Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1046: King Hokusada Nakahara Day

ps: Going out, there is only one big chapter tonight. @乐@文@小@say|The stolen QQ number has been recovered, no loss is caused, no need to worry, and readers are also notified that July will not borrow money from readers, charge calls, etc. in any form or any channel, please don’t be fooled . In July, the money is not bad... Of course, the recommendation ticket is still poor, please recommend the ticket! Looking at so few code words, my mood is almost gone


In the south of the Yangtze River at the end of March, warblers and grass are growing, and willows are hanging on the edge of Xuxi and Wuhu in Wucheng. However, both inside and outside the city, it is already a chill before the war.

Since the beginning of spring this year, the state of Wu has held high the banner of supporting Zhu Ji, and has been at war with the emerging Zhao state's Lu Song Si Shang. Half of the Wu state's army has been transferred to the north.

The only one that was as quiet as usual, I was afraid that the only one left was the neem alley on Meijie Street in the city, where Wu Zixu lived in a small hut.

After Wu Zixu, who had already stepped down from the post of Xiangbang, completed the excavation of Hangou in February, he was deprived of all his duties and was idle at home. He would be wearing a Chu-style uniform, sitting in the hall, and was spending time with his friends being thrown away from the pot.

He was nearly sixty years old, and it was Wu Zixu's old friendship. At that time, Wu members brought Wang Sunsheng into exile in Wu, and he was once destitute. begging.

At that time, Wei Li, who was looking for talents for Wu Zixu's son, was a small official in Wu City. He immediately discovered Wu Zixu's difference from ordinary people, and repeatedly asked him about his identity, and then introduced him to Gong Ziguang.

It can be said that Wei Li is the leader of the Wu members. He can do the feat of helping King Wu Helu defeat Chu Qiang and Wu, thanks to Wei Li's insight in Wu City.

Not only that, but he was also very accurate when looking at people. After the case of Bo's clan of Chu State being exterminated, Bo Xi came to Wu State to defect. Although Wu Zixu and Bo Xi had no personal friendship, but because of their similar experiences and mutual sympathy, they recommended him to King Helu of Wu. At that time, Yi Li, who was present at the banquet, only glanced at him, and was very worried about Bo Xi. He thought that this son was eagle-eyed and greedy by nature. , I am afraid that even Wu Zixu will be implicated in the future.

At that time Wu Zixu didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect that the words of being separated would come true in the future. It was Bo Xi, who was at the end of the road. Thirty years later, he really flattered the King of Wu for treasures, power and beauty. Returning to the mountain, he even pushed Wu Zixu out of the court...

So the good-faced Wu Zixu has always been a little afraid to see Weili until Weili, who knew her very well, came to the door and invited him to drink. How can there be no bet on drinking, so the two of them threw the pot to play, and they were Li Jing in this way.

"Crack!" No, he shot the arrow crooked again and fell out of the pot.

"Alas." Wu Zixu sighed, hammering his old leg and intending to pick up the arrow, but Li Li stood up first, picked up the arrow and smiled at him: "Zixu is not in the right mind today, is it because he has been sealed back to Shen Yi, you have no children under your knees, so you sigh?"

Wu Zixu sneered: "Although Wu members are not talented, are they the kind of people who feel sad because their children are not filial?"

"It's not really." After being left in a circle, he turned back and said: "Otherwise, are you worried about Wu Guozhou's northern expedition?"

No need to ask, from Wu Zixu's frowning eyebrows, Li Li knew that he was right.

It turned out that in the autumn and winter of last year, the state of Wu and the state of Qi reached an "alliance" aimed at confronting the Zhao family, which was gradually sweeping the Central Plains. By the spring of this year, the state of Zhao was officially established, which made the state of Qi even more afraid. Fuchai was also persuaded by Chen Heng to go north in a big way to fight against Zhao Wuxi and become the savior of the princes surnamed Ji.

When discussing the battle plan, the people of Qi state put forward one: Zhao state occupied Langya of Ju state a few years ago, and established a navy there. Langya blocked the East China Sea, so that the traffic between Qi and Wu countries had to go around in a big circle. If Langya navy could be defeated and Ju kingdom recaptured, then Qi and Wu kingdoms would be able to join forces smoothly and at the same time threaten the safety of Lu kingdom Dongbi. This relieves the pressure on the western part of Qi.

