Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1051: Catch the thief first catch the king

Lord Nasu was originally proposed by Yi Dun.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was the period when the industrial and commercial food officials came to an end. The state of Qi, the state of Zheng, was increasingly prosperous in business, and the trade in the city was increasing. The state of Zhao also encouraged the development of industry and commerce. , Although the big businessmen of the Forbes country were suppressed, there are still many people who rely on business to get rich.

Although these people were rich, their social status was not high, and because of Tian Lü's restrictions on land trading and mergers, they could not buy large amounts of land and become big landlords. They were eager to gain a place in the emerging Zhao state, and the businessman-turned-equalizer Yidun represented the interests of these people.

Yidun believed that the Zhao clan had been implementing the policy that merchants could be exempted from corvée by paying more cashmere and silk. Now that the state of Zhao was just established, facing the shortage of grain and money in the treasury, it was better to go further and implement the policy of paying grain and grain to the country. In exchange for a title.

Many courtiers were moved by this, and many gentlemen scoffed. Zhao Wucai repeatedly rejected this proposal. Although he also knew that the policy of Nasu worshipping Jue was implemented in both Qin and Han Dynasties, and during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, measures of "recruiting people to buy back" and "bringing sheep into a man" were also adopted to solve the financial crisis, which increased the storage of the national grain depot.

But in the long run, this is still a kind of behavior of killing chickens and taking eggs. Nasu Baijue is actually a disguised salesman. The corruption of the Qin and Han army's merits originated from this! After that, it became more and more intense, and it was even more out of control in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Not only did the military meritoriousness become a mere formality, but even the three princes could be sold at a clear price.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi decided not to make such a bad example, and he could not let the military meritorious titles just promulgated become cabbage that can be bought with money and food.

He resolutely announced: "Fame and fame can only be obtained from the horse! Only the name and the weapon, you can't be a person!"

For a time, no one mentioned Nasu's admiration, and the generals who got the title in the war were relieved. If those merchants who were cunning in their eyes had some money, they would be able to join them. , then the weight of this merit is greatly reduced.

When he said this, Zhao Wuxi planned to wait until the autumn was high and the horses were fertilized and the grain was piled up before he set off on Sishang. He kept Hejian, Wei, Shangqiu, Lu and other places in a defensive state, and only sent a small number of them. Troops can cross the border to harass the enemy's spring plowing.

However, at the end of March, news came from the east that the navy master of Langya was defeated by the master of Qi Wuzhou, and for a time, the whole dynasty was shaken.

"Since the emperor took charge of the Zhao family, there has never been such a big defeat in the past ten years!"

In the Hanyuan Hall of Weiyang Palace, the courtiers were discussing a lot early in the morning, and all the topics were focused on the battle of Langya sea. Indeed, in the process of the establishment of the Zhao Kingdom, although the Zhao army did not fight every year, the major battles were basically won, and there were occasional small defeats, such as Tian Ben attacking Qin Fengjin and being repelled, which did not hinder the overall situation.

However, this time is different. A few years ago, Zhao Wuxi defied the public opinion and used the Langya salt tax to build the Langya Naval Master. He owns a huge building ship that seems invincible at sea. He personally named it "Xuanniao" No. However, Xu Cheng, who had high expectations, suffered a complete failure at the door of his home, and lost most of the ships. He could only retreat to the port and retreat to the country.

Fortunately, the Xuanniao was not sunk, otherwise some people in the country would think "this battle is ominous" and discourage Zhao Wuxi from going to war with Wu Qi.

"Master Xu Cheng, this is the shame of Zhao!"

On the whole, the DPRK is still dominated by the main war faction, but the Zhao court officials and officials who are used to winning a hundred battles could not accept this defeat for a while, and they all proposed that Xu Cheng should be severely punished.

Langya Marine Master can be said to be established by Zhao Wuxi's willful will, and now Zhao Guoli has lost the first battle after the kingdom, which is really a shame, but as a monarch, even if he is wrong, he can't easily admit it, not to mention Zhao Wuxi Thinking that you were right to plan ahead was just a failure due to execution, timing, and other factors.

In the autobiography, Xu Cheng admitted that it was his rash attack that caused him to be attacked by Master Qi Wuzhou, and he was destined to take the blame this time. But with a new navy battling two water powers, it is not easy to retreat. He is guilty, but the crime is not enough to die. Zhao Wuxi didn't want to kill Cai Mao and found that the navy was unusable. Cao Mengde

Seeing that someone even suggested that Xu Cheng should be killed as an example, he said unhappily: "Even if Xu Cheng is killed now, Langya's defeat will not change, what matters is how Zhao Guodang will deal with it. What's more, Xu Cheng retreated to defend Langya. In a lonely city, there is no help left or right, even if the widow wants to kill him, he must first lift the siege of the enemy."

