Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1082: Sun Shuao lifts up in the sea

In the late August of the first year of King Zhang of Chu, an army with high morale was attacking the city at Qunshu in Huainan. %le%wen%novel ww.し

Boom, the heavy city gate was slammed open by the Chu army, and cheers erupted outside the city. The eastern border formerly occupied by Fuchai.

After killing all the Wu people who were stubbornly resisting in the city, surrounded by Chu soldiers, their commander Wang Sun Shengzhi drove into the city proudly.

Compared with the unhappy and unsatisfactory time when he was in the Zhao family of the state of Wu and the state of Qi, the king and sun Sheng who returned to the state of Chu were much more beautiful. One thousand "Chu Wu pawns" were trained. This time, Yin Zixi was ordered to attack Wu State, firstly to test the combat effectiveness of this new army, secondly to avenge Wang Sunsheng's adoptive father Wu Zixu, and at the same time to avenge the cold treatment of Shifuchai in Wu State; thirdly, through This expedition, fortunately, the state of Chu sought to obtain a fief.

Wang Sunsheng served as a general in the Zhao family for a long time, and applied the method of Zhao's military training to the concubines of the nobles of the Chu State. He also gave them the best shark leather and rhinoceros as armor, and the big Ge and halberd as soldiers, forming a phalanx. The effect is really good. With the cooperation of 10,000 Chu soldiers and the fact that the Wu soldiers in the Qunshu area were not elite, they were smashed along the way and swept across Huainan Qunshu in less than two months.

These two Huai places have been the most concentrated places for the Huaiyi lords with the surname Ying since the Xia Dynasty. Whether it is Qunshu, the United Kingdom, or the Six Kingdoms, they are all descendants of Gao Tao. The state of Xu was only torn apart after it was dismembered. The forces of the state of Chu took the opportunity to enter this area. During the period of King Chu Mu more than a hundred years ago, the state of Chu destroyed Liu and turned it into a city. A lot of energy was invested in governance and development, but with the With the rise of the state of Wu, this area is often reduced to a battlefield, and the ownership is uncertain. Now people's livelihood is quite withered.

After Wang Sunsheng captured Liuyi, the first thing he did was to take military discipline seriously and not offend the people, and the second thing was to go to the temple of Sun Shuao in the city.

Sun Shuao belongs to the Duke of Chu, with the surname of Mi. His grandfather, Shu Luchen, once served King Lingyin of Chu Cheng, and his father, Shu Jia, was appointed as the Sima of the State of Chu. Ming, when I didn't fly for three years. Shujia was murdered by the powerful aristocrat Dou Clan, and his family was tragically perished. Sun Shuao took his mother away and took refuge in a place called Haizi Lake by the Chu people. It was not until a few years later that King Zhuang of Chu eliminated the Dou clan and regained control of the state, did he find Sun Shuao again and let him inherit his father's title. Therefore, the people of Chu often say "Sun Shuao is raised in the sea".

The experience of this man in the first half of his life is very similar to that of Wang Sunsheng. All descendants of the dignified royal family fell into exile and were finally welcomed back to the state of Chu. Therefore, after he knew that there was a Sunshuao Temple in Liuyi, he immediately came and offered sacrifices such as grains to worship. .

The local tycoon graciously introduced that the reason why there is a Sun Shu'ao Temple in Liuyi is that after Sun Shu'ao became the Ling Yin of the State of Chu, he mobilized the people to move into the territory of the State of Chu, to anoint the pond and promote water conservancy. In the seventeenth year of King Zhuang of Chu, he personally came to Huainan and presided over the establishment of a water storage and irrigation project - Shaopi. Liuyi was also deeply blessed by this project, so he built a temple for Sun Shuao in the city. Incense is endless.

Wang Sunsheng couldn't help but praised: "It is really a wise commander Yin, who teaches the people, the upper and lower levels are harmonious, the world is prosperous, the government is slow and forbidden, the officials are not treacherous, and the thieves can't afford it. King Zhuang was able to reach the top of the Central Plains, thanks to Sun Shuao, who is really my son. A role model for kings and grandsons."

After Wang Sunsheng returned to Chu State, he tried his best to integrate himself into the Chu style. He was naturally gifted and intelligent. He was very familiar with the classics of Chu State. He worked hard to learn Chu Yan for a year. Therefore, he was able to win the hearts of the army, and also made the nobles of the Chu state admire him.

And, like Sun Shuao, he has gone from being a descendant of the public clan to becoming Lingyin and Sima, who are under one person and more than ten thousand people. This is also Wang Sunsheng's current ambition.

A few days later, when Wang Sunsheng led his army north from Liuyi, he passed through Shaopi.

Shaopi got its name because the water flowed through Shao Pavilion. Wang Sunsheng looked around and saw that this place is located in the remnants of the northern foothills of Dabie Mountain. The terrain on the east, south and west sides is relatively high, and the terrain on the north side is low-lying and inclined towards the Huai River. According to local elders, before the excavation of Shaopi, mountain torrents broke out in summer and autumn rainy seasons, causing flood disasters, and droughts often occurred when there was little rain, and the local people suffered very much.