Fuchai Yunzhi was no stranger to the sea because Wu people lived by the sea. When they attacked Yue, Wu Guozhou's division attacked the Waiyue area from the sea and captured many people.

So Wang Sunluo was almost hit by his husband and asked him to command the boat to go north, and made an agreement with the Qi people that they would be on the Langya sea on March 12. Wang Sunluo is not actually a main fighting faction. He has a good relationship with Wu Zixu. In the Northern Expedition or Destroy Yue, he is on the side of Deyue Xian. It's just that the emperor's life is compelled to obey. No matter how unwilling Wang Sunluo is, he can only bite the bullet and win this battle.

Therefore, it was thought that Wu Zixu was worried about the safety of Wang Sunluo.

He comforted: "Wu Guozhou has large boats and sterns, and more than a hundred three-winged sterns. He has never encountered an opponent in the rivers and rivers in the south. Even the people of Chu who are good at water warfare have been beaten by us. Wang Sun Luo is the eldest grandson of the first emperor. He was young and promising. He was in charge of the navy. Seven years ago, in the battle of Yue Yue, he commanded the fleet to go deep into Vietnam by sea. Although it is a thousand miles away, the coast is all the way to Wu State. Control, Qi people are also familiar with Langya hydrology, the two countries are united, and it should not be difficult to defeat the Zhao State navy. After all, although Zhao Wuxi is famous for the strength of Lu soldiers, he does not have many achievements on the water, how can he compete with Qi and Wu on the sea?"

Wu Zixu smiled bitterly and said, "What I worry about is not that Wang Sun will lose the battle, but that Wang Sun Ruosheng is what I worry about, but it is not good for Wu State."

Being Li Daqi: "Don't worry about defeat but worry about victory, what does Zixu mean?"

Wu Zixu said: "When Wu State was at war with Chu and Yue, the navy master was the key to victory, but when going north to fight against Zhao State, there were not many more navigators, and many less navigators, no matter the outcome, it was of no importance in the overall situation. The final decisive battle still has to be fought on land. But if the king and grandson lose, the king will definitely feel guilty about the war in the north. I will persuade him again at that time, maybe he will wake up and first attack and destroy the Yue Kingdom in the rear. Come, although it is difficult for the state of Wu to conquer the Central Plains, it can dominate the south, retain the legacy of the previous king, and carry it on for generations.

Having said this, Wu Zixu looked solemn, got up and looked north and said: "If the king and grandson win, I am afraid that the king will be more proud, feel that it is feasible to go north and fight for hegemony, and become more determined to fight Zhao Wuxi. Gou Jian will definitely be behind. To do things, this is a small joy, and a big worry, and at that time, I am afraid that the state of Wu will be in danger of subjugation."

Wu Zixu was good at making friends, but he was not so sensitive to state affairs. Wu Zixu said this, he felt the seriousness of the situation, and asked anxiously: "In Zixu's opinion, if the Wu Kingdom goes north, is there really no chance of winning?"

"At most 30%, no more." Wu Zixu said firmly: "The state of Wu is not as powerful as Zhao. First, although Wu has millions of people, and is known as one hundred thousand soldiers, it is actually only equivalent to the four counties of Zhao. , Although the Zhao clan also fought every year and dared to recruit troops after the spring ploughing due to financial difficulties, the state of Wu was even worse.

"Secondly, even though the Han ditch was repaired, as far as I know, Zhao State also built a canal between Jishui and Sishui, and it was faster to move troops south than Wu State to move north! Third, Zhao Wuxizhi The situation has been completed, Lu, Wei, Zou, etc. are like the counties of the Zhao state. Fighting at other people's homes is not good for the Wu army. Although he is listed as a prince to make the emperor and the concubine tremble, there must be those who are dissatisfied, but Wu also has Chu and Yue like this. If there is a fire in the rear when Zhao and Wu are fighting, Wu will be defeated without a fight!"

After explaining the reason, Wu Zixu sighed and said, "Thus, although I am sorry to Wang Sunluo, I can only pray for him to lose a little and return to Wu State, so that the king can wake up."

"So that's the case." After being listened to by Li, he was also in a cold sweat. Perhaps, this is what the wise old Dan called "Fortune and misfortune lie in the back of misfortune, and fortune depends on it".

However, before the two could talk about the matter in depth, they heard a burst of jubilation outside, as if the entire Wucheng was celebrating something, and the "Wan Sheng" and "Long Live" came into Meri one after another.

