Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1020: childbirth

PS: Huh, this chapter has been written for a long time, and I am exhausted. There is only one update tonight.

As if to cope with the tense atmosphere, the candles in the secret room moved without wind, and there was a touch of blood in the air. Novel ww.Lwxs520.cm

Lying on the temporary delivery bed, Nanzi felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and a feeling of wetness between his legs. The seeds planted in Sishang last April have finally come to fruition...

But the process of picking the fruit was not as wonderful as when they were united.

The severe pain struck again, she couldn't help shouting, panting, like a drowning man asking for help, two witches clenched her hands, and an old woman with wrinkled skin was busy between her legs .

"The fetal position is not right..." The old woman raised her head and murmured to Nanzi, "Don't think about other things, please try harder..."

This is her wet nurse, who knows all the mysteries of the blood-stained birthing bed, and at the same time can keep secrets for her, and is a trustworthy person. However, Nanzi just couldn't concentrate. The situation in Song country was like this, and there were chaos outside. How could she not think about it?

Since last month (January), the princes who were close to Zhao Wuxi met in Taoqiu to establish a "coupling" to fight against the "Lianheng" of Qi, Qin and Zheng Wei, the war in the Central Plains has been imminent. As the country closest to Zhao Wuxi, Song Guo did his part to take on the main force of attacking Zheng.

After Song Guoda Sicheng Lemix returned to Shangqiu, he has been preparing for this matter - the Song country was originally co-administered by Le's family and Nanzi, but as Nanzi's belly gradually swelled, it was inconvenient for her to show her face again. So she used an excuse to meditate and communicate with her ancestors. Since last winter, she has been in retreat in the Hao Society. Even if she meets people, she hides in the curtain.

However, unforeseen circumstances were unexpected. In mid-January, Le Mi suddenly contracted the epidemic and fell down. As a result, Le Clan and Nan Zi could not work together to control the state of Song.

For a time, the voice of Song Gong's pro-government flooded the court and the opposition again. Fortunately, the Huang family who belonged to the Le family's camp stood up, and Huang Yuan Ciqing enthusiastically asked people to ask Le Min for medicine, and promised at the same time. We will handle the matter of Song State sending troops to assist Zhao.

"Put papaya for it, and repay it with Qiongyao..." He vowed to say so.

However, Nan Zi, who had been secretly manipulating Song Dynasty politics, noticed something wrong: the soldiers dispatched by Huang Yuan were mainly soldiers of the Le clan, and the family of a doctor who had a friendly relationship with the Zhao clan. According to her, they were buried in the palace. The dark line below came to report that Huang Yuan had been in close contact with Duke Song recently...

She was suspicious, so on the eve of Song Jun's departure from Shangqiu, Nan Zi suddenly passed Song Gong and Song Guozheng's second minister, and issued a divination. The response she got under the pretext of divination was that it was bad luck to leave the school today, so Song Jun would be delayed. Out of town!

Sure enough, Duke Song and Huang Yuan panicked.

This was originally something that the monarch and his ministers had been plotting for a long time. The Duke of Song wanted to be in power, and the emperor was worried about Nanzi's "hen chicken Sichen". The Song Dynasty regime also broke away from Zhao's control and restored the Song Dynasty's status as an independent and independent great power.

However, Nanzi was the first to see through their tricks, so Duke Song relied on himself as the monarch and had a righteous reputation, and immediately launched a coup d’etat with those who were loyal to the imperial family and the emperor, taking control of the Song Palace and Dongcheng Gate. Attack Yuefu and Haoshe.

Nanzi has been in control of Song for ten years, and her believers are all over the township and are deeply rooted. Those coup makers are far less powerful than her. Even if Le Mi is dying, Nan Zi is confident that she will solve the trouble by herself. However, just when she smiled contemptuously and wanted to move her finger a little to make the coup d'etat vanish, the pain struck...


When she was carried into the secret room, Shangqiu was already in a mess, and when neither Nanzi nor Le Mixed could come forward, many people had already turned to Duke Song and the emperor. To make matters worse, someone betrayed Nanzi, publicized her name as a saint, she was actually a slut, and had an affair with Zhao Qing of the Jin state... For a time, public opinion was also extremely unfavorable to Nanzi, and the situation in the Song state became unknown.

Even though Nanzi had countless ways to fight back, he could only lie helplessly on the delivery bed, at the mercy of the old woman.

She felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

In front of outsiders, she is a sacred and inviolable great witch of the Song Dynasty, a son-in-law who is unattainable, but in the final analysis, she is a weak woman.

When she was pregnant for ten months, Nanzi realized how fragile she was after taking down those titles.