But after Sun Shuao excavated Shaopi, he collected the streams flowing from the mountains on three sides into the low-lying Shaopi, turning it into an artificial lake for water storage. Five water gates were built, and stone gates were used to control the amount of water. When the water rose, it opened the door to sparse it, and when the water disappeared, it closed the door to store it. It not only flooded the fields during drought, but also avoided floods. Later, the people of Chu opened a Meridian Canal in the southwest and connected it to the Pi River to expand the irrigation water source of Shaopi, making Shaopi reach the scale of "irrigated fields of ten thousand hectares".

For a time, Huainan became the economic powerhouse of Chu State, producing a large amount of grain every year. King Zhuang of Chu was able to go north to fight for hegemony, and Shaopi contributed a lot.

"Shaopi is really a treasure of the state of Chu!"

Although Wang Sunsheng did not know, two hundred years later, because his descendants Bai Qi broke the Ying capital of the Chu state, forcing the Chu state to move the capital eastward, first to Chen, and later to Shouchun, that is, the area of ​​Shaopi on Huai Shang. Relying on the fertile fields developed here, the national fortune has been maintained for another fifty years. But he understood the importance of Shaopi and Huaishang to Chu.

Here, Huaiying is controlled, Jiangtuo is surrounded by rivers, agriculture and mulberry are developed, and there are thousands of hectares of fertile land. It must be controlled in order to consolidate the eastern border of Chu.

Thinking of this, he said bitterly to the lieutenants next to him: "It's a pity that Xiao Xiao stole the anointed place!"

Everyone knows that Wang Sunsheng's anger is not against the Wu State, which has been taken by force, but the Cai State, who was migrated to Huai Shang by Wu Wangfuchao a few years ago and occupied Shaopi North Shore Prefecture, Shouchun and other places!

"After Cai Ben was a traitor of the Zhou family, he was lucky enough to be sealed in Zhou Nan. With the rise of the Great Chu, he became a vassal of our country, calling him a minister and paying tribute, just like a king. When King Ling once destroyed Cai State, when King Ping was in the spirit of prosperity Exterminate the extinct tradition and restore the Cai Kingdom..."

"Unexpectedly, Cai people don't think of gratitude! Instead, they secretly resent, Cai Aihou, under the pretext of being oppressed by Yin Nangwa, dares to betray the state of Chu, lead the people of Wu westward, destroy my allies, destroy my Yingdu, and kill my people. Later, due to King Zhao's kindness, he repaid his grievances with virtue, and forgave the state of Cai. However, Marquis Cai Ai still did not want to repent and colluded with the people of Wu again. , was also stolen by the Cai people, to irrigate their paddy fields, is it tolerable or unbearable!"

After provoking the indignation of his subordinates, Wang Sun issued an order.

"All the feudal lords thought that the state of Chu was benevolent and could be deceived, so they offended the great state again and again."

He held up the bronze yakuza high: "Today Wang Sunsheng is going to destroy the Cai Kingdom, come to Tuzhou, let the world know, what will happen to those who dare to scratch the tiger's whiskers!"

The decline of the state of Wu is the opportunity to slaughter them and strengthen the state of Chu. Now that the state of Chu has fallen, the state of Cai will be the second stepping stone for Wang Sunsheng to accumulate merits!


The speed of the Chu army was very fast. On the 24th of the eighth month, they had just taken Liuyi, and on the 28th of the eighth month, they bypassed Shaopi and came to the city.

Zhoulai, also known as Xiacai, because the state of Cai had migrated three times before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The original capital was on the north bank of Rushui, called Shangcai, and the second capital was in the middle of Rushui, called Xincai. Zhoulai was their third capital. After several migrations and diasporas, the Cai Kingdom became more and more declining. The country that used to be a country of five hundred rides now has only 100,000 citizens, and it can barely make up 5,000 soldiers.

Therefore, in the face of the attack of more than ten thousand Chu troops, Cai Guo did not even have the courage to resist, but only came to the state.

But what makes Wang Sunsheng feel strange is that Cai Hou did not send anyone to seek peace. This is not in line with the character of this small country that always sees the wind and the rudder?

Although Wang Sunsheng had doubts in his heart, he still led his army to attack Xia Cai. However, just when they arrived at the outskirts of Xia Cai, they saw that in addition to the emerald green flag of Cai Guo, there was also a flaming sun black bird flag at the head of the city...

After more than a year, seeing this flag again, Wang Sunsheng felt a buzzing sound in his head. The flag he had fought for had been chasing him to Huainan. Immediately, the people of Chu discovered that from the city of Xiacai, an army of 10,000 soldiers and armored neatly filed out. There were even cavalry guards on both sides of the wings. A cavalry general came from the formation and called Wang Sun Shengdao from a distance : "Long time no see, dare to ask Wang Sun, is the rice in the state of Chu better than the millet in the state of Zhao?"

PS: There is another chapter in the afternoon (to be continued.)

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