Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 930: Zou Lu

"A few years ago, the Zhao clan fought against the Qi State Wenshui, and Zhu Zi wanted to cooperate with the Qi people in attacking the Lu State, but was dissuaded by us. After that, Zhu Zi fought with Qi State Chen, Bao, and Wu. The country has been secretly communicating, and when Shangqing attacked Zhu, Zhu Zi also sent people to Wu to ask for help..."

The doctor who betrayed Zhu, one by one, did not regard him as a monarch at all. After Zhao Wuxi heard it, he smiled and said: "Qi has more rules, but less attack, Hejian County Yang Tong Rong, Wenyang Liu Xia Zhi, and others. The state of Ju state and the exiled people of Gao are all staring at the state of Qi, and the Chen family was defeated in Hejian, and they will not fight against the Zhao family again for the sake of the state of Zhu, as for the state of Wu..."

Zhao Wuxi turned and asked Sun Wu, who was sitting beside him: "Does Wuzi think that the State of Qi and the State of Wu will send troops for the State of Zhu?"

Sun Wu frowned, secretly asking why he had asked himself, but these days, Zhao Wuxi allowed him to go in and out of the Zhao army, and even let Sun Wu see the secret weapon ballista. A, it's a bit too much to say.

He had no choice but to say: "The sound of Lu State beating on Bangzi can be heard in Zhu State, but Wu State is 2,000 miles away. Even if Wu Shi comes from the north, he will not be able to arrive within three months. How can he manage the affairs of Zhu State?"

Sun Wu couldn't be more clear about the weight of Wu State. The tens of thousands of Wu troops from Huaibei and Xu Di were mainly aimed at the direction of Lu State. Although Fuchai is arrogant and has a soft spot for hegemony, he is not confused. Before he completely captures Chen Cai and relieves the flank threat of Chu, he will not rush north to Susi.

But judging from Wu State's advantages over Chu State and the state of Qi, it is very likely that there will be a day in the future when Zhao Wuxi is eager to solve the state of Zhu, and it is also to remove a hidden danger in advance.

More things, such as Wu Jun's deployment, etc., Sun Wu is not an ungrateful person, and he impatiently sold everything of Wu State to Zhao Wuxi as soon as he left.

Zhao Wuxi didn't force it. After confirming that Qi and Wu were not capable of helping Zhu, they methodically surrounded the three. But before the cannons were ready, a doctor who couldn't stand the pressure opened the city gate and led Zhao Jun inside...

It turned out that Zhu Zi also knew that relying on Qi and Wu to come to rescue was just a delusion, so he was drunk all day long, hoping to forget the reality. When he was drunk, he chased and killed his wife and son with his sword, so the temple and maids scattered in Zhu Palace, and the palace guards also went their separate ways. The monarchs are like this, who has the heart to defend the country and the crops for the country? Not long after, they opened the doors and surrendered, and when Zhu Zi woke up from the hangover, Zhao Wuxi had already brought the armored soldiers to him.


The main hall of the state of Zhu was in a mess. Zhu Zi collapsed on the golden and jade-decorated couch, with a shaggy beard, his eyes were covered in mucus, and he was holding a jue with remnants of wine in his hand. Dazedly opened his eyes.


The deep palace was silent, and no one answered.


There were echoes, but no one responded.

He raised his head, just in time to see a group of Zhao soldiers marching in. They were fighting with open flames, and their shoes were still muddy. They looked at the tall palace curiously, and some even reached out to touch those exquisite ritual vessels.

"The thief!"

Zhu Zi was smart and picked up the sword beside him.

"Get out!" he hissed, staggering to his feet, swinging his sword over his head, trying to stop them from getting close.

Everyone didn't take him seriously, some people were laughing, and Tian Ben even burst into laughter. Then a shout rang out, and everyone quickly stopped laughing, straightened their chests, put down what was in their hands, and stood in two rows at the original positions of the doctors of the State of Zhu.

Walking in from among them was a general, dressed in a gorgeous iron armor, with a black cloak dragging on the floor, like a noble gentleman.

"The thief of the Widowland, is it here?"

Zhu Zi was still in a state of unconsciousness, but he actually took the initiative to approach the man step by step, waving his sword indiscriminately, as if he was about to break out of the siege in the chaotic army. However, Tian Ben easily dismounted his weapon and hit him lightly on the back of the head, pinning him to the ground like an eagle catching a chicken.

As soon as he looked up, Zhao Wuxi had already walked to his side.

Zhajia was sparkling, and with the soft sound of his footsteps, his guards followed, like two shadows.

Zhao Wuxi stared blankly at Zhu Zi's ugliness, and there was no pity in his pupils as black as agate.

He lightly parted his lips and said:

"Cao Yi, do you know the crime?"


"It is not without precedent to indict the monarch of a small country with the position of Jin State in power."

Zixia, this young man who was not involved in Confucianism by accident, spent three years in the Linzhang Academy. Although I can't put forward my own opinions for the time being, it is no problem to keep the archives by Zhao Wuxi's side for consultation.

It has been a few days since Zhu Zi was captured. As expected, Qi and Wu did not send a single soldier or soldier. Qi did not dare, and Wu was too late. Therefore, the meeting on how to deal with Zhu State was held in the original Zhu Palace Hall.

Zixia turned over the bamboo slips in his hand and said, "For example, seventy years ago, when the feudal lords allied with Zhu Ke, Jin Qing arrested Duke Zhu Miao at the meeting. The part of the kingdom will belong to the Lu kingdom."

