Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1064: The Battle of Tang (Part 2)

Liu Xiayue was finally found, from a pile of swamps full of dead people - half a mile away from where he first fell off his horse, who knows how he got here. Luckily, he did not die on the spot. When he fell off the horse, at the moment of life and death, Liu Xiayue discarded the spear and ring knife in his hand, kicked the horse with both legs, and used all his strength to roll to one side violently. Go away, not being suppressed by the war horse.

Immediately, he avoided Wu Bing's frantic attack for the first time. The Wu people were invincible in the south, but now they were surrounded and annihilated in Tangyi, and they were passive everywhere. This cowardly battle made them suffocated with anger, but they were helpless to the fast-moving enemy on horseback.

Finally, when they found the enemy of this group of horses, they began to take revenge frantically. There were about dozens of Zhao cavalry troops who fell off their horses, but in a moment dozens of weapons greeted them, and most of the knights who fell dazed were beheaded before they could tell the difference.

Under the desperate situation, his good skills saved Liu Xiayue's life again. Riding the chaos, he picked up his weapon and fought desperately with the people of Wu, and he fought and walked through most of the battlefield until the end. Unfortunately, the Wu people were too brave, and the spear passed through the side of the flank, creating a long scar. The tip of the spear cut through the leather armor on his body, cut the flesh of the flank, and blood gushed out. Under the hard battle, he was stabbed in the stomach. The wound was not too deep, but it also made Liu Xia Yue faint from the pain. After the sword stabbed into the opponent's chest, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Thinking that he was dead, he had no time to make up for it, and then one after another corpses were pressed up.

After he was finally rescued, Liu Xiayue looked around in a daze, but saw casualties everywhere. The ground was full of blood, broken flesh, severed limbs, and dead corpses. The wounded soldiers screamed.

"So the battlefield looks like this..." He suddenly understood what kind of life his father experienced in the past, and why he objected to his early joining the army, but sent him to the Linzhang Academy to stay away from the war. Liu Xiayue suddenly understood a lot. When he lowered his head, his abdomen was cramping. The magpie doctor was treating his wounds.

After being told this by the military doctor, Liu Xiayue's face turned pale.

Ran Qiu was relieved to see that Liu Xiayue had not lost his life, but looking at his slightly desperate eyes when he was lying on a stretcher at the mercy of the military doctor, he naturally knew what this serious injury meant to this young man who was eager to make a contribution.

In this battle with the Wu Kingdom, he may have to live in the rear listening to the good news from the front for the time being. For Wufu, there is nothing more painful than this...

Ran Qiu didn't have time to comfort Liu Xiayue, patted him on the shoulder and asked the military doctor to send him to Tangyi for careful care. Under the leadership of the main general Wang Sungu Cao, the people slowly retreated south.

After half an hour, he caught up with the enemy...

Although the people of Wu country were sloppy, they were very fast. Unfortunately, this was the country of Lu, which they were not familiar with. In addition, Gongshan was not ill-intentioned to guide the way. The people of Wu country quickly realized that those Zhao cavalrymen had appeared on their side. On the plains, while trying to come over to shoot arrows to harass, while constantly reporting back.

The Wu people in front are getting closer and closer. Based on Ran Qiu's years of experience, if the people on the opposite side are people from Qi, they will flee more and more frantically. In the end, they will be beaten into a chasing and annihilation battle, divided by cavalry, surrounded by infantry, and defeated by each .

However, these Wu children from Jiangnan had different courage. After knowing that it was difficult for them to escape with their legs, they stopped.

When Ran Qiu arrived, he was stunned to realize that Wu Bing had not moved.


"General Wu has chosen a good battlefield..." Although the two sides have their own masters, and today is destined to be divided between life and death, Ran Qiu still couldn't help but praise Wang Sungu Cao. The hoofs of his mount were raised and lowered, timidly not daring to advance, the infantry stopped one after another, and the cavalry on both flanks did not dare to go any further.

