Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1074: Chasing the North

In the first year of Zhaohou (488 BC), on the 1st day of the autumn and August, fifty miles north of Suishui, a one-sided battle was drawing to a close.

The two sides of the battle were Zhao Jun's forward Tian Ben, Zhao Jiabu, and the thousands of Song people in command of Song Gongjiu and Huang Yuan.

It turned out that when Wu Wangfuchai was shocked by the changes in the country, he lost his fighting spirit and hurriedly retreated, Huang Yuan, the person in charge of Pengcheng, also knew that without the support of Wu State, it was only a matter of time before Pengcheng was conquered by the Zhao army, so he persuaded Song Gongjiu to follow. Fuchai escaped together.

Song Gongjiu didn't have much knowledge, but Huang Yuan's intention was to follow. He agreed to evacuate Pengcheng and completely rely on Wu State. After all, an exiled monarch would be better than being killed by Nanzi. After the news came out, the nobles of Song State who had gathered around them also panicked, shouting to "protect the wing of the king" and go south together.

In the past ten years, the "Tian Taoism" that flourished in Shangqiu was essentially no different from the Mohism that prevailed in the Song state a hundred years later. Its core idea is to "clear ghosts" first, to identify the existence of ghosts and gods, and ghosts and gods can promote good and punish evil. The second is "Heaven's Will". The concept of "Heavenly Dao" is created in the teachings. It is believed that God is the supreme ruler with will, and the will of God is to promote benefits and eliminate harm. All ghosts and gods are the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

In addition, it is yin and yang, universal love, thrifty, burial, non-le, Shangxian, and Shangtong, but Shangtong has been changed to Song people and must be realized under the leadership of Xuanwang and Xuanzi. Datong...

In general, the ideas of these teachings are biased towards the small businessmen and farmers of the middle and lower classes, and Wu Zhu, who went to the mountains and the countryside to spread the teachings, was able to twist them into a ball. But these ideas had a great blow to the nobles: frugality, burial, and non-music restricted their extravagant life, and Shang Xian denied them the right to rule the people from birth. With the increasing influence of Tiandaoism, it caused panic among many Dukes of Song, so only the emperor and most of the nobles of Song supported Duke Song and planned to expel Nanzi and regain power.

But it is not as good as the heavens, this civil war will end with their fiasco. In Song, the failed coup d'état is not as warm as Lu, starting from the Huaxiang Rebellion, every civil war is accompanied by genocide. He Slaughter, the intrigued aristocrats of the Song Dynasty, are ready to run away.

Only the stubborn Sima Ziniu refused to leave. He claimed that he wanted to defend the last piece of the country for the country of Song, leading a division of Xiang clan soldiers to stay in Pengcheng. In addition to him, the nobles of the Song Dynasty who were loyal to the monarch and the emperor all chose to flee with the Wu army. Their clansmen and tribes added together, a total of five or six thousand people.

At the end of July, on the road south of Pengcheng, hooligans who were vassals of nobles were pushing carts filled with earthen jars and rice grains. , the bronze ritual vessels are all inside.

It was precisely because these nobles of the Song Dynasty carried a lot of money and goods, which dragged down the footsteps of the entire army, so Fuchai unceremoniously abandoned them and walked first with the fast-footed Wu Jun. Although Huang Yuan kept urging anxiously, it was of no avail. On the third day after leaving Pengcheng, the rear of the group of cranes was finally caught up by Zhao Jun's forward.

The battle happened suddenly, Zhao Jun's cavalry chased from the rear, and the fierce soldiers led by Tian Ben were even more unstoppable.

The victory and defeat were soon to be decided. When the mighty Zhao army's main force of tens of thousands arrived, no one of the Song people could retain the will to fight. The family soldiers of the nobles of the Song Dynasty began to be defeated. They abandoned their armor and flags, and rushed to the rear in groups of threes and fives. The situation of this pair of soldiers being defeated like a mountain is very similar to the scene when the Pengcheng army defeated the Shangqiu army in Xiaoyi with the support of Wu a year ago, but the winner and the loser just fell apart.

The road to the south was filled with smoke and dust, and everywhere were Song people throwing their helmets off their armor and fleeing for their lives, while Zhao Jun chased after them calmly, just like hunters on the grasslands calmly chasing herds fleeing in a hurry. Occasionally, there are people from Song who want to gather, and the cavalry led by Zhao Jia and others will move forward without hesitation and smash them away.

