Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 398 Two adults and one child live and die together

In the Manna Hall, Li Shimin didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment.

The good news is that this year happens to be the fifth year of Zhenguan. Knowing in advance that there will be no disasters this year and next year can let him and his ministers breathe a sigh of relief in advance.

The bad news is that there have been more than 20 consecutive years of disaster since the seventh year of Zhenguan.

The two emotions collided in Li Shimin's heart. In the end, the worry about the future disaster years prevailed, making him let out a long sigh without realizing it.

Fortunately, this is the beginning of the fifth year of Zhenguan, and there are still two years of peace before these twenty-six consecutive years of disaster.

Du Ruhui knew in advance that there would be no disasters this year, and he was really relieved. After all, on the one hand, he now needed to support Li Jing on the front line and fight Tuyuhun. If there was another natural disaster in the rear, he would probably be busy this year.

This news at least means that this year, we no longer have to worry about the whole big job of fearing God. Therefore, when Du Ruhui saw His Majesty's expression, he smiled and said with relief:

"Everyone, at least we have time this year and next to protect the forest and stabilize the soil. This may help to eliminate many natural disasters in advance."

Du Ruhui's statement made Li Shimin slowly shake his head:

"Disasters do not come from heaven and earth, but are caused by man himself."

To be honest, what later generations said is not a great truth.

Everyone understands that there are tall trees and no forest.

Even a child with a yellow mouth knows that a thousand-foot embankment is broken by the nests of ants.

Everyone has seen that the mountains and forests are difficult to collapse during heavy rains, and the flat fields are easily destroyed by waterlogging.

But in the end, no one could notice it when it really set its sights on the mountains and forests.

Cutting down forests and cultivating fields can relieve one day's worries, destroy a century's worth of work, and cause thousands of years of disaster, leaving a legacy that will last for generations to come and bring disaster to future generations.

Keeping this incident in mind, he looked at Fang Du's written records again. The fishy smell of locusts seemed to be faintly filling his mouth again. This made Li Shimin quickly shake his head, and soon he saw something more interesting. content:

"This Beijing should be the Beijing of the Ming Dynasty...and where is it?"

During the Zhou Dynasty, Luoyang had the title of the Eastern Capital. Therefore, after hearing about the events of the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin took Luoyang as the Eastern Capital for granted.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Chang'an also had the title of the Western Capital, so Li Shimin could accept the name Xi'an in later generations.

In addition, we also know from later generations' casual talks about the Three Kingdoms that Jinling later became Nanjing. Considering that it controlled the river and connected the southeast, it was reasonable.

But there is still a place in the north that can be used as the capital and be used by the republic in later generations?

Li Shimin expressed surprise at the former, but was slightly dissatisfied and curious about the latter from the perspective of a Chang'an person.

What advantages does the capital city of Beijing have that will make it favored by future generations?

Moreover, Chengdu is magnificent and Xi'an is magnificent, so how grand should this city of Beijing be?

Naturally, no one could answer this question. Finally, standing in the Manlu Hall, Li Shimin sighed sincerely:

"What a pity that we can't see it in person for future generations!"

Regarding what happened to the Tang Dynasty, the reaction of the people in Han Chang'an was very straightforward.

"What a vicious God!" Ma Chao exclaimed.

"What an admirable Zhenguan monarch!" Kong Ming sighed sincerely.

Then, without any accident, Ma Chao was flicked on the head by Zhang Fei. He hurriedly covered his mouth and squatted down to raise his head, fearing that the light curtain would flash twice and go out after hearing this, which would be a huge sin.

Liu Bei, who had given up treatment, also understood what Kong Ming was thinking.

After all, looking at it this way, in the early Tang Dynasty, despite natural disasters, it was able to manage both internal and external affairs without any chaos, and both the monarch and his ministers could be said to be capable.

"This Tang Dynasty is really lively."

After playing Ma Chao with just one finger, Zhang Fei was in high spirits:

"Outside there is openness but there is no end, but inside there is disaster and disaster."

"In the past, there was the rebellion of the prince, and in the later, the empress entered the palace."

Liu Bei couldn't help but imitate Zhang Fei, and flicked his head with his finger:

"You are full of parallel poems, do you want to take the Ph.D. exam?"

Everyone in the hall burst into laughter. Pang Tong, who had worked with Zhang Fei for the longest time, immediately joined Kong Ming in lamenting that he shared his firepower:

"I don't know whether I should say that the climate in the early Tang Dynasty was too generous, or whether I should praise the monarchs and ministers in the early Tang Dynasty who were so impressive."

