Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1005: The decisive battle at Fenglingdu (middle)

The night of April 29 is destined to be a night that makes it difficult to sleep.

At nightfall on this day, just when the Qin, Wei, and Zheng 50,000 troops decided to break through to Weiyi, as if they had seen through their plans, the Zhao army also launched a tit-for-tat attack.

There are tens of thousands of troops on each side. If they form an array, both sides are huge corps of several miles in length and width. Generally speaking, the more troops there are, the more difficult it is to command. extremely difficult. Once a melee occurs, it is not uncommon to attack and trample on one another.

Based on this consideration, night battles are a last resort most of the time. This danger is equal to both sides of the war, but it seems to be more beneficial to the breakout party. Of course, the premise is that they are in the dark and the enemy is in the light, not detected from the very beginning.

Zhao Jun was not afraid to fight at night. They have always been vigilant about this. Since breaking through the siege by night has lost its suddenness, it is a failed move. At this time, if they forcibly break through the siege, Qin, Wei and Zheng, who are not unified in command, will only be in chaos, or even kill each other. So Zihu could only forcibly cancel the breakout plan, and the whole army turned to the defense.

Fortunately, the coalition forces had been initially organized and ready to move out. The Zhao army cavalry rushed into the camp and set fire everywhere. Although it caused some panic, there were no major casualties under the control of Zihu, Yousu, and Weiju. Zhao Jun was also more cautious and did not want to give the enemy a chance in the night melee, so the forward quickly withdrew.

These are only temptations, and the real decisive battle will not officially start until the dawn of the next day.

After the sky was getting brighter, Zihu found that the temporary barriers that were originally not high had been razed to the ground by the Zhao army. They surrounded them one after another. On the front line that was more than ten miles long in the north, from east to west, there were Yanghu's Dongyang Army and Mu. Xia Suoshuai's military pawns and Taiyuan army, as well as Tian Ben's fierce pawns, Shangdang army, and Hanoi army, each had distinct banners, and their camps were horns of each other.

Most of Zhao's combat power is concentrated here, a total of ** 10,000 people, it looks densely packed, and they are from this end of the horizon to the other. Not only that, but the Shangjun cavalry from Youcheng had already crossed Puban and joined the battle of besieging the enemy. They were across the west of the Qin, Wei and Zheng coalition forces, waiting for an opportunity to raid from the flank at any time.

In short, this is a narrow area. Although the battle line is more than ten miles long, the width is only seven or eight miles, and the narrowest place is about five miles. The 50,000 coalition forces were forced here, and the Dahe River was behind them. Once the Zhao army pressed them, they would have no way to retreat. Even if they wanted to fight, they would not be able to form a formation.

So Zihu simply let people level the camp, and came a backwater formation...

Unlike Robber Zhi's last stand, they were helpless.

The sun gradually rises from the east. As time goes by, Zhao Jun's formation will become more and more careful. As the commander, Zihu must make a choice.

Only then did he realize that he was so nervous, so nervous that he had to keep stroking the jade beast at the top of the sword hilt in his hand to calm himself down.

This saber has brought him glory and glory: Zihu, who was still in his prime more than ten years ago, followed Zipu Shuai for five hundred rides in Qin chariots to rescue Chu. He fought bravely, killed countless enemies, defeated husbands and destroyed Tang. After the war, it was given to this sword by the King of Chu.

In the years that followed, Zihu held this sword to guard the territory of the Qin State and pursued the Qun Rong. At least in the West, the Qin State was the well-deserved "overlord" of the Xi Rong.

However, in the battle of Shaoliang, this sword brought him shame. When Shaoliang city was broken, he planned to commit suicide, but was snatched by Zhao Jun to stop him. The sword fell to the ground and lay there quietly. Can't help at all. During his imprisonment by the Zhao family, the sword also fell into the hands of others, and did not return to his waist until he was redeemed.

Shame, but even more ashamed is that Zihu failed to bring back the Qin people who fought against Shaoliang. I heard that most of them became servants of the Zhao clan and were sent to remote areas such as Daijun, Dongyang, and Hejian. where to do hard labor.

Since then, he has often touched the sword to remind himself not to forget his old shame, and he must learn from the three heroes of Qin, Meng Mingshi, Xiqishu and Bai Yibing. Vengeance ends!

Today, however, the despair and misery of Shaoliang World War I will be repeated again...

Zihu was not reconciled, he warned himself that even if his death would not be enough to atone for his sins, he would at least bring back the 40,000 soldiers of Qin State safely, these veteran soldiers, these young men who were supposed to be hunting in the ploughing fields of the Wei level. , which is related to the future national fortune of Qin.

Thinking of this, he gradually calmed down. Although Zihu is not a wise general, he can judge the situation on the battlefield.

They have no way to retreat, they can only go forward, so although the chance of survival is slim, it will at least cause greater losses to the Zhao army, and some troops will be able to break through successfully.

But the main direction of attack is a university question...

There are thousands of cavalry in Youcheng to maintain the pressure to the west, and the dense Zhao army to the north. Before dawn, Zihu also gritted his teeth and launched a tentative attack, but Mucha just sent his iron armored soldiers. Putting up a posture in front of the battle, the spears were so dense that people dared not approach, and then he fired a round of ballistas at the Qin army demonstratively. Zihu knew that this was the hardest bone of the Zhao army. It will definitely break a lot of teeth.

Moreover, the Zhao cavalry on the flank continued to attack, and came to shoot arrows to disrupt the Zheng army arranged in the west. If it were not for the defense of the Yuli formation, relying on the defense line formed by chariots, it could be regarded as a small restraint of the cavalry. It was broken through.

In short, this means that Zihu can no longer go west or break out of the north.

Zihu's eyes glanced at the Zhengdong and the southeast, where Zhao's Hanoi army and Shangdang army were stationed respectively, not to mention the military soldiers. Compared with Dongyang and Taiyuan, the county soldiers in these two places were relatively weak and trained And combat experience is also relatively lacking.

Even, their array is still loose and chaotic, and the distance between the two armies is too large~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is an extremely obvious flaw, do you want to attack there? This thought flashed through Zi Hu's mind, but then a vigilant voice sounded instantly.

"Three Que and One!"

The formation that Zhao Jun had set up at Shaoliang was once again set up at Fenglingdu...

Zihu can't forget the embarrassment that he once led the army to break through the "weakness" in Shaoliang, but slammed into the iron wall!

To the east and southeast, it must be a trap!

His eyes then turned to the northeast.

That's where Zhao Wuxi's black bird banner was! It was guarded by Yecheng Duyi soldiers and his Yulin army, but if the coalition forces attacked with all their strength, there might be some chance of victory.

Zihu made up his mind: "The whole army will attack together and break through to the northeast. Even if we can't behead him first! We must try to put Zhao Wuxi in danger, thus tearing the formation of Zhao's army..."

(To be continued.)

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