Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1034: Listed as princes (below)

"The Marquis of Jin is willing to give up the entire Jin state, as the fiefdom of the Zhao clan as a vassal"

Looking at this silk, Zhou Tianzi and Liu Dan Ergong felt very complicated.

At that time, Duke Huan of Zhou once said: "I moved eastward from Zhou Zhi, Jin Zheng Yanyi, Zheng Xianjun Wu Gong and Jin Wenhou worked together, sharing the Zhou family, and supporting the King of Ping"

It can be said that Zhou Shi was able to gain a foothold in the East largely by relying on Jin and Zheng as the two pillars. Later, Zhou Zheng turned his face, and Zhou Tianzi only had the powerful Jin state to rely on.

The prince led the army to invade the capital of Zhou, and King Xiang of Zhou fled, and it seemed that the city of the king of Zhou would be reduced to a land of thorns. The chaos finally subsided.

Even more serious is the rebellion of the prince dynasty. If the state of Jin hadn't sent officials to help, I'm afraid that it would occupy a whole week now, and it should be the prince who wears the crown of the emperor. After the great turmoil, the Zhou family was reduced to rubble and financial difficulties. The state of Jin also tried its best to organize several alliances, calling on the world's lords to have money and strength to contribute, at least not to let the royal family lose face.

Although this is an obligation that the overlords should perform in the Alliance to Practice the Earth, and although the ministers of Jin have also insulted the royal family and occupied territories, Zhou Tianzi is still somewhat grateful to Jin, and I hope that this will happen. The fact that this relationship can be maintained is different from the defense and restraint of Duke Huan of Qi in the past. Jin is the surname of Ji, and he has no desire to replace Zhou Shi, so he is a strong aid worthy of reliance.

However, to this day, the Zhou family is still lingering, but the state of Jin will cease to exist.

Zhao Wuxi's disposal of Jin Houji was to let him give up the country, and then go to Quwo's ​​hometown and live in a secluded town. Although he retained his name and society, what was the difference between this and the subjugation of the country?

Therefore, the emperor and Liu Dan and Ergong have mixed feelings, but they cannot change the fact that the royal family is already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river. Support the weekly room and maintain order

Looking forward to this, Zhao's listing as a prince has also entered the next stage: negotiating the country title and title.

In this matter, although the royal family wanted to be as big as it was when the princes were entrusted to the princes at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, and decided to give it all over to the princes, it must be accepted unconditionally. However, a sad reality is that the royal family can't interfere in this matter at all. Zhao Qing, who is in Wenxian County, has the final say.

At the end of November, light snow fell again in Hanoi County, floating like catkins along the river.

With the Han family leaving the state, Yewang and other places, Hanoi County has been completely connected, and the transportation from Yecheng to Wendi is also much more convenient, so this winter, Zhao Wuxi basically brought his wife to Wendi. County passed.

There is an ancestral temple of Zhao's family here, you can worship and clean it in person, or you can communicate with Zhou Shi on the other side of the river as soon as possible to force them to promise what Zhao Wuxi wants.

On this day, at the beginning of Xiaoxue, there was a plum forest in Wenxian County because Ji Ying had lived here for a long time and she liked flowers and trees, so Zhao's palace not only had peach blossoms, but also other tree and flower species. There are not many plum trees, only the shore is sparse and hundreds of followers. At this time, under the white snow, the bright red plum blossoms are budding on the branches against the cold, which makes people feel refreshed.

In the small pavilion beside the plum forest, there were four or five waiters serving in a circle. On either side of the table, there was an old man and a strong man, dressed in thick fur and fur, sitting in the pavilion drinking and watching the plums.

The weather was cold, so Zhao Wuxi couldn't help tightening the placket of his clothes, exhaled a white breath and said: "The winter is scorching hot, and the wind is blowing. The people are not good, why am I alone? There are Jiahui in the mountains, Houli Houmei. You thief, Mo Zhiqi, although the snow is a good year, and there should be a good harvest of spring wheat next year, but this snow has also made it more difficult to provide relief to the east of the river. In addition to food, you also need to provide a lot of winter clothes. Live within your means and prepare funds, otherwise you will end up taking land and harming the people.”

"Under the rule of the lord, it is better than under the rule of the Marquis of Jin and Wei." Dong Anyu's silver hair is a bit whiter than the snow on the ground, and his body is much older than a few years ago. He stayed in Taiyuan for ten years. Over the years, the bitter cold land has been developed into the Central Plains of the North. After the new generation of talents gradually matured, Zhao Wuxi finally let him retire from the post of the governor of Taiyuan. This old minister who is loyal to the Zhao family should be Have a decent and comfortable old age.

Besides, the Everbright Zhao family, listed as a prince, is also the long-cherished wish of the old man for many years. Zhao Wuxi hopes to witness this scene hand in hand with him.

After feeling Luo Xue Dongmei, the conversation between the two began to get to the point.

"The country name will be 'Zhao Country'." Zhao Wuxi got straight to the point.

"It couldn't be better." Dong Anyu was very pleased. As an old official of the three dynasties, he had a deep affection for this clan name.

Moreover, the meaning of the word Zhao is not bad. Dong Anyu also studied it. He said: "Zhao, there is the meaning of fast travel and super-prosperity. In Shaohao's time, birds were used as officials, and all the tribes below him also used birds as their tribes. Hui, Xuanniao, Sifen, Bo Zhao, Sizhi, Zhao's first, should be Xuanniao, the 'Xiao' in the word for the position of Secretary in Shaohao's state should be It represents a mysterious bird, and is enshrined on the **** case on the right, and the human figure on the left is a fast-moving figure to show the functions of the clan. After all, whether it is Fei Chang, Zhongyan, Ji Sheng, or Zhao Zaofu, they are all driving for the Yin and Zhou emperors. keeper"

Zhao Wuxi nodded. The name of the country in the Zhou Dynasty, whether it was a fief or a family name, all met the specifications, not to mention that the word has a long history and meaning, so he decided to continue to use it.

