Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1087: Jizi hanging sword

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Ji Zha was a gentleman who was revered by all the princes in the Central Plains, and was also the last living fossil left over from the military era.

Although he had the intention to take Ji Zha to the Linzhang Academy to provide for the elderly, but considering his health, Zhao Wuxi couldn't bear to disobey the old man's wishes. He asked the magpie doctors who accompanied the army to take good care of them. These people are the most outstanding people in this era. doctor. Thinking of waiting for his health to improve, I will send Ji Zha back to Wu State, so that he can spend the last time in his hometown, and by the way, he will be the messenger of peace between the North and South again...

Zhao Wuxi also comforted Ji Zha, saying that as long as he takes good care of him, he should be fine, but Zhao Wuxi is not sure, because he has no idea when and where Ji Zha died in history.

However, as the weather was getting colder day by day, Ji Zha's body was getting worse and worse, let alone getting out of bed, it was difficult to even move his body.

"I can't get to Yanling anymore." When he was awake, Ji Zha knew his situation. He didn't have any fear of death, but a hint of relief. "The old man has lived for so many years, and I can finally go to see my brother Kun, my brothers Zhufan, Yu Ji, and Yu Yu. They tolerated me with my hair tied in a bun and wearing wide clothes and wide sleeves, because at that time, the people of Wu always felt that I would return to the sect. Zhou's sullenness is so eloquent, this is the future of Wu State, but unfortunately, the world changed later..."

"Zhaohou, the old man has never been able to figure out one thing. Why did Haotian God and Siming God let me stay in the world for so long? What use is an old man like me to them?" Ji Zha was mottled and thin. Fingers trembling like dead branches. "Now the old man understands, Haotian God, probably wants to borrow my eyes to watch the whole process."

"What process?"

"The ritual collapses and the music is broken, the tile kettle thunders, the high bank is the valley, and the deep valley is the mausoleum."

He saw that the military treaty became an empty letter, saw that the Wu State inevitably slipped toward barbarism, watched the nations abandon etiquette and credit and merged with each other, the state did not establish diplomatic relations, the soldiers did not decide the master, the city was fought for war, and the murder was prosperous. In the city, all the good things disappeared, and the evil things roared.

"When the old man thought it was over, Haotian God showed me something else."

"What's that?"

"Revolution. In the past, there was the revolution of King Wu, and now there is also the revolution of Zhao Hou. Zhou Ren's revolution was Yin Ming, and Zhao Hou's revolution was not only Zhou Ming, but also the three generations of the old system. In the letter I sent Yanyan, I said that Lu Guoxin said I have always been yearning for the weather, and I want to take a look at Jin... No, it is the national style of Zhao. And what Zhao Hou once said to his grandson, the world is set to be one..."

After speaking, Ji Zha's eyes shone with brilliance again.

"Mutting soldiers is a good thing, but after all, the nations did not let go of their greed and resentment, and started fighting again. Perhaps only after Zhao Hou really fulfilled his wish to bring peace to the world, the real soldiers could come. The year is bright, and it can also make scholars calm down and summarize..."

Zhao Wuxi smiled, which was also his expectation: "Ji Zi will not be disappointed."


That conversation was Ji Zha's last sober days, and after that, the old man was far more in a coma than when he was awake. He curled up on the Xu Gong couch, muttering to himself in his sleep, occasionally calling out the names of some people, such as Yanyan, Fuchai, even Wang Liao, Qingji, half living and half dead... He sometimes insisted on entrusting Zhao Wuxi had something to say, but when Zhao Wuxi put down the matter at hand and came, Ji Zha had forgotten what to say, and even if he remembered, he was incoherent.

In mid-September, Ji Zha finally failed to hold on, and at nightfall, he passed away.

The next morning, after hearing the news, not only the prisoner of Wu Guojiang, who was locked up, wept, but even Xu Ren cried.

The friendship between Ji Zha and Xu Jun has lasted forever, and for more than 20 years, thanks to Ji Zha's protection, they have been able to avoid slave-like treatment. Although the people of Xu hated Wu, they loved Ji Zha. The elderly regarded him as his brother, the middle-aged as his father, and the young as his ancestor.

Therefore, on the day Zhao Wuxi mourned Ji Zha, almost the entire Xucheng came.