Wu Zixu and Wee Li looked at each other, walked out quickly, and asked Sheren who came back from outside, "What happened?"

She didn't know why, and said with a happy face: "Congratulations to the Patriarch, Master Wu Guozhou defeated Zhao Ren at Langya Sea!"


"The navy sailed north to win the banner, this is the might of the great king, and the blessing of the state of Wu!"

"In this way, Zhao Wuxi should know that the Wu army is powerful and the king is invincible!"

"When the good news came back, everyone inside and outside Wucheng was rejoicing, everyone was full of energy, and hoped to go north with the king to make achievements!"

"Hahaha, this is also the work of the second and third sons!"

On the stage of Gusu, but hearing the sound of flattery, Fuchai was overjoyed by the flattery of Bo Xi and others, but forced himself to suppress his joy and said, "This small victory at sea is just the beginning."

That night, Fu Chai held a feast on the stage of Gusu to celebrate the battle. At the same time, the information related to the "Langya Sea Battle" is still coming back, and the details are slowly unfolding before Fuchai's case.

The chubby Bo Xi was extremely diligent. He ran out and in like an advocate of excellence. After a while, he entered with a good news, and congratulated him: "Your Majesty, great joy, great joy!"

Fuchai shook the rhino horn cup and asked with a smile, "What's the joy?"

Bo Xi said: "It turns out that the Qi people would have been defeated in this battle, but fortunately Wang Sunluo arrived in time with the commander Wu Chuan, and then defeated the Zhao people. Afterwards, Chen Zichang was grateful and officially represented his king and his father, and was on the boat with Wang Sunluo. Sign a covenant. He and Wang Sun will continue to besiege Langya, and strive to get Ju State out of Zhao Wuxi's control as soon as possible. At the same time, Qi troops will also attack Lu State Beibei. The ruler of Qi State, Chen Qi, said that he hoped to join forces with the king in Sishang as soon as possible. , the state of Qi is willing to enshrine the great king as its overlord!"

"Overlord..." Fu Chai licked his lips greedily: "Is this true?"

"White silk and black words, it's absolutely true!" Bo Xi also received a lot of benefits from Chen Heng, and now he is everywhere speaking for Qi.

"The state of Qi used to be a hegemonic state in the time of Duke Huan of Qi, so his descendants were always proud and never easily convinced, even to the state of Jin when it was at its peak, and it was not false. Kingdom. Now the state of Qi is willing to take the king as its overlord, and the princes of the Central Plains will definitely follow! After defeating Zhao Wuxi, even the emperor will be delighted by the great cause of the king, and send his officials to honor the king as 'uncle' and set up an altar to honor the king. Uncle, five uncles and nine princes, Wu Shizhengzhi!"

"Five uncles and nine princes, Wu Shizhengzhi..." Fuchai was fascinated by this scene, and his heart was itching. What's the point of living in the backcountry in the south of the Yangtze River and fighting with Vietnamese people?

As for Qi's other promise in the "Sea Alliance", he didn't care much.

"In addition, Qi State will also present a daughter-in-law surnamed Jiang to add color to the Queen's harem..."

"Tender color?" The husband almost dismissed, "Isn't the most beautiful woman in the world in the widow's palace?"

When he was happy, Fuchai even let his new favorite concubine Zheng Dan show up and dance a wonderful dance song. Zheng Dan descended to earth like a feather, and the dance was dripping with sweat, causing bursts of admiration, and Bo Xi's small eyes were sinking into the flesh. went.

Holding Zheng Dan's shoulders, Hu Chai boasted: "Father of Wang Sunluo, my brother Prince Bo once married a daughter of Qi, known as a master, and she is the most beautiful of all Jiangs, but I think she is not only tall, but also the most beautiful. Compared to a widow who loves a concubine, it's far worse!"

The ministers only promised, and Bo Xi also flattered: "The nobles of the king are the fairies in the sky, who in the world can compare to her?"

This is the truth. Zheng Dan is much better than the dozen or so beauties that Goujian and Fan Li gave to Bo Xi. They are not half as good as Zheng Dan, but Bo Xi is greedy for money and lustful. Knowing that Fuchai's woman is not something he can get his hands on, he can only suppress his jealousy and say something to make Fuchai happy...

But it was Zheng Dan, whose face was flushed with praise in Fuchai's arms, and suddenly smiled: "Your Majesty, there is actually someone more beautiful than a concubine."

