Chapter 0088 – Old Curry: The fat women of the Draco have all been conquered by you!!

“Gion, I’m going to work in the West Sea in a few days, and I don’t know when I’ll see each other in the future,

Have dinner together tonight? ”

In the port of Marin Fandor, Leonardo pulled down the large army behind Gion, who was about to disembark, and glanced left and right to find that no one noticed them before whispering.

According to Dominica, the so-called drunken disorder, drunkenness can paralyze the central nervous system of the human brain,

It is easy to stimulate people’s potential feelings and desires, so Leonardo wants to discuss the true meaning of life with Gion, and the easiest way is of course to get drunk with each other.

However, how to get the other party drunk should also pay attention to the method, not hard pouring, which will cause the other party to be disgusted,

It’s best to find a reason to invite the other party to dinner and so on, when the time comes, you are launching a wave of gentle offensives, and persuading each other to drink without a trace,

This is drinking and drinking, if the other party likes him, won’t it be a natural fit…

Leonardo listened to Dominic’s plan, and said that it was reasonable, it was indeed the golden age of the Navy,

There are talents everywhere Dominic, forcing him to go to the front to cut pirates may be a little wasteful, but people’s talents are not cutting people at all, quietly how good this plan is,

It’s like telling a story, even if it hasn’t started to be implemented yet, just listen to his plan,

Leonardo feels that it has been successful!

However, the conditions on the ship were too poor, and because he was too anxious before, Gion did not go out of the house for several days.

According to Dominic’s distance to produce beauty, first slowly wait until Marin Fando is in action, so although I can’t wait to know what the fourth skill is during this time at sea,

But he also had to resist not going to Gion.

After arriving at Marin Fando, he came up with a barely plausible reason to find Gion.

“…… All right. ”

Gion blinked and looked at this guy and nodded to see what the hell this guy was going to do, his sister said that letting this guy go to the West Sea was just to let him rectify the pirates in the West Sea and exercise him by the way, and it was not that he couldn’t meet,

It’s like parting with life and death…

“Then it’s decided, come to my house at night, see you and don’t disperse…”

Seeing Gion nodding, Leonardo’s confidence was even fuller, and he sighed in his heart that Dominic was really talented,

The foot seven stars fluttered away.

Of course, it is impossible for Gion to go to his father’s lieutenant general’s cottage, and to his own home, the naval condominium,

Although the navy is not as rich as the pirates, compared to the three poorer and richer pirates, the navy wins in stable income,

Good welfare, when he was awarded the rank of major general, everyone was still on the sea,

His house had already been allocated, and the next day Mitch had handed him the house number and key, which was much more generous than the civil servants in his previous life.

Of course, civil servants in previous lives did not have to work for their lives, the navy had to work for their lives, and the treatment was good,

The benefits are high, but if you are unlucky enough to encounter any hard goods, no matter how good the benefits are, you can’t enjoy only the military flag.


“I’m back!”

Returning to Marin Fandor, he did not go to the high-end apartment arranged for him by the Navy, and directly returned to the lieutenant general’s villa in the old Curry, after all, his father and mother were here.

Entering the door was a shout.


“Just come back, hurry up and put incense on your grandfather, if it weren’t for his blessing,

You weren’t hacked to death by Hades Rayleigh and you were going to be summoned by the Draco, didn’t I warn you to keep a low profile? You see what you’ve done? ”

In less than a second, the figure of old Curry immediately appeared beside him and pulled him to the hall, saying with a look of hatred that iron is not steel.

To tell the truth, when I watched such a brave child smash in the live broadcast, he had a myocardial infarction that was about to happen,

When Erjian was slashed by Hades Renly, his wife fainted several times and was strong enough to bear, but she was also more than confident,

Later, he saw the second generation of Erzhu standing and the second generation of Wano Kunifu, the former captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and his heart was about to jump to the mouth of his throat.

Erzhuan fought bloodily and did not look at it but brave and courageous, but watching Erzhuan being slashed on the body one by one, this heart is not to mention how uncomfortable.

Although he already knew about the situation of the smashing, he was really not at ease before he saw the real person.

Now seeing that Er smashed back the handsome face that was as handsome as when he was young without a scar, his heart also relaxed and he couldn’t help but count it.

You are so powerful, not only slapped the horse butt of the first brother, but even touched the tiger butt of the five old stars,

Do you know how much trouble it causes to labor and management?

Thinking of those Draco girls who organized a group to find the door some time ago, Old Curry now shushed in his heart, Draco is too terrible,

Especially the Draco girl, a big waist ring, a belly full of fat,

That terrifying sense of oppression is really terrible, and he finally knows why Draco has been able to rule the world for hundreds of years, such a terrifying sense of oppression,

Who can carry it…

Of course, if it was to let his son marry the Draco sister, he would agree with his hands raised,

But come to the door and forget it.

Just kidding, this is a single transmission of three generations of their family, and the child smashed to the door,

Aren’t their Curry family dead?

The point is that he is too old to give birth anymore…


“…… Hey, Dad, didn’t you see the situation too? In that case, I can’t keep a low profile.

So many people are watching, the photography ghost is not on the road, the lens is given to me,

The five old stars are watching, if you don’t behave better, your former little brothers can’t cover me, right? ”

“But… What is the situation of Draco’s summoning?? Inside. ”

Leonardo lit three sticks of incense for his grandfather, who was already hanging on the wall, and looked at the sky speechlessly

Sure enough, he knew that with his eye-catching performance in the last big war, it would be strange for his father not to make a fuss.

However, hearing his father say Draco, Leonardo was also curious.

Whether it was watching One Piece in his previous life or often hearing from those who had seen Draco, Draco is a group of rotten people with extremely perverted thinking and considering themselves descendants of the Creator,

To say that scum is to insult the word ‘scum’.

Although he has also seen those Draco who like to stare at the goldfish bowl, but in his previous life, when he looked at One Piece, those Draco who appeared or the Draco in the surrounding population were probably superficial, otherwise people would not be able to rule the world for hundreds of years,

But don’t Draco people all look at people with their noses? This has to do with the fact that he is a small rear admiral in the navy.

“Just because you stinky boy loves acting too much, plus the last issue of the newspaper blowing indiscriminately, several Draco fat women have been conquered by you,

If it weren’t for your father and me, you wouldn’t know now whether to go back to Marin Fandor and go to Mary Joa as a son-in-law, or give several at a time…”

Old Curry said, and thought of the huge and incomparable oppression of those Draco girls, and couldn’t help but shiver…

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