In addition, although he is named "Dai Jin", in fact, the Jin state just has no real entity, and the name of the Sheji will continue in the small town of Quwo. Taking the name of Jin and putting it on his head, the name is not right. , also like a shady thief.

"I'm not a thief, I'm a thief who occupies a dove's nest." Zhao Wuqi laughed, and Dong Anyu also laughed, and the two laughed in the plum blossom forest.

After "Zhao Guo Zhao Guo" had laughed enough, Dong Anyu read the future country name, and the old minister was inexplicably excited for a while.

He tremblingly bowed to the side of the ancestral temple and said: "Xianjun Wuzi, have you seen it? The Zhao family has gone up and down. After hundreds of years, I finally achieved the position of the minister of a great country, and now, the Zhao clan will be listed as a feudal lord again, and the Zhao country will be established.

The wind blew across the river, rolling up the residual snow and red plums, causing a gap in the thick clouds over Wenxian County, and the sun was shining, as if Zhao Yang was laughing.

At the same time that Zhao Wuxi decided on the national title, in the hall of Wen County, his retainers were also expressing their opinions and discussing the title issue.

With Zhao's listing as a vassal, the vassal will also rise, and they will be added to the ranks, so they are very happy, and the voice of Zhao's internal opposition is weak.

However, even among the supporters, there were huge differences. They had been arguing for several days over the title issue, mainly arguing whether Zhao should be a prince or a marquis.

"The five princes in the world are the princes, princes, uncles, sons, and men. The prince is the most valuable, and the prince should be the prince!" This is Shi Qi, the pioneer who persuaded Zhao Wuxi to become princes. Zhiwei, who first led the transformation of the bronze palace, killed the prince of Jin, and scared the Marquis of Jin to commit suicide. Qin listed them together as evidence after living in, and now, he insists that the Zhao family should be proclaimed public.

Zixia and Zai Yu, a disciple of Confucianism who were familiar with the ritual system, scoffed at this barbarian of Chu who did not understand the rules: "The emperor's three princes are called the princes, the kings are called the princes, the rest of the great kingdoms are called the lords, the states in Ji are called the uncle, and the prince of the barbarians is called the prince. Calling a son, a small country Cai, Wei Zhijun call a man, everything has a fixed number, how can it be messed up?"

According to Zhou etiquette, the public is an honorable title, and those who are not the most noble cannot be added. At that time, the core area of ​​Zongzhou was between Hao and Luo, and it was for Wang Ji. The land in Ji was given to relatives and nobles with the same surname. These people also served as kings and officials, so they could be called Gongji, for example, Zhou Gong, Zhao Gong, Bi Gong, and Guo. Gong, Yu Gong, etc. There are also "two kings and three ke" following the kings of the previous dynasty. The most famous is Duke Song of Yin descent, and Duke Qi (surname Si) of Xia descendants. was removed.

Of course, more feudal feudal lords are sealed in distant territories outside the Ji, playing the role of "shielding the royal family". These feudal lords are mostly military feudal, like the emperor's scouts, so they are called "hou", but they can also be called after their death. Afterwards, it is called "public" to show your superiority. Therefore, the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period, regardless of the size of the country or the level of the title, often all claimed to be princes after death, such as Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Huan of Lu, etc.

The title of the duke is the highest, and the next is the uncle. Different from the title of "Uncle Chang" of the overlord, it is a kind of state title in Ji. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, Cao, Wu, Zheng, etc. were named as uncles. Later, the state of Cao and Zheng of Wu State moved to the outside of Wangji, but the name of Uncle still continued. . Qin is also considered to be an uncle in Jin, but as the royal family moved eastward, it gradually developed into a big country in the West. In addition, in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there were Uncle Yuan, Uncle Mao, and other Uncles in Jin, who were inferior to princes and marquis.

As for Ziguo, it is generally used in barbarian countries that are different from Zhuxia, such as Chuzi, Zhuzi, Juzi, etc. Male kingdoms are very rare, only a few such as Xuguo and Suguo, and now they have all disappeared.

In the opinion of Zixia and the Confucian disciples, if the Zhao clan wants to be listed as a prince, he should not ask for whatever title he wants like a barbarian, but should follow certain rules, otherwise he will be like a nouveau riche in the countryside. , making people laugh~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhao Wucheng thought about it again and again, and finally accepted the opinions of Zixia and others.

"Zhao State should be a Hou State, Hou Wei Beijiang, Xiongzhen Yongji, and shield the royal family from the invasion of Rong and Di!"

However, when his wife Le Lingzi asked, Zhao Wuxi revealed the truth:

"Zhao Gong does not have Zhao Hou Shunkou, let's talk about it."

He smiled disapprovingly: "Regardless of whether it is Duke or Hou, it is only a temporary title, why should you care too much?"

Compared with these names, what Zhao Wuxi really cares about is the attitude of another official of Jin State towards him being listed as a prince. It is his refusal to submit, which makes Zhao Wuxi lose face and provoked conquests, but he still bows his head obediently. In exchange for more benefits, Han's life and death are all in Han Hu's mind!

ps: Regarding the issue of titles of titles in the Zhou Dynasty, referring to Chen Enlin's pre-Qin and Han Dynasty documents, the fifth-rank titles of the Zhou dynasty princes are the most clear article. There are two more changes in the evening (to be continued.)

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