Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1041: Xinyue-jun, you don't know

Holding the hem of his skirt, he walked up the steps with the Chi-dragon embossed relief, and Xi Zi followed Fan Li to the outside of the Riju Hall of Changle Palace. Although it is only a small hall for daily office, it is far from being on a par with the three main halls of Weiyang Palace, but in the eyes of Yue people, it is already very pompous, surpassing the countless bamboo towers and stilted houses in the Yue Palace in Kuaiji City.

But these things reminded Xi Zi all the time that she had entered a completely unfamiliar country, she had a mission in her heart, and she had to be cautious in her words and deeds.

Her family used to be an aristocrat of the Zi Shi clan. After the fall of the Xu Kingdom, she went into exile in the Yue Kingdom to seek asylum. It has been two generations since then, and she completely regards herself as a Yue Kingdom. The warm water and soil in the south of the Yangtze River nurtures a beautiful woman with tender feelings like water, but she was raised in the deep mountains and no one knew her. It was not until Fan Li appeared that she was taken away from Zhuji Liluo Mountain and came outside. In addition to knowing the quiet mountain village life, there are other things like this. Complicated state and extravagant life.

For Xizi, Fan Li was not only the teacher who helped her and made her open her eyes to face the wider world, but also the first man who broke into her heart in her short life. Fan Li was a famous scholar in Chu State. He was tall and handsome. He was only under forty years old. Not only Xizi, but also Zheng Dan, as well as the sisters who were trained in Kuaiji, all regarded Fan Li as their dream lover.

Even the King of Yue, Goujian, is far inferior to him. After all, Goujian looks like a "long-necked bird's beak", and with all his revenge, his face is gloomy and terrifying, and Xizi is too afraid in front of his undisguised gaze. It would be better if he and Fan Li traveled far away from the Yue Palace to serve Goujian.

It's a pity that their training is heavy, and Fan Li often leaves Kuaiji to go to various places to train troops and build cities, so the girls in Huaichun have no chance to express their sincerity. What's more, what awaits them is an extremely cruel fate: to use their own bodies to exchange opportunities for the country of Vietnam.

The Yue people kept their promises, and the Shi clan depended on the protection of the Yue King to survive. With the mentality of "repaying the kindness", Xi Zi resolutely embarked on the road to the north, but when she found out that Fan Li sent her to Zhao State, she felt A trace of the impermanence and despair of fate.

Along the way, Fan Li abides by etiquette, is bound by ambition, and keeps a distance from Xizi. And Xizi was sitting on the carriage, only looking at his generous back, could he forget the pain of leaving his homeland. He wanted to express his sincerity several times when his emotions surged up, but in the end he was hesitant to say anything, so he could only sigh:

"There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees, and the heart is happy, but you don't know..."

After stepping into the Sun Residence Hall, she no longer had time to think about those things. The female royals in black dresses came to search Xizi's body. From the aesthetic point of view, Xizi is also a stunning beauty...

"Please come in!" After the body search, following the guidance of the admirers, Fan Li took off the long sword he was wearing and took Xizi into the hall.

It was almost evening, and the candlelight in the hall was bright. Zhao Hou Wuxi, dressed in black clothes and robes, was sitting high on the stage, waiting for Fan Li to meet him. Because of the distance, he couldn't see his appearance clearly, but in Xi Ziyi's imagination, this monarch, who was among the princes from the concubine of the Zhao clan, should be similar to Goujian. Next, she had to do everything in her power to seduce him. Thinking of this, Xi Zi felt uneasy.

Companion is like a tiger, she always feels that these princes Xiaojie, who care about their lives, are the most terrifying people in the world.

"Hey!" exclaimed the liker.

Therefore, Fan Li, the great husband in Xizi's eyes, could only bow down and bow, and bowed down to the Duke of Zhao in a submissive gesture. His high crown was about to drop to the ground. No matter how graceful he was in front of the girls, in this temple On, after all, the weak.

Zhao Hou also got up and bowed to Fan Li, and then smiled in an unclear tone: "The widow sent someone to invite him several times, and the young uncle refused for various reasons, and he is finally willing to come today?"

It seemed like a joke, like a greeting, like a sullen anger. In the suspicious heart of the girl, she could hear countless possibilities from this simple sentence. The king's heart was unpredictable, so she could only save her heart and watch Fan Li deal with it now.

