Chapter 0125: I Have Three Sons!!!

This time, after receiving Lem’s notice, he originally did not dare to come, but there is a naval lair where the ‘undead vice admiral’ sits here!

When he just left the novice village, he was killed by a rear admiral of the navy headquarters, and finally he could run back to the West Sea when his younger brothers desperately cut him off, recalling all the things in those years,

The rear admirals of the Navy headquarters are so terrifying, let alone special vice admirals?

But in the end, he still came, but not because he believed in the character of this ‘immortal lieutenant general’, nor because he was afraid of death,

He believes in Lem’s person, and everyone has known each other for more than ten years, although Lem’s guy has a little more routines,

I also love to act a little, but I am still a good person, at least in terms of character,

Not treacherous and cunning.

But looking at this battle today, so many ‘big’ pirates in the West Sea have been pulled, which makes him feel weak again,

Lem’s character can be guaranteed, but the character of the ‘immortal lieutenant general’ is difficult to say, he has only seen it on the live broadcast,

A golden lion, Hades Rayleigh this kind of true. People who dare to spray all pirates, tell them pirates about a hairy character,

It’s hard to say whether the ‘undead lieutenant general’ will come to a one-shot clearance and surprise them all.

But now that they are all here, it is basically impossible to run, so they can only find Lem.

“Yes, Commander Lem, the people who have come to your naval base to make trouble all these years are Newman’s bastards, you just want to engage them,

We’ve never done it, and I plan to wash my hands in the golden basin in two years and go back to my hometown to retire…”

“Yes, I even bought a house in my hometown, so I almost chose a golden basin of the zodiac auspicious day to wash my hands…”

“That’s right, it’s not a secret, I got married two days ago,

The children in my belly are almost seven months old, and I am planning to take my wife and children back to my hometown after the birth of the child. ”

With Robt at the beginning, other pirates also came over and whether they had done it or not, and threw the pot to Newman’s gang of unlucky eggs who had been abruptly sudden.

They don’t believe in the character of any ‘undead vice admiral’, if a pirate believes in the character of the navy, he would have gone to the kiln long ago,

Where can I still mix up until now.

“…… Rest assured, I guarantee with my personality, it is definitely not a bad thing for Lieutenant General Curry to come to you,

On the contrary, it may be a good thing, Lieutenant Curry will clean you up, and you don’t have to bother so much,

Newman, you can see what happened to them. ”

Lem looked at these Bu Bi Lian, and Wang Baegg, who was quite skilled in throwing pots, waved his hand helplessly to make them quiet.

In fact, he is also weak-hearted, I don’t know what Lieutenant General Curry is going to do when he gathers these people, but he licks his old face,

Sold the remaining characters to fool these people, if Lieutenant General Curry suddenly broke these people, his few remaining characters would also be lost…

“But you said this, Chief Lem, we will believe you, if something happens to me,

I…… I have three sons! ”

The ‘big’ pirate, who thought he looked to be retired, had a gray beard and looked at Lem.

I want to tell him with my eyes, if I am abrupt, you don’t think about it,

But labor and management have three sons…

“Okay, okay, let’s go,

Don’t keep Lieutenant General Curry waiting…”

Lem was a little flustered by this old guy, after all, what this old guy said was also the truth, he did have three sons,

Now the oldest is five years old, the youngest has just been weaned, and he is now forty-five.

When this old fellow’s three sons grow up, let alone eighteen years later, eighteen years later, he will be in his sixties, and he will already retire, if he is sought for revenge by three imps, he really can’t cover it…

When the pirates heard Lem say this, their uneasy hearts calmed down a little, and everyone came here,

It is impossible to go if you want to, and now whoever walks awaits them is definitely a shell, only one way to the black,

Meet the legendary ‘Undead Lieutenant General’.


“This sense of oppression is terrible…”

When everyone followed Lem into the base and kept turning left and right to the door of the conference room, a sense of oppression that made them want to call their father came to their faces, making everyone feel a tightness in their chests.

I saw a man in a dark green suit sitting leisurely on a chair, leaning back with his feet up and down on the table in front of him, a justice cloak draped behind the chair, and a sword that looked very high next to him,

At first glance, it is a high-grade goods, although I only see the back, but the brown slightly curly broken hair plus the sword that I once saw standing on the live broadcast to pet the sea thief,

Isn’t it a special ‘undead lieutenant general’ who else in the West Sea has such a terrible sense of oppression…

“You’ve all arrived? There are still ten minutes left before the start of the meeting, I did not expect that all the pirate gentlemen actively participated in this meeting, and I am deeply gratified,

Take a seat, everyone. ”

Leonardo got up from the chair and turned to look at a group of West Sea ‘big’ pirates behind Lem, who are also losers who bravely entered the great voyage and could not even pass the first level, counting the heads, and none of them arrived,

It was inevitable that he would feel a little disappointed in his heart, and he also thought about whether there would be one or two who did not give face or were late, so that he would have a chance to test the sword.

Since standing up to Balorick Ledfield, he inexplicably advanced to Da Jianhao, and after slashing out a landmark slash of Da Jianhao, a brother steel bone empty entered to hit the core,

He also didn’t have a chance to make a move to see how powerful his current slashes were, and he was constantly understanding his kendo in the past two days.

But to be honest, he doesn’t know how this kendo that belongs to him came from, and the kendo thing is actually a feeling, and this feeling really exists,

You can also sense it, but to say why, he really doesn’t know what this is a shrimp thing.

He didn’t even know how to advance to the Great Sword Hao, seeing the three of Gion being overwhelmed by the slash of Balorick Ledfield’s old dog, he just roared in a hurry and then advanced,

This upgrade seems to be quite easy…

In the future, maybe you can let Gion… Bah! No, in the end, it is the sister who snatched himself many times.

Well, Dauberman and Lem seem to be there, so let them both try…

When he felt his sword Dao, he obviously felt that the sword in his hand was getting stronger little by little, but he didn’t know how strong it was, it seemed to be stronger than the high-level big hand little brother Hauvis of the Golden Lion,

But he was not sure, Kuzan was not there, and Gion and Daoberman could not help him identify,

Gion is a girl, and the knife of kindness never cuts a girl.

Dauberman… Even he can’t take a set of tree planting… Above.

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