"Of course, we should follow the story and cut Zhu and Lu." Since there was a precedent, the ministers from the state of Lu were immediately excited and proposed to slaughter the state of Zhu, and Zai Yu even stood up and shouted to Zhao Wuxi, "Why don't you? Destroy Zhu State Sheji and completely merge Zhu Land into Lu State!"

Zhao Wuxi waved his hand to silence everyone, and then said, "Let the judge convict Zhu Zi first."

The laws of the Zhao clan not only apply to the Jin, Lu, and Wei countries, but also require the lords of Si Shang to obey. If there is a transnational case, it must be handed over to the Zhao clan for trial.

Zhuzi Cao Yi was originally a faint-hearted ruler. In history, he was not only captured by Sanhuan, but also disliked by Fuchai, King of Wu, and Goujian, King of Yue, who made him a puppet, and deposed him twice. His crimes are easy to find, and he can find a lot of them casually. He is tyrannical to ministers, ministers and officials, harsh to the people, disrespecting ancestors, favoring traitors... What is more serious is the use of a large number of people for burial, which violates the laws of the state of Lu. Extremely prevalent "humanity" and "benevolence".

Finally, the charges came out.

"Zhu Zi, Cao Yi, used the barbarian rites to go to the barbarians far away from Xia."

Hearing this charge, Sun Wu murmured in his heart, your Zhao clan still wears Di Li, and you deposed Zhou Li in large numbers. Did you use Di Li? However, if the king defeated the pirates, Zhuzi Cao Yi could not defend himself, and Lu Shi also agreed very much, because in history, the state of Lu had used the barbarian rituals of Zhu, Ju, Qi and other countries to attack them countless times.

But in the end, Zhao Wuxi still did not accept the proposal of Zai Yu and others, and directly exterminated Zhu State Sheji and turned it into a county of Lu State.

"After all, the State of Zhu is a thousand-year-old country that existed in the Shang Dynasty, and it cannot be rashly destroyed."

With a big wave of his hand, he detained Zhuzi Cao Yi on the charge of "using barbarian rituals", escorted him to Qufu for house arrest, and asked Lu Shi to teach him what Chinese rituals are...

Cao Yi left his own country like this, the king's throne is vacant, and the country cannot live without a king for a day. What should I do?

Zhao Wuxi ignored the princes of the state of Zhu who wanted to chat, and he announced that before the return of Cao Yixue Xia Li, the state of Zhu would be the area under Zhao's escrow. Not only that, Zhao Wuxi also detained the nearby Xiao Zhu and the tyrannical monarch on the charge of "using barbarian rituals", and sent them to Qufu together under house arrest. In the eyes of the discerning person, these three monarchs are afraid that they will be forever. I can't learn and I can't come back.

Then, Zhao Wuxi re-merged San Zhu and renamed it as "Zou Guo". The three Zhu have the same origin, but now they are united again in an unexpected way.

As for the candidate to manage the state of Zou, Zhao Wuxi appointed his cousin Zhao Guangde, who, like Zhao Yi, was also the minister, the minister of the state of Zou.

"Like the Wei Kingdom, this is just a way for the Zhao clan to directly rule Zoudi." He naturally didn't need to hide his intentions from Zhao Guangde.

Zhao Guangde was sent to Lu country to prevent Lu Shi from arrogating his little nephew. Unexpectedly, he would get a high-ranking position so quickly. He was a little surprised. Now the Zhao family has four high-ranking members, which is unprecedented.

After rejecting the others, Zhao Wuxi asked Zhao Guangde: "Actually, it would be more convenient to directly exterminate Sanzhu and bring it under the rule of Lu. Do you know why I made this extra effort and let you rule over the land of Zuo?"

Zhao Guangde knew it in his heart: "Lu State needs to be strong, but it can't be too strong. It is stronger than Zhao's headquarters. Otherwise, the branches will only be bigger than the trunk..."


This is the same as the reason why the administrative regions of later generations should not be too big. Building a behemoth state department will only cause trouble for itself. Moreover, Zhao Wuxi's son is still young and has a weak personality. Lu Shi has a tendency to underestimate him, so he has to guard against it. With Zhao Guangde in Zou, if there is a change in the state of Lu, he will be able to reach Qufu in one day. This is the second insurance in the East.

Zhao Wuxi also said to Taer: "Under the state of Zou, there are four counties of Zou, Yishan, Li, and Lai. When you rule, on the one hand, you must rely on taxis from Jin and Lu, and on the other hand, you must slowly go to Jian. In addition to the power of the doctor~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it finally reached the counties of the county and the people, and the laws and regulations were unimpeded."

As a result, Zhu State, the largest prince on Si Shang, was almost destroyed, and all three Zhu were in Zhao's pocket. Even if Qi and Wu attacked at the same time, there was no need to worry about the fire in the backyard. Zoudi and Lu are administratively separated, but their culture and economy will gradually converge. Zhao Wuxi hopes that within ten years, Wei and Hanoi can be integrated, and Zoudi and Lu can also be integrated.

Reunification is not only the forced kneading of war, but also the subtle influence of cultural economy.

At this point, his affairs in the east are over. The time has entered April, and the soldiers have been withdrawing westward one after another, but Zhao Wuxi has to face another guest: the great witch of the Song Dynasty, Nanzi.

According to the Zhao-Song Covenant, the feudal lords of Sishang were jointly managed by Song and Lu. Zhao Wuxi had to inform Song Guo about his disposal of San Zhu, but he did not expect that Nan Zi would come to Zhu country in such a hurry.

Zhao Wuxi couldn't help but guess the purpose of her trip.

"Is she bargaining with me for Song's interests in Sishang? Or something else..."

ps: There is one more chapter at 12 o'clock (to be continued.)

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