Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1016: Jianjia Cang Cang

PS: I came back late, there is only one chapter, and I will make up for it in the third update tomorrow.

"Jianjia is pale and white dew is frost..."

While reciting this poem on the riverbank facing the picturesque river, Zhao Wuxi sighed to Zixia next to him: "Qin Feng has its chilling and tragic side, but also has a euphemistic and poignant side. It only needs a few characters to be able to do it. Pulling people into the poetic and picturesque, the wisdom contained in the folk customs is really admirable.

"Shangqing's poems are not inferior." Although he did not worship Confucianism, Zixia was also proficient in poetry and calligraphy. It is not a compliment for him to praise Zhao Wuxi so much. Few people can be as "productive" as Zhao Qing.

Zhao Wuxi was not complacent. Those things were borrowed from future generations. He was just a porter, so he would not brag about himself.

Although he praised Qin Feng's beauty, the reeds on the banks of the Wei River are still green, but Yiren has long since disappeared, leaving only the two armies of Qin and Zhao facing each other across the river.

A reed boat left Zhao Jun's water camp and slowly sailed from the north bank to the south bank. On the boat was a well-dressed messenger, holding high the conditions that Zhao Wuxi gave to the Qin people.

"Will the Qin people accept Shangqing's conditions?" Zixia watched the ship go farther and farther, and couldn't help but ask, the war is coming to an end, and the Qin people don't want to fight anymore, and Zhao Wuxi's expansion in the west is also not enough. Reaching the limit, it will not be beautiful if you drag it on. It is time to consider the changes in the Eastern Song Dynasty.

"The Qin people's country is empty, and they have no choice." This is not what Zhao Wuxi was worried about. The day before yesterday, Youcheng, located in Jingyang, sent someone to plead guilty, saying that he made an unreasonable proposition and asked Zhao Jia to command a small number of cavalry to the west of Jingshui to raise Zhao. The military might.

Speaking of Zhao Jia, his name is derived from "Jianjia Cangcang". The young man with a feminine name is born bold and is the most outstanding among the younger generation of Zhao. Zhao Wuxi also loves him very much. Now that Zhao Jia is taking a risk and going alone, Wu Xie doesn't even expect him to do something big to shock Qin. He only hopes that he can return safely, at least to give him a chance to redeem him.

However, Pu, the eldest son of Qin's concubine, didn't think so. After reading the terms of the peace talks sent by Zhao Wuxi, his heart suddenly froze.

"Qin Xuzhao told the world, admitting that Qin was unjust before this battle, and that Qin State would surrender to Zhao's family and accept all the conditions of Zhao's family. The conditions are as follows:

"First, return Hexi, Taolin, Shangluo and other places, and withdraw from the so-called 'Lianheng', swear to never be an enemy of Zhao."

"Second, the Qin soldiers who surrendered in Hedong will be served by the Zhao clan for three to ten years."

"Third, Qin ravaged Hedong and caused a lot of losses. As compensation, Qin needs to transport 1 million shi of grain into Jin. The delivery is completed within three years. After that, 100,000 shi will be transported every year for seven years."

"Fourth, before the grain delivery is completed, the thirteen cities in the five counties east of Jingshui will be managed by the Zhao family for ten years."

"Fifth, the Qin State demolishes the walls of the cities and towns in Weinan within the year, and the garrison should not exceed 10,000 people..."

"If Qin accepts this contract, he will be dead!" Zipu almost fainted, although he imagined that Zhao Wuxi's conditions would be very harsh, but he never thought that it would be too much.

Not to mention that the Qin people will provide food for the Zhao family for ten years, and the prisoners will do free labor. The Zhao family is going to ride on their heads, trying to drain the blood and sweat of the Qin people! Those cities east of Jingshui have been controlled by the Zhao family for ten years, what will happen after ten years? Judging from what Zhao Wuxi did to Wei and Lu, perhaps they would leave Qin forever and never return!

As for the fifth article, it stifled the possible resistance of the Qin state in the bud, and Weinan was unprepared, and the Zhao army could drive straight in from several fronts.

For Zipu, the fourth and fifth items are unacceptable, and for the monarch of the Qin Kingdom, the sixth item after that slapped him hard in the face...

"Sixth, Zhao and Qin originally belonged to a family, and Emperor Mu gave Zhao Cheng as the Zhao clan because of the merits of creating the father. At that time, the ancestor of Qin was the emperor Yu, Mu, who had no clan, and no fief, so he was favored by the father. Luo and Feizi were both entrusted with Zhaocheng, and Zhao was the clan... After that, Feizi was sealed in Qin Ting, Qin Zhong was the doctor of the West Frontier, Qin Xianggong was listed as a prince, so he forgot the origin of the Zhao clan, and took Qin as his clan. ...If Qin is sincere and negotiated, he should abandon the Qin clan and return to Zhao as his clan, and Qin will be the Xiaozong of the Zhao clan from now on..."

