Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 908: Lady's Scented Dress

The information that Chang Hong handed over was very brief. Bu Shang, whose name was Zixia, was originally from Wenxian County, and had been a fortune teller of the Zhao family for generations. Bu Shang happened to be a descendant of the new generation, at the age of eighteen. Two years ago, under the recommendation of his parents, he was able to enter the Linzhang Academy to study. In the first year, he did nothing, and did not visit Mr. Xue Gong for apprenticeships. Instead, he squatted in the Shiqu Pavilion for a year, without sleeping and eating. Take a look at the bamboo books in Shiqu Pavilion...

It wasn't until the next spring that he came out disheveled. After taking a shower in the clear spring, he set up a stall in the school palace and used the family's handed down divination for the scholars.

The divination of merchants was very accurate, and his reputation spread to hundreds of thousands of people at a time. It even spread to Changhong, who sacrificed wine in the academy, and provoked him to come to watch. The two competed publicly, but Bu Shang was defeated. He heard that Chang Hong was proficient in the Book of Changes, mathematics, and astronomy, so he went down to study.

In the academy, Chang Hong mainly studied music theory, and built a heavenly official, or astronomical institution, for Zhao. After that, Chang Hong figured out that there might be a catastrophe in the Jizhou division next year, and Bu Shang had to work hard in it.

It seems that he has some talent for learning, but Zhao Wuxi is more interested in this person's words.

"Zixia...is one of the outstanding disciples of Confucius, who later joined Wei State and became a teacher of Wei Wenhou, who founded the Xihe School, Zixia who preached to Tian Zifang, Duan Ganmu, Wu Qi, Qinhuali and others? "

If so, Zhao Wuxi will make a lot of money.

Looking at his life style, Bacheng is the same person. Since Yan Yan did not worship Confucius by mistake, it is not surprising that the younger Zixia came to the Linzhang Academy.

Zhao Wuxi immediately identified this candidate. When the spring of next year begins, his long-planned trip to Wei and Lu happened to bring this person with him and take the school test in person...

Frost fell in October, and although the house was burning with charcoal, it was still extremely cold, and Zhao Wuxi couldn't help shivering. There was already a bangzi playing outside, he stretched his waist and decided to stop tonight.

The candlesticks have been replaced, and the candlelight outlines the exquisite curves of the maids in the palace costumes. Several of them are quite good-looking. Seeing Zhao Qing's eyes swept over, she can't help but straighten her chest, and she secretly delights in the makeup she painted during the day. Flower yellow is not in vain.

If Zhao Qing could take a fancy to Lin Xing... their hearts suddenly beat fast.

However, Zhao Wuxi seemed to have nothing in his eyes, and walked away, the waists of the female servants suddenly bent down, either listless, or secretly embarrassed.

Most of them are daughters of middle-aged families. When they entered this "Zhao Palace", why didn't the pheasant fly to the Phoenix branch? But first of all, the simplicity of this Zhao Palace was outrageous. When it first moved to Yecheng, it was completely empty, no different from an ordinary small town owner's house. It's been good for the past two years, and the house has been covered. The eaves are high and very atmospheric from the outside, but the inside is more comfortable. Zhao Qing invited someone to bring in a spring hot spring. In the garden, there is a white deer that Mrs. Xu Ying likes. Warm and cool in summer.

However, the internal manpower has not increased too much. After all, in addition to marrying Mrs. Xu Ying, Zhao Qing has four wives and concubines in total, and Bo Mi is still far away in Lu. This surprised many people. Although Zhao Wuxi was named Qingshi, in fact, his territory and status far surpassed that of the monarchs of Qi and Qin.

You must know that Qin Bo alone has more than ten people in his harem, including wives, beauties, benefactors, eight sons, seven sons, long envoys, and young envoys. Qi Hou had more wives and concubines. Duke Huan of Qi is said to have more than 100 women in the palace, and Duke Ping (Qi Jing) of the previous generation also had thirty or forty.

Even according to the standards of Doctor Qing, one wife and five world-class wives (two concubines, three concubines) are also standard, but Zhao Wuxi seemed very satisfied. I mean, I didn't even look at them a few times.

So Zhao Wu Xie was lustful and insatiable, and even his own sister was not spared, in the eyes of the female servants in the Zhao Palace, it was purely a rumor.


If Zhao Wuxi knew what these maids were thinking, he would probably have called them wrong.

His energy was focused on running the country. When he was in Yecheng, he had to work on documents and documents, and he would go to fight in person for half of the year, or visit counties, or visit foreign countries. How could he still have the mind to eat from a bowl and look at the pot? inner?

Not to mention Nanzi and Bo Mi, who were thousands of miles away, he couldn't even get the rain and dew from the three women around him.

In fact, as a nobleman, there is nothing he can do with three wives and four concubines. In addition to needing the warmth of the family to relieve the pressure, he also has the heavy responsibility of creating people on his shoulders.

Zhao's male males are indeed a bit rare. Zhao Wuxi's three brothers were either killed in battle or died. The Handan family was taken over by him for eternity, leaving only two cousins ​​Zhao Yi and Zhao Guangde. Zhao Wuxi sent them to Wei and Lu to look after the East for himself.

By the way, there is another Shi Zhao who is more distantly related. He used to be Tai Shimo's deputy in the Tongliang Palace. Zhao Wuxi made him a family history and he is also Zongbo.

As for the younger generation, there are only three people in Zhao Yang's lineage: Zhao Zhou, son of Bo Lu, Zhao Cao and Zhao Heng, son of Zhao Wuxi.

