Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1027: Between Guoying

In mid-September, at the confluence of the great river and Jishui, with hundreds of boats crossing the river, with tens of thousands of Zhao soldiers shouting, flags rustling, war drums thundering, the small town of Xingyang fell...

Zhao Wuxi landed ashore with cheers, and looking at the magnificent scenery of the rushing river, he couldn't help but say to Zi Xia and the others beside him: "To capture Xingyang, not only will the campaign against Zheng be stabilized this time, but even next year's campaign to save Song will be won by two points first. …”

Zixia is familiar with the history of the classics, and naturally knows that as early as 300 years ago, Duke Huan of Zheng was the Situ of King You of Zhou. It is to find a new foothold for Zheng Guo in the East. Tai Shi Bo at that time analyzed him: "Fang today, the kingdom of sons and boys will be big, Guoshu will be strong, and Yunzhong will be dangerous. If the two cities are conquered, the front Xinhou River will be the front, and the right Luozuo will be left. Ji, Zheng Guo can be less fortified..."

The so-called land of Dongguo is also called Xingyang. Xingyang was a battleground for the military during the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the confrontation between Han and Wu Chu during the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms was also similar to that of the current Zhao clan, Wu. Qi's hostility is quite similar, and Xingyang will definitely play an important role in next year's war.

The present Xingyang is far from being comparable to the important town of Xingyang in later generations. But for Zhao Wuxi, Xingyang's status is far superior to Chenggao, who can "choose Zhou's throat". Here is the center of Xiongzhi, which controls Yingkou at the junction of the river and economy. It is an important hub for Zhao Chuan to go east to Cao and Song along the Jishui River.

That's right, disregarding the domestic economic difficulties to attack Zheng this time, Zhao Wuxi didn't plan to blackmail a sum of money and leave as before, but planned to make the people of Zheng who have repeatedly opposed him pay some price...

Considering that Zheng Guocai lost nearly 20,000 people in the war, most of them were captured by the Zhao clan, and half of them were slaughtered by the robbers. Although there is a lot of resentment within the Zheng country, the strength of the entire Zheng country has been greatly weakened. Fewer than 30,000 are expected to be available for defense. Therefore, Zhao Wuxi did not mobilize the army, and only dispatched 40,000 people: an army of military soldiers, an army of Hanoi County, an army of Hedong Xinjun, and a side division who attacked the rear of Zheng State through the Han family.

Zheng Guo is accustomed to being invaded by the enemy. Since Zheng Zhuang Gong Xiaoba, Qi, Qin, Jin, Chu and other princes have regarded controlling Zheng Guo as a necessary step to defeat their opponents and establish hegemony. Putting Zheng State at the center of various lines of communication, coupled with its strong national strength, which force it belongs to is very important to the strategic pattern.

Therefore, the poor Zheng State suffered 80 wars and conquests in just over two hundred years. In particular, the Jin-Chu hegemony often used Zheng State as a battlefield, and also used Zheng State as a sign of who hegemony belonged to.

Zhao Wuxi did not mean to "rebuild hegemony" when he attacked Zheng Guo this time, but more, mainly to prevent Wu Guo from going north and colluding with Zheng Guo...

Now that Fuchai has forced Chen Guo to submit, and Chen Guo goes north, it is the land of Zheng Xu. If Zheng Guo is left alone, when Zhao clan and Fu chai face off against Sishang, and Zheng country suddenly attacks from behind him, then Zhao clan will To be unable to echo the beginning and the end, the more Wu is a confidant, and the Zheng Zhi is a thorn in the eyes of Zhao.

What's more, the Wei clan has been destroyed and the Qin state has already surrendered, but the Zheng state has not surrendered due to the influence of the time of slaughtering the prisoners. It is said that although the dead in the Zheng army could not be burial and the injured could not be treated, the people of Xinzheng cried and wailed, trying their best to share their worries and work hard to increase their wealth. In the court of Zheng, the monarchs and ministers were also worried and fearful. They went to court early in the morning and retreated late at night. With low words and heavy gifts, they sent messengers from all sides to ask the princes for union, befriend Chen, Cai, and even Hao Qi and Wu. Preventing the Zhao family is the most important thing.

