Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1002: Planter

The city wall of Hangu Pass is not long. The narrow mouth of the valley less than half a mile spans a wall of several zhang high, so the Zhao army cannot throw too many soldiers at one time, and the city wall is built with stones, which is extremely strong and is not a Shaoliang artillery. cannot be destroyed. The Qin army only needs to arrange a team of 1,000 people here, and divide them into two rows to cooperate in front and back.

But even so, under the cover of firepower under the city, Zhao Jun, who had been accumulating for a long time, quickly climbed to the top of the city, and the defending Qin soldiers who lost the protection of the city wall could only forget to die. The bows and arrows were gone, and they still had the spears. The spears were disabled. They still had hands and feet. Everyone knows that only by driving the enemy down will they have a chance to hold the key to the throat.

Qin Zu stabbed with his spear, bringing a stream of blood, and the blood mist was flying. An enemy army who had just exposed his head from the top of the city was pecked at the head by Chang Ge. His body left the cloud ladder and fell vertically down the city. The soldiers of the Zhao army below didn't even look at them, and continued to climb the city wall. However, at this moment, the wooden hook for the imperial guard stretched out from the city's head and held it against the ladder...

Several Qin soldiers pushed the long hook hard, and the cloud ladder suddenly shook violently. Zhao soldiers on the cloud ladder were shocked, and rushed towards the city wall. Up and down the city, the two sides tried their best to compete for this cloud ladder.

"How can you say that you have no clothes, and you share the same robe with your son!"

Blue veins appeared on Qin Jun's face, and he shouted slogans with amazing strength. After all, the cloud ladder was pushed down by them. The Zhao soldier above had no time to dodge. panic...

But Zhao Jun had dozens of ladders, almost covering the entire city wall. One was pushed aside and another one was put on. Although the temporary build quality was not very good, it was Zhao Jun's ladder to victory.

Zhao Zun was not discouraged, they went one after another, like moths to a flame, the painful loss, the blood flowing across the river aroused the memories of these Ludi youths, as if they were back in the days when they followed the Robber Zhi...

More than ten years ago, the lords were extravagant and immoral, and there were continuous natural disasters in various places, and the people of Lu, Wei, and Song who could not survive fled into the mountains and swamps. It was the appearance of the robbers that twisted them into a single rope. They followed the self-proclaimed "general" of the robbers to fight against the princes and doctors, and they ran across Onoze for many years. Afterwards, they were defeated and captured together, and were incorporated by the Zhao clan together.

Unknowingly, ten years have passed, and they have also gone through several wars. They did not die in Mengzhu, Fan, Gong, Wenshui, Luobei, but in this Hangu Pass. . Seeing the brother-in-law Pao Ze fall forever on this unfamiliar land, Zhao soldiers in the city and the city were full of unwillingness, and couldn't help roaring:

"Plant disciple!"

Like a simulacrum, more people responded with trembling voices.

"The disciples of Zhi, with nine thousand soldiers, tyrannized the princes and ran rampant in the world!"

Everyone was refreshed, and this familiar slogan inspired the blood of Zhao Jun's soldiers. More and more Zhao Bing began to join the call-sign team, venting their grief and anger. Thief Zhi burst into tears for a while, and could not help shouting loudly:

"Disciple of Zhi, listen to my order and pull this city!"

"After entering Qin, the acupuncture house will drive the cattle and horses, and take their wives and daughters..."

Immediately, Robber Zhi also wore armor and joined the battle. He climbed the city wall along the cloud ladder in a few steps. Behind him, he cheered, robbing money, food and women. This is what the thieves are most excited about. The excitement of this slogan. The soldiers followed the banner of Robber Zhi and rushed to the city wall covered with flesh and blood without fear of death.

They are no longer timid and do not give in, but the game of burning jade and stone and perishing together, even if it is two for one, three for one, they can still win the final victory! For a while, the city head screamed incessantly, and the Qin army retreated steadily.

It was night, after half a month of offense and defense, after days and nights of fierce battles, Hangu Pass fell to the hands of Zhao Jun...


"This pass belongs to the Zhao family from now on!"

In mid-April, shortly after the sudden withdrawal of the Chu army from Lu Hun, at the head of Hanguguan City, Robber Zhi had messy hair fluttering in the wind.

Nearby, the soldiers were still searching for the remaining enemy. In order to break through this barrier, they paid a huge price. One thousand Zhao soldiers lost their lives, and more than two thousand people were injured in different degrees and could not continue to advance.