"Has Fu Hao ever been so embarrassed?" She couldn't help thinking of another powerful woman, one of her distant ancestors.

Nanzi has read the inscriptions in Wuding's time, which records that Wuding's wife, Fuhao, not only participated in government affairs, met the elderly, and inspected Wang Ji. She even had her own fief and was extremely wealthy. When there was a war, she would also be with Wuding. On the expedition, the husband and wife slaughtered the dissatisfied Fang Kingdom together and returned with honor.

In a word, Fu Hao is involved in a lot of things, and Fu Hao participates in everything that men can do. Women are not allowed to be men. Sometimes she is just half an emperor...

However, it was such a heroic female general, a heroine, who died on the birthing bed.

"Jia Shen divination, Shell Zhen: The woman is good to give birth? Wang Zhan said: Thirty days and another day Jia Yin gave birth, not Jia... out of Zhen... Wang... Yu Mu Xin... Bai Zai... blood..."

Nanzi's heart froze when he saw this passage in the tortoiseshell divination.

She suddenly understood why the wet nurse had been nagging: the battlefield of men is in the fields of the city, and the battlefield of women is on the birth bed.

Compared with the sword and halberd, the blood-stained birth bed is more dangerous for women, and it is the same for Nanzi...

"Am I going to die here?" The dizzying pain made her unable to stop thinking.

"Don't think about other things!" The old woman reprimanded again, awakening Nanzi, who gritted her teeth stubbornly and tried to bring herself back to reality.

Yes, she looked at her bulging belly, the new life was waking up, and Zhao Wuxi's son was kicking wildly in her womb...

Only by giving birth to this enemy successfully, can she leave this dangerous birthing bed and return to the battlefield she is familiar with.

And as long as the child can survive, Zhao Wuxi will never ignore her. No matter how corrupt the situation in Song country is, Nanzi believes that as long as there is support from Zhao Jun, she can come back!

Sweat condensed on the surface of her skin and flowed down from her forehead. Nan Zi tried her best to push her father down from the top of Tong Palace.

The difference is that this time it was to kill a loved one, but this time it was to give birth to hope.

She clenched her fists, hissing exhausted...

The pain came from between her legs, and she felt as if her body had been torn to pieces and put back together again.

Immediately, her stomach was suddenly empty, and something left her body, which made her feel free and empty again...

Nanzi lay weakly on the bed, her body was completely soaked with her sweat, and her legs were numb and painful. After gasping for more than ten minutes, with the help of others, she raised her head with difficulty and looked earnestly at her wet nurse, wanting to know the **** of the child.

"Born a boy."

The umbilical cord has been cut, and the old woman holds the newborn baby in her hands. She has no emotion on her wrinkled face, but she looks back at Nanzi with pity...

The joy on Nanzi's face suddenly froze.

The newborn, covered in amniotic fluid and afterbirth, was not breathing...

Is this a stillbirth?

No no no no no! This is not true! Nanzi was about to go crazy, tears welled up from her eyes, she had never been so sad, the love that was still snuggling in her body a moment ago didn't have a chance to see this colorful world, was it taken away like this? It's not fair!

She tried hard to hold her chest up, supported her body with her elbows, and fought with her soft legs. It was so difficult to even sit up, and the whole world was spinning...

Nanzi opened his arms and snatched his child back. It was a baby boy. Newborns were ugly and wrinkled, but in Nanzi's eyes, if he survived smoothly, he would definitely be a healthy and strong person in the future. Bandit gentleman.

But it's all in vain!

She hugged him heartbroken, feeling that the whole world was leaving her, but her fingertips felt the faint heartbeat that she had been dreaming and hearing every night for the past few months...

This is a trace of life that only a mother can detect. The haze in Nanzi's eyes was blown away at once. She hurriedly asked others to help, and again and again, she patted and stroked his wrinkled back, but to no avail.

Just when no one else gave up hope, with a light cough, the baby's bean-sized mouth spit out a stream of amniotic fluid...

Next, there are a few loud cries!


Accustomed to the dimness of the interior, the outside world is frighteningly bright.

When Nanzi came out of the temple, she felt that the witches, nobles, and common people who had gathered outside the Haoshe to pray for her response were all paying attention to her.

Still in pure white clothes, with a beautiful but dignified face and demeanor, they burst into cheers when they saw Nanzi finally coming out, but there were also those with sharp eyes who saw the baby in her arms...

For a while, there were whispers in the crowd, the believers widened their eyes in disbelief, and the nobles looked at her strangely from the corner of their eyes.