Zipu could imagine the playful expression on Zhao Wuxi's face when he was drafting this article, but although he was furious in his heart, he had to endure his anger and say to Zhao's messenger:

"The Son of Heaven, Jiande, was born with a surname, and the land of Xun ordered his clan. The clan of the doctor can be easier... The clan of the princes can also be easier? What's more, how can the princes be the small clan of the Qing clan? Not from."

"Besides, Weinan fell into the city to cut troops, and Qin would like to follow it. If Shangqing can release the Qin soldiers as soon as possible, the cities east of Jingshui will be retained by Qin. Once the soldier is dead, he will do his best to farm, and give twice the food to the Zhao family within ten years! I hope that the envoy will tell Shangqing like this..."

Qinchuan is flat and fertile, and as long as you pay attention to agriculture, it is easy to produce grain. From Zipu's point of view, the grain can be planted again, and the money and silk can be saved again, but the land, the people, and the country are the foundation. Even if the Zhao family has actually occupied Jingdong, they will leave sooner or later. The helm of the country, Zipu must not easily abandon land and people!

However, Zhao Wuxi's answer made him despair, and an hour later, the messenger returned.

"Shangqing said that if the Qin state does not want to suffer from the disaster of swords and soldiers, which will make the Sheji die, you must accept all the conditions proposed by the Zhao family, and you must not bargain! In addition, Shangqing also has a sentence: The Sheji is impermanent, and the ruler and ministers are impermanent. It has been since ancient times. Zhao Qinzhi First he was a feudal lord of Yin and Shang, and in Zong and Zhou dynasties he was reduced to Yu and Mu, then Feizi became a vassal, Qin Zhong was a doctor of the Western Border, and Duke Xiang of Qin became a feudal lord again. , How can you know that Zhao Wei is not a prince in the next year!?"

Zipu's face turned pale for a while, Zhao Wuxi's heart was well known, it seemed that there would be a major event in the Jin Kingdom, but now that the Wei family is dead, and the Lianheng has been defeated, no one can stop him.

Zipu's situation in the country of Qin is most obvious. Qin's blood is flowing in Hexi, and the elites have become prisoners. They no longer have the capital to fight again. The "Qin Army" put together in Weinan, I don't know how many immature teenagers and old men. Elder, although the Zhao family has something to do in the East, but in order to force Qin to surrender, Zhao Wuxi will lead his troops to attack Weinan and Yongcheng, then Qin is really in danger. Maybe they will lose more than the east of Jingshui. ...

Zhao Wuxi gave him a few days to communicate with Yongcheng. Just when Zipu hesitated, the next day, an urgent report from Yongcheng reached Weinan.

After unfolding the silk book and reading it, Zipu's already wrinkled forehead wrinkled even tighter.

It was the news that the Zhao army's forward arrived north of Qishan and burned Duyang. Yongcheng was shocked. Qin Bopan sent chariots and cavalry to pursue them, but a large number of Zhao's cavalry had already assembled in Jingyang, and they might cross the river and invade the west at any time. , so Qin Jun was impatient, urging Zipu to accept the conditions first...

"Ah..." Zipu sighed.

"I'll be the sinner of the Qin country for centuries. I only hope that the Qin country's society will continue, and I hope that future generations will not forget the shame of Weishui today!"

After making this announcement to the doctors and captains of the Qin State, Zipu walked helplessly to the bank of the Wei River, and he didn't even notice that his wide dark clothes were soaked with muddy water. The doctors of the Qin state looked miserable, looking at the backs of the great concubines with long backs and slightly hunchbacks ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ full of helplessness and sadness, it was really embarrassing.

Back then when he entered Chu to help, defeated the Wu army, destroyed Tang, and re-established Qin's status as a great country, how high-spirited he and Zihu were! They originally wanted to rejuvenate the Qin state and restore Duke Mu's career, but who would have expected it to end, but it was a disgrace...

No, the humiliation Qin received from the Zhao family this time was a hundred times more than during the Battle of Wei! They were forced to kneel at the feet of Zhao Wuxi, not only to cede the land and pay indemnity, but also to enshrine him as the chief!

Back then, Duke Mu of Qin spent ten years to regain his dignity. How many years will it take Qin to stand up again this time?

Zipu didn't know, he only knew that the indomitable Qin people would never accept this kind of fate.

One day, this shame will be restored!

But now, he has to bow his head and accept all the conditions of the Zhao family, so that Qin will have a future to speak of.

On June 5th, on the banks of the Wei River, the Qin State surrendered...

(To be continued.)

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