The sky was gray, cloudy and cold, and the streets of Xucheng were crowded with men, women and children. The road is so long and there are so many people, there is no end to the north and no end to the south. People spontaneously wear kudzu, with black cloth tied around their heads, and their eyes are all looking in the direction of Xu Gong. They stood for a long time in the autumn wind, just as they welcomed Zhao Jun into the city that day, but they were cheering at the time, but today they are sad, and many people have tears on their faces.

When Zhao Wuxi personally drove his military car and the coffin carrying Ji Zha came out, everyone's eyes moved with the hearse, as if someone was commanding silently. When the hearse passed by, Xu Ren bowed down and cried. As the hearse drove away, he hurriedly chased after him and bowed again, not even wiping the tears from his cheeks.

Zhao Wuxi also looked back from time to time, but he saw Ji Zha in the boat coffin with a serene demeanor.

According to Ji Zha's last plea, the hearse sailed to the banks of Sishui, where Jizana's boat-shaped coffin was placed on the boat, and it would travel along Sishui and Hangou to the south of Wu State, where it would be buried in Yanling.

When a fox dies, it must head to the hill. No matter how much he admires the culture of the Central Plains, Ji Zha will end up in the south.

The morning mist spread over the river, as light as a spider web, the funeral mid-wing waded into the shallow water, and there were two small wings ahead to lead it forward. Driven by the paddle, the slender wooden boat left the pier, riding the rapids of Surabaya, gradually accelerating, and heading for the noisy intersection of the canal. smoothly. From Xucheng to Hancheng, it only takes one day to walk by water.

It was not until the boat disappeared completely that Zhao Wuxi breathed a sigh of relief. Ji Zha deserved such courtesy from Zhao Hou, not only because he was the only remaining gentleman, a witness of the second half of the history of the Spring and Autumn Period, and Zhao Wuxi's great-grandfather. Best friend. More because Jiza's death marks the end of an era...

Next, is the era that truly belongs to Zhao Wuxi!

He turned his head resolutely, just as he said to Ji Zha, he was going to use the rest of his life to draw a successful end to the Spring and Autumn Period.

After the Spring and Autumn Period, the Central Plains will usher in a long period of militia, and there will be no more Warring States!


However, what annoyed Zhao Wuxi was that, in fact, the war was not over yet.

When Song Gongjiu and Huang Yuan were fleeing south, Sima Geng, the "big Sima" of the Song state, did not pass with them, but retreated to Pengcheng as the last resistance.

When Zhao Wuxi went south, he asked Ran Qiu to bring more than 10,000 people and cooperate with Le's teachers and Shangqiu Tiandao soldiers to continue the siege. He thought that the guards of less than 2,000 people in Pengcheng should be able to take it soon. However, a month later, his side has swept Huaibei and made Xu Ren return to his heart. However, in Pengcheng, the war is still going on.

While Ji Zha was buried in the south, on the battlefield of Pengcheng's attack and defense, Ran Qiu was also making the most difficult choice in his life.

Sima Geng has been stubbornly resisting for too long. There is still a stream of water in the inner city of Pengcheng, and it is not easy to attack by force. Therefore, Ran Qiu has delayed until now, seeing that the city is about to run out of food, and then sent people in to persuade him to surrender.

"Pengcheng will not surrender!"

However, not long after, the soldier who was sent to persuade surrender was driven out, and came to Ran Qiu in embarrassment to reply.

"How did he say?"

"He said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ people with lofty ideals and benevolent people do not seek life to harm benevolence, but kill themselves to achieve benevolence!"

This is the teaching of the Master. Standing in front of the messy inner city of Pengcheng, Ran Qiu, who had been expelled from Kongmen, was silent. He thought of the time when he and Sima Geng worshipped Confucius together twenty years ago and talked about rituals, music and the art of military use, and his heart was bleeding. But at the same time, his responsibilities as a general overwhelmed this camaraderie.

"Ziniu, you got the word right, and you are as stubborn as a cow!"

Ran Ziyou's eyes became cold, he raised his hand, and several catapults aimed at the small but solid inner city of Pengcheng.

"If there are stubborn opponents, kill them without mercy!"

Ten stone bullets slammed into the wall, the earth and stone splashed, and more than ten cloud ladders also reached the top of the city, countless Zhao Lusong soldiers swarmed up, like a group of ants covering the remnant body of a small beetle...

On September 15th, Pengcheng fell and Sima Geng died! (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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