The current situation is that the Langya boat division has already retreated from the port, relying on coastal defense equipment such as trebuchets to prevent enemy ships from landing. Langya was heavily defended. The ships of Qi State and Wu State were also damaged in naval battles, and there were not too many soldiers on board. Therefore, after signing a maritime alliance, they did not attack Langya by force, but landed on the rest of the coast of Ju State. The intention was to Cooperate with the Donglaiqi army to counterattack Juguo!

After the defeat of Langya, Juguo was already in chaos: Ju Zishuang, who had always been dissatisfied with being a puppet of the Zhao clan, tried to raise troops in Jucheng to meet the Qi and Wu troops with the support of some doctors, but was caught by the rest of Zhao. The doctors supported by the state joined forces with the Kuo, Gao, and Yan families stationed in Ju state to defeat the expulsion. Ju Zi fled to the northern part of Ju state to join the Qi army, openly broke with Zhao state, and called on the people of Ju state to expel the invaders and restore their own surnamed public office. domination.

By the time the news came, the state of Ju had been split into two parts like the state of Song: the mountains and hills centered on Jucheng in the west were under the control of the Guo, Gao, and Yan families, and the coastal areas in the east were occupied by Qi and Wu. The remaining lonely city, Langya, was still in Xu Cheng's hands, but it was also surrounded and crumbling.

On the Hanyuan Hall, a huge map of the vassals was unfolded, and Zixia pointed to the east and said to the ministers: "The situation in the state of Ju is actually equal. He has been stationed in Ju State to threaten the eastern part of Qi State. Qi, Wu and Juzi will not have more than 20,000 soldiers in Ju State, but Langya City is surrounded by sea and land, and it is in danger."

So the next issue focused on "whether to let Lu State send troops to rescue Langya".

Amidst the debate, the great Sima You, who had been in charge of the war in the East for a long time, said without a righteousness, "This minister opposes sending heavy troops to save Ju!"

These words were loud, and Zhao Wuxi nodded: "Da Sima, talk about it."

Everyone fell silent and listened intently.

There is only one "Yuan Rong" in Zhao State, that is Yongzhen Sanchuan, Han Hu who enjoys the wealth and wealth of the world, Dong Anyu and You Wuzheng are ranked as "Executive Gui", and they have townships that can be passed down from generation to generation. You Wuzheng, as the chief Sima, is in charge of the military and horses of the whole country. His son Youcheng is also an official and doctor. If you don't count the Han family, the You family, like the Dong family, has become the first batch of honorable people in the Zhao Kingdom. But the heights are too cold, and You Wuzheng has to work hard to prove that he is worthy of this position.

So he talked eloquently: "Your Majesty originally wanted to harvest the autumn and then go south to fight, but Qi and Wu Chou Lei have already taken the lead in starting the war. Similar to the Lianheng last year, this battle will also last for hundreds of miles, involving all the eastern princes. However, In the eyes of this minister, Ju is a disease of scabies; Qi is a disease of the elbows and armpits; Wu, Fang is a serious problem for confidants!"

"What Da Sima said is very true!" Zhao Wuxi praised ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You Wuzheng's analysis, it can be said that he saw blood for a while, and he also thought so, of course, to treat diseases, we must start from the most serious ones. .

The turmoil in the state of Ju was first because of the defeat of the Langya navy, and second, because the state of Qi instigated Juzi to rebel against the state of Zhao. Qi State was surrounded by Zhao State and its vassals, and was unable to fight against Zhao Wuxi at all. What made Chen Heng have illusions was, in the final analysis, Wu Wangfuchai's vain attempt to go north to fight for hegemony.

The battle between Zhao and Wu was the key factor in this war, and the rest, whether it was a naval battle or Juqi, were just a foil for this corner. A snake can't do without a head. If you hit the head, the snake will be finished.

"Let Donglu transport grain into Ju, and help Guo, Gao, and Yan to stabilize the situation. In addition, Hejian, Wei, and Lu joined forces to coerce Qi, making it impossible for Qi people to go south. The widow will personally lead troops to Song country, Go to Sishang, fight with Fuchai, shoot people first shoot horses, capture thieves first capture the king, as long as you defeat Wu, then the rebellion in Ju will naturally subside, and Qi will also become a dead bone in the grave, and it will not wait for the day to come!"

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

(To be continued.)

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