That's right, although the battle damage ratio was as high as one-fifth, the Robber Zhi still wanted to lead them to the west, and their ultimate goal was the south bank of Fenglingdu.

After a day's rest, Robber Zhi left the wounded soldiers and a thousand soldiers to guard the place, and the remaining eight or nine thousand men set off again and began to move westward. After leaving Hangu Pass, you still need to walk 30 miles "Peach Forest Road", which is the western section of Hangu, in order to leave this dangerous valley.

Legend has it that in ancient times, Kuafu, a giant from Dongyi, passed by this place every day. Because he was thirsty, he bent down and drank the water from the river and Wei, but still could not quench his thirst, so he wanted to cross the river to Hebei to drink the water from the mainland. However, he died of thirst in this area. After Kuafu's body fell down, it turned into a mountain, which is Mount Wei, and the peach wood walking stick he abandoned fell to the west of Hangu Pass, which is Taolin.

There is only one sheep intestine trail in the Taolin area. It is rugged among the high cliffs on the river bank. The cars are not separated, and the horses are not saddled. Zhao Jun has to climb the grass roots and stone edges to avoid falling.

So Zhao Jun's team pulled into a long snake and walked slowly along the winding path. It was estimated that it would take a day and a night to reach the next city, Xiayi, with a relatively open terrain.

Robber Zhi rode his horse in the middle of the line, and from time to time he lifted up his own "sightseeing mirror" to observe the surrounding situation.

There are indeed many peach trees in the peach forest. It is April, when the peach blossoms are at their most dazzling. In the valley where the day turns dark, it is dotted with splendid flowers. With a bit of weirdness.

However, the atmosphere of Zhao Jun was very relaxed. After the hard battle, everyone's spirit was a little slack. They can be said to be invincible in this expedition. After the war, everyone must have a share in the merits and deeds. Said happily:

"Assault on Ruyang, kill the land, fight Luoshui, defeat Yousu, slaughter Zheng's prisoners, relieve the siege of Han, break Hangu, the military general's merits, after the war, should be rewarded!"

"Shangqing will most likely give me a high position with a false post, plus a fief that looks very big, and then send me to old age." Roof Zhi disagreed, he knew very well that no matter how much credit he made, Zhao Shangqing would definitely be after the war. will relinquish his military power.

As for excuses, or to calm down the influence of Luoshui's killing of the prisoners, or to be concerned about Roi Zhi's body, but the real reason, the Robber can see clearly.

Whether the Zhao army was a military pawn, a county soldier, or the independent Daijun and Shangjun cavalry, they were all firmly in the hands of Zhao Wuxi, and the Lu country was no exception. Ran Qiu and Huhui split military power, the only exception. , that is, the army of thieves and refugees under the command of the robber, and if they changed a general, they would probably not be able to command them.

When the state of Jin was undecided and the Zhao clan did not turn their energies to integrating Ludi, Zhao Wushi might still need the strength of this army. But after the dust settles in the Central Plains, this good bow may be hidden. Not only will the robbers retire, but even this army that has made great achievements will also be dismantled, so as not to be arrogant and arrogant. Something that endangered the Zhao family...

If it were more than ten years ago, Robber Zhi would definitely be outraged, and he would simply take these people west into Qin State and go to the Qinling Mountains to continue occupying the mountains as kings, but now...

He stroked the white hair on his temples. Unlike more than ten years ago, Robber Zhi is now in his fifties, and his son has reached the age of becoming a champion. Although he thinks that he can still lead the army and fight, he has not only gone down the road, not only His hands are covered in blood, and even his old brothers are fighting less and less...

This is far from their original intention of only seeking a living and a place to live when they were first incorporated.

This expedition to Robber Zhi was extremely hard-working, even at the risk of causing heavy casualties to his subordinates. What did he do? It is not for this army to prove its worth. The Zhao family is a veteran soldier. After this war, almost everyone in this army has military merit. Slaves, or stay in the army, and become corps commanders, even commanders, and **** commanders.

"When the battle is over, the soldiers will cast their swords into plows and have a happy birthday, and I will stay away from the battlefield. The first thing is to ask Shangqing to seal the Dongshan Island in Onozawa to me, and teach my family how to do it. Incompetent boy fishing and sailing..."

Then, naturally, father and son fought swords and traveled all over the world.

