Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1079: There is killing in order to become benevolent

As long as it is not the grassland that stretches for hundreds of miles in the north, the fire on the grassland will not burn too much, but it is more difficult to put out. =乐=文=novelww.lwBut the ancient grasslands that had been poetic and picturesque before had changed beyond recognition, looking around was full of charred turf, smoke was still smoking in many places, glowing embers rose from the smoke screen and floated towards the sky, Like thousands of newborn fireflies...

When the flames finally went out and the ground cooled down a little, it was almost evening, the setting sun was like blood, and the water was full of **** corpses.

Zhao Wuxi's car was stuck in a pile of ashes. He was listening to Qi Wan and Tian Ben reporting the battle and casualties on both sides.

"The iron armored army suffered more than 200 casualties, the fierce soldiers suffered more than 500 casualties, almost all of the Wu people's 3,000 people died in battle, and only a hundred people were captured due to their injuries..."

Zhao Wuxi was a little helpless. This rhinoceros guard is really the elite of the Wu army. Even with the disadvantage of the army and the number of people, it can still cause such huge damage to the two trump cards of the Zhao army. If the two armies are facing Yu Pingyuan On top of that, I don't know how much loss it will cause to Zhao Jun.

It is no wonder that Sun Tzu said that a soldier who subdues the enemy without fighting is the kindness of the good. In this battle between Zhao and Wu, there was not much collision at the tactical level, except for the Battle of Tang and the Battle of Fu Li. Zhao Wuxi was more involved in the battle line of Wu State from a strategic point of view, and with the changes in the rear, the Wu people's heart was like an arrow, and Fuchai lost his fighting spirit. Only then can Zhao Jun chase the enemy and fight the north and fight against the wind.

Looking back now, his choice was right, and Wu Ren's bravery should not be underestimated.

Zhao Wuxi asked the second general to go down to count the gains, restrain the dead, and soothe the wounded.

When the blood-soaked crucian carp was brought in, Zhao Wuxie got off the carriage and looked at him, but saw that Zhuan crucian carp's face was covered in blood plasma, mud, and ashes, and his eyes were all covered up, making it almost impossible to tell what he looked like. Zhao Wuxi called the magpie doctors and asked them to wash off the dirt on the crucian carp's face with clean water, so that he could see the sun again.

"Zhao Wuxi?" Raising his head, Zhuanxuan recognized the middle-aged man dressed by the princes in front of him.

The Yulin guard Wu Lin next to him scolded him for being bold, but Zhao Wuxi didn't take it seriously and said with emotion: "Bo Yu, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years, haven't we?"

The two met for the first time at a banquet in the state of Cao. At that time, Zhuanjiao was a member of the honor guard of the envoys of Wu State. Fan sent someone to assassinate Zhao Wuxi, and Zhuanjiao helped him repel the assassin. The two chatted happily that night. Although there was a language barrier, Zhao Wuxi had no ill feelings towards this son of Zhuanzhu. Later, in Song State, Zhao Wuxi saw him again, but Zhuan Crucian carp was already Fuchai's personal guard at that time, and he could no longer exchange cups with him.

Now that twelve years have passed, the third time they meet, the two have become one king, one minister, one for hegemony, and the other for loyalty to the king.

This is not a good time and a good place to reminisce about the old days. Zhao Wuxi didn't talk too much, and asked straight to the point: "Where is the husband?"

"Your Majesty has already crossed the river and got away, don't worry about Zhao Hou..."

Because of the excessive blood loss, the crucian carp drooped his head and lost his courage in battle, but when he thought of his king's successful escape, he was very happy, and he cracked his mouth and laughed.

"Marquis Zhao is better to return to the north. You have seen what happened today. There are tens of thousands of people in Wu who are not afraid of death. If Zhao Jun insists on embarrassing Wu, I am afraid that the loss will be ten more than today. A hundred times more!"

