Don't forget that Ye Fei before, the attack was all about feeding cakes.

Kobe Bryant is not there, it's not that no one feeds the pie, it's just that the opportunity is not good, and they all choose to come by themselves.

But the opponent didn't let himself be on the inside, and asked for the ball comfortably, and Ye Fei pulled it out to play blocking and dismantling.

Clarkson's tacit understanding with him is undoubted, and although Lu Wei is a veteran of the rivers and lakes, although he is a super scorer, it does not mean that he can't pass the ball.

With the King of Air Catch skill, as long as his teammates don't throw the ball very badly, Ye Fei can complete the air catch.

Both have good breakout ability and can also shoot from the outside.

Ye Fei pulled out to block and dismantle, and if the opponent didn't help defending, both of them could get a good chance to score. If the opponent changes defenses, Ye Fei is likely to have a chance.

But in the first half, Ye Fei didn't get much opportunity to show, and with 5 minutes left in the second quarter, Scott took him down.

The time that Coach Scott gave Ye Fei was all one by one.

Played at the end of the first quarter of the first half and played for about 10 minutes. In the second half of the third quarter, it was also about a quarter of time, and if he couldn't play in the last few minutes, it depended on whether he was needed.

After more than a quarter of rest, Ye Fei, who had recovered his physical strength, played 7 minutes in the third quarter and returned to the court.

Artest is really not good now, the offensive end is too weak, and the Lakers put on a 3-guard formation.

wanted to use speed to hit the opponent's inner twin towers, but with little effect, instead sent Ye Fei back in the first half to help the team recover the point difference.

At the beginning of the second half, the starting lineup of the first half was still used, and the interior line was completely blown up again.

When Ye Fei appeared on the stage, the score difference between the two sides had widened to 15 points.

Every time, Ye Fei has to fill the hole, I really don't know what Scott thinks.

It was Whiteside who defended Ye Fei, he still gave up a little position, ready to defend around the front at any time, Ye Fei could get stuck in the position, the card was too deep, and the opponent went directly to the front to intercept the passing route, and Bosh on the side was still eyeing him.

Pulling out to play blocking, Whiteside, in general, is defending on the inside.

But Ye Fei covered Clarkson, who hung his body and threw off the defense, Whiteside didn't dare to let go, Clarkson used a mid-to-long shot, and he could shoot directly in the vacant position.

He delayed in the past, Ye Fei took advantage of the situation to cut the basket, and when he turned around and wanted to chase, it was too late.

Clarkson tosses the ball high and flies it high.

Familiar script, familiar taste, Ye Fei caught an angry dunk under the basket, adding two more points to the Lakers.

Whiteside went out, he didn't fly back as fast as Ye Fei, the speed was too slow.

He didn't have anything to do.

In the next round, it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei concocted it in the same way, covering Lu Wei, and it was not Whiteside that came out, nor did he pull it out.

Originally, the focus of today's defense was outside the Lakers.

After all, even Kobe Bryant. The firepower of the outside line is still stronger than that of the inside line. Of course, excluding Ye Fei, the other interior players, except for Randle, can play, and the rest are all playing soy sauce.

Whiteside pounced, and Ye Fei cut the basket in the middle.

This time, Bosh came over in time to help defend, but it was useless, and Ye Fei, who got the ball in the penalty area, was too threatening, and a death dunk made Bosh a background board.

It's useless to taunt Bosh, Ye Fei sneered at Whiteside: "It's useless to go around the front defense, it's impossible to cover me, it's so simple to abuse you, see how I hammer your inner twin towers." "

Ye Fei has already cut down 14 and turned on the rampage mode.

And he pulled it out to block and dismantle, and the Lakers' internal and external offenses could be opened, combining inside and outside, and the Heat was caught off guard.

After Ye flew up, the Lakers' interior defense strengthened.

Randle only needs to withstand the opponent's interior player, and Ye Fei can make up for it behind him at any time.

As for Ye Fei's top defense players, if they can hold the ball and attack within three seconds, Ye Fei will win even if he wins.

Pushing White away from the basket with his strength, his offensive rebounding and secondary offense were completely restricted, and he could only pull out to block and dismantle, but the effect was not ideal.

After all, his speed is not as fast as Ye Fei, and after delaying the opponent's small guard, Ye Fei can still make up for it.

The Lakers are on the rise again.

Whiteside changed his defensive strategy, he didn't plan to defend it, he just waited near the free throw line, and didn't give Ye Fei the opportunity to cut the basket and play an empty catch.

But he changed his defense, and Ye Fei changed his offense.

After pulling it out, and then going to the inside card position to ask for the ball, Whiteside had no choice at all.

Ye Fei, who was picked up near the paint area, turned on the bulldozer mode, and directly crushed to the inner line, with a strong lifting buckle.

returned to the unresolved offensive rhythm of the first half, and it was impossible to prevent it at all.

Compared with the first half, Ye Fei also played the blocking, dismantling and air cutting that he was good at before, making it more difficult for the Heat interior players to defend.

Ye Fei completely went berserk, and at the offensive end, he was giving what he wanted.

The basket that raged wildly on the Heat's home court drew cheers from the audience.

For Heat fans, it's a very uncomfortable thing to see their new core being bullied. But there is no way, Ye Fei got a great dunk, the dunk was too exciting, and his handsome and charming appearance instantly made many fans fall for it.

In the end, the heat simply didn't care, just stared at you Ye Fei.

Outside players can shoot as much as they like, and there are two people inside to help defend, not giving Ye Fei an easy one-on-one opportunity.

But when the opponent is forced to make such a defensive change, it means that Ye Fei has succeeded.

The perimeter players and Randle are released, and they just need to take advantage of the open opportunities.

And once the opponent's bag comes slowly, let Ye Fei rush up in the penalty area, he is still an unstoppable existence, he will kill the basket with the ball, he can't hold it, and when he jumps up, he will dunk all kinds of fancy dunks, which is simply not too violent.

In the face of the rampaging Ye Fei, the Heat's inner twin towers have no way at all.

Whiteside played without temper, directly at both offensive and defensive ends, and was completely blown up by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who can stop the rampage, is not a player from the Heat, but Lakers head coach Scott.

When Ye Fei led the team to narrow the difference to 2 points, there was a chance to overtake.

Looking at the time, it was already more than half of the fourth quarter, and Scott did not hesitate to take Ye Fei down, saying that he gave Ye Fei time to rest, so that he could save the team and the crisis at the last critical moment.

But it is obvious that taking Ye Fei down is tantamount to admitting defeat by throwing a son.

The end result, no surprises. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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