Zhao Wuxi has three daughters.

Having learned the lesson of the eldest son, he was very careful about the names of his children. When they were full moons, he named them with the most beautiful sentences in the Book of Songs:

"There is a beautiful person who is elegant and graceful"... Wan, this is Le Lingzi's daughter.

"Peach's Yaoyao, its Ye Zhen Zhen"... Zhen, this is Ji Ying's daughter.

"Quiet girl and Shu, when I am in the corner of the city"... Shu, this is Kong Jiao's daughter.

From the name, it can be seen that Zhao Wuxi treats the three daughters equally. The monthly snacks, clothes, and fun are all the same. With a serious face, he treats his daughter with a sincere smile. Could it be that what he once said, "it's better to have a daughter" is the truth?

But for the three mothers, he has a preference.

Zhao Wuxi's sleeping pattern when he was in Yecheng was roughly every other day he went to a lady's room to sleep for one night. Half of each month's time was divided like this: Le Lingzi seven nights, Ji Ying six nights, Kong In the past two nights, Kong Jiao's brand was obviously not turned over as often as the other two.

She is just a concubine, and her status is not as good as that of two daughters. Zhao Wuxi has no feelings for her. After all, he was busy with official business last month, and he didn't even go there once. He was reminded by Mrs. Zhengshi the night before, and then he remembered.

For the harmony and tranquility of the harem, one should not be too partial to one another, not to mention that as a husband, this is the duty that should be fulfilled.

So tonight, Zhao Wuxi's footsteps began to turn towards the other courtyard where Kong Jiao lived.


Speaking of which, his three wives and concubines have completely different styles.

Since last year, Le Lingzi has been cultivating female doctors in the palace, teaching the Department of Obstetrics and Pediatrics. If you listen carefully every day, you can even hear the clear voice of her getting up early to teach. Her courtyard is filled with all kinds of medicinal herbs from all over the world. Every time Zhao Wuxie passes by, he seems to be walking into a Chinese medicine shop. There are musk, sandalwood, and huoxiang. There are all kinds of smells.

Moreover, after she gave birth to a son-in-law, the wife of the main family did better and better. Sometimes she developed a refreshing incense, and asked Zhao Wuxi to give it to her courtiers as a small favor; sometimes she invited the wives and concubines of the doctors into the palace and gave them to them. The newly produced "medicated soap", "qi pills" and "rouge" won the hearts of many women; sometimes she turned into an angel in white, and led the female doctors to apply medicine in the residential area of ​​Yecheng civilians, which attracted Ye people to regard her as a fairy and a younger one. The children even bowed all the way, calling her mother...

In short, I can't pick out a single fault. From Zhao Wuxie to the common people, everyone thinks that this is a perfect lady, and even the status of the son-in-law is as stable as Mount Tai.

As for Ji Ying, because of her embarrassed status, she has always kept a low profile. Zhao Wuxi always felt that after chatting with her aunt Ziqing before, she had some insight, which meant "not fighting for the sake of fighting".

Under Ji Ying's care, her living room has become the most superior and comfortable place in the entire Zhao Palace, surrounded by hot springs, gardens and gardens with green and red fruits and vegetables, and white deer galloping in the forest garden - the one that Zhao Wuxi captured more than ten years ago. The descendants of the female deer, they are regarded as auspicious, and they are brought from the lower palace to Wenxian and then to Yecheng, and they are especially cordial to Ji Ying.

As for Ji Ying, she still likes to wear red makeup, her daughter's cradle is put aside, she gently hums the beautiful "Tang Feng", manipulates the spinning wheel, or stitches beautifully for Zhao Wuxi's children. New clothes.

In Ji Ying's other courtyard, Zhao Wuxi can find the feeling of home the most, in the season when the autumn wind blows the red leaves, resting on her lap seems to be able to sleep without waking up...

This kind of spiritual treatment is actually more effective than incense pills.

As for Kong Jiao...

Zhao Wuxi hesitated for a while, he was already close to her courtyard, and the man and the maid bent over to invite him in. Before entering the door, through the low wall, a large apricot tree came into view. The crooked moon was hanging on the top of the tree, which was very similar to the one in the house of Confucius in Qufu, Lu.

Surrounding the apricot tree is a small pond~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ground is paved with blue bricks, and the clear spring water flows from the ditches on both sides of the patio, and merges into the pool. A bamboo tube in the courtyard filled with water by itself and then fell to the ground with a crisp sound. This thing is called Xingzhu. It coincides with the early winter when the red leaves are all over the ground. This installation also adds a lot of humanistic flavor. It is quite different from Le Lingzi and Ji Yingchu, and it is also a good experience.

Zhao Wuxi didn't hate it, but rather admired it. It wasn't that he didn't like Kong Jiao, but there was always a bit of embarrassment when they got along. Marriage without love is like this, and it's hard to get into each other's hearts.

He sighed, didn't stop, walked through the corridor, the wooden floor was spotless, and it could be seen that the servants here cleaned it very carefully, and it could also be seen that the owner here loves cleanliness.

Clean and quiet, this is also the impression Kong Jiao gave to Zhao Wuxi, and it has not changed in seven years.

He had already walked to the door of the bedroom, made a silent gesture to Fu Mubi, who was standing outside, and gently opened the door, only to see that the lights were still on inside, a tall man in dark blue clothes with clouded temples. The woman, sitting in front of the desk, was reading the book attentively...

(To be continued.)

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