However, Zhao Wuxi laughed and said to Zhuan Carp: "Even though there are countless warriors in the state of Wu, Gu only admires two of them. Now that Wu Zi has been killed by his husband, and Bo Yu has also been defeated and captured, who can stop the widow?"

Zhuan Zhuan was also ashamed about Wu Zixu's death. Back then, his father Zhuan Zhu was introduced to Wu Wang Helu by Wu Zixu. The friendship between the two families was inseparable. Of course, this did not affect his loyalty to Fuchai. But Zhao Wuxi compared him to Zixu, Zhuanxu seemed to hear a big joke, and suddenly laughed out loud, his wound hurting with laughter.

"Marquis Zhao is indeed a native of the North, and he doesn't know anything about the South. He specializes in the state of Wu. He is just a small person. The king has Wang Sunluo by his side, who is invincible in water battles. When the Wu Kingdom went north, he used less than half of his strength! Advise Zhao Hou, don't go south, you will lose if you go south!"

"Really? Now, the husband is in a daze." Zhao Wuxi just stared at Zhuan crucian carp like that, seeing his guilty conscience, and seeing him turn his head angrily.

Only when he reunites with people he hasn't seen for a long time can Zhao Wuxi deeply feel the changes of time and the changing world. Seeing Zhuan crucian carp is so loyal, even if he is captured, he will not forget his old home country. In his heart, he asked: "There is something I don't know about the widow. Confucius said that the ruler, the ruler, the minister, the father, the son, and the son. If the ruler does not listen to his loyal words and kills loyal subjects indiscriminately, then the subjects do not have to be loyal and can leave on their own. Bo Yu is also a great man. Husband, why are you still so loyal and brave even after Fuchai's rebellious actions, he didn't hesitate to die for him?"

Zhuan Carp was stunned for a moment, and then said as a matter of course: "Your Majesty, your honor, as a small minister, since I am in charge, no matter what the monarch does, the righteousness of the monarch and the minister will not change. Just like the previous king asked my father I used the opportunity of offering fish to assassinate Wang Liao. My father knew that he would die, but he still resolutely assassinated him. After that, the previous king regarded me as his own, and asked me to accompany the prince to learn soldiers and go into battle. I have been by the king's side for 30 years. I know the great king's talent and posture, and he will definitely be able to achieve great things. Although he is now deceived by a traitor and encounters an opponent like Zhao Hou, his dominance has been hindered, but the king is still the king, and the king is still the king. If one of me can die in exchange for the king Restoring hard work, keeping the career of the former king, and dying without regrets..."

Although his eyes were full of blood and ashes, they were clear and clear, and every word came from the bottom of his heart. After this remark, not only Zhao Wuxi remained silent, but the generals of the Zhao State beside him also respected Zhuan crucian carp as a prisoner.

After a while, because he lost too much blood and said too much, Zhuan Carp, who was about to get dizzy, begged feebly: "That's all, Zhao Hou Ruo thought that you and I had a drink together many years ago. Come on, kill me, why humiliate me again?"

Wuxi sighed and said, "How dare you humiliate a strong man?"

Zhuan Carp was overjoyed: "Good, if Zhao Hou is willing to fulfill me, can you promise me one thing?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"The crucian carp once promised to stop the Duke of Zhao from arriving in the morning, but now he has lost his promise and has been captured, and Wu Yan can no longer live in the world. Wu Shi is easy to die. If he can't fulfill the king's order, he will have to commit suicide to thank the country. Yu Wujia is also willing to die, and I hope Zhao Hou can fulfill this unkind request!"

After saying that, Zhuo crucian carp bowed heavily, and kowtowed on the ground covered with ashes...

Zhao Wuxi didn't answer immediately. After a long time, he focused his head: "As you wish!"

The Sui River rushes to the southeast, and the deceased are so savage that they do not give up day and night.

