Chapter 0170: Warring States Just Help the Five Old Stars Bring a Goods!!

“Hahaha! The admiral hid deep enough! And it’s still two, can it withstand it…”

“This you underestimate people, judging by the size and muscles of this general, one or two should be stress-free…!”

“I didn’t expect it! O Admiral! I actually like such vulgar things! Yes…… Bah! ”

“Daqing… Bah! The Navy is dead!! ”

Basically, after it has been determined that this general’s office is the scene of the crime, it can be said that some people are happy and some people are excellent, and some pirates are even more unscrupulous laughter, I thought how noble the admiral was, and the feelings were ordinary people like them…

And a group of sanctimonious and noble beasts, the brick family is an angry outburst, this is a corruption of thought, a decline of morality!

Admiral, how can the façade of the Navy be a private possession of these things? It should be handed over to the public…

And those ordinary people can begin to worry, their survival in the world depends on the navy uncle, now one of the navy bosses actually has the same hobby as those noble grandfathers, the so-called upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, the devil knows if the navy that protected them before will also be this kind of dirty thinking person.

It seems that you will have to be more careful when getting along with your naval uncle in the future, and hide your wife and daughter well…

“Sengoku, what do you want that thing for? Don’t you like little cranes? ”

On the other side, Kapu, who was defending against the white-bearded Warring States Alliance, was instantly stunned, and stopped and asked in surprise about his good friend who was blackened all over his body as if he had entered the Demon Buddha.

“Nani! The rumors are true!! Sengoku General loves Lieutenant General Tsuru!! ”

“At first, I thought it was a rumor, but I didn’t expect it to be true!”

Karp didn’t say that it was okay, as soon as these words came out, the face of the Warring States was even darker and almost purple, and the surrounding naval uncles were indeed excited!

The love story of the three legends of the Navy is a household name in Marin Fandor, no one does not know, the first two years are still the graduation theory of elementary school graduates, the degree of popularity can be seen, but because it has not been confirmed by the parties, and no one knows where this rumor came from, so many young people who have not experienced that era have always had some reservations about this story in their hearts.

After all, those unscrupulous news media do everything to stimulate sales, and it is likely that they made it up.

But now even Lieutenant General Karp, one of the parties has spoken, then it shows that this story is not made up or true!

The Warring States General actually really likes Lieutenant General Tsuru!

“Whoops! If this is the case, then it doesn’t seem strange that the Warring States General has this thing, how difficult it is for men, especially when single men…”

At the same time, some people, after getting Karp to confirm the authenticity of the story, instead expressed understanding for their Sengoku generals.

After all, it is a man, and a high-ranking man, it is normal to have normal needs, and as a naval admiral without a sister, you can’t go to those small hair salons too high-profile, you can only squeeze out through this method.

“yes! Good real goods can’t play, can only spend a lot of money to buy fakes, a little also nodded with emotion. ”

Although this kind of thing is not common in the first half of the Great Voyage, this kind of thing is for those noble grandfathers and Draco, and the price must be very high!

“I didn’t expect the Warring States…”

Steel bone kong was also stunned, looking at the Warring States brother with a black face who didn’t know whether it was because he was exposed to anger or was troubled by the domineering of armed color, as if he missed something.

He really didn’t think that his brother actually had such a hand, but he still remembers how panicked he looked when the Warring States first passed by Chambord District 5, and even let a big master not even know that his wallet was stolen, fortunately, the thief didn’t run far and searched for the night in Chambord District No. 5 to find the wallet back.

Since then, he has known that Sengoku is a serious person like Zefa, so in the past, when he had activities, he would rather call Karp than go to Sengoku, after all, his navy brother still has to have some image in the psychology of the little brother.

If he had known earlier, he would not have had to go out alone every time for so many years to save those poor little sisters who had no clothes, although it was safe but lonely to go to the wild alone!

It is safe for two people to team up to cover each other.


And Lieutenant General Tsuru did not change his face, squinting at all this, as if it had nothing to do with her, but Yu Guang was also looking at the ‘female corpse’ pressing on the future Hawkeye in front of Leonardo, and after silently comparing it with his youth, he shook his head slightly in his heart, fortunately, he really didn’t agree to this guy back then.

Men really like big ones…

“…… Bastard, you shut up for me! ”

Unexpectedly, the exposed Sengoku has a black face, and the white beard is not guarded, and it is a spray against Kapu’s confused old face!

Then I wanted to explain, but I don’t know what to say, this thing is right in his office, but this is not his, he just helped the five old stars bring a goods, but this time is too busy, so there is no time to send it to the five old stars.

I didn’t expect to be so unlucky to be exposed by Whitebeard’s crit.

And he can’t explain it yet! If he sold the five old stars, he would have no problem, but it was the five old stars who were disgraced.

In two years, the term of the big brother Air Marshal expires and he goes to the world government to become an official master, he is the first brother of the Navy, at this time, you can’t touch the mold of the five old stars, so as not to get the time to parachute a navy brother down, how does this make their navy play?

The five old stars are also special bastards, the status and power are specially placed there, what kind of woman does not have, how can I like this thing!

Since the golden lion bastard robbed a few years ago, there are dolls privately ordered by the five old stars in the heavenly gold, and since then, the five old stars have felt that the route of the heavenly gold in the new world is no longer safe, so when the five old stars found him and asked him to bring them goods privately, at first he refused, but in order for Big Brother to be able to smoothly ascend to the rank of official master, for the future development of the navy, he finally agreed.

However, the five old stars may be old and can’t play, these things are not ordered every year, basically once every two years, he is also skillful, and no one found that he brought goods to the five old stars, but unexpectedly, Whitebeard’s punch exposed him… Small table.

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