
Leonard said blankly: "You can't shake me."

In the 2014-2015 season, Leonard was elected the best defensive player and was selected to the best defensive team. Last season, he had a chance to win the Best Defensive Player award again, but Ye Fei turned out to snatch the title of Best Defensive Player from him.

Don't look at Leonard, he looks harmless to humans and animals, and looks stupid.

In fact, no one knows that he is a scheming man.

Ye Fei is undoubtedly the hottest player in the league right now. No one can defend Ye Fei. He will definitely show his skills and defend Ye Fei. At the end of the season, he will still have a chance to win the title of best defensive player.

Just facing Ye Fei's challenge, Leonard didn't say anything stupid, and took a step forward to hold his position, trying to prevent Ye Fei. Leonard is very confident in his defensive ability, and he still has a hand, so he won't give Ye Fei a chance to overwhelm him easily.

For two or three consecutive rounds, Ye Fei failed to knock him down, but Leonard still couldn't guard Ye Fei. The average player is wounded 840 times by Leonard's death, not to mention dangling in front of him, and even one step is not even thought of passing. I don't know how many players in the league, under Leonard's defense, appear to pass An embarrassing scene where the ball doesn't pass.

Although Ye Fei failed to shake Leonard, Leonard failed to defend Ye Fei.

Ye Fei can take whatever he wants, if he wants to pass him, he can pass him, if he wants to get points from him, he can easily get points.

On Leonard's paralyzed face, there was an expression of anxiety and annoyance, and he even took the initiative to provoke Ye Fei: "Can you knock me down? Don't be like a clown, jumping around in front of me, you look really It's so ugly, don't play with those who have something or nothing, if you have the ability to knock me down!"

Anyway, Leonard is the top defensive player in the league, especially under the guidance of Popovich, his skills have improved by leaps and bounds, how can he let Ye Fei be so wild in front of him.

In the previous rounds of competition, Ye Fei really failed to overthrow Leonard, but that doesn't mean Ye Fei couldn't overwhelm him.

After familiarizing himself with Leonard's defensive routines, when it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei ticked Leonard's right index finger: "Come on, please guard me first, so that I can knock you down.


Leonard yelled: "Idiot, wake up!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Fei pushed the ball forward with his left hand, pretending to break through from Leonard's left. Leonard, who was provoked by Ye Fei, pressed his center of gravity down, moved laterally to block Ye Fei's breakthrough route, and stretched out his long arms forward, trying to entangle Ye Fei's dribbler with his death entanglement.

I saw that Ye Fei was not messed up at all, his center of gravity was lowered, the ball was lowered lower, and with a flick of his fingertips, he avoided Leonard's steal.

It's not over yet.

Seizing the opportunity of Leonard's bullying to snatch, Ye Fei suddenly tapped the ball, and the ball passed through his crotch, and the humiliation under his crotch was just the beginning. Ye Fei took advantage of the trend to pass Leonard's defense, and he was caught off guard. When he turned to chase Ye Fei, he saw Ye Fei smiling and pulling the ball back.

"I made a mistake and knocked you down, come again!"

Leonard scowled: "SHIT!"

Clapping his hands, Leonard continued to shout: "Come here if you have the ability, I will take your ball away, bastard!"

Ye Fei didn't give Leonard a chance to breathe. He dribbled and attacked again, lowered his center of gravity, and dribbled continuously in front of his body, as if he was going to have another round of Leonard's crotch.

Leonard took the shot first, paying attention to protecting the crotch. While Ye Fei evaded the defense, the ball pretended to dribble past Leonard's crotch, forcing him to take a step back.

Seizing the opportunity, Ye Fei pulled the ball back and made a jump shot. Knowing that the shot clock is running out, Leonard lunges forward, ready to jump to block Ye Fei's shot. Unexpectedly (cdfh) Ye Fei dribbled the ball to the basket and then rushed to the basket. When Leonard, who did not do well, chased and defended again, Ye Fei's center of gravity was swayed by Ye Fei, and he did not gain a firm foothold.

Leonard fell to the ground.

Ye Fei jumped up and threw the ball into the basket steadily.

Leonard became Ye Fei background board.

After being pulled by a teammate, Leonard clapped his hands in frustration.


He was actually shaken by Ye Fei and fell to the ground.

Leonard is determined to entangle with Ye Fei to the end, he must find his way back.

From the moment he entered the league, he relied on his defensive performance. Leonard's tricks for eating are really not bad. Ye Fei failed to knock him down again in the next few minutes of the game, but Ye Fei told people, no matter what the best defensive player you are, in front of Ye Fei's offense, any kind of defense is nothing.

Popovich roared wildly from the sidelines, and called the Spurs players to double-team, but Ye Fei still couldn't stop the attack.

The Lakers three-point shooters took the opportunity to find their touch, soaring three-pointers in a row and gradually opened up the point difference.

Leonard was cornered by Ye Fei, and in the ensuing game, the defense became more aggressive, and he even got a few irrational fouls.

What made him even more desperate was that with 4 minutes and 02 seconds left in the second quarter of the game, Ye Fei was in front of him and staged a dribble that could be included in the collection of the best ankle finishers in the NBA.

Not too many bells and whistles, one-on-one singles, Ye Fei dribbled the ball in front of his body continuously, swaying the best defensive player in the league before, and then sent the ball steadily into the basket, giving Leonard a good one again class.

Leonard's mentality exploded.

Popovich had no choice but to replace him early.

However, Ye Fei didn't have the slightest awareness of playing away games. He showed his senses, and he didn't let the rest of the Spurs players go, teaching them dribbling skills frequently.

The Spurs players lost their temper, and Popovich on the sidelines resorted to the "shark hacking tactic" that has not been used for a long time. As long as Ye Fei has any thoughts of humiliating the Spurs players, send him to the free throw line in advance. Give him two points firmly, and don't want him to dribble wildly on the court.

The Lakers players did not mess up, but the Spurs players did not know how to play. In the end, the San Antonio Spurs, who were at home, took the lead in training for the playoffs and withdrew their main players early.

Walton also replaced Ye Fei and waited for the end of the game.

Ye Fei, who didn't even play all three quarters, is still the most important task in this game.

There were a total of 6 Spurs players in the game, 3 of which were given to Leonard, the former best defensive player in the league.

Leonard, who was sitting on the sidelines, covered his head with a towel in frustration, and he, who was continuously reduced to the background board, completely exploded his mentality.

Leonard was very uncomfortable. .

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