The setting sun was like blood, and on the north bank where the corpses were scattered all over the field and the smoke remained, a group of Wu people who were either lame or missing arms supported each other and lined up. Of the three thousand rhinoceros guards, only one hundred and eighty-three survived after the hard battle. At this moment, their armors have been confiscated, and everyone is wearing only single clothes, or showing their breasts, revealing the blue tattoos on their bodies.

Behind them, Zhao Jun bowmen half-opened their bowstrings, watching the crowd vigilantly. Some generals were a little worried that their monarch had given permission to these Wu people, but it did not affect their respect for those Wu people.

Zhao Wuxi didn't speak, just put his hands behind his back, and stood under the car with the generals to watch this scene quietly.

Watching them kill themselves...

In the eyes of future generations, this is unreasonable. Life is so precious. In the face of suicide, we should persuade them to give up suicide.

When he first came to Spring and Autumn, Zhao Wuxi would also be very surprised. Why did these Wu people do this kind of thing in such an extreme way? Why did no one stop him? In fact, in the context of the Spring and Autumn Culture, suicide is not a deviant behavior. The social norms stipulate when and how to commit suicide. These Wu people just abide by these ancient norms.

The Chinese are not a competitive nation, but the sense of humiliation of failure is soaked in the bones and blood of the ancestors. In ancient times, those who died because of cowardice and defeat in battle were to be "thrown out and punished" and humiliated after death. Usually, the generals of the defeated army are not allowed to participate in the martial arts conference, and people are often ashamed of their failures. Court battles, ups and downs in the official sea, battles on the battlefield, and conflicts in daily life made a group of people choose to commit suicide because of the humiliation of failure...

Back then, when Yin Ziyu was defeated in the battle of Chengpu by the Chu State order, King Cheng of Chu was angry and sent someone to say to him, "If you come back alive, how will you see the elders of Shen and Xi?" Ziyu was ashamed and committed suicide in Liangu to thank the people of the country. In addition, Cui Chu of Qi State competed with Qing Feng for power, and he was defeated and hanged himself. Zang Jian, a native of Lu, was captured by the Qi people, and he was ashamed and "humiliated by his fate".

They feel that the only way to maintain their reputation and restore their dignity is to commit suicide, so they choose death without hesitation.

"Thank you Zhao Jun for fulfilling us!"

When his thoughts turned around, he saw Zhuan Crucian carp with a fish intestine sword in his hand, with one hundred and eighty-three Wu soldiers looking back and bowing down to Zhao Wuxi, thanking him for his fulfillment, although most of the people said it was Zhao Wuxi. I don't understand Wu language, but the meaning of gratitude in it can be understood without translation. Although they are enemies, they are also warm-blooded men.

Immediately, Zhuanxuan and the others supported each other and faced the south, facing the direction of Wu State, and bowed to the head again, and only then did they find the short sword that Zhao Jun returned to them...

As the saying goes: When a husband draws his sword in anger, the same goes for suicide. The sword is the weapon of the gentleman, and it often becomes a symbol of the brave. Self-slaying is regarded as a heroic feat. People of Wu and Yue especially love the sword. In the battle between Wu Yue and Li, King Goujian of Yue ordered the dead man to "visit Master Wu in three lines, huh, mow yourself", which belongs to this.

But today, it's Wu Ren's turn to mow himself...

One hundred and eighty-three people, led by Zhuan Carp, pointed the edge of their daggers at themselves, and said loudly: "The two princes confront each other, and after the ministers are cut off, they are defeated and captured, they dare not escape from punishment, and dare to die! "

After all, one hundred and eighty-three people belonged to the sword in the neck, or the sword was bowed down under the neck and died, or the neck was bowed and died...

The blood splashed three feet, and the water was stained red by the hot blood for a while. Some Wu people died on the spot, and some were unlucky and did not die immediately. For example, for the crucian carp, he used a more cruel laparotomy to slaughter his intestines, and the fish intestine sword was deeply pierced into the abdomen, and the whole chest and abdomen bleed like a stream.