The others nodded together, and Jian Yong also sighed:

"However, his ability to care about the people and swallow locusts in his mouth in anger is the best in ancient times."

In fact, the light curtain did not say much about the emperor who was once praised as the emperor of the ages.

To bring peace to the world is mentioned in one stroke, and to govern the world is also to talk about the merits of generals and capable ministers.

But in fact, thinking about being able to control so many talents can better illustrate his ability.

And this act of swallowing locusts out of concern for people's livelihood is also unprecedented in ancient times.

Zhang Fei on the side felt that what Jian Yong said was very reasonable, and at the same time his eyes were full of thought:

When it comes to caring about people's livelihood, my brother can never lose!

[If the time point is pushed back along the early Tang Dynasty, the Anshi Rebellion also has a relatively obvious shadow of climate change.

Looking at the period from the beginning of the Tang Dynasty to the end of the Tang Dynasty, it is obvious that the entire northern nomads were driven by climate.

Looking back at the temperature change map of ancient China, the first obvious climate change during the Sui and Tang Dynasties was during the reign of Kaihuang.

During this period, a major event occurred in the northern Turks: Turkic civil strife.

With Jinshan as the boundary, the Turks split into two parts: the Eastern and Western Turks.

Looking back at history, civil strife among nomadic peoples has actually been common. However, it is relatively rare for nomads to still maintain strong strength after civil strife and not move south in a big way. This can also be seen from this that the climate in the north did not allow nomads to feel alive at that time. pressure, and therefore no motivation to move south.

The DTZ that splintered off during this period was quite powerful. At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the separatist forces in the north had more or less dealt with the Turks, either seeking asylum or support, such as Liu Wuzhou, Guo Zihe, Dou Jiande, Xue Ju, Li Yuan and so on.

However, with the end of the civil strife in the Central Plains, the Emperor of the Central Plains finally began to face the threat of DTZ. During the Zhenguan period, Li Jing and Li 𪟝 were ordered by Li Shimin to destroy DTZ and Xue Yantuo successively.

At that time, the climate in the north was pleasant. For the Hu people, it was just a new boss and their lives were still the same. Therefore, the north was generally considered stable during the hundred years of the early Tang Dynasty.

The Anshi Rebellion was a critical point in climate change in the Tang Dynasty. From around 740 to around 820, the overall temperature rose slightly at first and then dropped significantly.

Reflected in history, the drop in temperature caused the rise of border troubles in the north. The Tuqi Shi and Hou Turks rebelled successively. The Uighurs joined forces with the Tang Dynasty to destroy the Turks. Later, the Uighurs became the de facto elder brother of the northern nomads.

But the subsequent rise in temperature allowed the Uighurs to once again maintain stability in the north, maintain a relatively stable relationship with the Tang Dynasty without the pressure of survival, and establish the Uighur Khanate.

The period of slight recovery was also a period of return to glory for Tubo. Taking advantage of the Anshi Rebellion, it invaded the territory of the Tang Dynasty and eventually formed a behemoth that dominated the plateau and spanned the western regions of Hexi, Yunnan and Shu.

Some scholars also believe that the slightly rising temperature is one of the reasons why the Anshi Rebellion did not end in a short time.

But this rise in temperature was ultimately just an illusion. At the beginning of the ninth century, with the official end of the warm period in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Uighur Khanate and the Tubo Kingdom also came to an end.

Since the beginning of the 9th century, heavy snowfalls have occurred in Uighur territory for many years, causing famines and epidemics. Many sheep and horses died, and Uighurs declined. Twenty years later, the Uighur Khanate was defeated by its affiliated tribe, Xijiasi, and most of the Uighur nobles moved south to integrate with the Han Dynasty. In 840, the Uighur Khanate fell.

Tubo was not immune. Rapid climate changes caused rebellions in Tubo. Zhang Yichao launched an uprising to return to the Tang Dynasty, which made Hexi Longyou out of Tubo control. At the same time, the weakening of national power led to years of civil war among the upper class, triggering a large-scale slave uprising in the territory, about 877 , the Tubo dynasty collapsed.

The Tang Dynasty was not completely finished after the Anshi Rebellion, and even continued to hold on for more than a hundred years. This was largely due to the temperature in the middle and late stages of the war.

The year after the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty, the Huangchao Uprising broke out in the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty almost existed in name only.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that Tubo and Tang Dynasty lived and died together.

It was Zhu Wen who finally officially sealed the demise of the Tang Dynasty.

In 907, Emperor Ai of the Tang Dynasty settled in Zhu Wen, and was subsequently killed by Zhu Wen, thus officially ending the Tang Dynasty. 】

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