Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 940: beggar-thy-neighbor

ps: There are two more chapters in the evening

"From this month onwards, Anyi Salt Officer will not accept salt for the time being..."

"What!?" Hearing this, all the salt workers, and the father of the daughter of the Yan family, were struck by lightning and asked, "Shangli, this...why is this?"

"I don't know the specific situation? It's just that I won't accept it this month." The mayor said prevaricately.

"What about next month?" the father of Yan's daughter asked loudly.

"I don't know, I don't know, you'll have to come and have a look when the time comes. In short, leave quickly, and don't delay the entry of the train into the market." He became impatient and asked people to drive the salt workers away.

On the way back, the old salt worker took out his anger on his daughter, scolded her constantly, scolded her for not marrying again, and staying at home to eat plain rice. Full of tears.

When she left Anyi, in a trance, she only thought that she saw a figure similar to her husband on the street, and regardless of her father's scolding, she hurried over to hold the man, who would have waited for the man to turn around, the daughter of the Yan family. But he only saw an ugly man whose skin was rotted like a pimple, opened his mouth and asked in a hoarse voice, "What?"

"The concubine admits the wrong person..." Where is her husband? The appearance, voice and temperament were not the same. The daughter of the Yan family jumped to the side in fright. She saluted and apologized. , is empty...

"Maybe she's been tortured..." She shuddered and left angrily, but she couldn't help but turn her head to look a few more times, and she would be reprimanded by the salt worker's father again.

The scolding is scolding, but although the city officials did not accept salt, they did not say anything to death. The family could only endure for another month, and try their luck again next month.


It is true that the market officials do not know the reason why the salt officials in Anyi no longer receive salt from the private salt workers, but Wei Mando, the head of the Wei family, is worried about this.

"What's the situation in Hexi?" As soon as Lu Xing arrived in Anyi, he was summoned by Weimando into the mansion for questioning.

Lu Xing was very worried: "It's not good. Although the Qin people are not many, they are very difficult to deal with. Some positions along the Luoshui River have been lost.

"The gains and losses of some small towns are irrelevant, but you must not let the enemy eat my corn and wheat. You know, if you eat me for one hour, you will be the enemy for ten minutes!"

This is what happened. Originally Hedong was affected by the disaster, so the Wei family hoped that Hexi would have a harvest, so as to solve the urgent need. Unexpectedly, the Qin people took advantage of the disaster of the Wei family, and sent troops to attack, cutting grain and robbing people, and large areas of millet fields were looted, and many people from Hexi also ran to Qin.

For the Wei clan, this was tantamount to making matters worse, because of Hexi, they paid a huge price, and for Hexi, they forged a never-ending feud with Qin. Now that the Wei family has been hit hard by drought and locust plagues, but cannot get back from Hexi, this is unacceptable to Weimanduo.

"The gentleman is still struggling in Hexi, and I hope that the master will send troops again. He will definitely be able to repel the Qin people as soon as possible, and strive to transport grain to Hedong."

Wei's father and son are separated from the east and the west on both sides of the river. No matter which side the situation is not optimistic, Wei Ju must govern the rebellious people of the Hexi, and must also repel the enemy's counterattack and prevent spies from infiltrating. Weiman is no more relaxed than his son. He not only has to deal with sudden natural disasters, but also has to be careful of long-planned man-made disasters and ill-conceived neighbors.

The reason why Weimanduo is so eager for food in Hexi is also because of the big problem with Anyi salt, one of the pillars of Wei's economy. In August and September this year, just after the catastrophe, the salt merchants in Chaoge, Puyang, and Taoqiu suddenly stopped buying Anyi salt! Now the treasury of Anyi is full of salt, but the grain is empty, so the salt workers return without success.

Because even Weimanduo himself is counting on Linghu Bo, who is in charge of the salt resale, to send back news from the Central Plains, what is going on! ?

As for the urgent food, he can only be cheeky now and borrow food from the neighboring Han family in the name of the Houma Alliance.

Han Hu quickly replied to the letter. He wrote "uncle" one by one in the letter, but he refused to borrow food on the grounds that he was also severely affected.

Similar to the Hexi of the Wei clan, Chenggao occupied by the Han clan was also a source of disaster that caused them to fall into continuous wars. Taking advantage of the disaster of Jin, the Zheng people also tried to counterattack to retake it. Han Hu naturally did not want to let go. During the time, the two sides have attacked and defended several times in Chenggao, but they can't help the other side. In the face of the strong barriers built under the supervision of Lu Ban, the people of Zheng Guo could only look at the city and sigh.

On the contrary, the Zhao family, who Wei Mando did not ask for, took the initiative to send someone to inquire about the disaster situation, and eagerly wanted to help the Wei family to provide relief to the victims and transport food into Hedong.

Weimanduo only felt his eyelids jumping. When the locust plague was rampant, he once let people rumors that the natural disaster was caused by Zhao Wuxi's tyranny and dictatorship, but Zhao quickly fought back with effective disaster control methods, making the **** locust worship. Weiman, who is useless in the temple, is so embarrassed. Seeing that the contradictions in the territory became more and more intense, he couldn't come up with any good solutions, but when the Zhao family took the initiative to help, the suspicious Weimanduo felt that there was a ghost...