Because in front of them is a large expanse of rice fields, one hectare is connected to one hectare, stretching for nearly ten miles, only a narrow ridge separates it.

It was June, and the rice flowers were fragrant. The heavy rain of the previous day had poured a lot of water into the field, but it had not been drained. The field was full of mud, no different from a swamp, and it was almost impossible for a horse to step in it. However, the five or six thousand Wu soldiers were not afraid of this. They stood barefoot in the paddy fields, gathered together in a strict formation, with the long soldiers in the front and the short soldiers in the back, quietly waiting for the enemy to arrive...

This is a familiar battlefield to the people of Wu, but it is always the weakness of chariot warfare in the Central Plains. Back then, in Chu, Wu soldiers liked to choose paddy fields, which made it impossible for Chu's chariots to be used. Today, they are forced to a desperate situation. If it was death, Wangsun Gu Cao made a desperate gamble and let the soldiers enter the paddy field, ready to fight the enemy to the death here!

In the short period of time when they assembled the army, the enemy's infantry had already arrived completely, and surrounded them in a half-moon shape, while the cavalry, because they did not dare to enter the paddy field, stood far behind to prevent the Wu people from retreating. .

"Drowning the northerners in the mud!" Wang Sungu Cao encouraged everyone.

For a time, all the soldiers of Wu State raised their swords and shouted. The heavy armor had been thrown away. In this paddy field, they were as nimble as loach.

The people of Wu country had a victorious momentum, which made Zhao Lu's soldiers who stayed on the dry land and did not dare to go into the fields hesitant. Unlike the Qi army, which is easy to collapse, the Wu army is the most powerful opponent they have encountered. Even when three or four thousand people are surrounded and annihilated, they still make their own side pay a heavy price. many. After all, those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, those who wear shoes are afraid of being barefoot...

But Ran Qiu was not afraid at all, instead a fighting spirit to meet his opponent surged in his heart.

He rode on his horse, raised his flag and pointed at the enemy line, shouting, "Wu Dian, someone is looking for an appointment!"

When the soldiers next to him heard it, they laughed and shouted together, "People are looking for an appointment, Wu Dian!"

This means that the people of Wu country can't be tied with their heads even if they cut off their tattoos. If you want to make meritorious deeds, find a long rope in advance!

A simple sentence overwhelmed the morale of the Wu people. Thinking that the heads of the thousands of Wu people in front of them were military exploits, titles, fields, and slaves. The Zhao Lu infantry, who was a little scared, was also eager to try it...

What's more, the enemy's running into the paddy field is really smart, doing so will make Zhao Jun's cavalry and heavy armored spear formation useless, but they ignore that the long-range weapons in Zhao Lu's army are also extremely powerful...

Ran Qiu uses his troops but asks for a word of stability. He is not in a hurry. These Wu people have no backup or retreat. If he is happy, he can build a wall here to trap them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And now, just waiting The rear baggage troop has just arrived.

Two moments later, when the baggage troop arrived late, Ran Qiu showed a winning smile.

"Raise the shield, erect the spear! The heavy soldiers are laid on the planks, and the crossbow is ready!" The central army waved the flag, and the half-moon-shaped Zhao Bing front began to march into the paddy field, but it did not advance rashly, but fought steadily and formed a formation. Go slowly.

Behind them, the auxiliary soldiers of the baggage battalion carried wooden boards used to pave roads and bridges, and put them in the muddy paddy fields.

Especially the crossbows that need to use their feet to assist the winding, their range can reach 150 steps!

Not only that, but Ran Qiu also prepared some novel weapons for the opponent, which he had not had time to equip on the Langya Navy in March.

On the two wings of the front, on the hard ground, more than a dozen were placed on the carriages, and the "bed crossbows" transported from Tangyi by the carriage battalion had been erected.

ps: There are two more chapters later (to be continued.)

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