This is the result of the slaughter of the prisoners, but what happened has already happened. Because of the heroic death of Robber Zhi, Zhao Wuxi respected him as a tainted hero, and it is no longer necessary to avenge the wrongful death of the Zheng people. Maybe, in this case, they can only let them accept the fact...

"It is necessary for Yu to wake up Zheng Ren."

Having said that, Zhao Wuxi did not follow the main force commanded by Qi Wan and Muchia to press on Xinzheng along the North-South Avenue, but marched eastward with 5,000 soldiers.

After the loss of troops in the foreign war, although Zheng Ren was full of resentment, his resistance was indeed much weaker than when Han Zhao attacked Zheng a few years ago. It was probably because Qi Mu transferred the main force back to Xinzheng to concentrate on defense. The situation was like a broken bamboo, and in late September, he arrived at a small town in the eastern part of Zheng State.


"Kuanyuan is flat, and it is both land and water. It's a really good place..." Zhao Wuxi was full of praise for the terrain here.

When a catastrophe is imminent, if there is a strong resistance in a country, there will certainly be those who surrender and betray the country. Although Zheng Guo is a patriotic businessman like Xiangao, not everyone can be like this. Zigong has traded with Zheng Guo merchants for a long time and has also bought a lot of people. These people have been hidden before, waiting for Zhao Jun to enter Zheng At that time, they came out one after another to guide Zhao Jun.

Although the State of Zheng emphasizes business, it has not yet broken away from the old system of "commercial and industrial food officials". Compared with Zhao's use of "scholars, farmers, industry and commerce as the pillars of the country", encouraging business and acquiescing small businessmen to leave the government and free business, it is still a little worse. It is said that the Zhao family It was also announced that during wartime, if you can pay more than 10,000 shi of grain, you can also be a businessman, and if you have more than 100,000 shi, you can be a doctor... Although this move has been criticized by many people, it has to be said that it is also an expedient measure to prepare food and grass in wartime. Both Qin and Han implemented it.

Therefore, there were also some Zheng merchants in Zhao Wuxi's army, and one of them, who was familiar with the local map, flattered him: "Shangqing has good eyesight! This place is called Qifeng, and Duke Zheng Zhuang built a granary city nearby to take the 'Qituo Fengjiang'. ', so it was named Kaifeng..."

"Zheng Zhuanggong is a hero. He dares to shoot the king's shoulder with an arrow. This is the beginning of the collapse of ritual and music. It's a pity that although he is ambitious, it is difficult to expand the territory of Zheng Kingdom." After the disgraceful comment, Zhao Wuxi continued to fight the horse to examine this piece of land with a low degree of development.

"This place is not limited by famous mountains and rivers. If you look at it, it is a suburb that reaches and converges~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in all directions. Moreover, it is bounded by rivers, Bian, and Huai and Si, which are enough to prohibit the East..."

He dismounted and picked up a pinch of soil and said, "It's black burial soil. Although there are not many people here, with a little development, the land can be rich and prosperous..."

Zhao Wuxi got up, patted the dust in his hand, and announced, "From today, this place will be renamed Daliang!"

"Yu Qi's house is for China, and for the people!" This is the joy of King Wu after the Zhou people were able to enter the Central Plains.

Although it is said that the golden horn and the silver edge are grass belly, but for the princes and doctors of the Spring and Autumn Period, no matter how much time they have developed in the corners and how much energy they have accumulated, the ultimate goal is to be able to compete in the Central Plains.

This is the long-cherished wish of Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Mu of Qin, King Zhuang of Chu, and others, after two hundred years of hegemony.

And the beam can be used as a bridgehead for the Zhao family to enter the Central Plains!

(To be continued.)

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