent and his contribution is mentioned, which is quite a pity."

But this was said casually. In comparison, Li Shimin also hoped to see this old minister make some achievements.

Li Jing could only smile bitterly at Guangmu's ridicule that Tang Jian was smiling.

God knows what idea Li Daoyan suddenly had.

No matter which direction you look at it, food supplies and guides are very important when fighting on Tuyuhun's territory, but this guy kicked them both away.

As for the God-killing mode that Guangmu mentioned, Li Jing just smiled.

He, Li Jing, was not born and raised there, so how could he anticipate the enemy's opportunities every time? He must have had no choice but to find a way to make amends, and then every time he took the lead in a battle, he would be defeated by the enemy.

Well...it's all forced.

Du Ruhui looked forward and said:

"Now that Tuyuhun is destroyed, Gaochang should be next."

"Destroy Gaochang and establish the Anxi Protectorate. Only then did the Tang Dynasty control Hexi and be able to look forward to the Western Regions."

Du Ruhui nodded secretly. In this way, the development path of the Western Regions during the Zhenguan years was basically sorted out.

The next question is... Goguryeo?

Everyone went on a personal expedition but couldn't get it. I wonder who the merits of this place will ultimately belong to?

"This battle... is really fascinating."

Qin Qiong said slowly as he coughed sickly.

Yuchi Jingde understood the regrets expressed by his old friend.

They are all powerful generals who are trusted by His Majesty. Now that His Majesty has ascended the throne, it stands to reason that this is the time for them to work to bring peace to all parties during the Tang Dynasty of Zhenguan, but...

"If General Qin takes good care of himself, he may be able to return to the military formation in the future."

Sun Simiao said leisurely.

Qin Qiong's eyes lit up immediately:


Sun Simiao looked up and down, shook his head and said:

"Such an attack is naturally impossible, but if you are just commanding the military formation on the spot, of course you will take it seriously."

Qin Qiong smiled and nodded:

"That's enough."

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