Seeing this situation, tens of thousands of Zhao Jun were stunned. Tian Ben and others with strong temperaments were all stunned. Qi Wan, who had fought to the death with Wu, was furious, while Zhao Jia and others couldn't help but sigh and feel sorry for the people of Wu.

Zhao Wuxi couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked people to kill Wu people who couldn't die immediately, including Zhuan crucian carp.

When Tian Ben personally asked for his order and sent the sword into Zhuan's heart, Zhuan's eyes gradually solidified. His expression was painful, but his eyes were relieved...

Wu Xian thought: Does he feel that he has atoneed for his guilt, forgave his mistakes, avoided humiliation, repaid his king, and at the same time expressed his hope that he can return from the lost path and rejuvenate the Wu Kingdom Bar?

Looking at the corpses of Zhuan crucian carp and all Wu people, Zhao Wuxi sighed. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu and Yue people, for the sake of a promise and an approval, can entrust their life and death. Is the enemy, how can he not be respectful, can not be fulfilled?

Although he respected the choices made by these Wu people, for some reason, Zhao Wuxi felt a dry mouth, and there was an indescribable anger and sadness in his heart, which kept expanding in his heart, trying to find an outlet for release. It felt like he had felt it many times after returning to the Spring and Autumn Period.

That was when Le Qi was seriously injured when he was stabbed in a snowy night at Yangchangban in Taihang, but he regarded death as a pleasure; it was at the meeting of Jiagu, when Confucius drove his car to stop the fighting between Qilu and Lu, like a man’s arm. During the Qing Rebellion, Wu Jing died in the small town of Taigu in order to break off the Han army; it was when Yu Rang was disfigured and swallowed coal and hibernated in Anyi to assassinate Wei Bo; it was during the confrontation between Qin and Zhao, even if the soldiers of Qin knew about it. He was bound to lose, but he still shouted, "You have no clothes, and you have the same robe as your son" when they attacked the Zhao army...

These people, they practice the highest principle of morality with the attitude of moths to the fire, in order to pursue spiritual eternal life, this is the unique spirit of personality independence in the Spring and Autumn Period, which has transcended countries, families, and become scholars and people of the country. The unyielding sense of self-dignity.

This is the pre-Qin Shifeng, masculine and heroic, just as the Analects of Confucius said: "There is killing to achieve benevolence, and there is no survival to harm benevolence!"

"Majestic, look up to the sky and exhale into a white rainbow!" Zhao Wuxi blurted out.

He said again: "What a pity, once the strong man goes, he will never return..."

Zhao Wuxi sighed and regretted the fate of the 3,000 soldiers and 183 martyrs of Zhuan Crucian carp. Due to the promotion of loyalty and righteousness by the government of Zhao, he would greatly publicize this matter. But deep down in his heart, he was angry that they were not worth it and their situation!

"Let the loyal ministers under his command suffer like this, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a failure as a king. Today, 3,000 Wu Jia died here, not by a widow, today 183 people committed suicide, not suicide, but The faint-hearted husband sent him to kill!"

Zhao Wuxi sent the order: "Let the transport battalion leave behind the bodies of everyone, and bury them on the spot, with the same specifications as the martyrs of Zhao Zu. The rest of the army crossed the river overnight, the infantry attacked the Huaibei area of ​​Wu State, and the cavalry pursued it all night!"

"Wei!" After witnessing the heroic death of the Wu people, Zhao Jun's generals were also forthright men.

What they didn't know was that there was another thing in their minds, and that was through the tragic deaths of these Wu people, Zhao Wuxi began to re-examine the strength of the Wu state.

Wu Xie believed that it seemed impossible to conquer the Wu state and rule the Wu people in a short period of time. If they can kill Fuchai, then the state of Wu will no longer be able to turn the sky, and they can only survive. If not, try to weaken their living strength!

"Even if the widow catches up to the Huaihe River, the widow will surely kill him with his husband! The widow does not want to sin against the Jianghuai warriors or the common people, but only asks the man to blame!" (To be continued.)

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