He did not agree immediately, but mobilized his soldiers to be careful at the border between Zhao and Wei.

"All the ministers of the Jin state are all people who are beggar-thy-neighbors. The son of Zhao is so diligent. If I don't take precautions, I'm afraid I will be attacked. Instead of receiving the poisonous assistance from Zhao, I might as well wait until the price of salt in the Central Plains rises. , or the grain from Hexi.”

But he can guard against the outside, but he can't guard against the inside.


Ever since the locusts devoured the crops, and ever since she went to Anyi to deliver salt and was driven back by the city officials, the daughter of the Yan family has always had a bitter face, and she, who is in charge of cooking, has always lifted the lid of the rice jar from time to time to take a look. The rice in the rice jar is getting less and less, and finally the bottom is seen.

Now all day long, the whole family is occupied with food. Her father and brothers no longer go to the salt pond to collect salt, but search for wild vegetables all over the mountains and fields, especially the locusts that did not devour the clean roots and tubers. They even blow the chaff of the previous year repeatedly in the wind to find some more grains of rice, and these days the rice is almost counted down to the cauldron one by one.

The situation was getting worse. People in the village who didn't want to go to Hexi to do corvée went into the mountains to become robbers. In fact, it was hard to find food in the mountains. They could only make a living by looting others fiercely. One or two people left their hometown quietly and embarked on the road to escape from the famine. Their destination was Zhao’s eldest son county, which is two hundred miles away. It is said that the disaster was not serious, even if there was no food, with Zhao Qing’s relief, the farmers could still Mix it up.

In a word, the people of Yanchi City are looking for various ways out. They have already predicted that the future is not good. The most alert people have already left. A land of lost hope.

The Yan family's daughter's family has been thinking about it, and there is no other way out. Like most salt workers' families, they can only guard the almost empty village, breaking a small piece of salt into their mouths every day, drinking a large bowl of mixed The gruel of wild vegetable roots fills the stomach and pretends to be full.

Because the salt clerk in the market had promised to give them an answer in the next month.

Maybe next month, your hard-earned salt can be exchanged for food?

The weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter and shorter, and the cold nights continue to consume people's calories. From night to morning, it seems that it will never end, and the family can only lie on an empty stomach. Go to bed and hope to never wake up.

Because when you wake up, you will have the thought of wanting to eat.

On the first day of October, their family finally stopped cooking. The daughter of the Yan family cooked the last few grains of rice into porridge. The family drank it silently, and then pulled the salt cart again and walked towards Anyi.

The more than 1,000 salt workers around Anyi have made an appointment. They will go to the market outside Anyi to exchange grain again on this day.

Everyone has already discussed it, if it doesn't work, go and ask the owner of the family!

These families are all exhausted, and they set out for Anyi with the last hope. The single households slowly converged into a stream, and then turned into a big river, and finally they were densely blocked outside the Anyi market.

This time, however, Li Wei did not even allow the salt workers to enter the market.


Anyi Salt Market used to be the most lively salt trading place, with people coming and going and extremely prosperous. But after the disaster, the daughter of the Yan family always felt that the red tiles on the outer wall of the Anyi market were not as bright as before, and the market was not as lively as it used to be. It seemed a little deserted, and wild grass was spreading around.

"Shangguan, can I change the salt this month?" The father of the Yan family's daughter raised his head high and asked the officials upstairs.

The city clerk is expressionless, the price of salt is still falling sharply, and the salt production in Anyi Pond is excessive. Got salt.

"There is no food in the treasury to exchange salt with you...you...come back next month."

Everyone was in an uproar, and someone said angrily: "Next month, next month, why is it always next month! Next month Nai Gong's whole family starved to death!"

"It's always said that there is a lack of food, isn't this what food is?"

The father of the daughter of the Yan family also pointed to the grain that was constantly being loaded in the market and questioned. There are always a few places in Hedong that have escaped the locust plague, but any grain brought to Anyi must first meet the needs of the government and officials. , followed by the military, as for the salt workers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not considered.

"Our ancestors collected salt for the Wei clan, so we used salt as our clan. Our ancestors once swore an oath with our clan to exchange grain for grain, which will not change from generation to generation, but now we have broken our promise. If we do not exchange grain today, we will not leave." now!"

"Tiao people, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The city clerk became impatient again, and with a wave of his hand, he let the soldiers guarding the market drive him away, and he accidentally saw blood...


Seeing someone fall, the salt workers, who were already in a hurry by starvation, were immediately annoyed. They were not vegetarians, so they all picked up their salt-picking hoes and fought with the city officials.

"It's the other way around! Instead of waiting to die of starvation, it's better to grab the food and go home!" I don't know who shouted this, the salt workers and the starving people with green eyes at the side of the market immediately fried the pot, they forgot With the original intention in mind, he rushed towards the carriage loaded with food...

History records this day like this: In the winter and October of the 22nd year of the public, Hedong was famined, and the salt workers in Anyi rebelled!

(To be continued.)

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