Fan Li smiled lightly: "When Zhao Hou loves, the foreign ministers are afraid, but Mr. Xin, the teacher of the foreign ministers, is a hundred times more talented than me. There is a teacher in Zhao, and the state of Zhao can dominate the north. Fan Li is also picking up his teeth and wisdom when he comes, and he can't do more. Good. Instead of raising a useless person like me, Zhao Hou might as well look for someone else."

"Mr. Xin once said to me that there are two great talents in Chu State, Fan Li and Wen Zhong, who can prosper the country with one person, and dominate the other side with two people. The king of Yue won two of you, but he ended up in prison and almost lost his life. In the end of Wu Wu, now he can only be a vassal of Wu State, is this what Mr. Xin said is untrue? Or is Yue State unsuitable for Young Bo to assist?"

"Duke Mu of Qin had the shame of Weihan, and he was able to dominate Xirong in the end. The widow lord was only for the sake of the people of the Yue kingdom, so he endured humiliation and burden. Xing Tianwu is a savior, and his fierce ambition is always there. Fan Li believes that as long as the Yue kingdom does not fall, there will be a turnaround. Chance."

Fan Li bowed again: "But Fuchai's army is strong, and it is too difficult for Yuejun to avenge his shame by his own strength. I wonder if Zhaohou would like to give Yueguo a chance?"

Zhao Wuxi tapped the case a few times: "What's the benefit of Zhao Guoneng?"

"In those days when Jin and Chu faced off against the Central Plains, they couldn't do anything about the other side, so Wu Chen asked Wu as an envoy to teach the Wu people to drive chariots and improve their armour, so Wu attacked the rear of Chu, and the Chu army was exhausted, so Jin was able to Defeat Chu and dominate China... The situation is similar today. Fuchai and Zhaohou are fighting for Sishang in Lusong. When the two armies are in formation, if Yue can attack Gusu from behind, the Wu people will definitely be in chaos. At that time, Zhao will attack Wu Huaibei, Chu will attack Wu Qunshu, and the more you will attack Jiangnan, Wu will be destroyed!"

"Although this is a good plan, how can the few people think that the young uncle wants to push the two kingdoms of Zhao and Wu to the forefront, while Chu Yue sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight. When Zhao and Wu are tired, they will benefit from it..." Fan Li thought about it. Zhao Wuxi seemed to know what to do.

"The hatred between Yue and Wu is inseparable. As long as Zhao Hou's army conquers Wu, Yue can immediately act in the rear!" Fan Li is most afraid that Zhao and Wu will not fight. He took out a silk script from his sleeve and said:" In order to show the sincerity of the country of Yue, the widow monarch asked Li to present a gift..."

When the gift list was sent, Zhao Wuxi just flipped it over and saw that in addition to gold and jade jewelry, there were also some Yuedi swords and other items. It seemed that the people of Yue people had put a lot of effort into his liking.

So Wu Xian smiled and said: "The country of Yue has given gifts to more than one family. I heard that Lord Yue sent a lot of craftsmen and wood to Wu country, and asked Fu Chai to build the platform of Suzhou, which made the people tired and complained. It's really clever. "Is this the young uncle's idea?"

Fan Li's face froze, Zhao Wuxi seemed to have seen through his and Wen Zhong's exhausting plans.

But now, he can only continue to perform: "Zhao Hou is joking, there are many giant trees in Yueguoji Mountain, but it is a pity that the distance from Yecheng is thousands of miles away, and the wind, horses and cattle are not related, otherwise the foreign ministers will definitely pull a group of them. Come here to build a palace for Zhao Hou... But apart from these gifts, there is one more thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I hope Zhao Hou will see it..."

Behind Fan Li, a handsome figure walked from the rear of the hall.

is a woman.

Zhao Wuxi squinted his eyes, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Beauty?"

"Of course, the widow lord did not dare to miss the beauty of Yuedi, so I would like to have my minister Li present it. Zhao Hou does not want to use his humble sleeping appearance, but would like to accept it for the use of a broom..."

The most painful thing in the world is to hand over the person you love to another man, but even though Fan Li was heartbroken, he could only force a smile and motioned for Xi Zi to come forward.

In the candlelight, the girl's red fur coat fell down, revealing a deep purple dress, but she was petite, but she was exquisite, with thin shoulders and a slender neck, which was pitiful. The veil has also been removed, revealing the face of sinking fish and geese. She bowed to the ground, her hair like a cloud fell down, and she said softly in a clear and gentle voice: "Xiaxizi, meet the prince..."

PS: Chapter 2 is at night

(To be continued.)

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