Now it was Fu Chai's turn to be stunned, and he asked in disbelief, "Who can beat Concubine Ai?"

Zheng Dan lowered his head and said, "When the concubine was in the country of Zheng, there was a woman named Xizi in the neighboring town, and her appearance, demeanor and dance were better than that of the concubine. Even though the concubine didn't want to admit it, her words were true at this time..."

Fuchai suddenly became interested and began to ask what the "Xizi" looked like.

"His appearance is like that of an angel, with a head and moth eyebrows, which can make the fish in the water fascinate and sink to the bottom; his body is slender and slender, half of it is too fat, and half of it is thin; Make the whole town stand for a while... In short, it is better than countless concubines..."

Fu Chai was silent for a while, unlike Zhao Wu Xie, who was sitting on the king's couch like walking on thin ice and trying to control his "*". He had the insatiable greed that a king of this era often had, whether it was the palace, power, face, food, and beauty. Hope for the better, the best!

Therefore, he used to be greedy for Nanzi's sex, and after having Zheng Dan, he would never forget her, and at the same time, he would not refuse new comers of beauty, the more the better.

He immediately asked hurriedly, "Where is Xizi now?"

At this time, Zheng Dan came to play hard-to-get, pretending to be jealous and sad, and covered his mouth: "If Xizi comes, the king will no longer love his concubine, and the concubine should not have said..."

The husband couldn't take care of that much anymore, so he supported Zheng Dan's shoulder and asked again, "Where is she now?"

Zheng Dan's shoulder was pinched by Fuchai's iron palm, and he could only say sourly with tears in his eyes: "It's also a coincidence that Xizi was found by the Yue people before his concubine was sent to the king, and he was everywhere looking for beautiful women for Zhao Hou. The messenger of Zhao State has taken him away, at this moment, I am afraid that he is already in the Zhao Palace of Yecheng, on the couch of the Marquis of Zhao..."

Zheng Dan looked unhappy, but after saying this, she felt relieved. So far, she has completed the mission of entering Yue, and Yue Guo should be able to spare her family, but she is reluctant to praise the beauty of Xizi, and she is a little sorry for the King Wu who loves her so much.

However, she still doesn't know her husband well enough.

"It's Zhao Wuxi again, it's really outrageous!" King Wu, however, lost his usual pity for her, and began to become hysterical.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, or like a drop of grease dripping from the fire, Fu Chai was furious, overturned the case, kicked down the bronze tripod, and frightened the ministers to come down and apologize. Back and forth.

Immediately, he suddenly stood up proudly and announced loudly, "The widow's will has been decided!"

Everyone is looking up and listening.

"Goujian of the Yue Kingdom has entered the Wu Palace as a slave and a maid. The Chu army has thrown away their helmets and armor, and they are afraid of hearing the name of the few people. The princes of Chen and Cai have successively accepted the territory. forming……"

"But it's not enough!"

"In the eyes of the widow, now there is only the Central Plains!"

Fu Chai drew his sword and looked at the people in the hall: "Now that the Han ditch is open, and the boats and vehicles are ready, the widow will go to Lusi in person, the handsome master will attack the country, and Zhao Wuxi will win the battle!"

Fuchai clenched the Chunjun sword in his hand, and thought to himself: "Eleven years ago, the outcome of the future! And the outcome of the current Jiangshan beauty!" .wuxiaspot.com~ and Zhao Wuxi's defeat in the Song Dynasty is still bitter, this time going north, it can be regarded as a new hatred and an old hatred together.

King Wu was furious, and buried millions of corpses, bleeding thousands of miles!

"Your Majesty will win! Wu Kingdom will win!" Bo Xi and other close officials praised again: "The day when Master Wang set foot on the Central Plains, it will be the time when Zhao Wuxi will be captured!"

"Your Majesty!"

Unexpectedly, at this ambitious moment, as usual, a discordant voice sounded again.

Fu Chai and the people in the hall looked out of the hall, Bo Xi's small eyes suddenly narrowed, revealing a sneer, while Fu Chai was full of disappointment, and his eyes were full of disgust and disgust.

The unexpected guest who was not invited to the banquet came again.

The white-haired Wu Zixu used all his strength to push away the armor of the Wu Kingdom that was trying to stop him, and staggered into the hall. When the king is on the northern expedition at this time, the state of Wu will surely perish!"

(To be continued.)

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