Song Gong and Huang Yuan did not hesitate to use the most vicious rumors to slander Nanzi, saying that she was not a virgin, let alone a saint, but a slut, with countless faces, often under the pretext of visiting foreign countries, to have an affair with Zhao Qing of Jin State , and even conceived of his evil seed. It is precisely because of this kind of rumors, and Nanzi's delay in showing up, that some Song people who were originally on Nanzi's side were hesitant. The supporters of Song Gong and Huang's family took the opportunity to launch an offensive. Now they have controlled more than half of Shangqiu City. Only the Le family's mansion and the Hao Society are still resisting. At this moment, Nanzi can hear rumors in several streets and alleys. The cry of killing...

Is all this true? For a while, believers who have been controlled by "the way of heaven" for nearly ten years feel that the building of their faith is collapsing.

Although she was a little dizzy for a short time when she walked out, and her legs were still in pain, Nanzi felt that her physical strength had recovered, and her heart was even stronger. Now she is like a mother beast eager to protect her calf, and is more dangerous than before. Anyone who intends to harm her child is seeking death.

After listening to Wu Zhu's report on the situation in the city, she knew that she had to do something in the face of these puzzled eyes from outside.

She stepped forward and said to the crowd:

"King Xuan is coming, this prophecy was passed down in Song Dynasty, and the second and third sons are known..."

"A few years ago, I dreamed that the Emperor of Heaven spoke up, saying: King Xuan has arrived, and in the north, he will follow the cause of Emperor Jun. However, the Song Dynasty is not virtuous, and the Song state is afraid of decline. A mysterious bird flew by and dropped an egg, which just fell into my mouth..."

The crowd sighed, "The Mysterious Bird of Destiny descended to Shang." This is a legend that the Yin people believed to be true for generations. Their first generation ancestor Ming came from this way, and now Nanzi dreams of Mysterious Birds falling eggs. ...

"That's right." Seeing everyone's doubts, Nanzi knew that if she turned back, everything would be over, so she showed a hint of shyness and said, "After I woke up, I only felt a warm feeling in my belly, and later I found out that I was pregnant. ."

Nanzi's shy smile is so beautiful and inexhaustible. He holds a baby in his arms, just like a mother holding a holy child. Song people are simple and simple, and many people have already suspected him, but thought it was a miracle!

Nanzi didn't wait for the smart people in the crowd to think about it, and then took a few steps forward.

She couldn't back down, she couldn't be afraid.

She held up the baby boy who had been cleaned and was sleeping soundly in the swaddling clothes, and announced loudly.

"Nanzi dreamed of a mysterious bird falling from an egg as a virgin, and conceived by induction. This son is Xuanzi, and he is destined to revive the Xuanzi of Song!"

"Xuanzi!" Everyone outside the Hao Club habitually bowed their heads, and someone raised their heads and asked loudly, "Dare to ask the great witch, what is Xuanzi's name?"

"His name..." Although he was Zhao Wuxi's blood, he was destined not to openly take Zhao as his clan, but Nanzi had no regrets. After becoming a mother, her whole world only lived for him.

"Its name is Zishang!"

"Zizhang! Zishang!" Cheers sounded, the collapse of the Faith Hall stopped, and taller buildings rose from the ground. Under the leadership of the cronies arranged by Nanzi, some people sang the ode to Shang.

"The mysterious bird of heaven's destiny came down to Shang and was born in Shang, and lived in the earth of Yin. , King Wu is invincible!"

"The dragon flag is ten rides, and the Dajing is the inheritance. The state is thousands of miles away, and the Weimin stops, and Zhaoyu is the four seas."

"Fake from all over the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come to fake Qiqi. Jingyuan Weihe. Yin is ordered to be Xianyi, what is Bailu!"

In the frenzy, only a small number of people suddenly thought: Since Xuanzi has descended, who is the "Xuanwang" in the north who inherits the legacy of the ancient ancestors of the Eastern tribes, Emperor Jun, respected by Yin and Shang?

There is only one answer.

In the song of Shang Song, the temple bells and drums rang in unison. After many days of silence, Haoshe once again issued a horn to gather believers, calling on them to defend the temple, and the people gathered outside Haoshe also raised their chests and held their hands. Weapons and sticks, they want to defend the great witch and Xuanzi, even if the enemy is the monarch. Ten years of brainwashing have made them only know the way of heaven and the great witch, but not Song Jun...

Nanzi took the awakened baby boy back into his arms, and looked at him sleepily looking for his *** with a loving smile.

He is just a chick that just broke out of the shell, but one day in the future, he will grow into a hero as great as his father, and fly high!

She decided to give him a birthday gift, a country of a thousand rides!

(To be continued.)

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