The battle was completely over at Chen Shi, and many captives who surrendered were ordered to gather in a depression. One soldier, perhaps wanting to relieve his hand, sneaked to the bushes outside the depression, and was immediately discovered. The Shangqiu soldier holding a spear shouted and scolded loudly, and the Pengcheng man stepped back in front of the spear tip, kept explaining something, with an embarrassed and flattering smile on his face. Although they were still fighting with weapons not long ago, at this moment, it seems that they are nothing more than dull-faced craftsmen and farmers. They are no different from the Shangqiu Song soldiers mixed in with Zhao's army, but they are fighting for Nanzi and Le clan on one side, and the other side is fighting for Nanzi and Le. On the other hand, he was coerced by Duke Song and the Emperor.

In addition, there were also a large number of Zhao Jun in small teams of ten or twenty people who were distributed on the narrow plains between the mountains to clean up the battlefield and capture those Song Dynasty nobles who were hiding in Tibet.

When Zhao Wuxi's car arrived, Tian Ben and Zhao Jia came back to report the battle to him, and at the same time they escorted two dejected Song nobles, who were the nominal monarch Jiu of Song, and the chief minister of Song. Huang Yuan.


The place where the army rested was a meadow dotted with gray mushrooms and tree stumps.

After being pressed and kneeling in front of Zhao Wuxi, Huang Yuan raised his head, looked at Zhao Wuxi dressed as Junhou and Le You, the head of the Le family in armour, and said with a miserable smile: "Zhaohou finally got what he wanted, The son's surname Song Guo has become Ying's surname Song Guo!"

Zhao Wuxi was expressionless: "I'm afraid Si Kou is confused, the widow doesn't know what you're talking about."

"Obviously God, the light of the descending light, Nanzi said that the way of heaven is omniscient and omniscient. If he knew about your cowardice, I don't know what kind of punishment he would make? Could it be that Zhao Houzhen thought Nanzi could go up to heaven to listen? Manipulating Haotian's will? People are doing it, and the sky is watching, don't think that everyone in the world is blind!"

"What nonsense." With a wave of Zhao Wuxi's hand, he would have someone pull Huang Yuan down and kill him.

Huang Yuan was still not reconciled, and said loudly: "Jun Hou is now successful, have you ever thought that one day Nan Zi will get out of control? She can even murder her own father, and even her uncle can be framed and harmed. Zhao Hou thinks that he Can you really control her? Tai swears: "Sichen, the hen, a woman's words are used. Maybe it will be this woman who will overthrow the state of Ru Zhao in the future!"

Zhao Wuxi sneered and said, "Widowers never do anything unsure, so there is no need to worry about the big Sikou, and when death is imminent, it is really exhausting to try to divide the relationship between Zhao and Song, cotyledon!"

"My nephew is here!" Song Guoda Sicheng Leyou, who was waiting on the side, was stunned, feeling as if he had heard something extraordinary. Although many people have guessed about this matter, but dare to say it in front of Zhao Hou, Huang Yuan is sure to die. At this time, he suddenly heard Zhao Wuxi calling him, and suddenly he was shocked.

But he heard Zhao Wuxi say to him: "The Emperor Le's family belongs to the Dai clan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are the suzerain of the Dai clan, Huang Yuan betrayed the country and betrayed the clan, according to the family law of the Le clan, he should be executed!"

"Wei!" Le You promised, and was about to instruct Sima Chen Dingguo of Le's next to him to find some executioners to practice the family law, but was corrected by Zhao Wuxi: "The widow wants you to do it yourself!"

"This...Uncle, I..." Le You suddenly trembled. This 16-year-old boy was the new head of the Le family, and he was supposed to lead the army, but because of his young age, he stayed in Shangqiu during the civil war. . Zhao Wuxi came to the front line to bring him with him, just to train his wife and nephew, so that he would have the heroism, wit and ruthlessness that a gentleman should have...

He patted Leyou on the shoulder: "When the widow was sixteen years old, he had already donated his armor and led his army to fight against the thieves in Lusi, and they were wrestling with the people of Qi. You have already been crowned, and you must see the blood and kill the traitor with your own hands. People, establish the prestige of the head of the Le family!"

From Zhao Wuxi's point of view, at least this son is not like his dead ghost father, an uncarved rotten tree. And in the future Song Kingdom, he also doesn't want Nanzi to hold the sky with only one hand. As Huang Yuan said, he is out of his control and continues to support the Le family. , this is the policy that Zhao Wuxi intends to implement towards Song State in the next ten years... (To be continued.)

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