Thinking of this, Rou Zhi felt a little relieved in his heart, and as soon as he caught his horse, he walked forward, and at the same time shouted to the soldiers, "I know that the second and third sons are hungry, but I can bear it for a little longer, and wait until the peach comes out. It's not too late for Lin Gu to bury the pot and make rice..."

Because the peach forest is steep, if there is an enemy army in the valley, they may repeat the fiasco of the Qin army's battle...

All of a sudden there were complaints and boos. The generals treated the soldiers like younger brothers, and the soldiers also regarded the generals as their elder brothers. It was common for the army to laugh and scold.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the speech, a huge horn sounded from the top of the valley...

"Enemy attack!"


Arrows, rolling logs, and flying stones fell from the top of the valley. Some Zhao soldiers couldn't escape, and their heads burst into blood. As a huge boulder rumbled down, the army that was drawn into a long snake formation was also cut into two!

"Don't panic! There aren't many enemy troops in ambush!" From the moment he was attacked, Rogue Zhi calmed down and was keenly aware that the ambush was not severe. Attack the Zhao army.

Based on his years of experience in cutting diameters and robbery, the robbers predict that this enemy army is probably the Qin people who are going to support Hangu Pass, and the number does not exceed 1,000!

"Rush to the top of the valley and kill them all!" He drew out his sword and pointed at the top of the valley to command.

However, an arrow shot from the woods not far away, and shot into Liu Xiazhi's chest at a tricky angle. He looked at the feather end of the arrow blankly. roll down...

"Protect the general!" The screams echoed in his ears, the chaotic footsteps, the arrows that broke through the air, the angry roars of his "planters"...

Time suddenly became very slow, so slow that Liu Xiazhi suffocated, and then suddenly became faster, so fast that his eyes were too fast.

He seemed to be back in the middle of the night when he escaped from Qufu alone, and there were layers of obstacles in front of him, but he killed one person in ten steps, leaving behind a place of corpses and Sanhuan's shock, and fled away.

He seems to have returned to Onozawa, commanding nine thousand thieves, shouting the slogan of "violent princes, rampant the world", as his island owner on a small island in the lake, vowing to fight for a future for these bitter brothers who have nowhere to go , to fight for a field.

He seemed to go back to the time when he first met Zhao Wuxi and sat down. After a few glasses of wine, his eyes were dazzling and his spirits were high. He listened to Zhao Wuxi talking about how to overthrow the rule of Sanhuan and how to create another one in Lu State. Order, a poor common people can also have their own farmland Xinlu State.

Three cups sighed and promised, but the five mountains were taken lightly, and Roof Zhi said at the time, "If you can do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~, why should I treat you as a minister?"

Unfortunately, this promise has come true, and thieves have their own way, so he naturally has to keep his promise. For the next ten years, he spent most of his life on the journey for the Zhao family, rushing to help and rushing for thousands of miles. Ten years later, Liu Xiazhi is no longer a mere thief in lakes and marshes, but a robber who can beat the "famous generals" to the point of rushing away, and who can shake the Central Plains! Let Zheng Guo's children stop crying when they hear his name!

This life...is enough...

But there are also regrets.

When Roi Zhi opened his eyes again, he was already lying on his back in the arms of the soldiers. Everyone's eyes were blood red and tears were streaming down his face. The battle had come to an end, and all the ambush soldiers had been wiped out.

"I shoot all day long, but today I was pecked by a little bird..."

Liu Xiazhi smiled wryly. This is his old way of cutting diameters. Sure enough, it has been a long time, and the craftsmanship is unfamiliar? But soon, he stopped caring about it.

He looked up and saw that the sky was blue, like Onozawa's clearest season.

He saw white clouds blooming, moving slowly in the wind, like white geese swimming on the lake.

For the first time, he found that the sun was so dazzling and dazzling. Is that the sparkling waves brought by the lake?

He knew that he would never return to the turbulent Onozawa!

But he still tried his best to reach out, wanting to touch the wave light and cloud shadow again...

The wind blows from the top of the peach forest, blowing the leafy peach trees, and the blossoming peach blossoms are swaying and breaking away from the branches. For a while, the valley was filled with pink petals, and one of them fell on the back of Liu Xiazhi's hand and chest, covering the blood on his body...

Hands fall in vain...

The name of Robber Zhi, finally Taolin!

PS: There is another chapter in the evening

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